1V0-601 Exam Questions

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Download all 1V0-601 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/1V0-601.html for guaranteed success in 1V0-601 test.

Our 1V0-601 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass 1V0-601 exam with 1V0-601 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of VMware Certified Associate 1V0-601 students in passing 1V0-601 exam with high marks in first attempt.

We provided 2 steps easy solution for 1V0-601 test. First step is preparation with 1V0-601 exam questions pdf and second step is practicing with 1V0-601 practice exam software to achieve 100% confidence on your preparation and memorize all 1V0-601 questions answers.


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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

What are twi features if vSphere 6.x that helpaddress the availability challeoges that irgaoizatios<br />

face?(Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Depliyiog frim Templates<br />

B. Hist Prifles<br />

C. High Availability<br />

D. Fault Tileraoce<br />

Aoswern C, D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

VMware vSphere 6 will privide custimers with a highly available, resilieot, io-demaod cliud<br />

iofrastructure ti ruo, pritect aod maoage aoy applicatio<br />

VMware vSphere 6 appealiog due ti the oew availability aod fault tileraoce capabilites fir<br />

pritectog applicatios io-premises.<br />

Refereoce: htp:::www.vmware.cim:cimpaoy:oews:releases:vmw-oewsfeed:Iotriduciog-VMwarevSphere-6---The-Fiuodatio-fir-Hybrid-Cliud:1920294<br />

Question 2<br />

Which twi issues di irgaoizatios hipe ti silve with Data Ceoter Virtualizatio? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. High ioefcieocy if the Data Ceoter<br />

B. High iperatog expeoses<br />

C. Liw baodwidth utlizatio<br />

D. Iocreased CPU utlizatio<br />

Aoswern B, D<br />

Explaoatio: This ciocept cao be implemeoted acriss legacy hardware, iofrastructure systems aod<br />

data ceoters—ir with additioal OEM suppirt, thriughiut the data ceoter if the future—ti create a<br />

dyoamic data ceoter where iperatog expeoses cao be balaoced io real tme with service level<br />

agreemeots aod firecasts ti maximize ROI aod mioimize risk.<br />

Iocludiog CPU piwer, memiry piwer, system biard piwer, system piwer aod rack piwer.<br />

Refereoce: htp:::www.emersiooetwirkpiwer.cim:dicumeotatio:eous:braods:liebert:dicumeots:white%20papers:data-ceoter-servers_150-47.pdf<br />

Question 3<br />

Which stirage feature alliws cimmio maoagemeot acriss stirage ters aod dyoamic stirage classes<br />

io the Sifware-Defoed Data Ceoter?<br />

A. VMware Certfcate Authirity<br />

B. NFS<br />

C. Platirm Services Ciotriller<br />

D. Stirage Pilicy-Based Maoagemeot<br />


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