Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXTS OF MAXIMUS For works of Maximus frequently cited I have used the following abbreviations: Amb.=Ambigua (Books of Difficulties) AL=On the Ascetic Life CC=Centuries on Love CT=Centuries on Theology and the Incarnate Dispensation of the Son of God Ep.=Epistula LP=On the Lord’s Prayer Myst.=Mystagogia Opusc.=Opuscula thcologica etpolemica QT=Questions to Thalassius The editiones principes by F.Combefis (Paris, 1675) and F.Oehler (for the Ambigua: Halle, 1857) are reprinted in Migne, Patrologia Graeca, 90–1 (Paris, 1865). Column references to Migne have usually been added to references to the works of Maximus. Critical texts of the works of Maximus are appearing in the series Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca (Brepols, Turnhout, for Leuven University Press: abbreviated: CGSG). The following have already appeared: QT, ed. C.Laga and C.Steel, with the text of Eriugena’s translation (vols. 7, 22, 1980–90); Quaestiones et dubia, ed. J.H.Declerk (vol. 10, 1982); LP and Commentary on Ps. 69, ed. P.Van Deun (vol. 23, 1991); Amb. 6–71 (in the Greek enumeration), Eriugena’s Latin translation only, ed. É.Jeauneau (vol. 18, 1988). I have also seen, by the kindness of Prof. C.Steel, the critical text (forthcoming in CCSG) ofthetwoopuscula I have translated (Opusc. 3 and 7). There is also a critical text of GG by A.Ceresa-Gastaldo: Massimo

220 BIBLIOGRAPHY Confessore, Capitoli sulla carità (Verba Seniorum, N.S., 2; Rome, 1963). TRANSLATIONS OF MAXIMUS Cited in order of preferred use, though I have frequently modified any translation used) Of CC, CT, LP, and various other (somewhat edited) texts: Palmer, G.E.H. (1979), (1981) with Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware, The Philokalia. The Complete Text, compiled by St Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth, vols. 1 and 2, London: Faber & Faber. Of AL and CC: Sherwood, P. (1955b) St Maximus the Confessor, The Ascetic Life, The Four Centuries on Charity, Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press, London: Longmans, Green &; Co. (Ancient Christian Writers, 21). Of the Trial of Maximus, CC, LP, CT, Myst.: Berthold, G.C. (1985) Maximus the Confessor, Selected Writings, London: SPCK (Classics of Western Spirituality). French translation of Ep. 2: Dalmais, I.H. (1948) ‘Saint Maxime le Confesseur, Docteur de la Charité’, in La Vie Spirituelle, 79, 294–303. OTHER TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS Berthold, H. (ed.) (1973) Makarios/Symeon, Reden und Briefe. Die Sammlung I des Vaticanus Graecus 694 (B), 2 vols., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag (Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte). Brightman, F.E. (1896) Liturgies Eastern and Western, vol. 1, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Coleman-Norton, P.R. (1966) Roman State and Christian Church. A collection of legal documents to A.D. 535, 3 vols., London: SPCK. Denzinger, H., revised by Schönmetzer, A. (1976) Enchiridion Symholorum Definitionum et Declarationum de rebus fidei et morum, BarcelonaFreiburg-Rome: Herder (ed. 36). des Places, E. (1966) Diadoque de Photicé, Oeuvres Spirituelles, Paris: Le Cerf (Sources Chrétiennes, 5 ter). English translation of the Century on Spiritual Knowledge and Discrimination in Palmer (1979), 253–96. Diekamp, F. (1981) Doctrina Patrum de Incarnatione Verbi, Münster: Aschendorff (ed. 2 by E.Chrysos, with corrections by B.Phanourgakis). Dodds, E.R. (1963) Proclus, The Elements of Theology, Oxford: Clarendon Press (ed. 2). Guillaumont, A. (1958) Les Six Centuries des ‘Kephalaia Gnostica’ d’Évagre le Pontique. Édition critique de la version syriaque commune et edition d’une nouvelle version syriaque, intégrale, avec une double traduction française , Paris: Patrologia Orientalis, 28.1.



For works of Maximus frequently cited I have used the following<br />

abbreviations:<br />

Amb.=Ambigua (Books of Difficulties)<br />

AL=On the Ascetic Life<br />

CC=Centuries on Love<br />

CT=Centuries on Theology and the Incarnate Dispensation of<br />

the Son of<br />

God<br />

Ep.=Epistula<br />

LP=On the Lord’s Prayer<br />

Myst.=Mystagogia<br />

Opusc.=Opuscula thcologica etpolemica<br />

QT=Questions to Thalassius<br />

The editiones principes by F.Combefis (Paris, 1675) and F.Oehler (for<br />

the Ambigua: Halle, 1857) are reprinted in Migne, Patrologia Graeca,<br />

90–1 (Paris, 1865). Column references to Migne have usually been<br />

added to references to the works of Maximus.<br />

Critical texts of the works of Maximus are appearing in the series<br />

Corpus <strong>Christian</strong>orum. Series Graeca (Brepols, Turnhout, for Leuven<br />

University Press: abbreviated: CGSG). The following have already<br />

appeared: QT, ed. C.Laga and C.Steel, with the text of Eriugena’s<br />

translation (vols. 7, 22, 1980–90); Quaestiones et dubia, ed.<br />

J.H.Declerk (vol. 10, 1982); LP and Commentary on Ps. 69, ed. P.Van<br />

Deun (vol. 23, 1991); Amb. 6–71 (in the Greek enumeration), Eriugena’s<br />

Latin translation only, ed. É.Jeauneau (vol. 18, 1988). I have also seen,<br />

by the kindness of Prof. C.Steel, the critical text (forthcoming in<br />

CCSG) ofthetwoopuscula I have translated (Opusc. 3 and 7). There<br />

is also a critical text of GG by A.Ceresa-Gastaldo: Massimo

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