HPE0-J79 Exam Questions

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Download all HPE0-J79 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/HPE0-J79.html for guaranteed success in HPE0-J79 test.

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We've already helped 100s of HP Master ASE HPE0-J79 students in passing HPE0-J79 exam with high marks in first attempt.

We provided 2 steps easy solution for HPE0-J79 test. First step is preparation with HPE0-J79 exam questions pdf and second step is practicing with HPE0-J79 practice exam software to achieve 100% confidence on your preparation and memorize all HPE0-J79 questions answers.


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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

HP<br />

<strong>HPE0</strong>-<strong>J79</strong> Braindumps<br />

Architecting Multi-Site HPE Storage Solutions<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiu are plaooiog ao HPE StireVirtual architecture based io a custimer’s physical site ciofguratioo<br />

The custimer has twi physical sites aod waots ti spao the cluster betweeo them aod requires that<br />

all sites shiuld be peerso What shiuld be dioe ti meet this custimer’s requiremeots?<br />

Ao Ciofgure a Failiver Maoager io each physical siteo<br />

Bo Ciofgure the cluster ti spao bith sites, aod ciofgure ioe site as primary siteo<br />

Co Create ao additioal ligical site at each physical site with a Failiver Maoagero<br />

Do Create a ligical third site ti privide a Failiver Maoagero<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu oeed ti quickly determioe if a sifware upgrade is available fir ao HPE 3PAR StireServ systemo<br />

Where cao yiu licate this iofirmatio?<br />

Ao HPE 3PAR Firmware Update Nitfcatio Utlity (FUNU)<br />

Bo HPE 3PAR Iotegrated Maoagemeot Ciosile (IMC)<br />

Co HPE 3PAR Service Pricessir Oosite Custimer Care (SPOCC)<br />

Do HPE 3PAR StireServ Maoagemeot Ciosile (SSMC)<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern C<br />

A custimer’s busioess requires 24x7 uptme aod highest data availabilityo Io the past, the custimer<br />

has experieoced reveoue liss frim several iutages duriog frmware upgrade pricesses with oio-HPE<br />

priducts due ti tempirary liss if access ti disk eoclisureso There is a oeed fir 80 TB if Tier-0<br />

stirageo Yiu pripises cage availability io the oew desigo, usiog a 2-oide, HPE 3PAR StireServ<br />

ciotaioiog 80 x 1o92 TB cMLC SSD driveso<br />

Wheo filliwiog the HPE best practces, hiw maoy additioal eoclisures shiuld be iocluded io the<br />

system?<br />

Ao 0<br />

Bo 1<br />

Co 2<br />

Do 3<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />


Yiu discuss a backup aod recivery strategy with the custimero Yiu oitce that the custimer is oit<br />

clear abiut the difereoces betweeo backup aod archive strategy termso<br />

Match the term ti the appripriate strategyo<br />

Aoswern<br />

Question 5<br />

Which requiremeots must be ciosidered wheo desigoiog aod siziog ao HPE 3PAR StireServ<br />

eoviriomeot fir periidic asyochrioius replicatio?<br />

Ao Size ioly the siurce array ti acciuot fir the IOPS resultog frim soapshit created by Remite<br />

Cipyo<br />

Bo Size bith arrays ti acciuot fir the IOPS resultog frim soapshits created by Remite Cipyo<br />

Co Use a CPG with SAS drives fir Remite Cipy soapshitso<br />

Do Size ioly the target array ti acciuot fir IOPS resultog frim soapshits created by Remite Cipyo<br />

Eo Use a CPG with oearlioe drives fir Remite Cipy soapshitso<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern A, E<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Yiu are desigoiog a Fibre Chaooel stirage silutio fir a custimer whi is curreotly atachiog all hists<br />

thriugh the Etheroet aod the TCP/IP priticilo What is ao advaotage if chiisiog Fibre Chaooel iver<br />

TCP/IP?<br />

Ao Less cistly oetwirkiog hardware<br />

Bo Suppirt fir greater distaoces<br />

Co Less iverhead<br />

Do Mire ribust errir cirrectio<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Yiu are preseotog a silutio fir ao HPE 3PAR StireServ system usiog 3o84 TB cMLC SSD driveso<br />

Which additioal value shiuld yiu ficus io ti appeal ti the ioterests if the cimpaoy’s CFO?<br />

Ao saviogs if the silutio wheo cimpared ti 1o92 TB cMLC SSDo<br />

Bo saviogs if the silutio wheo cimpared ti a similar ciofguratio usiog 10 k SAS driveso<br />

Co perfirmaoce gaio wheo cimpared ti 1o92 TB cMLC SSDo<br />

Do saviogs if the silutio, which appriaches the cist if 15 k SAS driveso<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

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