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T H E U T M O S T<br />

P O S T U R E<br />

M i n i D e v o t i o n a l B o o k s<br />

1 2 a c r o n y m s , q u o t e s , s c r i p t u r e s a n d<br />

i n s p i r e d d e v o t i o n a l s<br />


Copyright © 2017 - Rex Obeng<br />

rights reserved. No part of this publication may be<br />

All<br />

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by<br />

reproduced,<br />

means, including photocopying, recording, or other<br />

any<br />

or mechanical methods, without the prior<br />

electronic<br />

permission of the publisher, except in the case of<br />

written<br />

quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain<br />

brief<br />

noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.<br />

other<br />

978-1-9997258-0-8<br />

ISBN<br />

otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are<br />

Unless<br />

from the King James Version of the Bible, whose<br />

taken<br />

right ran out centuries ago. Its text is now in the<br />

copy<br />

domain. ‘Scriptures and additional materials<br />

public<br />

are from the Good News Bible © 1994 published<br />

quoted<br />

the Bible Societies/HarperCollins Publishers Ltd<br />

by<br />

Good News Bible© American Bible Society 1966, 1971,<br />

UK,<br />

1992. Used with permission.’ Scripture quotations<br />

1976,<br />

taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,<br />

are<br />

©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House<br />

copyright<br />

Used by permission of Tyndale House<br />

Foundation.<br />

Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights<br />

Publishers,<br />

reserved.<br />

To order visit: www.foundationsforliving.info


. E . D . G . E . D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

H<br />

.<br />

I N T R O D U C T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

0 4<br />

A U T H O R ' S N O T E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

0 5<br />

S . T . A . N . D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

0 6<br />

R . H . Y . T . H . M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

0 8<br />

P . E . A . C . E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 0<br />

1 2<br />

E . V . E . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 4<br />

L . I . M . I . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 6<br />

A . T . T . A . C . K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 8<br />

A . N . S . W . E . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

2 0<br />

S . T . I . L . L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

2 2<br />

M . U . S . I . C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

2 4<br />

S . I . N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

2 6<br />

W . A . L . K . E . D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

2 8<br />

P R A Y E R O F S E L F R E F L E C T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

3 0<br />


Introduction<br />

this busy life where the competition for one’s<br />

In<br />

is huge it is important to be able to grab hold<br />

time<br />

the "Mini Series" which provides you<br />

of<br />

topical devotionals.<br />

with<br />

Mini Series is unique as it is topical and made<br />

The<br />

of three elements, acronyms, quotes and<br />

up<br />

The acronyms are derived from<br />

scriptures.<br />

words from which the associated<br />

everyday<br />

bring an in depth alternate meaning. In<br />

quotes<br />

instances, quoting from the acronym may be<br />

some<br />

by adverbs for example<br />

supported<br />

Disobey (the) Omnipotent (through)<br />

D.O.U.B.T,<br />

(and) Belittling Truth whilst in others,<br />

Unbelief<br />

as M.I.N.D, the quotation, Memory In<br />

such<br />

Drive does not have adverbs to<br />

Negotiating<br />

its full meaning.<br />

support<br />

to these acronyms, quotes and scriptures,<br />

Added<br />

Mini Series is filled with contemporary and<br />

the<br />

provoking devotionals to inspire and<br />

thought<br />

you in the seasons of life. Finally,<br />

encourage<br />

Mini Series titled, The Utmost Posture will<br />

this<br />

you up by providing scriptural truths<br />

build<br />

that inspire and strengthen you when needed.

Author's notes<br />

have helped generations study facts in<br />

Acronyms<br />

subjects. This method enabled one to<br />

various<br />

long list of facts and more importantly<br />

memorise<br />

to focus what is immediately needed to<br />

bring<br />

answer questions or solve a problem at hand.<br />

the "Mini Series" the following format has been<br />

In<br />

adopted<br />

1:The everyday word e.g MIND<br />

2:The acronym from the word is M.I.N.D<br />

3:The quote derived : Memory In Negotiating Drive<br />

scripture that supports the word: "Let this<br />

4:The<br />

be in you which was also in Christ Jesus<br />

mind<br />

(Philippians 2:5)<br />

This is followed by a contemporary and thought<br />

5:<br />

devotional written to inspire and<br />

provoking<br />

you in the seasons of life and concludes<br />

encourage<br />

with<br />

A Prayer of Self Reflection deduced from the<br />

6:<br />

and quotes<br />


S.T.A.N.D<br />

Surrender Totally to Almighty when Navigating<br />

Destiny<br />

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and<br />

having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet<br />

shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all,<br />

taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to<br />

quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet<br />

of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of<br />

God: Ephesians 6:14-17 (KJV)

