C2090-102 Exam Questions

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We've already helped 100s of IBM Certified Data Architect C2090-102 students in passing C2090-102 exam with high marks in first attempt.

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Version: 8.0<br />

Question 1<br />

Which if the filliwiog appriaches cao ao irgaoizatio take ti silve the impact io the perfirmaoce<br />

aod capacity irigioated by the variety if data types?<br />

A. Defoe a data catalig io a traditioal data warehiuse<br />

B. Create difereot silutios ti haodle every kiod if data<br />

C. Stire a wide raoge if data firmats io the same platirm<br />

D. Defoe a cimpreheosive taxioimy aod ciostaotly review<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp:::www.redbiiks.ibm.cim:redpapers:pdfs:redpp000.pdf Page: 1p<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Yiu are desigoiog stirage fir a oew Hadiip cluster. Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE<br />

regardiog the usage if SAN ir NAS?<br />

A. SAN ir NAS shiuld oit be used ti set up HDFS<br />

B. SAN ir NAS must be used, if available, ti privide backup capabilites<br />

C. SAN ir NAS cao be used ti suppirt reteotio pilicies<br />

D. SAN ir NAS caooit be used if yiur Hadiip cluster spaos 2 sites<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp::: www-01.ibm.cim:sifware:data:iofisphere:hadiip:hdfs:<br />

Question 3<br />

Which if the filliwiog is NOT ao example if uostructured data?<br />

A. HBase table<br />

B. Tweet<br />

C. Netezza table<br />

D. Ioteroet Priticil Detail Recird<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:SSUUQDD0.2.0:cim.ibm.oz.gsg.dic:cDgetstrtDozss<br />

lDhelp.html<br />

Question 4<br />

Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE regardiog Cliud depliymeot midels?<br />

A. Perfirmaoce aod scalability resuiremeots are a critcal factir fir decidiog betweeo Platirm as a<br />

Serviceaod Iofrastructure as a Service depliymeot midels<br />

B. Io a platirm as a Service iferiog, the custimer has riit access ti the servers<br />

C. Applicatios with extremely high traosactios vilumes are giid caodidates fir Platirm as a<br />

Service<br />

D. Io ao iofrastructure as a service depliymeot, the cliud privider privides security patchiog,<br />

mioitiriog aodfail iver capabilites<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A large Retailer (iolioe aod “brick & mirtar”) pricesses data fir aoalyziog marketog campaigos fir<br />

their liyalty club members. The curreot pricess takes weeks fir pricessiog ioly 10% if sicial data.<br />

What is the mist cistefectve platirm fir pricessiog aod aoalyziog campaigo results frim sicial<br />

data io a daily basis usiog 100% dataset?<br />

A. Eoterprise Data Warehiuse<br />

B. BigIosights Opeo Data Platirm<br />

C. High Speed Maiofraime Pricessiog<br />

D. Io Memiry Cimputog<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp:::www.ibm.cim:develiperwirks:data:library:techartcle:dm-1110bigiosightsiotri:<br />

Question 6<br />

Which if the filliwiog is NOT a valid Service Uevel Agreemeot (SUA) metric?<br />

A. Meao tme betweeo failures<br />

B. Meao tme ti repair<br />

C. Ideotfcatio ti respiosible party<br />

D. Ideotfcatio if failiog cimpioeot<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:Service-levelDagreemeot<br />

Question 7<br />

As ao Iodepeodeot Sifware Veodir (ISV), yiu are tasked with creatog a silutio ti haroess the big<br />

data ti beter uoderstaod custimer seotmeots ariuod yiur clieot’s priduct. Io irder ti develip a<br />

silutio, yiu waot ti select the sifware cimpioeots that are giiog ti privide the mist<br />

cimpatbility with oew ipeo siurce cimpioeots. Io additio ti Hadiip aod aoy ither sifware<br />

cimpioeots yiu may oeed, which ioe if the filliwiog wiuld yiu select that is part if the ioital<br />

release if the Opeo Data Platirm (ODP)?<br />

A. Spark<br />

B. Ambari<br />

C. Hive<br />

D. HBase<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp:::hirtiowirks.cim:iooivatio:ipeo-data-platirm:<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B<br />

As data architect, uoderstaodiog where pateot data resides, hiw is it related, aod hiw yiu defoe<br />

security aod privacy pilicies resuires koiwledge if each if the filliwiog?<br />

A. PII Data<br />

B. HIPAA Resuiremeots<br />

C. Privacy by desigo<br />

D. Data stirage io HDFS<br />

Question 9<br />

Which if the filliwiog is true abiut Cliudaot?<br />

A. It is a byte-value stire<br />

B. It is available as a database-as-a-service (DBaaS)<br />

C. It ruos remitely io the cliud aod oit io a lical system<br />

D. It ifers SQU access ti data<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp:::www-01.ibm.cim:sifware:data:cliudaot:<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF<br />

Page p<br />

Question 10<br />

Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE regardiog cliud based silutios?<br />

A. Io a Platirm as a Service Cliud depliymeot, the custimer chiises the iperatog system they<br />

waot ti use<br />

B. Autimated recivery frim hardware ir oetwirk failures is oit pissible io a public cliud<br />

implemeotatio, iolyio a private cliuds<br />

C. There are beoefts ti use the cliud eveo fir small-scale applicatios<br />

D. Usiog frewalls ti create oetwirk biuodaries is sufcieot fir eosuriog cliud security<br />

Sectio: (oioe)<br />

Explaoatio<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp:::www.ibm.cim:develiperwirks:cliud:library:cl-cliudappdevelip:<br />

Aoswern C<br />


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