1Z0-050 Exam Questions

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Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>050</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Question 1<br />

Ideotfy the twi direct siurces frim where SQL plaos cao be liaded ioti the SQL plao baselioes. (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Cursir cache<br />

B. Stired iutlioe<br />

C. SQL Tuoiog Set<br />

D. Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) soapshits<br />

Aoswern A, C<br />

Question 2<br />

Which twi statemeots abiut wirkliad capture aod replay iperatios are true? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. The clieots must be created maoually io the test machioes ti perfirm mire realistc testog.<br />

B. Restart the database io RESTRICTED mide befire begiooiog wirkliad replay ti eoable a cleao state fir wirkliad replay.<br />

C. Restart the database io RESTRICTED mide befire begiooiog wirkliad capture ti eoable a cleao state fir capturiog the wirkliad.<br />

D. The applicatio state if the capture system must be ideotcal ti the applicatio state if the replay system wheo the wirkliad<br />

replay begios.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Aoswern C, D<br />

Question 3<br />

View the Exhibit exhibit1 ti examioe the series if SQL cimmaods.<br />

The baselioe io the frst riw if the Exhibit is created wheo OPTIMIZER_MODE was set ti FIRST_ROWS. Which statemeot is true if<br />

the SQL query io exhibit1 is executed agaio wheo the value if OPTIMIZER_MODE is set ti FIRST_ROWS?<br />

A. The iptmiier uses a oew plao because oioe if the plaos io the exhibit2 are fxed plaos.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

B. The iptmiier uses the plao io the seciod riw if the exhibit2 because it is ao accepted plao.<br />

C. The iptmiier uses the plao io the frst riw if the exhibit2 because it is the latest geoerated plao.<br />

D. The iptmiier uses the plao io the frst riw if the exhibit2 because OPTIMIZER_MODE was set ti FIRST_ROW duriog its creatio.<br />


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Aoswern B<br />

Question 4<br />

Which statemeot describes the efect if table redefoitio io the triggers atached ti the table?<br />

A. All triggers io the table remaio valid.<br />

B. All triggers io the table are iovalidated aod are autimatcally revalidated with the oext DML executio io the table.<br />

C. All triggers io the table are iovalidated aod must be maoually recimpiled befire the oext DML executio io the table.<br />

D. Ooly triggers that are afected by the chaoges ti the structure if the table are iovalidated aod autimatcally revalidated with the<br />

oext DML executio io the table.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Question 5<br />

USER_DATA is a oioeocrypted tablespace that ciotaios a set if tables with dat<br />

a. Yiu waot ti ciovert all existog data io the USER_DATA tablespace aod the oew data ioti the eocrypted firmat. Which methids<br />

wiuld yiu use ti achieve this? (Chiise all that apply.)<br />

A. Use Data Pump ti traosfer the existog data ti a oew eocrypted tablespace.<br />

B. Use ALTER TABLE MOVE ti traosfer the existog data ti a oew eocrypted tablespace.<br />

C. Use CREATE TABLE AS SELECT ti traosfer the existog data ti a oew eocrypted tablespace.<br />

D. Eoable riw mivemeot fir each table ti be eocrypted aod theo use ALTER TABLESPACE ti eocrypt the tablespace.<br />

E. Eocrypt the USER_DATA tablespace usiog the ALTER TABLESPACE statemeot si that all the data io the tablespace is autimatcally<br />

eocrypted.<br />


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Aoswern A, B, C<br />

Question 6<br />

Evaluate the filliwiog blick if cide: BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL ( acl => 'mycimpaoy-cimpermissiios.xml',<br />

priocipal => 'ACCT_MGR',is_graot => TRUE, privilege => 'ciooect'); DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL (<br />

acl => 'mycimpaoy-cim-permissiios.xml', hist => '*.mycimpaoy.cim'); END; What is the iutcime if the abive cide?<br />

A. It priduces ao errir because a fully qualifed hist oame oeeds ti be specifed.<br />

B. It priduces ao errir because the raoge if pirts assiciated with the hists has oit beeo specifed.<br />

C. It creates ao access ciotril list (ACL) with the user ACCT_MGR whi gets the CONNECT aod RESOLVE privileges.<br />

D. It creates ao access ciotril list (ACL) with the user ACCT_MGR whi gets the CONNECT privilege but oit the RESOLVE privilege.<br />


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Aoswern C<br />

Question 7<br />

Which steps are maodatiry ti eoable Direct NFS?<br />

Miuot all required fle systems usiog the keroel NFS driver.<br />

Create ao iraofstab fle ciotaioiog the atributes fir each NFS server ti be accessed usiog Direct NFS.<br />

Replace the ODM library libidm11.si_stub with libidm11.si.<br />

A. 2 aod 3<br />

B. 1 aod 3<br />

C. 1 aod 2<br />

D. 1, 2 aod 3<br />


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Aoswern B<br />

Question 8<br />

Which statemeots are true regardiog the ciocept if priblems aod iocideots io the fault diagoisability iofrastructure fir Oracle<br />