Lord assures us in the quoted scripture that we should<br />

The<br />

the upright posture, a position of hope. To<br />

maintain<br />

this posture as per the quote, is to Surrender<br />

maintain<br />

to the Almighty when Navigating through Destiny.<br />

Totally<br />

is a commanding position and a position of authority.<br />

Stand<br />

authority not in the things you have or the people you<br />

An<br />

but an authority based on your knowledge and<br />

know<br />

with Christ, the Lord.<br />

relationship<br />

is time to stand girding your loin with TRUTH. Christ is<br />

It<br />

truth (John 14:6). It is time to stand in RIGHTEOUSNESS.<br />

the<br />

need the righteousness which is by faith in Jesus Christ<br />

We<br />

3:22) as our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah<br />

(Romans<br />

It is time to stand by the GOSPEL of peace which has<br />

64:6).<br />

to save (Romans 1:16). It is time to stand in FAITH.<br />

power<br />

is Faith:“Looking unto Jesus the founder and perfecter<br />

Christ<br />

our faith (Hebrews 12:2). It is time to stand in the<br />

of<br />

we have. Christ is our savior as there is no<br />


name by which a man may be saved (Acts 4:11-12). It is<br />

other<br />

to stand by the WORD of God. Christ is the word (John<br />

time<br />

and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John<br />

1:1),<br />

is time to focus on Jesus Christ as you take stock of your<br />

It<br />

Whatever your conclusion, just S.T.A.N.D knowing that<br />

life.<br />

is Lord over all and will never fail to deliver. His timing<br />

He<br />

time are the best because all things will work together<br />

and<br />

your good (Romans 8:28). Be encouraged as you<br />

for<br />

totally. Amen<br />

surrender<br />

in life, one takes stock of plans and events that have<br />

Periodically<br />

People draw different conclusions based on<br />

occurred.<br />

failures or difficulties that may have been<br />

achievements,<br />

Stand is an upright position supported by the feet<br />

experienced.<br />

in humans and structures for object.<br />


R.H.Y.T.H.M<br />

Righteous Harmonisation of Yahweh's Truth in<br />

Humble Manifestation<br />

Open the gates, and let the righteous nation come<br />

in, the nation that remains faithful. With perfect<br />

peace you will protect those whose minds cannot<br />

be changed because they trust you. Trust the Lord<br />

always, because the Lord, the Lord alone, is an<br />

everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:2-4 (GW)

