Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church

Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church Andrew Louth - Syriac Christian Church


C D 1124A B necessarily to be interpreted, I think, as deficiency and a means of escape. By these the visible world is passed by and abandoned, and the Lord receives those worthy of the spiritual law of adoption, and becomes their adopted father, and in his goodness concedes all of what He is wholly to these according to the likeness through virtue and knowledge. Or perhaps through father and mother the written law and the bodily worship that it commends are hinted at, by retreat from which the light of the spiritual law is made to dawn in the hearts of those who are worthy, and they are given freedom from the slavery of the law. 12 Contemplation of Elijah’s vision at Horeb 25 TEXTS 103 So Elijah is shown to be most wise after the fire and the earthquake and the wind that rent the mountains, which I take to be zeal, and discernment, and an eager, assured faith. For discernment utterly alters the ingrained habit of evil, assaulting it through virtue, like an earthquake breaking up what is held together. And zeal, burning like fire, enkindles those who have it to persuade the wicked by the warmth of the spirit. And faith, in the form of a compelling wind, forces the insensible to purification for the sake of God’s glory through demonstration of the most lasting miracles and gives the truly faithful man guidance through hidden water and deifying fire. By it the famine of ignorance is cured, and those who sacrifice to God by custom are kindly dealt with. By it the teachers of evil—the trains of thought and the demons of sophistry —are put to death, and those under the slavery of the passions set free. After all these, by the gentle breeze, the voice in which God existed, Elijah was secretly taught that state of being, beyond any speech or demonstration, which is, by the utterance of reason and by forms of life and conduct, divine, untroubled, peaceful, completely immaterial, simple and free from every shape or form. Therefore, wondering at its glory and wounded by its beauty, he longs to emulate it rather than just pursue it, that is to fight for truth’s sake everything that is opposed to it, and judges it much more honourable to see or know nothing that is opposed to the only God who is wholly through all and in all. While still in the flesh, he is preserved in that state, passing through matter by the divine chariot 26 of the virtues, treating it as a veil through which the mind finds a pure passage to the intelligible realm, and

104 DIFFICULTY 10 C D 1125A finding the flesh [simply] a cloud, darkening through its passions the pilot of the soul, so that he might become a partaker of those ineffable things that he desires, so far as that is possible to one still bound to flesh subject to corruption, and become a firm assurance for us of those things that are promised. For through all these things that with a secret meaning were wordlessly enacted, God cries out, setting this before him, that to be with God alone in peace is more profitable that any other good. 13 Contemplation of Elisha 27 So Elijah’s disciple and spiritual successor, Elisha, no longer possessed senses that were controlled in their activity by material imaginations, but he had already passed to the graces of the Spirit in the mind. For he saw around him the divine powers opposed to the wicked powers with another activity of his eyes and was able to grant his companion to see that this power was stronger than weakness, that is, the flesh, by means of which the spirits of wickedness invade the clearsighted mind, and even more possess the soul, around which the phalanxes of angels pitch their camps and lay siege to the royal image. 28 All this he both was taught and taught to others. 14 Contemplation of Anna and Samuel 29 So the blessed Anna, the mother of the great Samuel, being barren and childless, asked God for the fruit of the womb, and fervently promised to give back to God who had given it the baby she was to be given by making him a servant in the temple. The secret teaching of this is that every soul must be barren of fleshly pleasures through being sown by God with the seeds of virtue, so that, conceiving in the mind and giving birth to reason obedient to God, it might be able to bring forth the power to see with knowledge what is in front of it, through a religious attention to contemplation. So that judging nothing its own, as a great and precious obligation, everything is referred to God who gives and receives. As it says in the law, My gifts, my presents, my offering of fruit, take care to offer to me (Num. 28:2), since every good thing originates from Him and is destined for Him. For the Word of God belongs to those

C<br />

D<br />

1124A<br />

B<br />

necessarily to be interpreted, I think, as deficiency and a<br />

means of escape. By these the visible world is passed by and<br />

abandoned, and the Lord receives those worthy of the spiritual<br />

law of adoption, and becomes their adopted father, and in his<br />

goodness concedes all of what He is wholly to these according<br />

to the likeness through virtue and knowledge. Or perhaps<br />

through father and mother the written law and the bodily<br />

worship that it commends are hinted at, by retreat from which<br />

the light of the spiritual law is made to dawn in the hearts of<br />

those who are worthy, and they are given freedom from the<br />

slavery of the law.<br />

12<br />

Contemplation of Elijah’s vision at Horeb 25<br />

TEXTS 103<br />

So Elijah is shown to be most wise after the fire and the<br />

earthquake and the wind that rent the mountains, which I take<br />

to be zeal, and discernment, and an eager, assured faith. For<br />

discernment utterly alters the ingrained habit of evil,<br />

assaulting it through virtue, like an earthquake breaking up<br />

what is held together. And zeal, burning like fire, enkindles<br />

those who have it to persuade the wicked by the warmth of the<br />

spirit. And faith, in the form of a compelling wind, forces the<br />

insensible to purification for the sake of God’s glory through<br />

demonstration of the most lasting miracles and gives the truly<br />

faithful man guidance through hidden water and deifying<br />

fire. By it the famine of ignorance is cured, and those who<br />

sacrifice to God by custom are kindly dealt with. By it the<br />

teachers of evil—the trains of thought and the demons of<br />

sophistry —are put to death, and those under the slavery of<br />

the passions set free. After all these, by the gentle breeze, the<br />

voice in which God existed, Elijah was secretly taught that<br />

state of being, beyond any speech or demonstration, which is,<br />

by the utterance of reason and by forms of life and conduct,<br />

divine, untroubled, peaceful, completely immaterial, simple<br />

and free from every shape or form. Therefore, wondering at its<br />

glory and wounded by its beauty, he longs to emulate it rather<br />

than just pursue it, that is to fight for truth’s sake everything<br />

that is opposed to it, and judges it much more honourable to<br />

see or know nothing that is opposed to the only God who is<br />

wholly through all and in all. While still in the flesh, he is<br />

preserved in that state, passing through matter by the divine<br />

chariot 26 of the virtues, treating it as a veil through which the<br />

mind finds a pure passage to the intelligible realm, and

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