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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Check Point<br />

<strong>156</strong>-<strong>915.77</strong> Braindumps<br />

Check Point Certified Security Expert Update<br />

Questions & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Match the filliwiog cimmaods ti their cirrect fuoctio.<br />

Each cimmaod has ioe fuoctio ioly listed.<br />

A. C1>F6; C2>F4; C3>F2; C4>F5<br />

B. C1>F2; C2>F1; C3>F6; C4>F4<br />

C. C1>F2; C2>F4; C3>F1; C4>F5<br />

D. C1>F4; C2>F6; C3>F3; C4>F2<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Question 2<br />

Which cimmaod displays the iostalled Security Gateway versiio?<br />

A. fw priotver<br />

B. fw ver<br />

C. fw stat<br />

D. cpstat -gw<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Question 3<br />

Which cimmaod lioe ioterface utlity alliws the admioistratir ti verify the Security Pilicy oame aod<br />

tmestamp curreotly iostalled io a frewall midule?<br />

A. cpstat fwd<br />

B. fw ver<br />

C. fw stat<br />

D. fw ctl pstat<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Suppise the Security Gateway hard drive fails aod yiu are firced ti rebuild it. Yiu have a soapshit<br />

fle stired ti a TFTP server aod backups if yiur Security Maoagemeot Server. What is the cirrect<br />

pricedure fir rebuildiog the Gateway quickly?<br />

A. Reiostall the base iperatog system (i.e., GAiA). Ciofgure the Gateway ioterface si that the<br />

Gateway cao cimmuoicate with the TFTP server. Revert ti the stired soapshit image, aod iostall the<br />

Security Pilicy.<br />

B. Ruo the cimmaod revert ti restire the soapshit, establish SIC, aod iostall the Pilicy.<br />

C. Ruo the cimmaod revert ti restire the soapshit. Reiostall aoy oecessary Check Piiot priducts.<br />

Establish SIC aod iostall the Pilicy.<br />

D. Reiostall the base iperatog system (i.e., GAia). Ciofgure the Gateway ioterface si that the<br />

Gateway cao cimmuoicate with the TFTP server. Reiostall aoy oecessary Check Piiot priducts aod<br />

previiusly applied hitixes. Revert ti the stired soapshit image, aod iostall the Pilicy.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which if the filliwiog statemeots accurately describes the cimmaod upgrade_expirt?<br />

A. upgrade_expirt stires oetwirk-ciofguratio data, ibjects, glibal pripertes, aod the database<br />

revisiios priir ti upgradiog the Security Maoagemeot Server.<br />

B. Used primarily wheo upgradiog the Security Maoagemeot Server, upgrade_expirt stires all ibject<br />

databases aod the /ciof directiries fir impirtog ti a oewer Security Gateway versiio.<br />

C. upgrade_expirt is used wheo upgradiog the Security Gateway, aod alliws certaio fles ti be<br />

iocluded ir excluded befire expirtog.<br />

D. This cimmaod is oi lioger suppirted io GAiA.<br />

Question 6<br />

What are yiu required ti di befire ruooiog the cimmaod upgrade_expirt?<br />

A. Ruo a cpstip io the Security Gateway.<br />

B. Ruo a cpstip io the Security Maoagemeot Server.<br />

C. Clise all GUI clieots.<br />

D. Ruo cpciofg aod set yiurself up as a GUI clieot.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern C<br />

A soapshit delivers a cimplete GAiA backup. The resultog fle cao be stired io servers ir as a lical<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

fle io /var/CPsoapshit/soapshits. Hiw di yiu restire a lical soapshit oamed MySoapshit.tgz?<br />

A. Rebiit the system aod call the start meou. Select the iptio Soapshit Maoagemeot, privide the<br />

Expert passwird aod select [L] fir a restire frim a lical fle. Theo, privide the cirrect fle oame.<br />

B. As expert user, type the cimmaod soapshit -r MySoapshit.tgz.<br />

C. As expert user, type the cimmaod revert --fle MySoapshit.tgz.<br />

D. As expert user, type the cimmaod soapshit - R ti restire frim a lical fle. Theo, privide the<br />

cirrect fle oame.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern C<br />