is, “The systematic arrangement of musical sounds,<br />

Rhythm<br />

according to duration and periodical stress” The<br />

principally<br />

of life follows a similar pattern of arrangement of<br />

rhythm<br />

and situations with varied duration and periodical<br />

events<br />

The quote from the acronym RHYTHM is Righteous<br />

stresses.<br />

of Yahweh’s Truths and Humbly Manifesting<br />

Harmonization<br />

reach the deeper recesses of our soul accompanied by it’s<br />

these<br />

and joy.<br />

beauty<br />

typifies the way one can be in rhythm with the Father:<br />

Christ<br />

he says, “He can do only what he sees the Father doing”<br />

First<br />

5:19 GW) and as He listens to the Father, He makes<br />

(John<br />

judgments (John 5:30 GW).This is RHYTHM, doing exactly<br />

his<br />

the Father expects. It requires the diligent and steadfast<br />

what<br />

to His manifested truths. What truths are guiding<br />

adherence<br />

we adhere to the truths, his promise to come and abode<br />

As<br />

us will be experienced (John 14:23). Oh, what a scenario,<br />

with<br />

and Jesus making their home with you! Can you imagine<br />

God<br />

Resolve to be in rhythm with the Father as you trust Him<br />

this!<br />

Let us hang on to what is Godly and not what appears<br />

wholly.<br />

be good or convenient. As we do this God will open the<br />

to<br />

the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing<br />

gates,<br />

3:10b NIV)<br />

(Malachi<br />

of faith were in rhythm with God and the floodgates of<br />

Men<br />

were opened unto them. Remain blessed as you enjoy<br />

heaven<br />

stated, “Music and Rhythm find their way into the secret<br />

Plato<br />

of the soul” Life is rhythmic with periods of highs or lows<br />

places<br />

a combination of both. When the rhythm is harmonious<br />

or<br />

the music melodious, the dancing is beautiful. In such state<br />

and<br />

there is no pain.<br />

you?<br />

your rhythmic dance with the Lord, Amen

P.E.A.C.E<br />

Problems Eased by the Authority Christ Exerts<br />

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not<br />

as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart<br />

be troubled, neither let it be afraid.<br />

John 14:27 (KJV)

what is going to happen? At such times, one seeks the<br />

and<br />

of peace.<br />

assurance<br />

if we follow the worlds’ definition of peace, freedom from<br />

Truly,<br />

we will not have that experience. Christ states, His<br />

disturbance,<br />

is not as the world gives. His peace in the face of<br />

peace<br />

is the assurance His presence give. This is found in<br />

uncertainties<br />

quote from the acronym p.e.a.c.e “Problems Eased by the<br />

the<br />

Christ Exerts” Christ did not promise us a life devoid<br />

Authority<br />

uncertainties. He knew disturbances are part of our journey<br />

of<br />

life and assures us of His peace.<br />

in<br />

therefore need to view uncertainties differently because<br />

We<br />

our heart and mind are stayed on Christ we will be free<br />

when<br />

anxieties and the related diseases such as high blood<br />

from<br />

or premature aging. Let uncertainties be the platforms<br />

pressure<br />

progress with their resolution revealing the glorious order of<br />

of<br />

No wonder James tells us to be joyful when we fall into<br />

God.<br />

temptations as this will work our patiences and when this<br />

divers<br />

we will become complete desiring nothing. (James 1:2-4)<br />

happens<br />

therefore need to see these anxious moments as enablers of<br />

We<br />

and dependency on God as well as making us understand<br />

believe<br />

limitations and the limitless provision from God. As you<br />

our<br />

on this “Let not your heart be troubled, be not afraid<br />

meditate<br />

do not worry when you first tell God every detail of your<br />

and<br />

in earnest and thankful prayer. After you have poured<br />

needs<br />

the uncertainties, rest in the peace of God which transcends<br />

out<br />

our powers of thought as His peace guards your hearts and<br />

all<br />

this position you will draw on the revelatory knowledge of<br />

In<br />

to handle the problem. When He leads, you will certainly<br />

God<br />

at a perfect destination. Walk therefore in His perfect<br />

arrive<br />

and He will perfect all your concerns. Amen<br />

peace<br />

is filled with periods of uncertainties. Uncertainties generate<br />

Life<br />

making us ask the questions how, when, where, which<br />

anxieties<br />

thoughts in Christ Jesus”(Philippians 4:6)

H.E.D.G.E.D<br />

Holy Enveloped Developed by God against<br />

Evil Destruction<br />

So Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job<br />

fear God for nothing? Have You not made a<br />

hedge around him, around his household, and<br />

around all that he has on every side? You have<br />

blessed the work of his hands, and his<br />

possessions have increased in the land.<br />

Job 1:9-10 (NKJV)

