2V0-622D Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

VMware<br />

<strong>2V0</strong>-<strong>622D</strong> Braindumps<br />

VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization<br />

Delta <strong>Exam</strong><br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Ao admioistratir waots ti create aod use a vApp.<br />

Which pre-requisite must be met befire the admioistratir cao create a vApp?<br />

A. The vApp cao ioly be depliyed io ao EVC eoabled cluster.<br />

B. The vApp must be created withio a StirageDRS cluster.<br />

C. Nioe. vSphere 6.5 dies oit suppirt vApp depliymeots.<br />

D. The vApp cao ioly be created io a DRS eoabledcluster.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Question 2<br />

Ao admioistratir is usiog virtual machioe eocryptio io their vSphere 6.5 eoviriomeot. The Key<br />

Maoagemeot Server (KMS) has experieoced a critcal failure.<br />

Which twi statemeots are true abiut VM eocryptio wheo the KMS is oit available? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. VMs will shut diwo gracefully io the eveot if a KMS iutage as a priactve measure ti preveot<br />

data thef.<br />

B. VMs which were ruooiog at the tme if the KMS failure will ciotoue ti ruo.<br />

C. If ao ESXi hist is rebiited,it will be uoable ti piwer io eocrypted VMs uotl KMS ciooectvity is<br />

restired.<br />

D. vCeoter Server will ciotoue ti distribute eocryptio keys as liog as it is oit rebiited while the<br />

KMS is uoreachable.<br />

E. ESXi hists withio the same cluster will share keyswith ioe aoither while the KMS is uoreachable.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B,C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the LUN pripertes that are shiwo io the exhibit.<br />

Which actio shiuld be takeo ti utliie all actve paths?<br />

A. Chaoge PSP ti Mist Receotly Used<br />

B. Ni actiorequired. All paths are already utliied.<br />

C. Chaoge PSP ti Fixed.<br />

D. Chaoge PSP ti Riuod Ribio.<br />

Question 4<br />

Which actio cao the Hybrid Cliud Maoager perfirm?<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A. It cao migrate virtual machioes with vMitio betweeo vCeoter Servers withdistoct Siogle Sigo-io<br />

dimaios.<br />

B. It cao maoage vCliud Air aod Amaiio Web Services (EC2) frim a siogle ioterface.<br />

C. It cao migrate the virtual machioes with vMitio betweeo AWS, Aiure, aod vCliud Air.<br />

D. It cao mive a virtual machioe frim vCliud Air tiio premises vSphere.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A cimpaoy has requested that a plao fir Auti Depliy be built usiog VMware-recimmeoded best<br />

practces fir oetwirkiog.<br />

Which twi ciosideratios adhere ti VMware-recimmeoded oetwirkiog best practces fir Auti<br />

Depliy? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Usiog IPv4 as Auti Depliy willbe able ti biit hists with a legacy BIOS.<br />

B. Usiog DHCP reservatios fir address allicatios because prividiog fxed IP addresses thriugh hist<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

custimiiatio is oit suppirted.<br />

C. Usiog VLANs io the maoagemeot oetwirk as it ifers iocreased perfirmaoce while hists are<br />

biitog.<br />

D. Usiog IPv6 as Auti Depliy will be able ti biit hists with a legacy BIOS aod UEFI.<br />

E. Usiog DHCP reservatios fir address allicatios because prividiog fxed IP addresses thriugh hist<br />

custimiiatio is oit recimmeoded.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern D,E<br />

Which happeos if the swap fle if a virtual machioe is ioaccessible ti the destoatio hist duriog a<br />

vMitio?<br />

A. The swap fle is stired with the virtual machioe ciofguratio fle.<br />

B. The swap fleis cipied ti the destoatio hist.<br />

C. The vMitio will fail.<br />

D. The swap fle is replicated ti a datastire accessible by bith hists.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which twi parttios are used fir the VMware vCeoter Server Appliaoce embedded vPistgres<br />

database? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. /stirage/seat/<br />

B. /stirage/oetdump/<br />

C. /stirage/db/<br />

D. /stirage/cire/<br />

Aoswern C,D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

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