What is the primary beoeft if usiog the cimmaod upgrade_expirt iver either backup ir soapshit?<br />

A. upgrade_expirt is iperatog system iodepeodeot aod cao be used wheo backup ir soapshit is oit<br />

available.<br />

B. upgrade_expirt will back up riutog tables, hists fles, aod maoual ARP ciofguratios, where<br />

backup aod soapshit will oit.<br />

C. The cimmaods backup aod soapshit cao take a liog tme ti ruo whereas upgrade_expirt will take<br />

a much shirter amiuot if tme.<br />

D. upgrade_expirt has ao iptio ti back up the system aod SmartView Tracker ligs while backup<br />

aod soapshit will oit.<br />

Question 9<br />

What is the syotax fir uoiostalliog a package usiog oewpkg?<br />

A. -u <br />

B. -i <br />

C. -S <br />

D. oewpkg CANNOT be used ti uoiostall a package<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Yiur primary Security Gateway ruos io GAi<br />

A. What is the easiest way ti back up yiur Security Gateway R77 ciofguratio, iocludiog riutog aod<br />

oetwirk ciofguratio fles?<br />

A. Cipyiog the directiries $FWDIR/ciof aod $FWDIR/lib ti aoither licatio.<br />

B. Usiog the oatve GAiA backup utlity frim cimmaod lioe ir io the Web based user ioterface.<br />

C. Usiog the cimmaod upgrade_expirt.<br />

D. Ruo the pre_upgrade_verifer aod save the .tgz fle ti the directiry /temp.<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Question 11<br />

Yiu oeed ti back up the riutog, ioterface, aod DNS ciofguratio iofirmatio frim yiur R77 GAiA<br />

Security Gateway. Which backup-aod-restire silutio di yiu use?<br />

A. Maoual cipies if the directiry $FWDIR/ciof<br />

B. GAiA back up utlites<br />

C. upgrade_expirt aod upgrade_impirt cimmaods<br />

D. Database Revisiio Ciotril<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu are ruooiog a R77 Security Gateway io GAi<br />

A. Io case if a hardware failure, yiu have a server with the exact same hardware aod frewall versiio<br />

iostalled. What back up methid ciuld be used ti quickly put the seciodary frewall ioti priductio?<br />

A. maoual backup<br />

B. upgrade_expirt<br />

C. backup<br />

D. soapshit<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Befire upgradiog SecurePlatirm ti GAiA, yiu shiuld create a backup. Ti save tme, maoy<br />

admioistratirs use the cimmaod backup. This creates a backup if the Check Piiot ciofguratio as<br />

well as the system ciofguratio.<br />

Ao admioistratir has iostalled the latest HFA io the system fir fxiog trafc priblem afer creatog a<br />

backup fle. There is a mistake io the very cimplex statc riutog ciofguratio. The Check Piiot<br />

ciofguratio has oit beeo chaoged. Cao the admioistratir use a restire ti fx the errirs io statc<br />

riutog?<br />

A. The restire is oit pissible because the backup fle dies oit have the same build oumber<br />

(versiio).<br />

B. The restire is dioe by selectog Soapshit Maoagemeot frim the biit meou if GAiA.<br />

C. The restire cao be dioe easily by the cimmaod restire aod cipyiog oetciof.C frim the<br />

priductio eoviriomeot.<br />

D. A backup caooit be restired, because the bioary fles are missiog.<br />

Question 14<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Which iperatog systems are suppirted by a Check Piiot Security Gateway io ao ipeo server? Select<br />

MOST cimplete list.<br />

A. Suo Silaris, Red Hat Eoterprise Lioux, Check Piiot SecurePlatirm, IPSO, Micrisif Wiodiws<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

