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Hylians<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: every one of your ability scores<br />

increases by 1, except for two of your choice which increase<br />

by 2.<br />

Size: Hylians are comparable to humans of slender but tall<br />

build. They tend to be around six feet tall, and weigh around<br />

115 pounds. They have less sexual dimorphism than true<br />

humans, and tend towards mild androgyny. You size is<br />

medium<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

Chosen of the Goddesses: You can cast one clerical cantrip<br />

in addition to any spells you may otherwise know. Wisdom is<br />

your casting ability for this cantrip.<br />

Languages: You can speak Hyrulian and one other language of<br />

your choice.<br />

Gorons<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Constitution score increases by 2.<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 20 feet<br />

Damage Immunities: You are immune to poison and necrotic damage.<br />

Damage Vulnerabilities: You are vulnerable to thunder and acid damage.<br />

Fireborn or Iceborn: You are immune to either fire or ice based damage, but vulnerable to<br />

the damage type you did not select for immunity.<br />

Stone Skin: You count as a construct for the purposes of calculating damage, do not need<br />

to breathe, and sink in water.<br />

Stone Eyes: You have blindsight to a range of thirty feet, and tremorsense to within sixty<br />

feet, but cannot otherwise see. You cannot distinguish colour or shades in any way, and as a<br />

result cannot discern ink on parchment or similar. You can see heat sources, the reflection of<br />

heat, and via echolocation.<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all Charisma<br />

(Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with gorons.<br />

Earthed: gorons cannot ever cast spells or be psionic.<br />

Languages: You can speak Hyrulian and Gorhua.<br />

Pick a subrace from the list below:<br />

Subraces<br />

• Brother<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Strength score increases by 1.<br />

Size: Brother gorons are rotund humanoids of varying height, made of igneous stone<br />

with silicon circuitry providing their nervous system. They can be anywhere between<br />

five and seven feet tall, and weigh between 450 to 700 pounds. Your size is Medium<br />

Custom Plate: You can only wear armour made for gorons, which costs half again<br />

as much as normal armour.<br />

Clumsy: You have disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) and initiative rolls, as well<br />

as all dexterity saves.<br />

• Father<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Strength score increases by 2.<br />

Size: Father Gorons are extremely tall and wide, but are otherwise similar to Brother<br />

Gorons. They are between ten and fourteen feet tall, and can weigh up to 3000<br />

pounds. Your size is large<br />


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Custom Plate: You can only wear armour made for you, which costs twice as much<br />

as normal armour.<br />

Oaf: You automatically fail all Dexterity (Stealth) tests and go last in the initiative<br />

order. You cannot use your dexterity bonus to increase your AC. You automatically<br />

fail all dexterity saves.<br />

Massive: Your health is increased as if you had the toughness feat. This does not<br />

stop you from also taking the feat.<br />

Zora<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Charisma score<br />

increases by 1.<br />

Size: Zora are slender and elegant creatures, but not especially tall. They tend to be<br />

between four and a half and five and a half feet, and weigh around one hundred pounds.<br />

Your size is Medium<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

Subaquatic: You can breathe underwater, and have a swimming speed equal to double<br />

your walking speed. You also have proficiency on all Widsom (Survival) rolls involving water.<br />

Damage resistances: You are immune to ice damage, and can be frozen alive without<br />

suffering in any way. You are also resistant to lightning damage.<br />

Damage vulnerabilities: You are vulnerable to fire damage and poison damage.<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all Charisma<br />

(Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with zora.<br />

Electroshock: You can attempt to discharge your bioelectric pouches at any time as an<br />

attack, as if it were a weapon you had equipped. Every creature within melee range must<br />

make a DC 10+(your dex modifier) dexterity check or take d6 lightning damage, increasing<br />

to d8 at level 6, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 14. Underwater this counts as a reach<br />

weapon.<br />

Languages: You can speak Hyrulian and Piscian.<br />

Dry Drowning: Every eight hours zora go without drinking a significant quantity of water,<br />

they accrue a level of fatigue. Their fatigue does not reset until they can immerse<br />

themselves in water.<br />

Humans<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.<br />

Size: Humans are utterly conventional. They are around five and a half feet tall, and weigh<br />

around one hundred and thirty pounds. Your size is Medium<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

