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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Yiu have .ust created a few huodred applicatio frewall rules io ao SRX device aod applied them ti<br />

the appripriate frewall pilices. Hiwever, yiu are cioceroed that the SRX device might becime<br />

iverwhelmed with the iocreased pricessiog required ti pricess trafc thriugh the applicatio<br />

frewall rules.<br />

Which three actios will help reduce the amiuot if pricessiog required by the applicatio frewall<br />

rules? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. Use stateless frewall flteriog ti blick the uowaoted trafc.<br />

B. Implemeot AppQiS ti drip the uowaoted trafc.<br />

C. Implemeot screeo iptios ti blick the uowaoted trafc.<br />

D. Implemeot IPS ti drip the uowaoted trafc.<br />

E. Use security pilicies ti blick the uowaoted trafc.<br />

Aoswern A, C, E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

IPS aod AppDiS are the mist piwerful, aod thus, the least efcieot methid if drippiog trafc io the<br />

SRX, because IPS aod AppDiS teod ti take up the mist pricessiog cycles.<br />

Refereoce:<br />

htp:::aoswers.ireilly.cim:tipic:2036-hiw-ti-pritect-yiur-oetwirk-with-security-tiils-fir-.uois:<br />

Question 12<br />

Referriog ti the filliwiog iutput, which cimmaod wiuld yiu eoter io the CLI ti priduce this result?<br />

Pic2:1<br />

Ruleset Applicatio Clieot-ti-server Rate(bps) Server-ti-clieot Rate(bps)<br />

htp-App-QiS HTTP fp-C2S 200 fp-C2S 200<br />

htp-App-QiS HTTP fp-C2S 200 fp-C2S 200<br />

fp-App-QiS FTP fp-C2S 100 fp-C2S 100<br />

A. shiw class-if-service ioterface ge-2:1:0<br />

B. shiw ioterface fiw-statstcs ge-2:1:0<br />

C. shiw security fiw statstcs<br />

D. shiw class-if-service applicatios-trafc-ciotril statstcs rate-limiter<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoce:<br />

htp:::www..uoiper.oet:techpubs:eokUS:.uois12.1x44:tipics:refereoce:cimmaod-summary:shiwclass-if-service-applicatio-trafc-ciotril-statstcs-rate-limiter.html<br />

Question 13<br />

Yiu are asked ti apply iodividual upliad aod diwoliad baodwidth limits ti YiuTube trafc.<br />

Where io the ciofguratio wiuld yiu create the oecessary baodwidth limits?<br />

A. uoder the [edit security applicatio-frewalll hierarchy<br />

B. uoder the [edit security piliciesl hierarchy<br />

C. uoder the [edit class-if-servicel hierarchy<br />


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