Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


C D 1144A B TEXTS 115 made and transformed wholly to the whole, he is manifested in accordance with the verse: Resembling the Son of God he remains a priest forever. For each one of the Saints who has made a special beginning with the good in itself is declared to be a figure of God the giver. According to what this means, this great Melchisedec because of the divine virtue created in him is worthy to be an image of Christ the God, and of his ineffable mysteries, to whom all the saints are gathered together as to an archetype and source of the good impression that is in each one of them, especially this one, as bearing in himself for all the others most of the patterns of Christ. 20b For our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, who is absolutely single, is in nature and truth without father and without mother and without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life. He is without mother because of the immaterial, bodiless and completely unknowable manner of his pre-eternal begetting from on high from the Father. He is without father according to his temporal and bodily begetting here below from his mother, which took place after a conception without intercourse. He is without genealogy, since both of his begettings have a form that is universally inaccessible and incomprehensible to all. He is without beginning of days or end of life, as being without beginning or end and utterly boundless, since he is by nature God. He remains a priest for ever, since he cannot cease to be by any kind of death, whether of evil or of nature, because he is God and the provider of all natural and virtuous life. Do not think that no-one can have a share in this grace, since the word defines it only in relation to the great Melchisedec. For God provides equally to all the power that naturally leads to salvation, so that each one who wishes can be transformed by divine grace. And nothing prevents anyone from willing to become Melchisedec, and Abraham, and Moses, and simply transferring all these Saints to himself, not by changing names and places, but by imitating their forms and way of life. 20c Anyone therefore who puts to death the members that are on the earth, and extinguishes his whole fleshly way of thinking, 56 and shakes off his whole relationship to it, through

116 DIFFICULTY 10 C D 1145A B which the love that we owe to God alone is divided, and denies all the marks of the flesh and the world, for the sake of divine grace, so that he can say with the blessed Paul the Apostle, Who will separate us from the love of Christ? and the rest (Rom. 8:36)—such a person has become without father and mother and genealogy in accordance with the great Melchisedec, not being in any way subject to the flesh and nature, because of the union that has taken place with the Spirit. 20d If then anyone denies himself in these things, in losing his own soul on account of me, he finds it. 57 That is: he goes beyond the present life with its wishes for the sake of the better [life], and possesses the living and active and utterly single Word of God, who through virtue and knowledge penetrates to the division between soul and spirit (Heb. 4:12). Such a one has no experience of what is present to it, and has become without beginning and end; he no longer bears within himself temporal life and its motions, which has beginning and end and is disturbed by many passions, but he possesses the sole divine and eternal life of the indwelling Word, a life unbounded by death. 20e If then he knows how, with great attention, to be vigilant over his own gift, and cultivates the goods that are beyond nature and time through ascetic struggle and contemplation, he has become a lasting and eternal priest. Intellectually he enjoys divine communion forever, and by his unchanging inclination towards the good he imitates that which is naturally unchanging, and is not prevented, in a Jewish manner by the death of sin, from lasting forever. He gloriously speaks of God as the fashioner of all, and gratefully gives thanks to Him as the foreseeing and just Judge of all, as He offers, at the level of mind, a sacrifice of praise and confession within the divine altar, from which those who worship in the tabernacle have no authority to eat (Heb. 13:10). 58 For it is not, as it were, of the hidden loaves of divine knowledge and the mixing-bowl of living wisdom59 that they partake who stick to the letter alone and regard as sufficient for salvation the sacrifices of irrational passions. For these are those who declare, through their ceasing from sinning, the death of Jesus, but do not

C<br />

D<br />

1144A<br />

B<br />

TEXTS 115<br />

made and transformed wholly to the whole, he is manifested<br />

in accordance with the verse: Resembling the Son of God he<br />

remains a priest forever. For each one of the Saints who has<br />

made a special beginning with the good in itself is declared to<br />

be a figure of God the giver. According to what this means,<br />

this great Melchisedec because of the divine virtue created in<br />

him is worthy to be an image of Christ the God, and of his<br />

ineffable mysteries, to whom all the saints are gathered<br />

together as to an archetype and source of the good impression<br />

that is in each one of them, especially this one, as bearing in<br />

himself for all the others most of the patterns of Christ.<br />

20b<br />

For our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, who is absolutely single,<br />

is in nature and truth without father and without mother and<br />

without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end<br />

of life. He is without mother because of the immaterial,<br />

bodiless and completely unknowable manner of his pre-eternal<br />

begetting from on high from the Father. He is without father<br />

according to his temporal and bodily begetting here below from<br />

his mother, which took place after a conception without<br />

intercourse. He is without genealogy, since both of his<br />

begettings have a form that is universally inaccessible and<br />

incomprehensible to all. He is without beginning of days or end<br />

of life, as being without beginning or end and utterly<br />

boundless, since he is by nature God. He remains a priest for<br />

ever, since he cannot cease to be by any kind of death, whether<br />

of evil or of nature, because he is God and the provider of all<br />

natural and virtuous life. Do not think that no-one can have a<br />

share in this grace, since the word defines it only in relation to<br />

the great Melchisedec. For God provides equally to all the<br />

power that naturally leads to salvation, so that each one who<br />

wishes can be transformed by divine grace. And nothing<br />

prevents anyone from willing to become Melchisedec, and<br />

Abraham, and Moses, and simply transferring all these Saints<br />

to himself, not by changing names and places, but by imitating<br />

their forms and way of life.<br />

20c<br />

Anyone therefore who puts to death the members that are on<br />

the earth, and extinguishes his whole fleshly way of<br />

thinking, 56 and shakes off his whole relationship to it, through

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