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Black & Asian Police Association<br />

JULY 2017<br />

BAPA Updates<br />

Summer Updates<br />

Over the past few months West Midlands Police and policing nationally has seen<br />

unprecedented levels of demand. Public anxiety around terrorism and general safety<br />

coupled with the soring temperatures of the past week led to last weekend seeing<br />

calls for service higher than we would expect on a New Year’s Eve. We are in a period<br />

of exceptional demand and it requires us all to pull together and provide an extraordinary<br />

effort to respond and re-stabilise the force.<br />

The BAPA Committee have come to a decision suspend the Committee meeting until<br />

after the summer holidays.<br />

The next Committee meeting will take place on the 6th September at the usual time<br />

11am till 1pm at Lloyd House. As you know all of the BAPA committee meetings are<br />

open to members so please let us know if you wish to attend.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

There are a lot of exciting events coming up . Please check out the flyers.<br />

On the first of September there will be Raffles Prizes Advertised. Please help us<br />

to support our 2017 chosen charity ACTL.<br />

BAPA have also started a BOOKCLUB—Check it out on the Internal Web Page.<br />

Have a lovely summer and everyone stay safe.<br />

E: bapa@west-Midlands.pnn.police.uk - WWW.facebook.com/westmidlandspolicebapa<br />

2017—Events<br />

BAPA Awards Evening<br />

BAPA will be hosting its yearly<br />

inspiration and Celebration Awards to<br />

recognise the incredible achievements<br />

of WMP Staff and Community partners.<br />

The event is to take place on the<br />

30th September 2017<br />

Diwali 2017<br />

Venue to follow<br />

25th October 2017<br />

Youth ICE Awards<br />

BAPA will be hosting an Inspiration,<br />

Celebration and Education<br />

(I.C.E) day to recognise the incredible<br />

achievements of young people<br />

aged 11 – 18 years on<br />

24th November 2017

Charity for the event<br />

06 June 2017<br />

16:47<br />

ACLT<br />

Pasted from<br />

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ACLT - Promoting Bone Marrow and Blood Donation<br />

The ACLT was established in 1996 by Beverley De-Gale OBE and Orin Lewis OBE the parents of<br />

former Leukaemia patient Daniel De-Gale. The ACLT is a leading UK Cancer charity dedicated to<br />

raising the awareness of the shortage of Black and Ethnic Minority donors on the UK Stem Cell (Bone<br />

Marrow), Blood and Organ registers and recruits potential donors to come forward and register at<br />

ACLT recruitment drives via (cheek swab or saliva donation) and be involved in giving the gift of life.<br />

ACLT is a charity committed to helping provide hope to patients living with blood cancer and other<br />

illnesses where a matched donor (stem cell, blood or organ) is required to save a life. Our work is<br />

driven by a belief that no one should die waiting for a donor to become available.<br />

Through our work, we improve odds of finding matches by registering potential donors on mass<br />

from all ethnicities,<br />

ACLT also provide support and advice to patients and their families, from diagnosis, throughout<br />

treatment, recovery and sadly (in some cases), while supporting the patient and family during ‘end<br />

of life,’ – where treatments have not been successful.”<br />

ACLT is close to BAPA hearts, specifically the NBPA. Delroy Anglin the sister who is Chair at the Met<br />

Black Police Association (MBPS) and President at National Black Police Association (NBPA)<br />

Delroy Anglin, a star bailiff of the TV series, Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! has launched an appeal<br />

to encourage more African and Caribbean people living in the UK to join the Stem Cell Register.<br />

The #Match4Delroy appeal which is to be led by ACLT is hoping to find an unmatched donor for<br />

Delroy who requires a lifesaving stem cell (bone marrow) transplant if he is to beat his battle with<br />

leukaemia.<br />

Delroy, aged 56, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) last November. Since his<br />

diagnosis, Delroy has managed with drugs and receiving two rounds of chemotherapy, but tests<br />

show the leukaemia remains. Doctors have confirmed Delroy will need an urgent stem cell<br />

transplant to beat the illness.<br />

With siblings having a one in four chance of being a match, it was no surprise out of Delroy’s five<br />

siblings, none were found to be a match to help their brother.<br />

The pain and anguish of dealing with a loved one being diagnosed with blood cancer is something<br />