Practical Skills: You may select an additional feat at character creation.<br />

Languages: You can speak Hyrulian.<br />

Gerudo<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma<br />

increases by 1.<br />

Size: Gerudo have extremely similar physiologies to hylians, but have much more<br />

pronounced gender characteristics, similar to those of humans. They can only be female,<br />

male gerudo are not playable without exceptional reasons. Your size is Medium<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 40 feet<br />

Desert dweller: Gerudo have advantage on all survival checks involving deserts or arid<br />

terrain. They automatically have proficiency in the animal handling skill.<br />

Cursed to one: You cannot be charmed or mentally dominated in any way. You have<br />

advantage on rolls to discern illusions of all types.<br />

Languages: You can speak Takalmma and one other language of your choice.<br />


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Choose a caste:<br />

• Warrior: You have proficiency in light armour, all bows, slings, daggers, glaives and<br />

the scimitar.<br />

• Priest: You have proficiency in the Intelligence(Religion) skill. You can cast one<br />

clerical cantrip in addition to any spells you may otherwise know. Wisdom is your<br />

casting ability for this cantrip.<br />

Hegrud<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Charisma score increases by 2 and any other two scores<br />

increases by 1.<br />

Size: Hegrud are physically almost identical to gerudo, only paler. They can be male. Your<br />

size is Medium.<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet<br />

Lingering curse: You have advantage on any saving throws against being charmed or<br />

otherwise mind controlled.<br />

Relics of choice: You can cast one clerical cantrip in addition to any spells you may<br />

otherwise know. Wisdom is your casting ability for this cantrip.<br />

Languages: You can speak both Takalmma and Hyrulian.<br />

Sheikah<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence<br />

increases by 1.<br />

Size: Except for their blood-red irises, there is no physical difference between a sheikah and<br />

a hylian. Your size is medium<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 40 feet<br />

Shadow dweller: Sheikah automatically have proficiency in blowguns, darts, hand and light<br />

crossbows, and daggers. They also have proficiency in the Dexterity (Stealth) and sleight of<br />

hand skills.<br />

Darkvision: You can see in dim light if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim<br />

light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.<br />

Devilproofed: You cannot be charmed or mentally dominated in any way. You have<br />

advantage on rolls to discern illusions of all types.<br />

Languages: You can speak Hyrulian and any two other languages, as well as the secret<br />

sheikah language of Serpentine.<br />

Kokiri<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your dexterity increases by 1<br />

Size: Forester kokiri appear to be hylian children. Almost. There’s always a little error,<br />

usually their eyes. Lost One kokiri on the other hand, look to be made of wood, twisting vines<br />

emulating the size and shape of a child. They don’t blink enough. Your size is small.<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Damage vulnerabilities: You are vulnerable to fire damage.<br />

Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size or more<br />

larger than yours.<br />

Blessed: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll<br />

the die and must use the new roll.<br />

Forest folk: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage,<br />

heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. You have a bonus equal to<br />

your proficiency bonus in all survival checks in woods, forests and jungles.<br />


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Languages: You can speak the Fae Tongue, Boko, and Hyrulian.<br />

Choose one of the following subraces:<br />

• Forester<br />

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1<br />

Fae: You are permanently accompanied by a sprite, as per the monster manual<br />

entry. The sprite’s personality and history are entirely up to the player of the kokiri,<br />

and the pair are bonded for life. The kokiri player controls the sprite’s actions as a<br />

second character. At level four this sprite switches its profile for any CR1 faerie<br />

dragon, and at level 8 it switches its profile for that of any CR 2 faerie dragon. At level<br />

16 the profile switches to that of a flame skull. The appearance and personality of the<br />

companion does not change as a result of its profile changes.<br />

• Lost One<br />

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.<br />

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you must make a<br />

Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 +(the damage taken divided by your level),<br />

unless the damage is radiant, fire, or from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1<br />

hit point instead.<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all<br />

Charisma (Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with Lost Ones.<br />

Luring song: You have proficiency in perform checks.<br />

Tick Tock: You have proficiency in intimidate checks.<br />

Zola<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution<br />

score increases by 1.<br />

Size: Zola are large, muscular, brutish creatures, closer perhaps to a crocodile than a fish.<br />

