Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


C D 1148A confess, through their intellectual contemplation, illuminated in justice by good works, His resurrection, on behalf of which and on account of which the death took place. They are most willing to be put to death in the flesh, but have not begun to be brought to life through the Spirit. They still cling to the stability of their tabernacle, and have not yet had revealed to them by the reason and knowledge of the Saints the way, which is the Word of God who says, Iamtheway(John 14:6). They know, from ascetical struggle, the Lord, the Word made flesh, but have no desire to come through contemplation to the glory as of the Only-begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). 21 Contemplation of Abraham TEXTS 117 Again Abraham became spiritual, when he went out from his land and his kindred and the house of his father, and came to the land designated by God. 60 For by habit he broke away from the flesh, and by separation from the passions became outside it. He abandoned the senses, and no longer accepted any error of sin from them. He passed beyond everything perceived through the senses, so that nothing of them approached his soul to deceive or afflict it. With his mind alone, free from any material bond, he came to the divine and blessed land of knowledge. He travelled in a hidden way throughout its length and breadth, 61 and in it he discovered our Lord and God Jesus Christ, the good inheritance of those who fear Him. In length He [sc. Christ] is unimaginable in himself and is acknowledged as divine by those worthy of Him in so far as this can be among men. In breadth He is glorified by us, because of His most wise providence, which binds all things together, 62 and His economy for our sake, which is passing marvellous and transcendently ineffable. 63 Thus [Abraham] came to partake through ascetic struggle and contemplation in all the ways by which praise of the Lord is inculcated, and through which friendship with God and assimilation to Him are securely attained. To put it briefly, he who through ascetical struggle overthrows the flesh, sense and the world, through which the relationship of the mind to the intelligible is dissolved, and by his mind alone through love comes to know God: such a one is another Abraham, through equal grace shown to have the same mark of virtue and knowledge as the Patriarch.

118 DIFFICULTY 10 B C D 22 Twofold contemplation of Moses 22a And Moses again is shown to be another. In the time of the domination of the passions, that is to say of the devil, who is the Pharaoh of the intelligible world, tyrannically prevailing over the better in favour of the worse, and causing the fleshly to rise against the spiritual, so that every pious train of thought is destroyed, he who has been born according to God in his inclination and placed in the box of true struggle64 is established outside fleshly ways of behaving and inside divine thoughts according to the soul. He accepted to be subject to the senses, that is the daughter of the intelligible Pharaoh, until the law of the reception of natural contemplations. 65 With noble zeal he put to death the Egyptian-like way of thinking that belongs to the flesh (Rom. 8:6), and buried it in the sand. 66 By the sand, I mean that habit that is unfruitful in evils: if the tares of evil are sown by the enemy, 67 nothing comes up naturally because of its inherent poverty of the spirit, but it gives birth to and protects dispassion. By a divine command it is made desolate for the winds of wickedness, becomes a forest for the constantly changing waves of temptation and places a limit to a sea of bitter and truly salty evil, as it is written, Replaced sand as a boundary for the sea, saying to it. This far shall you go, and not transgress, and in you shall your waves be thrown together (cf. Jer. 5:22). The trains of thought that still consent to the earth and seek enjoyment from it, where the passionate part [of the soul] naturally struggles against reason and the capacity to discriminate, and dominates and expels it—these he, being a wise shepherd, leads, like sheep, through the desert which is a condition deprived of passions and material things and pleasures, to the mountain of the knowledge of God, which can be beheld on the heights of the mind. 68 O what labours he expended and time he spent on behalf of those contemplations that attach one to the spiritual level by breaking the relationship of the mind to the things of sense (by this I mean the forty-year crossing [of the wilderness]), and became worthy of beholding and hearing with his mind the ineffable, supernatural and divine fire that is present, as in the bush, 69 in the being of everything that exists, I mean God the Word, who in the last times shone forth from the Bush of the Holy Virgin and spoke to us in the

118 DIFFICULTY 10<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

22<br />

Twofold contemplation of Moses<br />

22a<br />

And Moses again is shown to be another. In the time of the<br />

domination of the passions, that is to say of the devil, who is<br />

the Pharaoh of the intelligible world, tyrannically prevailing<br />

over the better in favour of the worse, and causing the fleshly<br />

to rise against the spiritual, so that every pious train of<br />

thought is destroyed, he who has been born according to God<br />

in his inclination and placed in the box of true struggle64 is<br />

established outside fleshly ways of behaving and inside divine<br />

thoughts according to the soul. He accepted to be subject to the<br />

senses, that is the daughter of the intelligible Pharaoh, until<br />

the law of the reception of natural contemplations. 65 With<br />

noble zeal he put to death the Egyptian-like way of thinking<br />

that belongs to the flesh (Rom. 8:6), and buried it in the sand. 66<br />

By the sand, I mean that habit that is unfruitful in evils: if the<br />

tares of evil are sown by the enemy, 67 nothing comes up<br />

naturally because of its inherent poverty of the spirit, but it<br />

gives birth to and protects dispassion. By a divine command it<br />

is made desolate for the winds of wickedness, becomes a forest<br />

for the constantly changing waves of temptation and places a<br />

limit to a sea of bitter and truly salty evil, as it is written,<br />

Replaced sand as a boundary for the sea, saying to it. This far<br />

shall you go, and not transgress, and in you shall your waves<br />

be thrown together (cf. Jer. 5:22). The trains of thought that<br />

still consent to the earth and seek enjoyment from it, where<br />

the passionate part [of the soul] naturally struggles against<br />

reason and the capacity to discriminate, and dominates and<br />

expels it—these he, being a wise shepherd, leads, like sheep,<br />

through the desert which is a condition deprived of passions<br />

and material things and pleasures, to the mountain of the<br />

knowledge of God, which can be beheld on the heights of the<br />

mind. 68 O what labours he expended and time he spent on<br />

behalf of those contemplations that attach one to the spiritual<br />

level by breaking the relationship of the mind to the things of<br />

sense (by this I mean the forty-year crossing [of the<br />

wilderness]), and became worthy of beholding and hearing<br />

with his mind the ineffable, supernatural and divine fire that<br />

is present, as in the bush, 69 in the being of everything that<br />

exists, I mean God the Word, who in the last times shone forth<br />

from the Bush of the Holy Virgin and spoke to us in the

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