Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


B C D 1189A distinguished from us or any other being, who is hymned as monad and triad, is neither monad nor triad, but in order that we may truly hymn the transcendent unity and divine fruitfulness, we name the one beyond every name with the divine names of triad and unity, and the one beyond being from things that are.’ 108 No-one therefore who wishes to live reverently in the truth can say that the dyad or the multitude is in any way without beginning or in general the beginning of anything. The whole contemplative power and knowledge that is in accordance with reason and understanding reveals to everyone that there is one God, who exists beyond all infinity, and that he is not known at all to any being, but only through faith, and that it can be shown from his creatures that he is, but not when he is, and that he is the maker and fashioner of all eternity and time and of everything that exists in eternity and time, not that they are in any way conceived together with him from eternity, for it is known that none of the beings that exist alongside one another from eternity could be creative of any other. For it would be completely invalid and unacceptable, and ridiculous to those who have minds, to maintain that among those beings that possess being one could be creative of another. But it has been shown that from God, who eternally is, everything has come to be completely and wholly from nothing, not partially or incompletely, as proceeding wisely from a source that is infinitely wise and infinitely powerful, and that everything is held together in it, as protected and supported in an all-powerful foundation, and that everything will return to it, as each to its own goal, as the great Denys the Areopagite has said somewhere. 109 42 Contemplation of divine providence 110 TEXTS 141 Anyone who is convinced that God exercises providence over the things that are, from which he has learnt that he exists, will judge it right and reasonable that he is none other than the guardian of the things that are and cares for them and that he alone is the fashioner of what is. For the permanence of what is, and its order and position and movement, 111 and the consonance of the extremities with the middle, the agreement of the parts with the wholes, and the union throughout of the wholes with the parts, and the unblurred distinction of the parts one from another in accordance with the individuating difference of each, and the unconfused union in accordance

142 DIFFICULTY 10 B C D with the indistinguishable sameness in the wholes, and the combination and distinction of everything with everything else (not to limit myself to particulars), and the eternally preserved succession of everything and each one according to form, so that the logos of each nature is not corrupted by confusion or blurring—all this shows clearly that everything is held together by the providence of the Creator God. For it is not the case that God is good but not beneficent, or beneficent but without providence, and therefore he cares wisely for the things that are and in a way befitting God, so that they are favoured with existence and care. Providence is, then, according to the God- bearing Fathers, 112 the care that comes from God to the things that are. They also define it thus: providence is the will of God through which everything that is receives suitable direction. If this will is God’s, if I may use the very words of my teachers, then it necessarily follows that what happens happens in accordance with right reason, and so no better disposition could be looked for. One who has chosen to take truth as his guide is therefore led to say that providence is either the one who is truly known to be the Creator or is a power exercised by the Creator of all things. And with animals, if we approach them in a rational way we shall find a trace of the intelligible in them which is a not unworthy imitation of what is above reason. For if we look at those beings that naturally care for their offspring, we are encouraged to define for ourselves reverently and with godly boldness that God exercises providence in his sovereign uniqueness over all beings, and not over some beings but not others, as some of the adepts of the ‘outer learning’ 113 have it, but of absolutely everything, in accordance with the one and indistinguishable will of goodness, and indeed of both universals and particulars, for we know that if particulars can perish because they are not within the remit of providence and fitting protection, then universals will perish with them (for universals consist of particulars), in this way propounding a rational demonstration that rightly leads by a reasonable retort to the truth. For if universals consist of particulars, then if the particular examples of any logos in accordance with which things exist and consist should perish, then it is quite clear that the corresponding universals will not continue to be. For the parts exist and subsist in the wholes, and the wholes in the parts. No reason can gainsay it. But there are those who are, as it were, unwillingly bound by the truth and betray the power of providence, arguing that it only pervades what is

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

1189A<br />

distinguished from us or any other being, who is hymned as<br />

monad and triad, is neither monad nor triad, but in order that<br />

we may truly hymn the transcendent unity and divine<br />

fruitfulness, we name the one beyond every name with the<br />

divine names of triad and unity, and the one beyond being from<br />

things that are.’ 108 No-one therefore who wishes to live<br />

reverently in the truth can say that the dyad or the multitude<br />

is in any way without beginning or in general the beginning of<br />

anything. The whole contemplative power and knowledge that<br />

is in accordance with reason and understanding reveals to<br />

everyone that there is one God, who exists beyond all infinity,<br />

and that he is not known at all to any being, but only through<br />

faith, and that it can be shown from his creatures that he is,<br />

but not when he is, and that he is the maker and fashioner of<br />

all eternity and time and of everything that exists in eternity<br />

and time, not that they are in any way conceived together with<br />

him from eternity, for it is known that none of the beings that<br />

exist alongside one another from eternity could be creative of<br />

any other. For it would be completely invalid and<br />

unacceptable, and ridiculous to those who have minds, to<br />

maintain that among those beings that possess being one could<br />

be creative of another. But it has been shown that from God,<br />

who eternally is, everything has come to be completely and<br />

wholly from nothing, not partially or incompletely, as<br />

proceeding wisely from a source that is infinitely wise and<br />

infinitely powerful, and that everything is held together in it,<br />

as protected and supported in an all-powerful foundation, and<br />

that everything will return to it, as each to its own goal, as the<br />

great Denys the Areopagite has said somewhere. 109<br />

42<br />

Contemplation of divine providence 110<br />

TEXTS 141<br />

Anyone who is convinced that God exercises providence over<br />

the things that are, from which he has learnt that he exists, will<br />

judge it right and reasonable that he is none other than the<br />

guardian of the things that are and cares for them and that he<br />

alone is the fashioner of what is. For the permanence of what<br />

is, and its order and position and movement, 111 and the<br />

consonance of the extremities with the middle, the agreement<br />

of the parts with the wholes, and the union throughout of the<br />

wholes with the parts, and the unblurred distinction of the<br />

parts one from another in accordance with the individuating<br />

difference of each, and the unconfused union in accordance

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