They are around six to eight feet tall, and weigh around three hundred pounds. Your size is<br />

medium<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Damage resistances: You are immune to ice damage, and can be frozen alive without<br />

suffering in any way. You are also resistant to fire damage.<br />

Damage vulnerabilities: You are vulnerable to lightning damage and poison damage.<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all Charisma<br />

(Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with zola.<br />

Subaquatic: You can breathe underwater, and have a swimming speed equal to double<br />

your walking speed. You also have proficiency on all survival checks involving water.<br />

Fire breath: You can shoot small fireballs from your mouth through use of your flammable<br />

bile. You are always equipped with the following weapon.<br />

Fire breath d6 fire Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)<br />

The damage increases to d8 at level 6, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 14.<br />

Feral: You cannot read. However you gain access to the ranger class feature Natural<br />

Explorer. You cannot pick additional favoured terrain unless you would be granted it by a<br />

source other than Feral. You have proficiency in all survival checks in your favoured terrain,<br />

as well as proficiency with all social rolls with animals native to your favoured terrain. If you<br />

would have Natural Explorer from another source as well, you may pick an additional<br />

favoured terrain.<br />

Languages: You can speak Zola, and Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

Darknuts<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution<br />

score increases by 1.<br />


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Size: Darknuts are tall, well-built creatures. Their bodies appear human, except for the fine<br />

fur that covers their skin, and their canine heads. They tend to be between six and seven<br />

feet tall, and weigh around two hundred pounds. Your size is medium.<br />

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all Charisma<br />

(Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with darknuts.<br />

Keen Scent: You have a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus on any wisdom(perception)<br />

checks involving smell.<br />

Masters of the Blade: You can wield any melee weapon in one hand. You have proficiency<br />

with all melee weapons.<br />

Thundering tread: You have proficiency with all armour and shields. Armour and weapons<br />

are half-price for you at character creation.<br />

Languages: You can speak Setian and either Hyrulian or Takalmma.<br />

Note: Darknuts should avoid using any ranged weapons (unless hunting game) and casting<br />

arcane spells. Such things are unthinkable to darknuts raised in their own culture.<br />

Alifos<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Constitution increases by 1<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all Charisma<br />

(Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with your species of alifos.<br />

Cold Blooded: You do not build fatigue in hot environments such as deserts and jungles,<br />

but build it at twice the normal rate in cold environments such as mountains and tundra.<br />

Temperate environments have no effect. Rests in cold environments or at night do not<br />

prevent fatigue gain unless you have a source of heat.<br />

Feral (except subrosians, zuna, and tokay): You cannot read. However you gain access<br />

to the ranger class feature Natural Explorer. You cannot pick additional favoured terrain<br />

unless you would be granted it by a source other than Feral. You have proficiency in all<br />

survival checks in your favoured terrain, as well as proficiency with all social rolls with<br />

animals native to your favoured terrain. If you would have Natural Explorer from another<br />

source as well, you may pick an additional favoured terrain.<br />

Clawed and fanged (except subrosians, zuna, and tokay): Your unarmed attacks<br />

become versatile. If you use them as a two-handed weapon they do d6 damage (slashing or<br />

piercing, your choice), increasing to d8 at level 6, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 14. You<br />

have proficiency with unarmed attacks.<br />

Pick one of the Following subraces.<br />

• Dinolfos/Geru/Daira<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Strength and Constitution increase by 1<br />

Size: These are the largest alifos known to exist, although some do theorise that<br />

dragons and zola are somehow related to the genus. They tend to be around seven<br />

feet tall, and weigh around two hundred pounds. Your size is medium.<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

Weapons of Slaughter: You have proficiency with mauls, morningstars, and all<br />

axes.<br />

Feral: You cannot read. However you gain access to the ranger class feature Natural<br />

Explorer. You cannot pick additional favoured terrain unless you would be granted it<br />

by a source other than Feral. You have proficiency in all survival checks in your<br />

favoured terrain, as well as proficiency with all social rolls with animals native to your<br />

favoured terrain. If you would have Natural Explorer from another source as well, you<br />

may pick an additional favoured terrain.<br />

Clawed and fanged: Your unarmed attacks become versatile. If you use them as a<br />

two-handed weapon they do d6 damage (slashing or piercing, your choice),<br />

increasing to d8 at level 6, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 14. You have proficiency<br />

with unarmed attacks.<br />

Languages: You can speak Saurian, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />


