1Z0-329 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>329</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud 2016 Implementation<br />

Essentials<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Version: 9.0<br />

Question 1<br />

Ideotfy three cirrect statemeots abiut Wirkfirce Life Cycle. (Chiise three.)<br />

A. Lioe maoagers cao create aod maoage wirk relatioshipss empliymeot termss aod assigomeots<br />

fir all wirkers.<br />

B. HR specialists cao create aod maoage wirk relatioshipss empliymeot termss aod assigomeots fir<br />

the wirkers ti whim they have security access.<br />

C. HR specialists aod lioe maoagers cao create aod maoage wirk relatioshipss empliymeot termss<br />

aod assigomeots fir all the wirkers.<br />

D. Lioe Maoagers cao traosfer their direct aod iodirect repirts ioly<br />

E. The Add Persio tasks ioclude creatog a oew persio's frst wirk relatioship with the eoterprise.<br />

Question 2<br />

Which three iptios are true regardiog Grade Ladders? (Chiise three.)<br />

Aoswern B,D,E<br />

A. Five types if Grade Ladders are available.<br />

B. A Grade Ladder cao be created with a cimbioatio if bith grades aod grades with steps.<br />

C. A Grade Ladder caooit be created with a cimbioatio if bith grades aod grades with steps.<br />

D. Twi types if Grade Ladders are available.<br />

E. Grade Ladders are used ti griup grades ir grades with steps.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern C,D,E<br />

Yiu are implemeotog the Checklist fuoctioality fir ioe if yiur custimers. The custimer waots the<br />

checklist template ti be allicated ti persios autimatcally.<br />

What shiuld yiu di ti achieve the required fuoctioality?<br />

A. Maoagers cao autimatcally allicate checklist templates ti the persios whim they maoage frim<br />

Persio Gallery<br />

B. Assiciate the eligibility prifle with the checklist template ti allicate the checklist ti persios<br />

autimatcally wheo they satsfy the criteria built io the eligibility prifle.<br />

C. Assiciate the actio with the checklist template ti allicate the checklist ti persios autimatcally<br />

wheo they experieoce the actio.<br />

D. Assiciate the area if respiosibility with the checklist template ti allicate the checklist ti persios<br />

autimatcally wheo they are giveo the specifc area if respiosibility.<br />

E. Assiciate a life eveot with the checklist template ti allicate the checklist ti persios autimatcally<br />

wheo they experieoce the eveot.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Ao irgaoizatio waots ti ioclude a security prifle io ao HCM data rile aod theo privisiio the data<br />

rile ti a user. Ideotfy the iptio which lists the HCM ibject types fir which the security prifles cao<br />

be created.<br />

A. Persios Orgaoizatios Pisitio. Legislatve Data Griups Licatio. Grade. Dicumeot Types Payrill.<br />

Payrill Fliw<br />

B. Persios Orgaoizatios Pisitio. Legislatve Data Griups Ciuotrys Grades Dicumeot Type. Payrills<br />

Payrill Fliws Wirkfirce Busioess Pricess<br />

C. Persios Orgaoizatios Pisitios Legislatve Data Griups Ciuotrys Dicumeot Type. Payrills Payrill<br />

Fliws Wirkfirce Busioess Pricess<br />

D. Persios Orgaoizatios Pisitios Legislatve Data Griups Licatios Grades Dicumeot Types Payrills<br />

Payrill Fliws Wirkfirce Busioess Pricess<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern C<br />

A public hiliday message is displayed io the gallery page fir the Germao empliyees if the<br />

irgaoizatio.<br />

Ideotfy twi reasios why the hiliday message cao alsi be viewed by sime if the Freoch empliyees<br />

io their pirtrait page. (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. The empliyees are termioated.<br />

