Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


73A C B C TEXTS 181 in the sacred ascent. And what else violently breaks us off from this and, as it were, blocks the way, I mean, of the path to the Word, but the fearful treason now produced by those who seek to pursue the royal 6 way of the divine dogmas of the Fathers, but neither know nor wish to know any way of preventing the misfortune of being carried into the gulfs of confusion or the chasms of division: 7 something known by the leading and guiding of the grace of the all-holy Spirit to those who press on in prayer through a pure and orthodox faith to the perfect face-to-face (1 Cor. 13:12) knowledge of the great God and Saviour of all, Christ (Titus 2:13), and initiation into him. For it is treason to distort the reverent glory that is his and surrounds him, betraying him by the introduction of the confession and teaching of heterodoxy, so as to deprive him of the all-holy flesh that he took from us, or rather overthrow the whole economy. Above all, it is treason when the Word has lived in the flesh among us, and the heavier treason, the more perfectly the knowledge of his Godhead and the truth of his humanity has been revealed to all, and carried to theendsof the world (Rom. 10:18) by the mighty voice of the holy Fathers preaching it. For everywhere, and by all, under their guidance —for they were teachers, who were sound judges in divine matters—it has been confessed and believed in an orthodox manner that the onlybegotten Son, one of the holy and consubstantial Trinity, 8 being perfect God by nature, has become a perfect human being in accordance with his will, assuming in truth flesh, consubstantial with us and endowed with a rational soul and mind, from the holy Mother of God 9 and ever-Virgin, and united it properly and inseparably to himself in accordance with the hypostasis, being one with it right from the beginning. But the hypostasis was not composite, nor the nature simple. But remaining God and con substantial with the Father, when he became flesh (John 1: 14), he became double, so that double by nature, he had kinship by nature with both extremes, and preserved the natural difference of his own parts each from the other. His person being monadic, he had a perfect identity in each of his parts, and preserved the personal difference with the extremes, since he was one and sole. And by the complete lack of any natural or essential distortion at the extremes, each of them was perfect. He was the same at once God and man. Those who irreverently think that there is a natural diminishment in what has come together present him as

182 OPUSCULE 7 D 76A B C imperfect and as suffering the lack of what is naturally his. For unless the Incarnate Word guards without loss the properties of both natures (without sin [Heb. 4:15], according to the teaching of the divine Fathers), out of which and in which 10 he properly is, even after the union, 11 then he exists as a defective God. His Godhead is then altogether imperfect. And his humanity is also defective, since it is altogether diminished in what is natural to it. It is not then necessary, on the pretext of a union that harms neither of the elements, but only binds them hypostatically into one, to destroy their existence by the denial of the natural will and the essential energy. For either, as making a whole out of parts, we melt down the two essential wills and the same number of natural energies and recast them by composition as one will and one energy, as in the myths, and there is manifest something completely strange and foreign to communion with either the Father or with us, for he does not have by nature a composite will or energy, nor do we. For there is no composition of those things in the underlying subject, because existence is not at all beheld in the things themselves and outside the underlying substance. For it is grotesque and utterly abominable to admit that what is above and what is below, that are bound in natural kinship with both natures, should be divided and cut in two by being torn asunder— these natures that are bound together in the inseparable hypostatic union. Or again we preserve unblemished the natural will of the divine nature of the Incarnate Word, and the energy that essentially goes with it, and remove and reject them from the nature of its humanity. And thus we damage the union that is beyond nature, which no longer has anything to bind it to the one hypostasis, and the flesh endowed with a rational soul and mind, that is of our nature and substance, is not at all preserved sound and whole in the Word. For what kind of a nature is that which has suffered loss of what belongs to it by nature? If then the Lord lacks these, or some of these, natural properties that belong to the flesh, then the flesh and humanity do not wholly exist. For how can those who say these things show that he is truly a human being by nature without these properties, or wholly human. Since he is no such thing, it is clear that the Word made flesh has not, become a human being, for he is deprived by nature of these, or some of these, properties. How then and by what reason can there be a nature that lacks such things? For what there is is something

182 OPUSCULE 7<br />

D<br />

76A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

imperfect and as suffering the lack of what is naturally his.<br />

For unless the Incarnate Word guards without loss the<br />

properties of both natures (without sin [Heb. 4:15], according<br />

to the teaching of the divine Fathers), out of which and in<br />

which 10 he properly is, even after the union, 11 then he exists as<br />

a defective God. His Godhead is then altogether imperfect. And<br />

his humanity is also defective, since it is altogether diminished<br />

in what is natural to it.<br />

It is not then necessary, on the pretext of a union that<br />

harms neither of the elements, but only binds them<br />

hypostatically into one, to destroy their existence by the denial<br />

of the natural will and the essential energy. For either, as<br />

making a whole out of parts, we melt down the two essential<br />

wills and the same number of natural energies and recast them<br />

by composition as one will and one energy, as in the myths,<br />

and there is manifest something completely strange and<br />

foreign to communion with either the Father or with us, for he<br />

does not have by nature a composite will or energy, nor do we.<br />

For there is no composition of those things in the underlying<br />

subject, because existence is not at all beheld in the things<br />

themselves and outside the underlying substance. For it is<br />

grotesque and utterly abominable to admit that what is above<br />

and what is below, that are bound in natural kinship with both<br />

natures, should be divided and cut in two by being torn<br />

asunder— these natures that are bound together in the<br />

inseparable hypostatic union. Or again we preserve<br />

unblemished the natural will of the divine nature of the<br />

Incarnate Word, and the energy that essentially goes with it,<br />

and remove and reject them from the nature of its humanity.<br />

And thus we damage the union that is beyond nature, which<br />

no longer has anything to bind it to the one hypostasis, and the<br />

flesh endowed with a rational soul and mind, that is of our<br />

nature and substance, is not at all preserved sound and whole<br />

in the Word. For what kind of a nature is that which has<br />

suffered loss of what belongs to it by nature?<br />

If then the Lord lacks these, or some of these, natural<br />

properties that belong to the flesh, then the flesh and<br />

humanity do not wholly exist. For how can those who say<br />

these things show that he is truly a human being by nature<br />

without these properties, or wholly human. Since he is no such<br />

thing, it is clear that the Word made flesh has not, become a<br />

human being, for he is deprived by nature of these, or some of<br />

these, properties. How then and by what reason can there be a<br />

nature that lacks such things? For what there is is something

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