Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


C D 1173A forgiveness, needing nothing of life in the flesh other than to be punished without end. For he neither possessed the present life, which flows away uncontrollably by nature, and which he longed to enjoy by itself, nor was he able to have a share in that which is to come, to which he was but feebly moved, with little desire. For it can only be attained by those who wholeheartedly love it, and on account of their desire for it eagerly and with delight endure every suffering. Hearing of the bosom of Abraham, we think of God made manifest to us in the flesh as one of the seed of Abraham, truly the provider of all to all who are worthy of his grace in proportion to the quality and the quantity of each one’s virtue. For he divides himself indivisibly among different pastures through the natural undivided being of unity, and is not shared out to those who participate in any way whatever. Again through the different worth of the participants he is manifest paradoxically separately to each who share in accordance with an ineffable unity (something understood by reason). To this world no-one will be able to pass who rejoices in the softness of the flesh or who takes more delight in the deceit of the world than His blessed glory, nor will anyone be able to stand with the One who has conquered the world who has been worsened by the world or evilly rejoiced over it. For the divine justice will not judge those to be worthy who in this life have arrayed themselves in a human way and decked themselves out with wealth and health of body and other dignities. Those will alone be judged blessed who count nothing of value alongside the goods of the soul and share in divine and eternal goods, beside which they take account of nothing whatever through any kind of care for material things, completely oblivious of wealth and health and other transient goods which the virtues transcend. 34 Contemplation of the virtues 93 TEXTS 133 Consequently a human being is blessed who has virtues, whether or not he has any other blessings besides. If he has virtues and other advantages too, he is blessed in a general sense, as one said who was wise in divine matters. If he has virtues alone and for their own sake, he is blessed in a more circumscribed sense. For some things are thought of in a more circumscribed way, as when we think of two cubits, others in a more general way, as when we think of a heap. For you can take away two measures from a heap, and will be left with a

134 DIFFICULTY 10 B 1176B C D heap. If you take away all bodily and external advantages from the condition of general blessedness, and leave nothing whatever but the virtues, it remains a state of blessedness. For virtue, by itself, is sufficient for happiness. Therefore every bad person is wretched, even if he has all the so-called blessings of the earth, if he is deprived of the virtues. And every good person is blessed, even if he is deprived of all earthly blessings, since he has the radiance of virtue. It is because of this that Lazarus rejoiced, at rest in the bosom of Abraham. 35 Contemplation of how God is understood from creation 94 So therefore when the Saints behold the creation, and its fine order and proportion and the need that each part has of the whole, and how all the perfect parts have been fashioned wisely and with providence in accordance with reason that fashioned them, and how what has come to be is found to be not otherwise than good beside what now is, and is in need of no addition or subtraction in order to be otherwise good, they are taught from the things he has made that there is One who fashioned them. So, 95 too, when they see the permanence, the order and position of what has come to be, and its manner of being, in accordance with which each being, according to its proper form, is preserved unconfused and without any disorder; and the course of the stars proceeding in the same way, with no alteration of any kind, and the circle of the year proceeding in an orderly manner according to the periodic return of the [heavenly bodies] from and to their own place, and the equal yearly proportion of the nights and days, with their mutual increase and decrease, taking place according to a measure that is neither too small nor too great, they understand that behind everything there is providence, and this they acknowledge as God, the fashioner of all. 36 Contemplation that the world has a beginning For who, seeing the beauty and greatness of God’s creatures, does not immediately understand that He has brought all this into being, as the beginning and source of beings and their maker? In his understanding he returns to Him alone, leaving

134 DIFFICULTY 10<br />

B<br />

1176B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

heap. If you take away all bodily and external advantages from<br />

the condition of general blessedness, and leave nothing<br />

whatever but the virtues, it remains a state of blessedness.<br />

For virtue, by itself, is sufficient for happiness. Therefore<br />

every bad person is wretched, even if he has all the so-called<br />

blessings of the earth, if he is deprived of the virtues. And<br />

every good person is blessed, even if he is deprived of all<br />

earthly blessings, since he has the radiance of virtue. It is<br />

because of this that Lazarus rejoiced, at rest in the bosom of<br />

Abraham.<br />

35<br />

Contemplation of how God is understood from<br />

creation 94<br />

So therefore when the Saints behold the creation, and its fine<br />

order and proportion and the need that each part has of the<br />

whole, and how all the perfect parts have been fashioned<br />

wisely and with providence in accordance with reason that<br />

fashioned them, and how what has come to be is found to be<br />

not otherwise than good beside what now is, and is in need of<br />

no addition or subtraction in order to be otherwise good, they<br />

are taught from the things he has made that there is One who<br />

fashioned them. So, 95 too, when they see the permanence, the<br />

order and position of what has come to be, and its manner of<br />

being, in accordance with which each being, according to its<br />

proper form, is preserved unconfused and without any<br />

disorder; and the course of the stars proceeding in the same<br />

way, with no alteration of any kind, and the circle of the year<br />

proceeding in an orderly manner according to the periodic<br />

return of the [heavenly bodies] from and to their own place, and<br />

the equal yearly proportion of the nights and days, with their<br />

mutual increase and decrease, taking place according to a<br />

measure that is neither too small nor too great, they<br />

understand that behind everything there is providence, and<br />

this they acknowledge as God, the fashioner of all.<br />

36<br />

Contemplation that the world has a beginning<br />

For who, seeing the beauty and greatness of God’s creatures,<br />

does not immediately understand that He has brought all this<br />

into being, as the beginning and source of beings and their<br />

maker? In his understanding he returns to Him alone, leaving

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