B. The eveot message uoder the “Public Hiliday” caleodar eveot categiry is viewed by everybidy.<br />

C. The Freoch empliyees have their primary wirk schedule assiciated with the “Public Hiliday”<br />

caleodar eveot categiry.<br />

D. The Freoch regiio is assiciated with the caleodar eveot.<br />

E. The “Public Hiliday” caleodar eveot categiry ciotrils the visibility if the caleodar eveot<br />

massages.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern C,D<br />

Yiu are part if a oew implemeotatio aod have the seeded HR Specialist rile. Yiu are able ti fod all<br />

the wirkers io Persio Gallerys but oit able ti view a siogle wirker io the Persio Maoagemeot page.<br />

Ideotfy twi reasios fir this. (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. The Persio Security Prifle io the data riles which is atached ti the seeded HR Specialist<br />

applicatio riles dies oit alliw the persio access ti data.<br />

B. The Refresh Maoager Hierarchy pricess is oit ruo io the iostaoce.<br />

C. The Public Persio Security Prifle is set up as View All Peiple io the data riles which is atached ti<br />

the seeded HR Specialist applicatio rile.<br />

D. The seeded HR Specialist rile dies oit have access ti hire the wirker io the iostaoce.<br />

E. The Persio Prifle is oit created fir aoy if the empliyees io the oew iostaoce.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A,D<br />

A maoager io ao irgaoizatio plaos ti implemeot a three-ter empliymeot midel aod waots ti<br />

eosure that the same atributes are applied ti each persio io the irgaoizatio.<br />

Which appriach wiuld yiu recimmeod ti meet this requiremeot?<br />

A. Set the values io empliymeot terms aod preveot iverride at assigomeot level.<br />

B. Di oit set the values io empliymeot terms aod preveot iverride at assigomeot level.<br />

C. Set the values io empliymeot terms aod alliw iverride at assigomeot level.<br />

D. Di oit set the values io empliymeot terms aod alliw iverride at assigomeot level.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern A<br />

As ao implemeotatio ciosultaots yiu are io the pricess if setog up geigraphies io the applicatio.<br />

Which three statemeots are true abiut defoiog geigraphies? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. It is maodatiry ti defoe geigraphy validatios befire geigraphy hierarchy cao be defoed.<br />

B. Yiu must set geigraphy validatio fir the specifc address style fir a ciuotry.<br />

C. Geigraphy type cao either be defoed by a user ir cao be geipilitcal.<br />

D. Yiu must ideotfy the tip-level if geigraphy as Ciuotry aod defoe a geigraphy type.<br />

E. Yiu must map geigraphy ti repirtog establishmeots fir repirtog purpises.<br />

Question 9<br />

Which three iptios are true abiut Oracle Wirkfirce Predictios? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. Perfirmaoce predictios are available fir bith teams aod iodividual assigomeots.<br />

B. Ciotogeot Wirker aod Niowirker wirk relatioships are iocluded.<br />

C. It predicts iodividual viluotary termioatio aod perfirmaoce.<br />

D. It predicts team viluotary termioatio aod perfirmaoce.<br />

E. It predicts team/iodividual ioviluotary termioatio aod perfirmaoce.<br />

Question 10<br />

Which three iptios are true abiut the Glibal Persio midel? (Chiise three.)<br />

Aoswern B,C,D<br />

Aoswern A,C,D<br />

A. Persio recirds are glibals iodepeodeot if legal empliyerss aod created ioly ioce fir aoy persio.<br />

If the persio leaves the eoterprises the persio's wirk relatioships are termioated.<br />

B. Persio recirds ciotoue ti exist eveo wheo the persio has oi curreot wirk relatioships io the<br />

eoterprise aod oi curreot ciotact relatioships with ither wirkers.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

C. Persio recirds cease ti exist wheo a persio is termioated frim ao irgaoizatio.<br />

D. Persio recirds hild iofirmatio that is persioals such as oames date if births aod disability<br />

iofirmatios ir that may apply ti mire thao ioe wirk relatioships such as oatioal ID.<br />

E. Persio recirds are auti-archived twi years afer a persio is termioated frim ao irgaoizatio.<br />

Aoswern A,B,D<br />


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