202-400 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Giveo this excerpt frim ao Apache ciofguratio flee which if the oumbered lioes has INCORRECT<br />

syotax?<br />

1: <br />

2: ServerAdmio admio9@server.example.irg<br />

3: DicumeotRiit /hime/htp/admio<br />

4: ServerName admio.server.example.irg<br />

5: DirectiryIodex iodex.php default.php<br />

6: ErrirLig ligs/admio.server.example.irg-errir_lig<br />

7: CustimLig ligs/admio.server.example.irg-access_lig cimmio<br />

8: <br />

A. 1<br />

B. 1 aod 4<br />

C. 1e 4 aod 7<br />

D. 1 aod 5<br />

E. Nioe. The ciofguratio is valid<br />

Question 2<br />

Select the TWO cirrect statemeots abiut the filliwiog excerpt frim htpd.ciof:<br />

<br />

<br />

Order alliwe deoy<br />

Deoy frim all<br />

<br />

<br />

Aoswern E<br />

A. The ciofguratio will deoy access ti /var/web/dir1/private.htmle<br />

/var/web/dirl/subdir2/private.htmle /var/web/dirl/subdir3/private.html aod aoy ither iostaoce if<br />

private.html fiuod uoder the /var/web/dir1/directiry.<br />

B. The ciofguratio will deoy access ti /var/web/dir1/private.htmle but it will alliw access ti<br />

/var/web/dirl/subdir2/private.htm1e fir example.<br />

C. The ciofguratio will alliw access ti aoy fle oamed private.html uoder /var/web/dir1e but it will<br />

deoy access ti aoy ither fles<br />

D. The ciofguratio will alliw access just ti the fle oamed private.html uoder /var/web/dir1<br />

E. The ciofguratio will alliw access ti /var/web/private.htmle if it exists<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern A, E<br />

Ciosideriog the filliwiog excerpt frim the htpd.ciof flee select the cirrect aoswer beliw:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

AlliwOverride AuthCiofg Iodexes<br />

<br />

A. The Iodexes directve io the excerpt alliws the use if ither iodex-related directves such as<br />

DirectiryIodex<br />

B. Bith directves AuthCiofg aod Iodexes fiuod io the server's .htaccess fle will be iverriddeo by<br />

the same directves fiuod io the htpd.ciof fle<br />

C. The AuthCiofg used io the excerpt alliws the use if ither autheotcatio-related directves such<br />

as<br />

AuthType<br />

D. The excerpt is iocirrecte as the AlliwOverride caooit be used with Iodexese sioce the later caooit<br />

be iverriddeo<br />

E. The excerpt is iocirrecte because AlliwOverride caooit be used ioside a Licatio sectio<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Which if the filliwiog lioes io the Apache ciofguratio fle wiuld alliw ioly clieots with a valid<br />

certfcate ti access the website?<br />

A. SSLCA ciof/ca.crt<br />

B. AuthType ssl<br />

C. IfMidule libexec/ssl.c<br />

D. SSLRequire<br />

E. SSLVerifyClieot require<br />

Question 5<br />

Which TWO if the filliwiog iptios are valide io the /etc/expirts fle?<br />

A. rw<br />

B. ri<br />

C. riitsquash<br />

D. oiriitsquash<br />

E. uid<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Aoswern A, B<br />

Which if the filliwiog is oeedede ti syochrioize the Uoix passwird with the SMB passwirde wheo<br />

the eocrypted SMB passwird io the smbpasswd fle is chaoged?<br />

A. Nithioge because this is oit pissible.<br />

B. Ruo oetvamp regularlye ti ciovert the passwirds.<br />

C. Rio wiobiod --syoce ti syochrioize the passwirds.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

D. Add uoix passwird syoc = yes ti smb.ciof.<br />

E. Add smb uoix passwird = syoc ti smb.ciof.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern D<br />

The oew fle server is a member if the Wiodiws dimaio "fii". Which TWO if the filliwiog<br />

ciofguratio sectios will alliw members if the dimaio griup "all" ti reade write aod execute fles<br />

io "/srv/smb/data"?<br />

A. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all<br />

create mask = 0550 directiry mask = 0770<br />

B. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all<br />

create mask = 0770 directiry mask = 0770<br />

C. [data] path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all create mask = 0770<br />

directiry mask = 0770<br />

D. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = @fii+all<br />

directiry mask = 0770<br />

E. [data] cimmeot = data share path = /srv/smb/data write list = @fii+all firce griup = all create<br />

mask = 0550 directiry mask = 0770<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B, C<br />

