Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


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124 DIFFICULTY 10<br />

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corruption as it is dissolved by flux itself. So Adam always<br />

feels confident in the existence of such flourishing life and<br />

thus both for himself and for us he preserves death. If rather<br />

he had trusted in God and been nourished from the tree of life<br />

(Gen. 2:9), that was there too, he would not have set aside the<br />

immortality that had been granted. For such immortality is<br />

eternally preserved by participation in life, since all life is<br />

genuine and preserved by appropriate food. The food of that<br />

blessed life is the bread that came down from heaven and gives<br />

life to the world (John 6:33), just as the inerrant Word himself<br />

declares about himself in the Gospels. In not wishing to be<br />

nourished by Him, the first man rightly fell away from the<br />

divine life, and took death as another parent. Accordingly he<br />

put on himself the irrational form, and blackened the<br />

inconceivable beauty of the divine, and delivered over the<br />

whole of nature as food for death. Death is living on this<br />

through the whole of this temporal period, making us his food,<br />

and we no longer live, but are eternally eaten up by him<br />

through corruption.<br />

29<br />

That from the present life the Saints understood<br />

the future<br />

The Saints, wisely grasping the futility and constant change of<br />

this life, have learnt that the life that is given directly to men<br />

by God is not this life, and have secretly taught that there is<br />

another divine and genuine life, which they hold must be<br />

directly and fittingly fashioned by God, who is good. Turning<br />

the eye of the soul to this through wisdom in accordance with<br />

the grace of the Spirit, so far as this is possible for men bound<br />

under death, and receiving the divine longing for this within,<br />

they rightly reckon that this present life is to be put aside, if<br />

they are to receive purely that life, in accordance with the<br />

binding character of reason. And since there is no putting<br />

aside of life without death, they thought that its death is the<br />

rejection of fleshly love, through which death gained entrance<br />

into life, so that, thinking of death by death, they ceased from<br />

living through death, and died an honourable death before the<br />

Lord. This is truly the death of death, able to corrupt<br />

corruption itself, and provide an entrance to the blessed life<br />

and incorruption for those who are worthy. For I do not think<br />

that the limit of this present life is rightly called death, but<br />

rather release from death, separation from corruption, freedom

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