Delroy and his family are all too familiar with, as it was 40 years ago, Delroy’s brother lost his<br />

battle against leukaemia – which makes Delroy’s illness that much more painful for his loved<br />

ones to deal with.<br />

Delroy’s sister Janet Hills,said:<br />

“When I tell people that Delroy from Can’t Pay, We’ll Take it Away! is my brother, there is an<br />

immediate outpouring of warmth and love. I’m praying this appeal turns that love into action.”<br />

“ACLT is the preferred charity for the MBPS and the NBPA. Our members continually engage with<br />

the charity and organise community events to raise awareness and funds. If you love Del on the<br />

show as much as I love him as my brother, then please, please, please make that commitment<br />

today to join the stem cells (bone marrow) register.”<br />

“If you’re 16 – 55 and in good health, you could potentially be the person to save Delroy’s<br />

life.”<br />

To find out how to join the stem cell register<br />

click http://aclt.org/join-the-stem-cell-register/<br />

https://cafdonate.c<br />

afonline.org/donate<br />

steps.aspx?<br />

beneficiarycampaig<br />

nid=672<br />

Gregory Alleyne, his<br />

email address is<br />

gregory@aclt.org<br />

Details of how to pay<br />

in the donation: 1. Via<br />

the ACLT website<br />

HERE Gift Aid your<br />

donation and the<br />

government will add<br />

an additional 25p to<br />

every £1 you donate.<br />

(Gift Aid only eligible<br />

on donations from<br />

one person using their<br />

own money e.g. not<br />

eligible for a donation<br />

collected from<br />

multiple people) OR 2.<br />

Directly into our Nat<br />

West bank account:<br />

Account Name: ACLT<br />

(African Caribbean<br />

Leukaemia Trust)<br />

Bank name: Nat West<br />

Bank Account<br />

Number: 30921791<br />

Sort Code: 60 - 05 - 14<br />

OR By cheque made<br />

payable to ‘ACLT’ and<br />

posted to: ACLT 2a<br />

Garnet Road Thornton<br />

Heath Croydon CR7<br />

8RD<br />

Pasted from<br />

<br />

BAPA Page 1

Welcome to the BAPA Book Club<br />

I am sure we have all attended a number of a training courses, mentoring/coaching session or simply spoken to someone who has<br />

recommended a book to assist with your learning and development. Many of us would have recorded the title and forgotten about it or<br />

occasional we may read the book and even recommend to another person. Recently someone recommended a book to me,<br />

The Chimp Paradox by Prof. Steven Peters. I can honestly say the book was a personal revelation and left me thinking that I would like<br />

to share this experience with others so decided to start the BAPA Book Club.<br />

The BAPA is a discussion forum which allows people to share and discussion books on Career Development and general Discussion. It<br />

is an opportunity share recommended books which you have found useful or not as the case may be.<br />

The BAPA book club is open to all who would like to:<br />

· Assist in developing others by sharing your experience<br />

· Read things you would not otherwise have read<br />

· Discussion and share your enjoyment of books<br />

Karen Geddes – Chair BAPA<br />

Featured Book<br />

Book Title<br />

The Chimp Paradox<br />

Title: The Mind Management Programme Publisher House:<br />

Penguin Publishing Group<br />

Author:<br />

Steve Peters<br />

This book is<br />

recommended for<br />

First Review<br />

Personal Development<br />

I was given this book at a time disappointment and anger. At the time I did not know how to manage<br />

my emotions or understand fully why I responded in certain ways.<br />

Reading this book was like a breathe of fresh air and offered clarity which has enabled my to move<br />

on and become a stronger person.<br />

This book is easy to read and makes so much sense in simple language. There is something in it<br />

for everyone

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