children of God have the hedge of protection which is<br />

All<br />

by faithfulness to God. Job remained faithful to<br />

maintained<br />

in the face of adversity. His wife asked him to curse God<br />

God<br />

die but he refused. His friends accused him falsely but he<br />

and<br />

steadfast in his relationship to God declaring, “God may<br />

was<br />

me, but still I will trust in him Job 13:15a” and “Till I die I<br />

kill<br />

are eternal benefits of being faithful to God. Moses<br />

There<br />

faithfulness to God when he walked away from the<br />

chose<br />

of Egypt to bring deliverance to his people (Acts 7:22-<br />

palace<br />

Joshua chose faithfulness over loyalty to his people when<br />

24).<br />

declared "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord"<br />

he<br />

24:14-15). Esther was faithful to God and loyal in her<br />

(Joshua<br />

to Mordecai and took a step that placed her in<br />

relationship<br />

of death (Esther 4:13-17) when she could have enjoyed<br />

danger<br />

trappings of the palace. John the Baptist was faithful to<br />

the<br />

when seeing Jesus Christ declared "I must decrease and<br />

God<br />

must increase" (John 3:30) when the leaders insisted that<br />

He<br />

was the Christ<br />

he<br />

must resolve to be faithful to God with our decisions. This<br />

We<br />

the Holy Envelope Developed by God against Evil<br />

maintains<br />

(HEDGE) and generates blessings that last<br />

Destruction<br />

generations, for example John the Baptist pointing<br />

throughout<br />

Christ the Savior to humankind. Remain blessed as you<br />

out<br />

your HEDGE. Amen.<br />

protect<br />

hedge is simply a fence which demarcates a territory and for<br />

A<br />

stranger to enter he or she must seek permission. In the above<br />

any<br />

the Lord asked Satan, “Have you considered My servant<br />

scripture<br />

that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and<br />

Job,<br />

man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” Satan’s reply is<br />

upright<br />

Do I not know you have formed a hedge around him<br />

fascinating,<br />

his household? How did Satan know there was a - Holy<br />

and<br />

Developed by God against Evil Destruction - around<br />

Envelope<br />

Satan had visited believing he had power to enter but he was<br />

Job?<br />

by the hedge.<br />

resisted<br />

will not put away my integrity from me” Job 27:5b

E.V.E.R<br />

Eternally Verified and Established as Real<br />

O Lord, your word is established in heaven forever.<br />

Psalm 119:89 (GW)

He instructs us to acknowledge Him in all our ways<br />

Rather<br />

3:6) and when we find any occasion to boast we<br />

(Proverbs<br />

declare that we have the understanding to know Him<br />

should<br />

the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness<br />

as,<br />

earth” (Jeremiah 9:24). Oh! What a loving God. What has He<br />

on<br />

you to carry out? That instruction will be<br />

instructed<br />

so far as you depend on Him because the<br />

accomplished<br />

has been Eternally Verified and Established as Real<br />

instruction<br />

us reflect on the deliverance of the people of Israel from<br />

Let<br />

after 430 years (Exodus 12:41) in captivity and the birth<br />

Egypt<br />

Jesus Christ that was prophesied 750 years (Malachi 3:1-5)<br />

of<br />

it happened. Both Moses and Mary were not born when<br />

before<br />

pronouncements were made. However when they<br />

these<br />

the Word from the Lord, the word which had already<br />

received<br />

established in heaven, they were able to fulfill their<br />

been<br />

regardless of the difficulties they experienced.<br />

destinies<br />

may know the Lord’s instructions to you but may be<br />

You<br />

challenges which may include past hurts, being in a<br />

facing<br />

land and in a culture that appears strange or having<br />

foreign<br />

that are not conducive to your plans. Be encouraged<br />

laws<br />

once the Lord has instructed, His instruction is<br />

because<br />

Verified and Established as Real, so persevere with<br />

Eternally<br />

project and it will come to fruition. For with God all things<br />

the<br />

possible (Mark 10:27). Amen<br />

are<br />

challenges of life may make you become impatient with God<br />

The<br />

shifting your trust in Him to your wisdom, your strength<br />

thereby<br />

your riches to fulfill destiny. The Lord however warns us not to<br />

or<br />

in our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), also not to boast of<br />

trust<br />

our wisdom, our strength or our riches, (Jeremiah 9:23).<br />

before you were formed in your mother’s womb.

