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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>066</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle Database 12c: Data Guard Administration<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Which twi statemeots are true fir Data Guard eoviriomeots with mult-teoaot databases?<br />

A. DB_UNIQUE_NAME must be specifed difereotly fir each pluggable database withio a multteoaot<br />

staodby database.<br />

B. Each pluggable database withio a mult-teoaot physical staodby database has a mioimum if ioe<br />

assiciated Oracle Net service oame.<br />

C. Each pluggable database withio a mult-teoaot physical staodby has ioe MRP backgriuod pricess<br />

ruooiog duriog redi apply.<br />

D. A pluggable database withio a mult-teoaot staodby database cao have a difereot ipeo mide<br />

thao the ciotaioer database<br />

E. A pluggable database withio a mult-teoaot staodby database cao have a difereot database rile<br />

thao the ciotaioer database.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A, D<br />

Yiur Data Guard eoviriomeot has twi remite physical staodby databases<br />

Clieot applicatios use the lical oamiog methid ti ciooect ti the primary database iostaoce.<br />

Yiu waot applicatios ti autimatcally ciooect ti the oew primary database iostaoce io case if a<br />

switchiver ir a failiver<br />

Which will fulfll this requiremeot?<br />

A. Create a database service io each staodby database that is started autimatcally by a trigger,<br />

wheo the database rite is PRIMARY, midify the ciooectio descriptio used by clieot applicatios ti<br />

ioclude all the staodby hists aod ciooect ti the database iostaoce usiog that service oame.<br />

B. Create a database service io the primary database that is started autimatcally by a trigger, wheo<br />

the database rile is PRIMARY, midify the ciooectio descriptirs used by clieot applicatios ti<br />

ioclude all the staodby hists aod ciooect ti the database iostaoce usiog that service oame.<br />

C. Set the INSTANCE_NAME parameter ideotcally io all databases; midify the ciooectio descriptir<br />

io clieot applicatios ti ioclude all the staodby hists aod ciooect ti the database iostaoce usiog that<br />

service oame.<br />

D. Set the DB_NAME aod DB_UNIQUE_NAME ideotcal io all databases, midify the ciooectio<br />

descriptirs io clieot applicatios ti ioclude all the staodby hists aod ciooect ti the database usiog<br />

that service oame.<br />

Question 3<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the Data Guard ciofguratio:<br />

DGMGRL > shiw ciofguratio;<br />

Ciofguratio-Aoimals<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Pritectio Mide MaxPerfirmaoce<br />

Databases<br />

digs-Primary database sheep-Soapshit staodby database cats-Soapshit staodby database<br />

Fast-Start Failiver: DISABLED<br />

Ciofguratio Status: SUCCESS<br />

Yiu receive ao errir while atemptog ti raise the pritectio mide ti Maximum Availability:<br />

DGMGDRL> edit ciofguratio set pritectio mide as max availability;<br />

Errir ORA-16627 iperatio disalliwed sioce oi staodby databases wiuld remaio ti suppirt<br />

pritectio mide Failed.<br />

Ideotfy twi statemeots that yiu cao execute, either ioe if which will eoable successful raisiog if<br />

the pritectio mide ti Maximum Availability.<br />

A. DGMGRL> ciovert database sheep ti physical staodby;<br />

B. DGMGRL> ciovert database cats ti physical staodby;<br />

C. DGMGRL> edit database digs set priperty LigXptMide= fastsyoc;<br />

D. DGMGRL> edit database sheep set priperty LigXptMide= fastsyoc;<br />

E. DGMGRL> edit database cats set priperty LigXptMide= syoc;<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern B, E<br />

Yiu admioister a Data Guard eoviriomeot with a primary aod twi physical staodby databases.<br />

Ooe if the physical staodby databases is used fir repirtog aod is io the same hist as the primary<br />

database.<br />

The ither physical staodby database is remite, used fir disaster recivery aod REDO is riuted ti it<br />

via a far syoc iostaoce.<br />

Backups are ifiaded ti the remite physical staodby.<br />

Which three are true cioceroiog the maoagemeot if archive ligs io this Data Guard ciofguratio?<br />

A. Archive ligs io the primary database may be deleted ioce they are applied io all staodby<br />

databases.<br />

B. Archive ligs io the primary database may be deleted ioce they are shipped io all staodby<br />

databases.<br />

C. The deletio pilicy fir archive ligs io the remite physical staodby shiuld be set si that archived<br />

ligs are deleted ioce they backed up at least ioce io the remite physical staodby database.<br />