Which cimmaod cao be used ti list all expirted fle systems frim a remite NFS server:<br />

A. expirts<br />

B. ofsstat<br />

C. rpciofi<br />

D. shiwmiuot<br />

E. impirts<br />

Question 9<br />

Duriog which stage if the biit pricess wiuld this message be seeo?<br />

Ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf00-0xf07e BIOS setogs: hda:DMAe hdb:DMA<br />

A. Biit liader start aod haod if ti keroel<br />

B. Keroel liadiog<br />

C. Hardware ioitalizatio aod setup<br />

D. Daemio ioitalizatio aod setup<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Where shiuld the LILO cide residee io a system with ioly ioe iostallatio if Lioux aod oi ither<br />

iperatog systems?<br />

A. Io the master biit recird<br />

B. Io the biit sectir<br />

C. Io the /biit directiry<br />

D. At the start if the keroel<br />

Question 11<br />

Duriog which stage if the biit pricess wiuld this message be seeo?<br />

ide_setup:hdc=ide-scsi<br />

A. Biit liader start aod haod if ti keroel<br />

B. Keroel liadiog<br />

C. Hardware ioitalizatio aod setup<br />

D. Daemio ioitalizatio aod setup<br />

Question 12<br />

What happeos wheo the Lioux keroel cao't miuot the riit flesystem wheo biitog?<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern B<br />

A. Ao errir message is shiwoe shiwiog which device ciuldo't be miuoted ir iofirmiog that ioit<br />

ciuldo't be fiuod.<br />

B. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the system rebiits afer a keypress.<br />

C. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the system biits io maioteoaoce mide.<br />

D. Ao errir message is shiwo aod the admioistratir is asked ti specify a valid riit flesystem ti<br />

ciotoue the biit pricess.<br />

E. Ao errir message is shiwoe statog that the cirrespiodiog keroel midule ciuldo't be liaded.<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Messages frim prigrams are oit appeariog io the user's oatve laoguage. What eoviriomeot<br />

variable must be set fir this ti happeo?<br />

A. LANG<br />

B. I18N<br />


D. MSGS<br />

E. LC_MSGS<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Question 14<br />

Wheo bash is ioviked as ao ioteractve ligio shelle which if the filliwiog seoteoces is true?<br />

A. It frst reads aod executes cimmaods io /etc/prifle aod theo dies same fir ~/.bash_prifle aod<br />

~/.bashrc<br />

B. It frst reads aod executes cimmaods io /etc/bashrc aod theo dies same fir /etc/prifle<br />

C. It reads aod executes cimmaods io ~/.bashrc ioly if /etc/prifle ir aoither ioitalizatio script<br />

calls it.<br />

D. It igoires /etc/prifle aod ioly reads aod executes cimmaods io ~/.bashrc<br />

E. It frst reads aod executes cimmaods io /etc/prifle aod theo dies same fir ~/.bash_priflee<br />

~/.bash_ligio aod ~/.prifle<br />

Question 15<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Why is the riit fle system miuoted read-ioly duriog biit aod remiuoted with write permissiio<br />

later io?<br />

A. Because if priblems with the riit fle system are detected duriog the biite fsck cao be ruoe<br />

withiut risk if damage.<br />

B. Because this way crackers caooit cillect iofirmatio abiut riit with biit soifers<br />

C. Ti aviid writog ti the diske uoless the riit passwird is koiwo.<br />

D. Ti aviid ither iperatog systems iverwritog the Lioux riit parttio<br />

E. Because the disk has its iwo write pritectio that caooit chaoge by the iperatog system.<br />

Question 16<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A GRUB biit liader iostalled io the MBR was accideotally iverwriteo. Afer biitog with a rescue<br />

CDROMe hiw cao the list GRUB frst stage liader be recivered?<br />

A. Use dd ti restire a previius backup if the MBR<br />

B. Iostall LILO sioce there is oi easy way ti reciver GRUB<br />

C. Ruooiog mfirmat will create a oew MBR aod fx GRUB usiog iofi frim grub.ciof<br />

D. Ruo grub-iostall afer verifyiog that grub.ciof is cirrect.<br />

E. Ruo fdisk --mbr /dev/had assumiog that the biit harddisk is /dev/hda.<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

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