L.I.M.I.T<br />

Linking Intimately to Man Instead of Truth<br />

This is what the Lord says, “Cursed is the one who trusts in<br />

man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart<br />

turns away from the Lord.That person will be like a bush in<br />

the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes.<br />

Jeremiah17:5-6 (NIV)

not place such limits on your destiny? Your understanding<br />

Do<br />

the limitations may dampen your hopes but the above quote<br />

of<br />

Intimately with Man instead of Integrating with the<br />

“Linking<br />

has the potential of raising hopes, more so determining<br />

Truth”<br />

us examine the lives of people who did not link to man but<br />

Let<br />

intimately to the truth. Jacob looked to the truth and<br />

linked<br />

the first genetic engineer (Genesis 30:31-43) Ruth<br />

became<br />

to the truth and produced the genealogy of Jesus (Ruth<br />

looked<br />

Blind Bartimaeus ignored the shouts of men and gained<br />

4:13-15)<br />

sight (Mark 10:46-52) Short Zacchaeus did not look at his<br />

his<br />

sought the truth and he gained salvation (Luke 19:1-10)<br />

stature,<br />

woman with the issue of blood sought the truth and<br />

The<br />

you focus on man you will miss the provision of God.<br />

Anytime<br />

you come to God, you must believe that He is a<br />

When<br />

to them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6): not<br />

rewarder<br />

who seek man. Jeremiah said this about those who<br />

those<br />

after men, it is a curse to trust in man and you will<br />

sought<br />

in the patch places in the desert (Jeremiah 17:5).<br />

dwell<br />

to be steadfast in the Lord. Do not lean on your own<br />

Resolve<br />

but rather acknowledge Him always (Proverbs<br />

understanding<br />

both in good times or the bad times. Declare as Job did,<br />

3:5-6)<br />

He slay me yet will I trust in Him (Job 13:15). Finally<br />

"Though<br />

off those limits and venture into your destiny with the<br />

take<br />

of God. Amen<br />

possibilities<br />

word says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens<br />

The<br />

however you find yourself either being told, it can’t be done, it<br />

me”<br />

never been tried before, it is impossible or where will you get<br />

has<br />

finance for the project? Again you may say, I do not have the<br />

the<br />

connections, I don’t have the right qualifications or I am not<br />

right<br />

the right size or colour may be thoughts that keep recurring.<br />

of<br />

to link to the truth.<br />

regained her health (Mark 5:25-33)

A.T.T.A.C.K<br />

Advance Truthful Thoughts by<br />

Acknowledging Communion with the King<br />

You must drive out all the inhabitants of the land before<br />

you. Destroy all their carved images, all their molten<br />

images, and demolish their high places. You must<br />

dispossess the inhabitants of the land and live in it, for I<br />

have given you the land to possess it.<br />

Numbers 33:52-53 (NET)

