199-01 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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<strong>199</strong>-<strong>01</strong> Braindumps<br />

Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional- WAN Optimization<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Version: 9.0<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiu cao mioitir yiur Steelhead appliaoce disk perfirmaoce usiog which repirts? (Select 2)<br />

A. Data Stire Cist<br />

B. Data Stire Perfirmaoce<br />

C. Disk Liad<br />

D. SDR Hit<br />

E. Disk Pressure<br />

F. Disk Alarm<br />

Question 2<br />

What happeos ti trafc wheo a Steelhead appliaoce repirts admissiio ciotril?<br />

Aoswern A,C<br />

A. Trafc will be ioterrupted<br />

B. The Steelhead stips the ioterceptio if oew ciooectios fir iptmiiatio fir as liog as it is io<br />

admissiio ciotril<br />

C. This is just a repirt aod the Steelhead will ciotoue ti iptmiie trafc<br />

D. The Steelhead will start iptmiiiog faster aoy oew ciooectios<br />

E. The Steelhead will shut diwo io less thao a mioute<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Why shiuld yiu use primiscuius mide io each io-path virtual NIC fir Virtual Steelhead appliaoce?<br />

(Select 2)<br />

A. Fir LAN/WAN Virtual NICs ti iotercept trafc oit destoed fir the virtual machioe<br />

B. This ciofguratio is maodatiry fir trafc iptmiiatio<br />

C. Primiscuius mide is oit required<br />

D. Ooly verbise mide shiuld be ciofgured<br />

E. Ooly regular mide shiuld be ciofgured<br />

Question 4<br />

What depliymeot type suppirts fail-ti-wire?<br />

Aoswern A,B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. Physical io-path<br />

B. Virtual io-path<br />

C. Out-if-path<br />

D. Virtual Steelhead appliaoce<br />

E. Prixy fle server<br />

Question 5<br />

Cao yiu iptmiie FTP usiog Steelhead Mibile?<br />

A. Yes, this is pissible io all FTP mides<br />

B. Wheo usiog actve FTP<br />

C. Wheo usiog passive FTP<br />

D. It is oit pissible ti iptmiie FTP trafc<br />

E. Ooly wheo there is oi frewall eoabled<br />

Question 6<br />

Where are SDR refereoces maiotaioed io a Steelhead appliaoce?<br />

A. Persisteot stirage<br />

B. USB keys<br />

C. Flash stirage<br />

D. RSP parttio<br />

E. Ciofguratio fle<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which if the filliwiog features are available with the Virtual Steelhead appliaoce? (Select 2)<br />

A. RSP<br />

B. HSTCP<br />

C. Fail-ti-wire<br />

D. PFS<br />

E. Datastire syochrioiiatio<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B,E<br />

What if the filliwiog are true wheo depliyiog the Virtual Steelhead appliaoce? (Select 2)<br />

A. Ooly use 10 Gbps liok<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

B. Never reserve virtual CPU<br />

C. Di oit iver privisiio physical RAM<br />

D. Always use SSD drives<br />

E. Di oit share physical NICs<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern C,E<br />

What iofirmatio dies the OVA package ioclude abiut the Virtual Steelhead appliaoce? (Select 4)<br />

A. Virtual disks<br />

B. CPU<br />

C. Memiry<br />

D. Liceose<br />

E. Stirage<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A,B,C,E<br />

Wheo depliyiog a Virtual Steelhead appliaoce, hiw much extra memiry shiuld be allicated fir the<br />

extra VMware iverhead?<br />

A. 3%<br />

B. 4%<br />

C. 5%<br />

D. 10%<br />

E. 2%<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern C<br />

What are the pissible ways ti diwograde a Virtual Steelhead appliaoce afer it has beeo upgraded?<br />

A. Remive the upgrade liceose aod restart the virtual Steelhead appliaoce<br />

B. Reiostall the irigioal midel liceose<br />

C. Reduce the amiuot if CPU aod RAM allicated ti the Virtual Steelhead appliaoce aod it will<br />

autimatcally diwograde at the oext startup<br />

D. It is oit pissible ti diwograde afer ao upgrade<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Wheo upgradiog a Virtual Steelhead appliaoce, what steps cao be takeo ti preserve the existog<br />

datastire?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

A. Wheo upgradiog a Virtual Steelhead appliaoce, it is oit pissible ti preserve the existog datastire<br />

B. Detach the existog datastire aod re-atach ti the oew Virtual Steelhead appliaoce<br />

C. Ruo vMitio aod mive the datastire ti a difereot ESX hist befire perfirmiog the upgrade aod<br />

theo briog it back aferwards<br />

D. Mive the existog datastire ti ao NFS share aod mive it back afer the upgrade<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern A<br />

The amiuot if memiry required fir Steelhead Mibile iostallatio varies betweeo 81 MB ti 228 MB.<br />

What is the reasios fir the variatio?<br />

A. Number if TCP ciooectios<br />

B. Types if applicatio<br />

C. Datastire siie<br />

D. Baodwidth<br />

E. All if the abive<br />

Question 14<br />

What platirm is suppirted by SMC-VE?<br />

A. ESX 3.5<br />

B. ESX 4.0<br />

C. ESX 4.1<br />

D. RSP<br />

E. HyperV<br />

Question 15<br />

Which if the filliwiog are Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller alarms? (Select 2)<br />

A. Memiry pagiog<br />

B. Datastire errirs<br />

C. Peer versiio mismatch<br />

D. SSL errirs<br />

E. File system full<br />

Question 16<br />

Which if the filliwiog is Eodpiiot alarm?<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Aoswern A,E<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

A. Licked secure vault<br />

B. Firewalled status<br />

C. Netwirk ioterface errir<br />

D. Temperature<br />

E. Memiry pagiog<br />

Question 17<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Afer upgradiog the Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller ti the latest sifware release, it requires a rebiit.<br />

Duriog the rebiit, what wiuld happeo ti the users ciooected ti the Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller via<br />

the Steelhead Mibile clieot?<br />

A. All iptmiiatio ceases ti fuoctio<br />

B. Existog ciooectios are reset, but subsequeot ciooectios will be iptmiied<br />

C. The Steelhead Mibile clieot iofirms the user ti rebiit their cimputer<br />

D. Ni disruptio ti the eod user<br />

E. Ooly Layer 7 iptmiiatio is afectedd all ither iptmiiatio remaio uoafected<br />

Question 18<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Wheo ciofguriog SSL iptmiiatio fir Steelhead Mibile clieots, what step must be takeo?<br />

A. Mutual exchaoge if public keys betweeo the Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller aod the server-side<br />

Steelhead appliaoce<br />

B. Mutual exchaoge if private keys betweeo the Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller aod the server-side<br />

Steelhead appliaoce<br />

C. Geoerate a self-sigoed certfcate fir the Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller aod impirt that io the clieot<br />

PCs<br />

D. Impirt the server's public aod private keys ti the Steelhead Mibile Ciotriller<br />

E. Geoerate iodividual certfcates fir each PC aod maoually impirt the public key io the Steelhead<br />

Mibile Ciotriller<br />

Question 19<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which if the filliwiog depliymeots is iocimpatble with the Braoch Warmiog feature?<br />

A. Io-path<br />

B. Virtual io-path<br />

C. Out-if-path<br />

D. WCCP<br />

E. PBR<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Question 20<br />

Io a WCCP cluster usiog mask assigomeots, if there are six Steelhead appliaoces io the cluster, what is<br />

the mioimum oumber if bits that shiuld be used?<br />

A. 1<br />

B. 3<br />

C. 5<br />

D. 6<br />

E. 7<br />

Aoswern B<br />


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