Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


B C D bitter and most acrid bile is found. 48 Contemplation of the different forms of leprosy according to the law 130 TEXTS 149 And again this is what I think is wisely suggested in the place concerning leprosy through symbolic riddles. The disease of leprosy is divided into four kinds by colour: white, green, yellow and dim. Through these the incensive and desiring powers divided into their kinds are indicated, the desiring part by the white and green, clearly divided into pleasure and grief, and the incensive part by the yellow and dim, divided into anger and resentment and the hidden malice of hypocrisy. These are the principal kinds of the passions and the absolutely original offspring of the incensive and desiring powers, by which the soul is diseased and, so long as it is spotted with them, is not to be numbered among those worthy of the divine company. 49 Contemplation of Phinees And this is what I think is suggested by the story of the wonderful Phinees and his zeal. 131 When he strikes down the Midianite woman together with the Israelite with his spear, the hidden meaning is that matter should be expelled together with form, and desire with the incensive power, and foreign pleasure with the empassioned train of thought, by the power of reason, the high- priest, from the soul completely. For form provides matter a way of being, as the incensive power does to desire, by approaching it giving movement to something that by itself is unmoved, and so does a train of thought to pleasure, giving form to something that by its own nature exists without form or shape. And this makes clear the power of names. For the Midianite woman was called Chasbi, which means tickling my fancy, and the Israelite Zambri, which means my song, that is uplifting. 132 Since then the rational part of the soul has turned away from meditation of the divine and from gazing on him, and, lifted up by the material tickling of the flesh, has become entangled in the furnace of sin, there is need for the zealous high-priest, reason, to destroy those that are wickedly entangled with each other, and to turn aside the wrath of God that is bearing down.

150 DIFFICULTY 10 1204A B C 50 Contemplation of: Do not give what is holy to dogs (Matt. 7:6) And this the Lord himself perhaps meant, so it seems to me, when he said, Do not give dogs what is holy and do not throw pearls before swine, calling the intellectual part within us holy as well, as being a reflection of the divine glory, which he commands should not wickedly be disturbed by the barking of movements of the incensive [part of the soul], and calling its divine and radiant thoughts pearls, which form a noble adornment, which he commands must be kept uncontaminated and free from the unclean passions of material desire. And in the words addressed to his disciples when he sent them out to preach, about how they were to be well-equipped and simple— Take no bag for your journey, nor a staff, nor sandals for your feet133 —he meant that one who sets out on the lofty path of knowledge must be free from every material weight, and pure from every impassioned inclination of the incensive or desiring powers, as is made clear by the bag and the staff, which indicate desire and the incensive part, and especially that he should be stripped of the malice of hypocrisy, which covers, as it were, the track of life after the manner of sandals, and hide the impassioned part of the soul with the pretence of moderation. The Pharisees clothed themselves with hypocrisy, in the form of piety, but without possessing piety, and when they thought to hide [their lack], they were shown up, convicted by reason. 134 51 Contemplation of the epileptic 135 It was, I think, from this material dyad, by which I mean the incensive and desiring powers, that again the Lord freed the epileptic, or rather he attacked and rendered impotent the mad rage of the demon who wanted him to perish in the fire of the incensive part and the water of desire (for in human beings who have yielded to material things their relation to increase and decrease in no way differs from that of the moon). 136 For the demon who has seized [the soul] and attacks and disturbs it with the water of desire and the fire of the incensive power, strangling the mind, will not cease, until the Word of God arrives and drives away the wicked and material spirit (which characterizes the old and earthly man), and frees

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

bitter and most acrid bile is found.<br />

48<br />

Contemplation of the different forms of leprosy<br />

according to the law 130<br />

TEXTS 149<br />

And again this is what I think is wisely suggested in the place<br />

concerning leprosy through symbolic riddles. The disease of<br />

leprosy is divided into four kinds by colour: white, green,<br />

yellow and dim. Through these the incensive and desiring<br />

powers divided into their kinds are indicated, the desiring part<br />

by the white and green, clearly divided into pleasure and grief,<br />

and the incensive part by the yellow and dim, divided into<br />

anger and resentment and the hidden malice of hypocrisy.<br />

These are the principal kinds of the passions and the<br />

absolutely original offspring of the incensive and desiring<br />

powers, by which the soul is diseased and, so long as it is<br />

spotted with them, is not to be numbered among those worthy<br />

of the divine company.<br />

49<br />

Contemplation of Phinees<br />

And this is what I think is suggested by the story of the<br />

wonderful Phinees and his zeal. 131 When he strikes down the<br />

Midianite woman together with the Israelite with his spear,<br />

the hidden meaning is that matter should be expelled together<br />

with form, and desire with the incensive power, and foreign<br />

pleasure with the empassioned train of thought, by the power<br />

of reason, the high- priest, from the soul completely. For form<br />

provides matter a way of being, as the incensive power does to<br />

desire, by approaching it giving movement to something that<br />

by itself is unmoved, and so does a train of thought to pleasure,<br />

giving form to something that by its own nature exists without<br />

form or shape. And this makes clear the power of names. For<br />

the Midianite woman was called Chasbi, which means tickling<br />

my fancy, and the Israelite Zambri, which means my song,<br />

that is uplifting. 132 Since then the rational part of the soul has<br />

turned away from meditation of the divine and from gazing on<br />

him, and, lifted up by the material tickling of the flesh, has<br />

become entangled in the furnace of sin, there is need for the<br />

zealous high-priest, reason, to destroy those that are wickedly<br />

entangled with each other, and to turn aside the wrath of God<br />

that is bearing down.

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