scripture quoted gives four instructions denoting attack,<br />

The<br />

are drive out, destroy all, demolish and dispossess. The<br />

these<br />

from the acronym A.T.T.A.C.K is advance truthful<br />

quote<br />

by acknowledging your communion with the King.<br />

thoughts<br />

you commune with King Jesus he grants you power and<br />

As<br />

(Luke 10:19) to attack the problems confronting<br />

authority<br />

finance, future, family, fears and your security in His<br />

your<br />

name.<br />

has relative truth, God alone has absolute truth.<br />

Humankind<br />

is the truth As you commune with Christ, and act<br />

Christ<br />

his instructions, these manifest in real time. Remember<br />

upon<br />

wedding ceremony where the wine run out. The master<br />

the<br />

have been ridiculed and be the gossip of the town but<br />

would<br />

servants advanced the truth after communing with Jesus<br />

the<br />

the best wine was served (John 2:1-10). Similarly the<br />

and<br />

with the issue of blood was healed by acknowledging<br />

woman<br />

truth when she held the hem of Jesus' garment (Mark<br />

the<br />

5:25-34).<br />

word of God is the only offensive weapon in the armory<br />

The<br />

have. Therefore when you commune with Jesus and he<br />

we<br />

a word, you need to wage war with it, for the word<br />

declares<br />

not return to empty, but will accomplish what the Lord<br />

will<br />

and achieve the purpose for which it was sent (Isaiah<br />

desire<br />

55:11).<br />

problem threatens to spread like a wild bush fire or<br />

What<br />

infectious virus in your life? You have the word of<br />

highly<br />

therefore use it. The word has power and life to bring<br />

God,<br />

to the situation. Stay in the a.t.t.a.c.k mode as you gain<br />

change<br />

as a word sounds military and aggressive. There are<br />

Attack<br />

certain situations that one needs to be aggressive.<br />

however<br />

where the least delay will cause the rapid spread of a<br />

Situations<br />

like cancer.<br />

problem,<br />

victory over your challenges. Amen

A.N.S.W.E.R<br />

Allude to Negotiations Strictly by Wisdom<br />

Eternal God Releases<br />

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.<br />

Always be prepared to give an answer to<br />

everyone who asks you to give the reason for<br />

the hope that you have. But do this with<br />

gentleness and respect,<br />

1Peter 3:15

questions require your attention and answers? How<br />

What<br />

you approaching these questions? It will be important to<br />

are<br />

to all negotiations strictly by the wisdom God releases<br />

allude<br />

He possesses absolute truth. This quote from the<br />

for<br />

a.n.s.w.e.r will yield eternal results not based on<br />

acronym<br />

you know but rather on God who knows all things.<br />

things<br />

a time one looks at the enormity of the task and<br />

Many<br />

it is almost impossible to carry out. With this<br />

concludes,<br />

one walks away ignoring the project. Moses going<br />

decision,<br />

to Pharaoh at God’s request to deliver the people of<br />

back<br />

is a typical example. His answers were negative<br />

Israel<br />

“I am not fluent” but God asked, “Who gave<br />

including,<br />

beings their mouths. Is it not I, the Lord? He further<br />

human<br />

Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you<br />

instructed,<br />

to say.” (Exodus 4:11) The Lord expects a positive<br />

what<br />

as He is our Helper, so do not give up.<br />

response<br />

following people did not give up on questions life posed<br />

The<br />

them. Abraham when asked to leave his kindred to a land<br />

to<br />

he did not know of took the journey albeit with<br />

where<br />

and became the father of many nations. David<br />

difficulties<br />

on Goliath, not looking at his physical prowess but God.<br />

took<br />

defeated Goliath and progressed to be king.<br />

He<br />

courage as you learn to negotiate strictly by the<br />

Take<br />

God releases. Finally, “Let your speech be always<br />

wisdom<br />

grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye<br />

with<br />

to answer every man (Colossians 4:6). Amen<br />

ought<br />

poses questions which demand answers. We answer<br />

Life<br />

posed by people, ourselves or God. Our answers are<br />

questions<br />

influenced by knowledge and the partial truths of men<br />

mostly<br />

these may sound good but not Godly. These<br />

consequently<br />

may have long term effects, generational benefits or<br />

answers<br />


S.T.I.L.L<br />

Surrender Totally, be Immersed in the<br />

Lord's Love<br />

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted<br />

among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The<br />

Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.<br />

Selah.<br />

Psalms 46:10-11 (KJV)

want to act because when we do so we feel satisfied.<br />

We<br />

is not natural to be quiet especially when one feels<br />

It<br />

offended or abused, however the Lord says, “Be<br />

cheated,<br />

Still is defined as not moving or making a sound.<br />

still”<br />

still before the Lord is: Surrendering Totally and<br />

Being<br />

Immersed in the Lord’s Love.<br />

being<br />

your efforts or calculations will yield “some effect” but<br />

All<br />

effects do not bring glory to God nor His desired<br />

these<br />

The question is “Do you want your own results<br />

outcome.<br />

that of the Lord? The scriptures remind us: Not by<br />

or<br />

nor by power, (Zechariah 4:6b KJV) and it is He<br />

might,<br />

giveth thee power to get wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:18a<br />

