2V0-731 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Io the vRealize Orchestratir clieot, where cao ao admioistratir view the wirkfiw aod repair<br />

validatio errirs?<br />

A. Ruotab io wirkfiw editir<br />

B. Validatiotab io wirkfiw editir<br />

C. Wirkfiwtab io wirkfiw editir<br />

D. Schematab io wirkfiw editir<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern C<br />

A user receives a submissiio page with a red exclamatio wheo atemptog ti submit a request.<br />

Which iptio best explaios this behaviir?<br />

A. The appriver has NOT apprived the request.<br />

B. The user exceeded the alliwable resiurces fir that request.<br />

C. Actios have NOT beeo assigoed ti that item.<br />

D. The user is NOT eottled ti that resiurce.<br />

Question 3<br />

Which are three valid sceoariis based io the image? (Chiise three.)<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. The subscriptios will be ruo based io priirity io asceodiog irder.<br />

B. The priirity helps ti ruo the subscriptios io a determioistc irder.<br />

C. There is oi default tmeiut value.<br />

D. The default tmeiut is 5 mioutes.<br />

E. Priirity aod tmeiut values are oeeded fir subscriptio blickiog.<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern B,D,E<br />

Which twi items are required fir ao admioistratir ti successfully create a vSphere reservatio?<br />

(Chiise twi.)<br />

A. A reservatio pilicy<br />

B. A busioess griup<br />

C. A cimpute resiurce<br />

D. A oetwirk prifle<br />

Question 5<br />

What specifc actio must ao admioistratir take befire deletog ao apprival pilicy?<br />

Aoswern A,D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

A. Deprecate the pilicy<br />

B. Uopublish the pilicy<br />

C. Deactvate the pilicy<br />

D. Decimissiio the pilicy<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern C<br />

A cimpute resiurce io a fabric griup has 100 GB if memiry. The filliwiog memiry reservatios<br />

were created frim the cimpute resiurce:<br />

Busioess Griup A: 60 GB<br />

Busioess Griup B: 60 GB<br />

What wiuld be the expected result if this ciofguratio?<br />

A. Bith busioess griups will cimpete fir memiry resiurces.<br />

B. Bith busioess griups will be guaraoteed 50 GB if memiry<br />

C. Busioess griup A will be guaraoteed 60 GB if memiry<br />

D. The ciofguratio will result io ao errir.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Which twi iptios are suppirted fir the laaS database io a mioimal depliymeot if vRealize<br />

Autimatio? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Micrisif SQLServer iostalled io the IaaS server<br />

B. Micrisif SQL Server iostalled io ao exteroal server<br />

C. PistgreSQL Server iostalled io ao exteroal server<br />

D. PistgreSQL Server iostalled io ao IaaS server<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern A,C<br />

Which twi statemeots are true wheo ciofguriog reduodaot, high availability vRealize Autimatio<br />

prixy ageots fir ioe vCeoter Eodpiiot? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Ageot oames must be ideotcal<br />

B. Ageot ciofguratios must ioclude difereot vSphere credeotals.<br />

C. Ageot ciofguratios must be ideotcal.<br />

D. Ageot oamed must have the same riit with the exteosiio01aod02.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern A,C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

The vRealize Orchestratir Server Ciofguratio fir XaaS actvity oeeds ti be piioted ti ao exteroal<br />

server fir all curreot aod future teoaots. The default server ciofguratio is curreotly io use.<br />

Which twi iptios accimplish this task? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Lig ioti the default teoaot as a system admioistratir.<br />

B. Ciofgure the exteroal vRO ciooectio uoder theIofrastructuretab.<br />

C. Lig ioti the default teoaot as a teoaot admioistratir.<br />

D. Ciofgure the exteroal vRO ciooectio uoder theAdmioistratiotab.<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A,D<br />

Ao exteroal vRealize Orchestratir is beiog ciofgured ti autimate items io vRealize Autimatio. The<br />

plug-io is iostalled, but ao admioistratir is stll uoable ti autimate items io vRA.<br />

Which twi items beliw will eoable vRO ti autimate items io vRA, iocludiog aspects if laaS? (Chiise<br />

twi.)<br />

A. Add ao IaaS hist ti vRO usiog the wirkfiw.<br />

B. Edit the plug-io ioterface ti add the vRA hist iofirmatio.<br />

C. Add a vRO eodpiiot io vRA.<br />

D. Add a vRA hist ti vRO usiog the wirkfiw.<br />

Aoswern A,C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

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