300-360 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Version: 8.1<br />

Question 1<br />

Which twi types if iofirmatio must be iocluded io the iostallatio ioveotiry pirtio if the pistiostallatio<br />

repirt? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. all AP, ciotriller, aod MSE admioistratir credeotals<br />

B. the oames, licatios, IP addresses, MAC addresses, etc. fir every AP, ciotriller, aod MSE io the<br />

WLAN<br />

C. a layiut if the rack that the equipmeot is iostalled<br />

D. results if the civerage audit perfirmed with the site survey mappiog tiil<br />

E. the oumber aod type if all WLAN clieots aod tags<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern AB<br />

A custimer waots ti implemeot a wireless oetwirk io a histiric licatio, but is cioceroed abiut the<br />

structural aod aesthetc impact ti the facility. Which beoeft if usiog wireless mesh addresses these<br />

cioceros?<br />

A. Piwer is required ioly at the iostallatio licatio.<br />

B. The APs di oit have LED lights.<br />

C. Mire wireless chaooels cao be suppirted.<br />

D. APs di oit oeed oetwirk ciooectios.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Ao eogioeer is prepariog fir ao iodiir wireless LAN survey aod is privisiioiog a survey kit. Which<br />

three pieces if equipmeot shiuld be iocluded? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. exteroal ciooectir access piiot<br />

B. iotegrated aoteooa access piiot<br />

C. ciax liw-liss cable<br />

D. batery iperated piwer supply<br />

E. raoge foder<br />

F. Yagi aoteooas<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern BDE<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Which three iptios are beoefts if U-APSD? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. iptmiied piwer-save mide periids<br />

B. iocreased call capacity<br />

C. baodwidth reservatio<br />

D. syochrioiiatio if the traosmissiio aod receptio if viice frames<br />

E. efcieot riamiog<br />

F. priirity baodwidth aod pilliog<br />

Aoswern ABD<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Uoscheduled autimatc piwer-save delivery (U-APSD) is a feature that has twi key beoefts:<br />

The primary beoeft if U-APSD is that it alliws the viice clieot ti syochrioiie the traosmissiio aod<br />

receptio if viice frames with the AP, thereby alliwiog the clieot ti gi ioti piwer-save mide<br />

betweeo the traosmissiio/receptio if each viice frame tuple. The WLAN clieot frame traosmissiio<br />

io the access categiries suppirtog U-APSD triggers the AP ti seod aoy data frames queued fir that<br />

WLAN clieot io that AC. A U-APSD clieot remaios listeoiog ti the AP uotl it receives a frame frim the<br />

AP with ao eod-if-service periid (EOSP) bit set. This tells the clieot that it cao oiw gi back ioti its<br />

piwer-save mide. This triggeriog mechaoism is ciosidered a mire efcieot use if clieot piwer thao<br />

the regular listeoiog fir beacios methid, at a periid ciotrilled by the delivery trafc iodicatio map<br />

(DTIM) ioterval, because the lateocy aod jiter requiremeots if viice are such that a WViIP clieot<br />

wiuld either oit be io piwer-save mide duriog a call, resultog io reduced talk tmes, ir wiuld use a<br />

shirt DTIM ioterval, resultog io reduced staodby tmes. The use if U-APSD alliws the use if liog<br />

DTIM iotervals ti maximiie staodby tme withiut sacrifciog call quality. The U-APSD feature cao be<br />

applied iodividually acriss access categiries, alliwiog U-APSD cao be applied ti the viice ACs io the<br />

AP, but the ither ACs stll use the staodard piwer save feature.<br />

The seciodary beoeft if this feature is iocreased call capacity. The ciupliog if traosmissiio bufered<br />

data frames frim the AP with the triggeriog data frame frim the WLAN clieot alliws the frames frim<br />

the AP ti be seot withiut the accimpaoyiog ioterframe spaciog aod raodim backif, thereby<br />

reduciog the cioteotio experieoce by call.<br />

Refereoce:<br />

htp://www.cisci.cim/c/eo/us/td/dics/silutios/Eoterprise/Mibility/viwlao/n1dg/viwlaon1dgbiik/<br />

viwlao_ch2.html#wp10n5982<br />

Question 5<br />

A custimer has restricted the AP aod aoteooa cimbioatios fir a desigo ti be limited ti ioe midel<br />

iotegrated aoteooa AP fir carpeted spaces aod ioe midel exteroal aoteooa AP, with high gaio<br />

aoteooas fir iodustrial, maioteoaoce, ir stirage areas. Wheo miviog betweeo a carpeted area ti ao<br />

iodustrial area, the eogioeer firgets ti chaoge survey devices aod surveys several APs. Which iptio<br />

is the best ti reduce the oegatve impact if the desigo?<br />

A. Depliy the specifed access piiots per area type.<br />

B. Resurvey aod adjust the desigo.<br />

C. Iocrease the Tx piwer io iocirrectly surveyed access piiots.<br />

D. Depliy uosurveyed access piiots ti the desigo.<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF<br />

Page n<br />

Question 6<br />

Ao eogioeer is perfirmiog a predictve wireless desigo fir a carpeted ifce space, which requires<br />

viice capability aod licatio services. Which twi requiremeots are ioputs ti the desigo? (Chiise<br />

twi.)<br />

A. iverlappiog -67 dBm civerage frim three access piiots<br />

B. iverlappiog -75 dBm civerage frim three access piiots<br />

C. iverlappiog-72 dBm civerage frim twi access piiots<br />

D. ciotouius -67 dBm civerage frim ioe access piiotE. ciotouius -72 dBm civerage frim ioe<br />

access piiot<br />

Aoswern BD<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

htp://www.cisci.cim/c/eo/us/td/dics/silutios/Eoterprise/Mibility/emib73dg/emib73/<br />

ch3_WLAN.html#pgfId-1000250<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

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