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• Elemental (Lizalfos)<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Constitution increases by 1<br />

Size: Lizalfos are around the height of a human or hylian, although more solidly built.<br />

They are between five and six feet tall and weigh around one hundred and fifty<br />

pounds. Your size is medium.<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 35 feet<br />

Adaptable: Each long rest, pick a damage type pair and a type(s) from that pair.<br />

Fire/ice, radiant/necrotic, lightning/psychic, acid/poison, or<br />

bludgeoning+thunder+force/slashing+piercing. You are resistant to the damage<br />

type(s) you choose, but vulnerable to the other damage type(s) in the pair.<br />

If you choose to be resistant to ice damage then the effects of biomes on your<br />

cold blood are reversed.<br />

Languages: You can speak Saurian, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

• Chameleonic (Lizalfos)<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Constitution increases by 1<br />

Size: Lizalfos are around the height of a human or hylian, although more solidly built.<br />

They are between five and six feet tall and weigh around one hundred and fifty<br />

pounds. Your size is medium.<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 35 feet<br />

Shifting Skin: You have proficiency in Dexterity (Stealth).<br />

Languages: You can speak Saurian, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

• Aeralfos<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Dexterity increases by 1<br />

Size: Aeralfos are by far the lightest and slightest of the military-minded alifos races,<br />

being between four and a half and five and a half feet tall, and weighing around one<br />

hundred and twenty pounds. Your size is medium.<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 35 feet<br />

Limited Flight: You can swoop for short periods of time. You may move as if you<br />

were flying, but must end your move in contact with the ground or suffer appropriate<br />

falling damage. You also do not take falling damage whilst conscious and<br />

unrestricted unless due to the previous effects of this rule. At level seven you instead<br />

gain a flight speed of 40 feet.<br />

Languages: You can speak Saurian, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

• Zuna<br />

Size: Zuna are diminutive creatures, of slight build and small stature, with quite<br />

spindly hands to facilitate fine work. They tend to be around three or four feet tall,<br />

and weigh around eighty pounds. Your size is small.<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Dexterity score increases by 2<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Artisan: you automatically have advantage and proficiency on any rolls involving<br />

operating or constructing devices or equipment, as well as proficiency with all<br />

crossbows and all types of artisan’s tools.<br />

Languages: You can speak Vordic and Setian, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

• Subrosian<br />

Size: Subrosians are small but broad, built like small reptilian boulders. They’re<br />

around three and a half feet tall, and weigh one hundred pounds. Your size is small<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Constitution score increases by 1<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Runic skin: You are immune to fire and ice damage.<br />

Harvester: You cannot accrue fatigue for any reason, and cannot sleep. Whenever<br />

you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are<br />

considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the<br />

check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. You are proficient with masons’<br />

tools.<br />


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Languages: You can speak Rosara, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

Notes: A militaristic subrosian is often known by the title of Garo.<br />

• Tokay<br />

Size: Tokay are of similar size and build to zuna, although often with bulging bellies<br />

full of food. Your size is small<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Charisma score increases by 2<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Hedonist: You have resistance to poison damage, and have advantage on saving<br />

throws against any mental effect you deem negative.<br />

Languages: Hyrulian<br />

Goblins<br />

Feral: You cannot read. However you gain access to the ranger class feature Natural<br />

Explorer. You cannot pick additional favoured terrain unless you would be granted it by a<br />

source other than Feral. You have proficiency in all survival checks in your favoured terrain,<br />

as well as proficiency with all social rolls with animals native to your favoured terrain. If you<br />

would have Natural Explorer from another source as well, you may pick an additional<br />

favoured terrain.<br />

Clawed and fanged: Your unarmed attacks become versatile. If you use them as a twohanded<br />

weapon they do d6 damage (slashing or piercing, your choice), increasing to d8 at<br />

level 6, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 14. You have proficiency with unarmed attacks.<br />

Tribal Conflict: You have proficiency with all clubs, shortbows, improvised weapons,<br />

spears, and general polearms.<br />

Alien: You have advantage on all Charisma (Bluff) rolls and disadvantage on all Charisma<br />