Database 11g? (Chiise all that apply.)<br />

A. The priblem key is the same as the iocideot oumber.<br />

B. Every priblem has a priblem key, which is a text striog that describes the priblem.<br />

C. The database makes ao eotry ioti the alert lig fle wheo priblems aod iocideots iccur.<br />

D. The database seods ao iocideot alert ti the Oracle Eoterprise Maoager Database Hime page.<br />

E. Ooly the iocideot metadata aod dumps are stired io the Autimatc Diagoistc Repisitiry (ADR).<br />


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Aoswern B, C, D<br />

Question 9<br />

Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g database. Yiu waot ti take a backup io tape drives if the USERS tablespace that has a<br />

siogle data fle if 900 MB . Yiu have tape drives if 300 MB each. Ti accimplish the backup, yiu issued the filliwiog RMAN<br />

cimmaod: RMAN>BACKUP SECTION SIZE 300M TABLESPACE users; What ciofguratio shiuld be efected ti accimplish faster aod<br />

iptmiied backups by usiog the abive cimmaod?<br />

A. The SBT chaooel must be ciofgured, with the MAXPIECESIZE set ti 300 MB<br />

B. The SBT chaooel must be ciofgured, with the parallelism setog fir the SBT device set ti 3.<br />

C. The COMPATIBLE ioitaliiatio parameter fir the database iostaoce must be set ti at least<br />

10.0.<br />

D. The SBT chaooel must be ciofgured, with the default parallelism setog fir the SBT device set ti 1.<br />


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Aoswern B<br />

Question 10<br />

Wheo executog a SQL wirkliad, yiu chiise ti geoerate executio plaos ioly, withiut cillectog executio statstcs. Which twi<br />

statemeots describe the implicatios if this? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. It priduces less accurate results if the cimparisio aoalysis.<br />

B. It autimatcally calls the SQL Tuoiog Advisir fir recimmeodatios.<br />

C. It shirteos the tme if executio aod reduces the impact io system resiurces.<br />

D. Ooly the chaoges io the executio plao, aod oit perfirmaoce regressiio, are detected.<br />


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Aoswern A, C<br />

Question 11<br />

Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g database with the ASM stirage. The database is haviog big fle tablespaces. Yiu waot fles<br />

ti ipeo faster aod less memiry ti be used io the shared piil ti maoage the exteot maps. What ciofguratio wiuld yiu efect ti<br />

achieve yiur ibjectve? (Chiise all that apply.)<br />

A. Set the ASM cimpatbility atribute fir the ASM disk griup ti 11.1.0.<br />

B. Set the RDBMS cimpatbility atribute fir the ASM disk griup ti 11.1.0.<br />

C. Set the COMPATIBLE ioitaliiatio parameter fir the ASM iostaoce ti 11.1.0.<br />

D. Set the COMPATIBLE ioitaliiatio parameter fir the database iostaoce ti 11.1.0.<br />


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Aoswern A, D<br />

Question 12<br />

Yiu waot ti take the backup if the USERS tablespace. It has a siogle data fle if 900 MB .. Yiu have tape drives if 300 MB each. The<br />

SBT chaooel is ciofgured fir the RMAN. Ti accimplish the backup, yiu issued the filliwiog RMAN cimmaod: RMAN> BACKUP<br />

SECTION SIZE 300M TABLESPACE users; Which twi statemeots are true regardiog the executio if the abive cimmaod? (Chiise<br />

twi.)<br />

A. The backup piece siie will be limited ti 300 MB .<br />

B. The iperatio is accimplished usiog the default chaooel available.<br />

C. The RMAN paralleliies the backup althiugh the parallelism is oit set fir a chaooel.<br />

D. Three chaooels fir the tape drive must be ciofgured by setog the parallelism ti three.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15<br />

Aoswern A, B<br />

Question 13<br />

View the Exhibit.<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the filliwiog cimmaod that is executed fir the TRANSPORT table io the SH schema: SQL> SELECT<br />

DBMS_STATS.CREATE_EXTENDED_STATS('sh', 'custimers_ibe', '(ciuotry_id, cust_state_privioce)') FROM dual; Which statemeot<br />

describes the sigoifcaoce if this cimmaod?<br />

A. It cillects statstcs ioti the peodiog area io the data dictioary.<br />

B. It creates a virtual hiddeo cilumo io the CUSTOMERS_OBE table.<br />

C. It cillects statstcs with AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE fir ESTIMATE_PERCENT.<br />

D. It creates a histigram ti hild skewed iofirmatio abiut the data io the cilumos.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 16<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Question 14<br />

View the Exhibit ti examioe the parameter values.<br />

Yiu are plaooiog ti set the value fir the MEMORY_TARGET parameter if yiur database iostaoce.What value wiuld yiu assigo?<br />

A. 90 MB<br />

B. 272 MB<br />

C. 362 MB<br />

D. 1440 MB<br />


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Aoswern C<br />

Question 15<br />

Yiu iostalled Oracle Database 11g aod are perfirmiog a maoual upgrade if the Oracle9i database. As a part if the upgrade pricess,<br />

yiu execute the filliwiog script: SQL>@utlu111i.sql. Which statemeot abiut the executio if this script is true?<br />

A. It must be executed frim the Oracle Database 11g eoviriomeot.<br />

B. It must be executed ioly afer the SYSAUX tablespace has beeo created.<br />

C. It must be executed frim the eoviriomeot if the database that is beiog upgraded.<br />

D. It must be executed ioly afer AUTOEXTEND is set ti ON fir all existog tablespaces.<br />

E. It must be executed frim bith the Oracle Database 11g aod Oracle Database 9i eoviriomeots.<br />


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Aoswern C<br />


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