Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


Guillaumont, A. and C. (1971) Évagre le Pontique, Traité Pratique ou Le Moine, Paris: Le Cerf (Sources Chrétiennes, 170–1). Henry, R. (1962) Photius, Bibliothèque, vol. 3, Paris: Société d’Édition ‘Les Belles Lettres’. Jaeger, W. (1960) Gregorii Nyseni, Contra Eunomium Libri, 2 vols., Leiden: É.J.Brill (ed. 2). Kotter, B. (1973) Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos, vol. 2, Expositio Fidei, Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter (Patristische Texte und Studien, 12). Luibheid, C. (1987) Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works, Mahwah, New York: Paulist Press. Morani, M. (ed.) (1987) Nemesii Emeseni, de natura hominis, Leipzig: Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft. Eng. trans. in Telfer (1955), 224–453. Pusey, P.E. (1872) Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alexandrini, In D.Joannis Evangelium, 3 vols., Oxford: Clarendon Press. Riedinger, R. (1990) Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, Series2,vol.2,part 1, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Schwartz, E. (1940) Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, tom. 3, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Sewter, E.R.A. (1969) The Alexiad of Anna Comnena, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. Suchla, B. (ed.) (1990) Corpus Dionysiacum, I, Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter (Patristische Texte und Studien, 33). Tanner, N.P. (ed.) (1990) Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, 2 vols., London: Sheed & Ward, and Washington DC: Georgetown University Press. Telfer, W. (trans.) (1955), Cyril of Jerusalem and Nemesius of Emesa, London: SCM Press (Library of Christian Classics, 4). Torrance, I.R. (1988) Christology after Chalcedon. Severus of Antioch and Sergius the Monophysite, Norwich: The Canterbury Press. Waddell, H. (1936) The Desert Fathers. Translations from the Latin, London: Constable. Ward, B. (1975) The Sayings of the Desert Fathers. The Alphabetical Collection, Oxford: Mowbrays, Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications (Cistercian Studies, 59). Wickham, L.R. (ed. and trans.) (1983) Cyril of Alexandria, Select Letters, Oxford: Clarendon Press (Oxford Early Christian Texts). SECONDARY LITERATURE BIBLIOGRAPHY 221 For a more or less complete annotated bibliography on Maximus the Confessor, up to 1986, see: Gatti, M.L. (1987) Massimo il Confessore. Saggio di bibliografia generate ragionata e contributi per una ricostruzione scientifica del suo pensiero metafisico e religioso, Milan: Vita e Pensiero, Pubblicazioni della Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore [Metafisica del Platonismo nel suo sviluppo storico e nella filosofia patristica. Studi e testi, 2].

222 BIBLIOGRAPHY Andia, (forthcoming) ‘La théologie negative chez Maxime le Confesseur et Denys l’Aréopagite’, in the Proceedings of the Colloque international sur Denys l’Aréopagite et sa postérité en Orient et en Occident (21–24 septembre 1994). Balas, D.L. (1966) Man’s Participation in God’s Perfections according to Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Rome: Herder (Studia Anselmiana, 55) . Balthasar, H.U.von (1961) Kosmische Liturgie. Das Weltbild Maximus’ des Bekenners, (ed. 2, revised), Einsiedeln: Johannes-Verlag. Berthold, G.C. (1982) ‘Did Maximus the Confessor know Augustine?’, in Studia Patristica 17, pp. 14–17. Blowers, P.M. (1991) Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor. An Investigation of the Quaestiones ad Thalassium, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press (Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity, 7). Bousset, W. (1923) Apophthegmata. Studien zur Geschichte des ältesten Mönchtums, ed. T.Hermann and G.Krüger, Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck). Brock, S. (1973) ‘An Early Syriac Life of Maximus the Confessor’, in Analecta Bollandiana 91, pp. 299–346. Chadwick, H. (1981) Boethius. The Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology and Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Clark, E.A. (1992) The Origenist Controversy. The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate , Princeton: Princeton University Press. Clark, M.T. (1958) Augustine, Philosopher of Freedom, New York-Tournai- Rome-Paris: Desclée Company. Clément, O. (1967) ‘Le sens de la terre (Notes de cosmologie orthodoxe)’, in Contacts 19, pp. 252–323. Dalmais, I.-H. (1982) ‘La Vie de Saint Maxime le Confesseur reconsidérée’, in Studia Patristica 17, pp. 26–30. Daniélou, J. (1954) Platonisme et théologie mystique. Doctrine spirituelle de saint Grégoire de Nysse, Paris: Aubier (Théologie, 2. New revised and augmented edition). Diekamp, F. (1899) Die origenistischen Streitigkeiten im sechsten Jahrhundert und das fünfte allgemeine Concil, Minister: Aschendorff. Garrigues, J.M. (1976) Maxime le Confesseur. La charité: avenir divin de l’homme, Paris: Beauchesne (Théologie Historique, 38). Gauthier, R.A. (1954) ‘Saint Maxime le Confesseur et la psychologic de l’acte humaine’, in Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, pp. 51–100. Gersh, S. (1978) From Iamblichus to Eriugena. An Investigation of the Prehistory and Evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition, Leiden: E.J. Brill (Studien zur Problemgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Philosophic, 8). Gould, G. (1989) ‘Ecclesiastical hierarchy in the thought of Pseudo-Dionysius’, in Studies in Church History, pp. 29–41. Grillmeier, A. (1975) Christ in Christian Tradition, vol. 1, London-Oxford: Mowbray (ed. 2, revised).