(Persuasion) rolls when dealing with people unfamiliar with your species.<br />

Languages: You can speak Blinnic, plus Hyrulian if you wish.<br />

Pick one of the Following subraces.<br />

• Bokoblin/Bulblin<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Wisdom, Dexterity and Constitution increase by 1.<br />

Size: Rangy, spindly creatures these goblins are. They stand around five feet tall,<br />

and weigh around one hundred and ten pounds. They’d be taller if they’d just stand<br />

straight! Your size is medium<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

• Miniblin<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Dexterity increases by 2 and your charisma<br />

increases by 1<br />

Size: Small, vicious creatures, the Miniblin are around three feet tall and weigh<br />

around sixty pounds. Your size is small<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger<br />

than yours.<br />

• Moblin<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your strength, constitution, and wisdom increase by 1<br />

Size: Tall, muscular creatures with piggy little eyes. That’s how people describe<br />

moblin. They can be from five to seven feet tall, and weigh between one hundred and<br />

one hundred and eighty pounds. Your size is medium<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

• Megablin/Hinox<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your strength and constitution increase by 2, but your<br />

base intelligence and wisdom cannot ever be higher than 10.<br />


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Scrubs<br />

Size: Mother of all things… these goblins are enormous! Megablin and Hinox can be<br />

anywhere from ten to sixteen feet tall, and weigh from four hundred to one thousand<br />

pounds. Your size is large<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 30 feet<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your Constitution score increases by 1<br />

Size: Deku scrubs are small, plant-based creatures, with skin of bark and hair of leaves.<br />

Luckily they don’t look human enough to scare people like Lost Ones do. They must rely on<br />

their violent tendencies for that… They tend to be around two or three feet tall, and weigh<br />

around sixty pounds. Your size is small<br />

Speed: your base walking speed is 25 feet<br />

Damage vulnerabilities: You are vulnerable to fire damage.<br />

Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than<br />

yours.<br />

Forest folk: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage,<br />

heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. You have a bonus equal to<br />

your proficiency bonus in all survival checks in woods, forests and jungles.<br />

Expectorate: You can shoot large seeds from your mouth through use of rapid expansion of<br />

air pockets. You are always equipped with the following weapon.<br />

Expectorate 1d6 bludgeoning Finesse, thrown (range 30/90)<br />

The damage increases by increasing to d8 at level 6, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 14.<br />

Photosynthesize: You count short rests as long rests as long rests, as long you have<br />

access to a supply of water, soil, and sunlight. However if you do not have access to these<br />

things you cannot gain the benefits of a long rest, with the exception of reducing your fatigue<br />

as normal.<br />

Feral: You cannot read. However you gain access to the ranger class feature Natural<br />

Explorer. You cannot pick additional favoured terrain unless you would be granted it by a<br />

source other than Feral. You have proficiency in all survival checks in your favoured terrain,<br />

as well as proficiency with all social rolls with animals native to your favoured terrain. If you<br />

would have Natural Explorer from another source as well, you may pick an additional<br />

favoured terrain.<br />

Languages: You can speak Boko and one other language of your choice.<br />

Choose one of the following subraces<br />

• Deku<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your dexterity increases by 1, and your charisma<br />

increases by 1.<br />

Planted: You can at-will spend an entire action to plant yourself. Whilst planted you<br />

cannot use your move action, but can re-roll any check to avoid compulsory<br />

movement and cannot be knocked prone. You have disadvantage on any dexterity<br />

saves while planted. You can also use your expectorate weapon twice per attack<br />

whilst planted. You can end your planted state at any time as a bonus action.<br />

• Business<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your wisdom increases by 1, and your charisma<br />

increases by 1.<br />

Born to buy: Business scrubs receive half again as much starting gold as they<br />

otherwise would, calculated after summing all starting gold from all sources. From<br />

level 2 all purchases in settlements well known to them cost only half as much as<br />

they normally would.<br />

Lingua Franca: You can choose two additional languages, and can read.<br />

• Mad<br />

Ability Score Adjustments: Your strength increases by 1.<br />


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Ferocious: Mad scrubs can rage as a barbarian, getting one rage per long rest. If a<br />

mad scrub has levels in the barbarian class then they instead have one more rage<br />

than is listed on their class features.<br />

Undead use rules widely available for DnD 5e undead.<br />

Note: There are a large number of languages in Hyrule. The most common are the living<br />

languages:<br />

• Hyrulian (spoken by the kingdom of Hyrule and its successor kingdoms)<br />

• Goruah (the language of gorons)<br />

• Piscian (the language of zora)<br />

• Takalmma (the language of gerudo)<br />

• Setian (the language of darknuts)<br />

• Vordic (the zuna language)<br />

• Rosara (the subrosian language)<br />

There are also the living languages spoken primarily by the uncivilised peoples. These have<br />

no written form or standardisation, and can vary quite wildly between locations.<br />

