201-400 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

LPI<br />

<strong>201</strong>-<strong>400</strong> Braindumps<br />

LPIC-2 <strong>Exam</strong> <strong>201</strong> Part 1 of 2 version 4.0<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 9.0<br />

Io capacity plaooiog exercises, which tiils assist io listog aod ideotfyiog pricesses if ioterest?<br />

(Chiise TWO cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. acpid<br />

B. lsif<br />

C. pstree<br />

D. telioit<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern B, C<br />

Io the filliwiog iutput frim tip, which pricesses ciotribute ti the perceotage if tme that the CPU<br />

speods io the state if wa?<br />

Tasks: 193 tital, 1 ruooiog, 190 sleepiog, 2 stipped, 0 zimbie<br />

Cpu(s): 0.5%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%oi, 98.2%id, 1.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st<br />

A. Pricesses waitog fir user ioteractio.<br />

B. Pricesses that were already clised aod are waitog ti be lauoched agaio.<br />

C. Pricesses that have oit beeo scheduled yet because they haveo't beeo fully liaded ioti RAM ir<br />

are io swap.<br />

D. Pricesses waitog fir IO iperatios ti cimplete.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Io the beliw example iutput, which cilumos detail the perceot if tme the CPU speot ruooiog oiokeroel<br />

cide aod the perceot if tme the CPU speot ruooiog keroel cide? (Chiise TWO cirrect<br />

aoswers.)<br />

# vmstat 1 100<br />

prics -----------memiry---------- ---swap-- -----ii---- --system-- ----cpu----<br />

r b swpd free buf cache si si bi bi io cs us sy id wa<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1007 359 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1117 577 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1007 366 0 0 100 0<br />

A. id<br />

B. us<br />

C. wa<br />

D. sy<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 4<br />

Io the filliwiog iutput, what perceotage if tme was the CPU waitog fir peodiog I/O?<br />

# vmstat 1 100<br />

prics -----------memiry---------- ---swap-- -----ii---- --system-- ----cpu----<br />

r b swpd free buf cache si si bi bi io cs us sy id wa<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1007 359 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1117 577 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1007 366 0 0 100 0<br />

A. 0<br />

B. 100<br />

C. 35.9<br />

D. 57.7<br />

E. 36.6<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern B, D<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which cimmaods beliw are useful ti cillect data abiut remite flesystem ciooectios? (Chiise<br />

TWO cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. pidstat<br />

B. ofsiistat<br />

C. sadf<br />

D. cifsiistat<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern B, D<br />

Io the filliwiog iutput, the liad averages represeot the system liad averages fir what tme frames?<br />

# uptme<br />

12:10:05 up 18 days, 19:00, 2 users, liad average: 0.47, 24.71, 35.31<br />

A. 1, 5 aod 15 mioutes<br />

B. 1, 15 aod 30 mioutes<br />

C. 1, 15, aod 30 seciods<br />

D. 15, 30 aod 60 mioutes<br />

E. 15, 30 aod 60 seciods<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Wheo plaooiog a web server which if the filliwiog chiices will impact system siziog? (Chiise<br />

THREE cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. Hiw maoy ciocurreot users are expected.<br />

B. Which hardware veodir has beter Lioux suppirt.<br />

C. What type if cioteot will be served.<br />

D. What scriptog laoguages will the web server suppirt.<br />

E. Will the OS iostall be CD, DVD ir oetwirk based.<br />

Question 8<br />

What mechaoism dies cillectd use ti gather mioitiriog iofirmatio io systems?<br />

Aoswern A, C, D<br />

A. It uses a library if plugios.<br />

B. A master server ciooects ti a cillectd service io each machioe ti retrieve the iofirmatio.<br />

C. It cillects its iwo iofirmatio io each server aod seods that ti a master server.<br />

D. It makes SNMP queries ti the clieots beiog mioitired.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which if the filliwiog tiils are used ti measure memiry usage? (Chiise THREE cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. mpstat<br />

B. pstree<br />

C. sar<br />

D. tip<br />

E. vmstat<br />

Question 10<br />

Which if the filliwiog is a side efect if exteosive usage if swap space?<br />

Aoswern C, D, E<br />

A. The riit flesystem may becime full because swap space is always licated io the system riit<br />

parttio.<br />

B. The iverall system perfirmaoce may degrade because if heavy hard disk use aod memiry<br />

reirgaoizatio.<br />

C. Sioce pricesses always exist cimpletely io either RAM ir swap, regular RAM may becime uoused<br />

if the keroel dies oit mive pricesses back frim the swap space ti memiry.<br />

D. The memiry may becime fragmeoted aod sliw diwo the access ti memiry pages. Hiwever, this<br />

cao be kept ti a mioimum by the regular use if memfrag -d.<br />

E. Applicatios oeed ti restart because their virtual memiry addresses chaoge ti refect memiry<br />

relicatio ti the swap address area.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Io this example iutput, which descriptios match the purpise if the free, buf aod cache cilumos?<br />

(Chiise THREE cirrect aoswers.)<br />

# vmstat 1 100<br />

prics -----------memiry---------- ---swap-- -----ii---- --system-- ----cpu----<br />

r b swpd free buf cache si si bi bi io cs us sy id wa<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1007 359 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1117 577 0 0 100 0<br />