Andia, (forthcoming) ‘La théologie negative chez Maxime le Confesseur<br />

et Denys l’Aréopagite’, in the Proceedings of the Colloque international<br />

sur Denys l’Aréopagite et sa postérité en Orient et en Occident (21–24<br />

septembre 1994).<br />

Balas, D.L. (1966) Man’s Participation in God’s Perfections<br />

according to Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Rome: Herder (Studia Anselmiana,<br />

55) .<br />

Balthasar, H.U.von (1961) Kosmische Liturgie. Das Weltbild Maximus’ des<br />

Bekenners, (ed. 2, revised), Einsiedeln: Johannes-Verlag.<br />

Berthold, G.C. (1982) ‘Did Maximus the Confessor know Augustine?’, in<br />

Studia Patristica 17, pp. 14–17.<br />

Blowers, P.M. (1991) Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the<br />

Confessor. An Investigation of the Quaestiones ad Thalassium, Notre<br />

Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press (<strong>Christian</strong>ity and<br />

Judaism in Antiquity, 7).<br />

Bousset, W. (1923) Apophthegmata. Studien zur Geschichte des ältesten<br />

Mönchtums, ed. T.Hermann and G.Krüger, Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul<br />

Siebeck).<br />

Brock, S. (1973) ‘An Early <strong>Syriac</strong> Life of Maximus the Confessor’, in Analecta<br />

Bollandiana 91, pp. 299–346.<br />

Chadwick, H. (1981) Boethius. The Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology and<br />

Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press.<br />

Clark, E.A. (1992) The Origenist Controversy. The Cultural Construction of an<br />

Early <strong>Christian</strong> Debate , Princeton: Princeton University Press.<br />

Clark, M.T. (1958) Augustine, Philosopher of Freedom, New York-Tournai-<br />

Rome-Paris: Desclée Company.<br />

Clément, O. (1967) ‘Le sens de la terre (Notes de cosmologie orthodoxe)’, in<br />

Contacts 19, pp. 252–323.<br />

Dalmais, I.-H. (1982) ‘La Vie de Saint Maxime le Confesseur reconsidérée’, in<br />

Studia Patristica 17, pp. 26–30.<br />

Daniélou, J. (1954) Platonisme et théologie mystique. Doctrine spirituelle de<br />

saint Grégoire de Nysse, Paris: Aubier (Théologie, 2. New revised and<br />

augmented edition).<br />

Diekamp, F. (1899) Die origenistischen Streitigkeiten im sechsten Jahrhundert<br />

und das fünfte allgemeine Concil, Minister: Aschendorff.<br />

Garrigues, J.M. (1976) Maxime le Confesseur. La charité: avenir divin de<br />

l’homme, Paris: Beauchesne (Théologie Historique, 38).<br />

Gauthier, R.A. (1954) ‘Saint Maxime le Confesseur et la psychologic de l’acte<br />

humaine’, in Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, pp. 51–100.<br />

Gersh, S. (1978) From Iamblichus to Eriugena. An Investigation of the<br />

Prehistory and Evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition, Leiden: E.J.<br />

Brill (Studien zur Problemgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen<br />

Philosophic, 8).<br />

Gould, G. (1989) ‘Ecclesiastical hierarchy in the thought of Pseudo-Dionysius’,<br />

in Studies in <strong>Church</strong> History, pp. 29–41.<br />

Grillmeier, A. (1975) Christ in <strong>Christian</strong> Tradition, vol. 1, London-Oxford:<br />

Mowbray (ed. 2, revised).

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