Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


1309A B C DIFFICULTY 41 157 about, and thus he fulfils the great purpose of God the Father, to recapitulate everything both in heaven and earth in himself (Eph. 1:10), in whom everything has been created (Col. 1:16). Indeed being in himself the universal union of all, he has started with our division and become the perfect human being, having from us, on our account, and in accordance with our nature, everything that we are and lacking nothing, apart from sin (Heb. 4:15), and having no need of the natural intercourse of marriage. In this way he showed, I think, that there was perhaps another way, foreknown by God, for human beings to increase, if the first human being had kept the commandment and not cast himself down to an animal state by abusing his own proper powers. Thus God-made-man has done away with the difference and division of nature into male and female, which human nature in no way needed for generation, as some hold, and without which it would perhaps have been possible. 11 There was no necessity for these things to have lasted forever. For in Christ Jesus, says the divine Apostle, there is neither male nor female (Gal. 3:28). Then having sanctified the world we inhabit by his own humanlyfitting way of life he opened a clear way into paradise after his death, as, without a lie, he promised the thief, Today, you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). Then, since there was for him no longer any difference between paradise and the world we inhabit, he again made this clear to his disciples when he was with them after his resurrection from the dead, showing that the world is one and is not divided in itself, preserving the logos in accordance with which it exists free from any division caused by difference. Then by his ascension into heaven, he clearly united heaven and earth, and with his earthly body that is of the same nature and con substantial with ours he entered into heaven and showed that the whole nature that can be perceived through the senses is, by the most universal logos of its being, one, thus obscuring the peculiar nature of the division which cuts it into two. Then, in addition to this, by passing with his soul and body, that is, with the whole of our nature, through all the divine and intelligible ranks of heaven, he united the sensible and the intelligible and showed the convergence of the whole of creation with the One according to its most original and universal logos, which is completely undivided and at rest in itself. And finally, considered in his humanity, he goes to God himself, having clearly appeared, as it is written, in the presence of God the Father on our behalf

158 TEXTS 1312A D B C (Heb. 9:24), as a human being. As Word, he cannot be separated in any way at all from the Father; as man, he has fulfilled, in word and truth, with unchangeable obedience, everything that, as God, he has predetermined is to take place, and has accomplished the whole will of God the Father on our behalf. For we had ruined by misuse the power that had been naturally given us from the beginning for this purpose. First he united us in himself by removing the difference between male and female, and instead of men and women, in whom above all this manner of division is beheld, he showed us as properly and truly to be simply human beings, thoroughly transfigured in accordance with him, and bearing his intact and completely unadulterated image, touched by no trace at all of corruption. With us and through us he encompasses the whole creation through its intermediaries and the extremities through their own parts. He binds about himself each with the other, tightly and indissolubly, paradise and the inhabited world, heaven and earth, things sensible and things intelligible, since he possesses like us sense and soul and mind, by which, as parts, he assimilates himself by each of the extremities to what is universally akin to each in the previously mentioned manner. Thus he divinely recapitulates the universe in himself, showing that the whole creation exists as one, like another human being, completed by the gathering together of its parts one with another in itself, and inclined towards itself by the whole of its existence, in accordance with the one, simple, undifferentiated and indifferent idea of production from nothing, in accordance with which the whole of creation admits of one and the same undiscriminated logos, as having not been before it is. For in their true logos all beings have at least something in common one with another. Amongst the beings after God, which have their being from God through generation, there are no exceptions, neither the greatly honoured and transcendent beings which have a universal relationship to the One absolutely beyond any relation, nor is the least honoured among beings destitute and bereft since it has by nature a generic relationship to the most honoured beings. 12 For all those things that are distinguished one from another by their particular differences are united by their universal and common identities, and forced together to the one and the same by a certain natural generic logos, so that the various kinds are united one with another according to their essence, and possess the one and the same and the undivided. For

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B<br />

C<br />

DIFFICULTY 41 157<br />

about, and thus he fulfils the great purpose of God the Father,<br />

to recapitulate everything both in heaven and earth in himself<br />

(Eph. 1:10), in whom everything has been created (Col. 1:16).<br />

Indeed being in himself the universal union of all, he has<br />

started with our division and become the perfect human<br />

being, having from us, on our account, and in accordance with<br />

our nature, everything that we are and lacking nothing, apart<br />

from sin (Heb. 4:15), and having no need of the natural<br />

intercourse of marriage. In this way he showed, I think, that<br />

there was perhaps another way, foreknown by God, for human<br />

beings to increase, if the first human being had kept the<br />

commandment and not cast himself down to an animal state<br />

by abusing his own proper powers. Thus God-made-man has<br />

done away with the difference and division of nature into male<br />

and female, which human nature in no way needed for<br />

generation, as some hold, and without which it would perhaps<br />

have been possible. 11 There was no necessity for these things<br />

to have lasted forever. For in Christ Jesus, says the divine<br />

Apostle, there is neither male nor female (Gal. 3:28). Then<br />

having sanctified the world we inhabit by his own humanlyfitting<br />

way of life he opened a clear way into paradise after his<br />

death, as, without a lie, he promised the thief, Today, you will<br />

be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). Then, since there was for<br />

him no longer any difference between paradise and the world<br />

we inhabit, he again made this clear to his disciples when he<br />

was with them after his resurrection from the dead, showing<br />

that the world is one and is not divided in itself, preserving the<br />

logos in accordance with which it exists free from any division<br />

caused by difference. Then by his ascension into heaven, he<br />

clearly united heaven and earth, and with his earthly body<br />

that is of the same nature and con substantial with ours he<br />

entered into heaven and showed that the whole nature that<br />

can be perceived through the senses is, by the most universal<br />

logos of its being, one, thus obscuring the peculiar nature of<br />

the division which cuts it into two. Then, in addition to this, by<br />

passing with his soul and body, that is, with the whole of our<br />

nature, through all the divine and intelligible ranks of<br />

heaven, he united the sensible and the intelligible and showed<br />

the convergence of the whole of creation with the One according<br />

to its most original and universal logos, which is completely<br />

undivided and at rest in itself. And finally, considered in his<br />

humanity, he goes to God himself, having clearly appeared, as<br />

it is written, in the presence of God the Father on our behalf

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