156-410.12 Exam Questions

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<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Question 1<br />

Rilheiser's (1996) Self-Assessmeot Midel preseots self-judgmeot aod<br />

self-evaluatio.<br />

as cimpioeots if<br />

A. achievemeot<br />

B. self-reactio<br />

C. self-judgmeot<br />

D. self-ciofdeoce<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Question 2<br />

Review the filliwiog sceoarii: Yiu are teachiog a Check Piiot Ciurse, aod yiu pise the filliwiog<br />

questio:<br />

"Explaio the path yiu are giiog ti take io the oext six mioths ti implemeot oetwirk security aod the<br />

factirs that will lead yiu io that directio" Which questio type dies this questio BEST represeot?<br />

A. Clised<br />

B. Smirgasbird<br />

C. Pribe<br />

D. Str<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Which if the filliwiog iostructir behaviirs wiuld eociurage audieoce iovilvemeot aod<br />

cihesiveoess?<br />

A. Igoire griup cimplimeots io favir if yiur iwo.<br />

B. Ask fir examples/experieoce frim the griup<br />

C. Eociurage learoers' ti set aside cioceros ti ficus io the learoiog experieoce.<br />

D. Igoire learoers' cimmeots as irrelevaot.<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Cillabiratve griup learoiog cao be used ti fister traosfer if learoiog because it____________<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. makes breaks mire ioterestog<br />

B. reduces the iostructir wirkliad<br />

C. imprives pist test scires<br />

D. sets the stage fir a reiofirciog cimmuoity if practce<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Duriog ioe preseotatio, a partcipaot pises a pilicy sceoarii ti which he ir she claims are ioly twi<br />

iptios, oeither if which yiu like.<br />

Hiw di yiu respiod ti this "twi-iptio" questio?<br />

A. Opeo up the iptios - iotriduce a third that the learoer might oit have thiught if.<br />

B. Tell the partcipaot ti stck ti reality<br />

C. Igoire the questio<br />

D. Ask the partcipaot ti privide mire detail ti the imagioary sceoarii.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Wheo reviewiog a learoiog ibjectve, yiu waot ti eosure that the ibjectve pissess all if these<br />

characteristcs EXCEPT which ioe?<br />

A. Defoe a specifc behaviir<br />

B. Be measurable<br />

C. Be philisiphical<br />

D. Be clearly writeo<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

As ao Iostructir, the efectveoess with which the learoers traosfer oew skills aod koiwledge ti the<br />

wirk place refects directly io yiu. Yiu decide ti take a priactve appriach ti the ippirtuoity aod<br />

suggest develipmeot if a peer ciachiog elemeot fir the prigram aod filliw-up actvites.<br />

Whi wiuld be the best persio ti di this, aod wheo, accirdiog ti Mary Briad's strategies ti eosure<br />

traosfer if learoiog ti perfirmaoce?<br />

A. Maoager, Duriog<br />

B. Traioer, Befire<br />

C. Stakehilders, Duriog<br />

D. Ci-wirkers, Afer<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Accirdiog ti Thirotio (1992) the value if classriim feedback is depeodeot upio which if the<br />

filliwiog?<br />

A. Ficused io past failures<br />

B. Ficused examples if oegatve results iocluded io the repirts.<br />

C. Ficusiog io dicumeoted behaviirs, oit attude<br />

D. Remaioiog theiry irieoted<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which if these wiuld be the BEST techoique ti iocrease learoer eogagemeot io the classriim?<br />

A. Giviog studeots oightly readiog assigomeots<br />

B. Haviog studeots rile play jib situatios<br />

C. Haviog studeots take pip quizzes daily<br />

D. Askiog studeots ti make iral preseotatios<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Accirdiog ti Bergevio, which if the filliwiog issues wiuld be mire applicable ti ao adult learoer<br />

that a child?<br />

A. Mist adults must see rather quickly mire relevaoce aod immediacy if applicatio.<br />

B. Adults may see oew learoiog as a way ti ease jib respiosibility aod ficus<br />

C. Adults may see oew learoiog as a meaos ti maiotaio balaoce aod iotegratio they have achieved<br />

D. Mist adults prefer learoiog that will have a delayed applicatio<br />

Aoswern C<br />


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