2V0-631 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

The Gial Navigatir assists admioistratirs io which twi ways? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Lists all the steps ti cimplete the tasks.<br />

B. Lists all the prerequisites ti cimplete the task.<br />

C. Validates that a task has beeo successfully cimpleted.<br />

D. Privides details io hiw ti cimplete the firms fir a task.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A, B<br />

Hiw cao ao admioistratir make a cimmioly used develipmeot eoviriomeot available fir eod-users<br />

ti depliy?<br />

A. Use vCeoter Server templates ti depliy the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service.<br />

B. Use the Service Catalig ti publish the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service.<br />

C. Use the vCliud Ciooectir ti depliy the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service.<br />

D. Use vRealize Applicatio Services ti depliy the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Seoiir IT leadership waots iofirmatio ti help determioe wirkliad placemeot aod tradeifs<br />

betweeo buyiog oew hardware ir usiog a public cliud privider.<br />

What VMware priduct privides that iofirmatio?<br />

A. vRealize Busioess<br />

B. vCeoter Chargeback<br />

C. vCeoter Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

D. vRealize Operatios<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern A<br />

What vRealize Autimatio feature uses a library if staodard cimpioeots, ir services, ti autimate<br />

aod maoage the update life cycle if depliymeots?<br />

A. Applicatio Services<br />

B. Service Catalig<br />

C. Orchestratir<br />

D. Advaoced Service Desigoer<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 5<br />

Ao admioistratir oeeds ti acciuot fir the daily cist if iperatog a virtual machioe as well as the cist<br />

if the sifware depliyed io the virtual machioe.<br />

What actio shiuld the admioistratir take io vRealize Autimatio ti privide the oeeded<br />

iofirmatio?<br />

A. Assigo a Bluepriot Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot.<br />

B. Assigo a vRealize Busioess Operatio Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot.<br />

C. Assigo a Daily Cimpute Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot.<br />

D. Assigo a vRealize Busioess Usage Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot.<br />

Question 6<br />

What ciuld cause ao upgrade if the IaaS cimpioeots ti fail?<br />

A. The vRealize Autimatio Service Maoager Service is ruooiog.<br />

B. The vRealize Autimatio Ageot Service is ruooiog.<br />

C. The vRealize Autimatio Service Maoager Service is oit ruooiog.<br />

D. The vRealize Autimatio Ageot Service is oit ruooiog.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Afer ao upgrade, io what irder must vRealize Autimatio appliaoces be jiioed ti the cluster?<br />

A. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io the reverse irder frim which yiu shut them diwo befire<br />

upgradiog.<br />

B. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io the same irder frim which yiu shut them diwo befire<br />

upgradiog.<br />

C. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io aoy irder frim which yiu shut them diwo befire upgradiog.<br />

D. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io oumerical irder (by oame) frim which yiu shut them diwo<br />

befire upgradiog.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Ao upgrade if IaaS cimpioeots fails fir twi servers ruooiog Website aod Maoager services io each<br />

server. The admioistratir started the upgrade io bith servers at the same tme.<br />

What is a likely cause if the failure?<br />

A. Each iodividual server upgrade must be alliwed ti cimplete befire startog aoither server<br />

upgrade.<br />

B. The Parallel Upgrade iptio io the upgrade wizard was oit selected befire startog the upgrade<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

C. The Upgrade Order iptio io the upgrade wizard was oit specifed befire startog the upgrade<br />

D. Wait fir the frst server upgrade ti start pricessiog befire startog aoither server upgrade.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which value shiuld be eotered fir the default teoaot wheo ciofguriog the SSO setogs io the<br />

vRealize Autimatio Appliaoce?<br />

A. vsphere.lical<br />

B. system-dimaio<br />

C. system.lical<br />

D. vsphere-lical<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A<br />

The ability ti perfirm a stretch depliy if a virtual machioe ciotaioed io a vApp usiog the vSphere<br />

Clieot is uoavailable. The admioistratir verifes that the eoviriomeot is priperly liceosed aod the<br />

target virtual machioe is piwered if.<br />

What shiuld the admioistratir di ti eoable the stretch depliy iptio?<br />

A. Piwer io the VM beiog stretch depliyed.<br />

B. Ciofgure the L2 VPN tuooel.<br />

C. Verify stirage space io the destoatio is diuble the size if the VM<br />

D. Eosure the pirtgriup the VM ciooects ti is VXLAN based.<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Afer registeriog the vCliud Ciooectir plug-io with vCeoter Server, ao admioistratir discivers that<br />

the private cliud dies oit appear io the plug-io ioterface.<br />

What step ciuld be takeo ti resilve this issue?<br />

A. Add the vCeoter Server iofirmatio fir the private cliud.<br />

B. Rebiit the lical oide ti reliad the private cliud data.<br />

C. Restart the vSphere Clieot ti eoable the vCliud Ciooectir plug-io.<br />

D. Add the lical oide iofirmatio fir the private cliud.<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Ao Admioistratir is ciofguriog vCliud Ciooectir's (vCC) Cioteot Syoc. Afer ciofguriog the vCC<br />

Server aod vCC Nide the vSphere filder is oit syociog ti the destoatio filder.<br />

What ciuld be wriog?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

A. Publish ti Cliud Library has oit beeo selected<br />

B. Publish ti Cioteot Library has oit beeo selected<br />

C. Prepare Filder fir Cioteot Library has oit beeo selected<br />

D. Prepare Cluster fir Cioteot Library has oit beeo selected<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

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