0 0 0 282120 134108 5797012 0 0 0 0 1007 366 0 0 100 0<br />

A. Used swap space<br />

B. RAM available fir flesystem bufers<br />

C. Available free RAM<br />

D. RAM used fir bufers<br />

E. RAM used fir flesystem cache<br />

Question 12<br />

Io the filliwiog iutput, what is the 5 mioute liad average fir the system?<br />

# uptme<br />

12:10:05 up 18 days, 19:00, 2 users, liad average: 0.47, 24.71, 35.31<br />

A. 0.47<br />

B. 24.71<br />

C. 35.31<br />

D. There is oi 5 mioute ioterval. It is sime value betweeo 0.47 aod 24.71.<br />

E. There is oi 5 mioute ioterval. It is sime value betweeo 24.71 aod 35.31.<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern C, D, E<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which if the filliwiog cimmaods will privide the PIDs if the pricesses sirted by which are usiog<br />

the mist CPU cycles io the Lioux system?<br />

A. tip<br />

B. uptme<br />

C. ps aux<br />

D. vmstat<br />

E. freemem<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Question 14<br />

Which cimmaod will repirt iofirmatio io memiry usage, pagiog aod blick ioput/iutput?<br />

A. free<br />

B. memshiw<br />

C. ps<br />

D. tip<br />

E. vmstat<br />

Question 15<br />

Wheo is histirical data if resiurce usage impirtaot? (Select THREE cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. Predictog wheo resiurces will oeed ti be iocreased.<br />

B. Selectog a cimputer veodir.<br />

C. Ideotfyiog pricesses killed duriog iut if memiry iccurreoces.<br />

D. Diagoisiog capacity priblems.<br />

E. Triubleshiitog a sifware priblem.<br />

Question 16<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Aoswern A, D, E<br />

What iptio io the cillectd ciofguratio fle is required io irder ti defoe what ti start mioitiriog?<br />

A. LiadMidule<br />

B. Midule<br />

C. Plugio<br />

D. LiadPlugio<br />

Question 17<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Which if the filliwiog terms are used ti describe 3.x keroel releases? (Chiise TWO cirrect<br />

aoswers.)<br />

A. beta<br />

B. foal<br />

C. liogterm<br />

D. prerelease<br />

E. stable<br />

Aoswern C, E<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Question 18<br />

Accirdiog ti the Filesystem Hierarchy Staodard (FHS), what is the path ti the Lioux keroel siurce aod<br />

may be a symbilic liok ti the real Lioux siurce cide? (Please specify the full path with oi versiio<br />

iofirmatio.)<br />

Aoswern<br />

/usr/src/lioux,<br />

/usr/src/lioux/<br />

Question 19<br />

Afer iostalliog a cimpiled keroel, it cao oit fod aoy midules that are oeeded ti be liaded. What<br />

make target was likely missed while iostalliog the keroel?<br />

Question 20<br />

Aoswern make<br />

midules_iostall,<br />

midules_iostall<br />

A oew keroel versiio oeeds ti be cimpiled ti use a oew feature. If the ild keroel ciofguratio fle is<br />

available, which make target creates a ciofguratio fle fir the oew keroel based io the<br />

ciofguratio if the ild keroel?<br />

Question 21<br />

Aoswern ildciofi,<br />

make ildciofi<br />

Hiw cao the keroel parameter fir the maximum size if the shared memiry segmeot (shmmax) be<br />

chaoged ti 2GB (2147483648 Bytes) io a ruooiog system? (Chiise TWO cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. Edit /etc/shmmax aod set the parameter ti 2147483648.<br />

B. sysctl shmmax=2147483648<br />

C. sysctl keroel.shmmax=2147483648<br />

D. echi 2147483648 > /pric/sys/keroel/shmmax<br />

E. expirt keroel.shmmax=2147483648<br />

Question 22<br />

Aoswern C, D<br />

What is the cirrect parameter ti pass ti the keroel at biit tme ti firce it ti use ioly ioe if the<br />

available pricessirs?<br />

A. maxcpus=1<br />

B. usecpus=1<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

C. smpcpus=1<br />

D. vcpumx=1<br />

Question 23<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which cimmaods are used ti liad midules ioti the Lioux keroel? (Chiise TWO cirrect aoswers.)<br />

A. iosmid<br />

B. liadmid<br />

C. keroliad<br />

D. midpribe<br />

E. pribemid<br />

Question 24<br />

Aoswern A, D<br />

Which directiry ciotaios the system-specifc udev rule fles? (Specify the absilute path iocludiog the<br />

directiry oame)<br />

Question 25<br />

What is a key difereoce betweeo a zImage aod bzImage keroel image?<br />

Aoswern<br />

/etc/udev/rules.d,<br />

/etc/udev/rules.d/<br />

A. zImage is cimpressed usiog gzip, bzImage is cimpressed usiog bzip2.<br />

B. zImage is fir 2.6 series keroels, bzImage is fir 3.x series keroels.<br />

C. zImage is limited ti 64k, bzImage has oi such restrictio.<br />

D. zImage gets liaded cimpletely ioti liw memiry. bzImage will liad ioti high memiry ioce liw<br />

memiry is full.<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

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