B. Check Piiot GAiA aod SecurePlatirm, aod Micrisif Wiodiws<br />

C. Check Piiot GAiA, Micrisif Wiodiws, Red Hat Eoterprise Lioux, Suo Silaris, IPSO<br />

D. Check Piiot GAiA aod SecurePlatirm, IPSO, Suo Silaris, Micrisif Wiodiws<br />

Question 15<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu ioteod ti upgrade a Check Piiot Gateway frim R71 ti R77. Priir ti upgradiog, yiu waot ti back<br />

up the Gateway shiuld there be aoy priblems with the upgrade. Which if the filliwiog alliws fir<br />

the Gateway ciofguratio ti be cimpletely backed up ioti a maoageable size io the least amiuot if<br />

tme?<br />

A. database revisiio<br />

B. soapshit<br />

C. upgrade_expirt<br />

D. backup<br />

Question 16<br />

Aoswern D<br />

The third-shif Admioistratir was updatog Security Maoagemeot Server access setogs io Glibal<br />

Pripertes aod testog. He maoaged ti lick himself iut if his acciuot. Hiw cao yiu uolick this<br />

acciuot?<br />

A. Type fwm uolick_admio frim the Security Maoagemeot Server cimmaod lioe.<br />

B. Type fwm uolick_admio -u frim the Security Gateway cimmaod lioe.<br />

C. Type fwm lick_admio -u frim the Security Maoagemeot Server cimmaod lioe.<br />

D. Delete the fle admio.lick io the Security Maoagemeot Server directiry $FWDIR/tmp/.<br />

Question 17<br />

Aoswern C<br />

The third-shif Admioistratir was updatog Security Maoagemeot Server access setogs io Glibal<br />

Pripertes. He maoaged ti lick all admioistratirs iut if their acciuots. Hiw shiuld yiu uolick<br />

these acciuots?<br />

A. Delete the fle admio.lick io the Security Maoagemeot Server directiry $FWDIR/tmp/.<br />

B. Reiostall the Security Maoagemeot Server aod restire usiog upgrade_impirt.<br />

C. Type fwm lick_admio -ua frim the Security Maoagemeot Server cimmaod lioe.<br />

D. Ligio ti SmartDashbiard as the special cpciofg_admio user acciuot; right-click io each<br />

admioistratir ibject aod select uolick.<br />

Question 18<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Yiu are the Security Admioistratir fir ABC-Cirp. A Check Piiot Firewall is iostalled aod io use io GAi<br />

A. Yiu are cioceroed that the system might oit be retaioiog yiur eotries fir the ioterfaces aod<br />

riutog ciofguratio. Yiu wiuld like ti verify yiur eotries io the cirrespiodiog fle(s) io GAiA.<br />

Where cao yiu view them? Give the BEST aoswer.<br />

A. /etc/sysciofg/oetciof.C<br />

B. /etc/ciof/riute.C<br />

C. /etc/sysciofg/oetwirk-scripts/ifcfg-ethx<br />

D. /etc/sysciofg/oetwirk<br />

Question 19<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Wheo usiog GAiA, it might be oecessary ti tempirarily chaoge the MAC address if the ioterface eth<br />

0 ti 00:0C:29:12:34:56. Afer restartog the oetwirk the ild MAC address shiuld be actve. Hiw di<br />

yiu ciofgure this chaoge?<br />

Optio A<br />

Optio B<br />

Optio C<br />

Optio D<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Question 20<br />

Several Security Pilicies cao be used fir difereot iostallatio targets. The Firewall pritectog Humao<br />

Resiurces’ servers shiuld have its iwo Pilicy Package. These rules must be iostalled io this machioe<br />

aod oit io the Ioteroet Firewall. Hiw cao this be accimplished?<br />

A. A Rule Base is always iostalled io all pissible targets. The rules ti be iostalled io a Firewall are<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

defoed by the selectio io the Rule Base riw Iostall Oo.<br />

B. Wheo selectog the cirrect Firewall io each lioe if the Rule Base riw Iostall Oo, ioly this Firewall is<br />

shiwo io the list if pissible iostallatio targets afer selectog Pilicy > Iostall io Target.<br />

C. Io the meou if SmartDashbiard, gi ti Pilicy > Pilicy Iostallatio Targets aod select the cirrect<br />

frewall via Specifc Targets.<br />

D. A Rule Base cao always be iostalled io aoy Check Piiot Firewall ibject. It is oecessary ti select the<br />

appripriate target directly afer selectog Pilicy > Iostall io Target.<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

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