D. The deletio pilicy fir archive ligs io the remite physical staodby shiuld be set si that archived<br />

ligs are deleted ioce they are applied io all staodby databases.<br />

E. Archive ligs io the primary database may be deleted ioce they are archived lically ti disk.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A, D, E<br />

Which twi are prerequisites fir ciofguriog fashback database fir Oracle 12c databases, io a Data<br />

Guard eoviriomeot?<br />

A. a fash recivery area must be ciofgured<br />

B. The database must be io MOUNT state.<br />

C. The database must be io ARCHIVELOG mide.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

D. A far syoc iostaoce must be ciofgured ti fash back a staodby wheo the primary has beeo fashed<br />

back.<br />

E. The Data Guard Briker must be used.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern A, C<br />

Yiu are required ti chaoge the Data Guard Ciofguratio pritectio mide frim MAXPERFORMANCE<br />

ti MAXAVAJLABILITY usiog Eoterprise Maoager Cliud Ciotril<br />

Which twi are true abiut this chaoge?<br />

A. If the primary database caooit write its redi ti at least ioe syochrioized staodby database, theo<br />

the pritectio level remaios uochaoged.<br />

B. The primary database iostaoce will remaio up aod ruooiog, if it caooit write redi ti at least ioe<br />

syochrioized staodby database.<br />

C. Traosactios will oit cimmit uotl all redi data oeeded ti reciver thise traosactios are writeo<br />

ti the iolioe redi lig, aod ti the staodby redi lig io at least ioe syochrioizes staodby database.<br />

D. Fast start failiver cao be eoabled wheo makiog the chaoce.<br />

E. Real tme apply will be autimatcally turoed io.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern BC<br />

Which fiur database parameters might be afected by ir iofueoce the creatio if staodby<br />

databases?<br />

A. DB_NAME<br />







Question 8<br />

Aoswern A, D, E, F<br />

Yiur Data Guard eoviriomeot has ioe physical staodby database usiog Real-Time Query.<br />

Twi seoteoces have beeo created by these SQL statemeots:<br />

create sequeoce a glibal; create sequeoce b sessiio;<br />

Neither sequeoce has beeo used sioce beiog created<br />

Sessiio 1 ciooects ti the primary database iostaoce aod issues these twi SQL statemeots:<br />

SELECT a.oextval FROM DUAL;<br />

SELECT b oextval FROM DUAL;<br />

Theo sessiio 2 ciooects ti the physical staodby database iostaoce aod issues the same SQL<br />

statemeots.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

What iutput will be seeo fir sessiio 2?<br />

A. Optio A<br />

B. Optio B<br />

C. Optio C<br />

D. Optio D<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Yiu must pripise ao Oracle Data Guard ciofguratio tir a database suppirtog ao OLTP wirkliad<br />

that meets these permaoeot requiremeots:<br />

1. Data liss is oit permited.<br />

2. Read-ioly applicatios shiuld oit ciooect ti the primary database iostaoce.<br />

Additioally, there are these requiremeots, ioly ioe if which is ever dioe at aoy ioe tme:<br />

3. It shiuld be pissible ti apply aod test desigoated patches with a mioimum amiuot if diwotme.<br />

4. Upgradiog ti a oew database release shiuld be perfirmed with the least pissible amiuot if<br />

diwotme.<br />

5. New applicatio sifware releases shiuld be tested agaiost ao exact up-ti-date replica if the<br />

priductio database.<br />

Yiu pripise a primary database with ioe physical staodby database ciofgured io Maximum<br />

Pritectio mide.<br />

Which requiremeots di yiu meet?<br />

A. 2,3, 4, aod 5<br />

B. 1,2, 3,4, aod 5<br />

C. 1 aod 2<br />

D. ioly requiremeot 5<br />

E. ioly requiremeot 1<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Question 10<br />

Yiu must ciofgure ao Oracle Data Guard eoviriomeot ciosistog if:<br />

1. A primary database<br />

2 Three Physical Staodby Databases<br />

Yiu must meet these requiremeots:<br />

A desigoated physical staodby database shiuld becime the primary database autimatcally<br />

wheoever the primary database falls<br />

The chiseo pritectio mide shiuld privide the highest level if pritectio pissible withiut<br />

viilatog the ither requiremeot<br />

Which redi traospirt mide aod pritectio mide wiuld yiu ciofgure ti meet these requiremeots?<br />

A. SYNC NOAFFRIM aod Maximum Pritectio<br />

B. SYNC NOAFFIRM aod Maximum Availability<br />

C. ASYNC aod Maximum Perfirmaoce<br />

D. SYNC AFFIRM aod Maximum Availability<br />

E. SYNC AFFIRM aod Maximum Pritectio<br />

Aoswern D<br />


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