Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


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1316A<br />

160 TEXTS<br />

C<br />

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earth (Col. 1:20), as the divine Apostle says.<br />

Another contemplation of this difficulty<br />

Again ‘the natures are instituted afresh’. The divine, through<br />

its measureless goodness and love for humankind and by its<br />

will, in a way beyond nature voluntarily accepted our fleshly<br />

birth, and, paradoxically, without seed, tilled our flesh,<br />

endowed with a rational soul: for God became flesh by a<br />

strange ordinance contrary to nature, being in every way the<br />

same and indistinguishable from us save for sin, and what is<br />

more paradoxical, the virginity of her who became a mother<br />

through the birth was in no way cancelled. For there is truly a<br />

fresh institution not only in that God the Word, who had<br />

already been ineffably born without beginning from God the<br />

Father, was born in time according to the flesh, but also that<br />

our nature gave flesh without seed, and a virgin gave birth<br />

without corruption. For both cases show that there is<br />

manifested a fresh institution, since in each case the reason in<br />

accordance with which it took place is completely concealed as<br />

ineffable and unknown: the one takes place in a manner<br />

beyond nature and knowledge, and the other by the word of<br />

faith, by which everything that is beyond nature and<br />

knowledge is natur ally achieved. So therefore, so it seems to<br />

me, the difficulty is resolved, and I do not know how else it could<br />

be done. Therefore let what has been said be approved by your<br />

philosophy or let something better be searched out and<br />

declared by you and there be communicated to me the fruit of<br />

lofty knowledge not touched by anything earthly.

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