• Blinnic (the language of goblins)<br />

• Zolan (the language of river zora)<br />

• Saurian (the language spoken by most tribal lizalfos)<br />

• Boko (the language of the deku tribes)<br />

Finally we have the dead or eldritch languages. These have no native speakers, or if they do<br />

have them then they are some strange, almost mythical people. They are:<br />

• the Fae Tongue (spoken by Kokiri)<br />

• Imperial Human (found in ancient human ruins)<br />

• Imperial Zora (found in ancient zora ruins)<br />

• Raaloren (spoken by dragons)<br />

• Twill (spoken by the Twili)<br />

• Demonic (the language used to summon and commune with demons)<br />


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Hookshot<br />

1/1d8 piercing range(30/120), light<br />

A hookshot is a martial ranged weapon. When a target is hit by a hookshot it is hooked. A<br />

target that is hooked is moved 60 feet towards the target, and then moves towards the target<br />

at a rate of 60 feet/round. A target that is hooked can attempt to anchor itself before any<br />

instance of compulsory movement begins by passing an opposed strength check against the<br />

hookshot’s wielder. An anchored target counts as being a size larger than the hookshot’s<br />

wielder for the purposes of the hookshot’s resolution.<br />

If the target is a size or more larger than the wielder of the hookshot then the wielder is instead<br />

moved towards the target in a straight line at the same rate as normal. If the wielder and target<br />

are the same size, they are instead moved towards each other in a straight line, both moving<br />

at half the normal rate.<br />

A hookshot deals either 1d8 or 1 damage depending on the head it has attached- a penetrating<br />

or grabbing head. It takes a full action to switch heads. The hookshot’s chain has 10 hp and<br />

AC 11.<br />

Boomerang<br />

1d4 bludgeoning range(30/120) ammunition<br />

A boomerang is a simple weapon. If a boomerang does not hit its target it does not consume<br />

any ammunition. If it hits its target ammunition has only a 50% chance of being consumed<br />

Military boomerang<br />

1d10 slashing range(30/120) ammunition<br />

A military boomerang is a martial weapon. If a military boomerang does not hit its target it does<br />

not consume any ammunition. If it hits its target ammunition has only a 50% chance of being<br />

consumed.<br />

Deku nut<br />

No damage range(20/60) ammunition<br />

A deku nut is a simple weapon. A target hit by a deku nut, or within five feet of a point hit by<br />

deku nut (fifty feet in darkness) that is looking at the impact point, is blinded and deafened for<br />

d3 turns unless they can pass a constitution saving throw (DC 16). Characters with<br />

tremorsense are affected, and characters with blindsight may be affected, at the GM’s<br />

discretion.<br />

Bombs<br />

As an action, a character can light a bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each<br />

creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take<br />

3d6 fire damage. Larger bombs may do increased damage.<br />

Bombchu<br />

Bombchus are small lithovoric verminous creatures. Trained bombchu may be given simple<br />

commands in a language in which they are familiar. They will endeavour to fulfil these<br />

commands, but have no hands. They have the following statblock.<br />

Bombchu<br />

Tiny beast, unaligned<br />

• Armor Class 17<br />

• Hit Points 1(1d4 - 1)<br />

• Speed 40 ft.<br />


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1 (-5) 24 (+7) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)<br />

• Senses passive Perception 14<br />

• Languages Can understand one language, determined at purchase, but cannot speak.<br />

• Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)<br />

Spider Climb. The Bombchu can adhere to difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without<br />

needing to make an ability check.<br />

Detonate: As a bonus action the Bombchu can detonate, as a bomb. This will reduce them to 0 hp and<br />

knock them unconscious.<br />

Resuscitation: Bombchus can be stabilised and brought to 1 hp by being fed. They can only consume<br />

minerals.<br />


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