that<br />

still does not mean you do not act. Being still is<br />

Being<br />

on the Lord, hearing from the Lord and being<br />

waiting<br />

to His instruction. Being still is allowing the Lord<br />

obedient<br />

take the lead in bringing His desired outcome which<br />

to<br />

glory to His name not your name. No wonder the<br />

brings<br />

remarked, “He leads me besides the still waters,<br />

psalmist<br />

restores my soul” (Psalm 23:2-3). In total surrender to<br />

He<br />

love of the Lord there is direction and restoration.<br />

the<br />

you remain still and wait on the Lord you will mount<br />

As<br />

with wings like the eagle: you will no longer be picking<br />

up<br />

with the “chickens” rather you will soar having<br />

dirt<br />

vision, strength and becoming efficient in all you<br />

greater<br />

You will not be weary or faint in any situation that<br />

do.<br />

you. Each day of your journey, learn to<br />

confronts<br />

totally and be immersed in the love of the Lord.<br />

surrender<br />

you do this, you will have total restoration with glory<br />

As<br />

this era, life demands action and it will be impossible to<br />

In<br />

any individual to be still. You may have a list of<br />

instruct<br />

to complete and everything has to be actioned and<br />

tasks<br />

off as achieved.<br />

ticked<br />

KJV)<br />

going to God. Amen

M.U.S.I.C<br />

Melody Ushering the Saviour Into Communion<br />

Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and<br />

songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from<br />

your heart to the Lord<br />

Ephesians 5:19 GW

our Father is a loving Father who has placed great<br />

God,<br />

on our lives. He’s shown this by making us in His<br />

value<br />

giving us charge over all His creation (Genesis 1:26-<br />

image,<br />

and sacrificing His son for us (John 3:16). Sit back and<br />

28)<br />

on these acts of God and ask, what manner of love is<br />

reflect<br />

A love that does not fade.<br />

this?<br />

may not feel this love because of the pressures of life.<br />

You<br />

pressures are not the determinants of His love towards<br />

These<br />

As if this is all, He has showered us with blessings in the<br />

you.<br />

places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3) and adopted us<br />

heavenly<br />

not let the pressures of life prevent you from<br />

Do<br />

His love towards you. He wants you to sing<br />

reciprocating<br />

songs in your heart to Him. The psalmist said, "Make<br />

spiritual<br />

joyful noise unto the Lord" (Psalm 66:1). He enjoys our<br />

a<br />

and already knows the tone with which each one<br />

differences<br />

Him by. This love is not a public demonstration<br />

approaches<br />

declared that the issues of life comes from the heart<br />

Solomon<br />

4:23). As you play your M.U.S.I.C to the Lord He<br />

(Proverbs<br />

commune with you. At communion, His presence is with<br />

will<br />

In His presence you receive His instructions, His grace,<br />

you.<br />

mercy, His protection, His strength, His provision, His<br />

His<br />

and above all, everything His presence brings. As you<br />

favor<br />

dancing in tune to the m.u.s.i.c with the Lord, let that<br />

keep<br />

be experienced by others. Go out with m.u.s.i.c in<br />

beauty<br />

heart showing mercy, protection of the vulnerable and<br />

your<br />

to the less privilege. Endeavour to do this from the<br />

provision<br />

music be the food of love play on said Shakespeare. The writer<br />

If<br />

a glimpse of earthly love which is sensual in nature.<br />

has<br />

in nature when the attraction fades the music stops<br />

However<br />

In your relationship with the Lord, you should<br />

playing.<br />

to keep the melody that ushers in the saviour into<br />

endeavor<br />

M.U.S.I.C, playing forever.<br />

communion<br />

so we can call Him Abba, Father.<br />

of affection or talent but an issue of the heart.<br />

heart. Amen

S.I.N<br />

Submitting to Inferior Nature<br />

But each person is tempted when they are dragged<br />

away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then,<br />

after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and<br />

sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.<br />

James 1:14-15 NIV

may associate sin with satan. You may think Satan is<br />

You<br />

or some sort of person in red with a frightful<br />

abstract<br />

No, Satan may not look anything like that<br />

appearance.<br />

Satan has a mode of operation which is primarily on<br />

rather<br />

mind. The bible describes Satan as a liar, one who<br />

the<br />

false information, a thief who steals and one who<br />

presents<br />

(John 10:10). The quote from the acronym S.I.N is<br />

murders<br />

to an Inferior Nature. What are you willing to submit<br />

Submit<br />

is about your mind, conscience and character.<br />

Submission<br />

mind is your negotiating centre, conscience the area of<br />

Your<br />

and character the actions you take. What is the<br />

reflection<br />

of your information? Whose information do you<br />

source<br />

and negotiate by? Whose information informs your<br />

reflect<br />

With whom are you sharing your plans? Is it God or<br />

actions?<br />

As you pursue answers, resolve to think and<br />

Satan?<br />

with God’s principles whilst you resist the devil<br />

negotiate<br />

4:7). Submission to God enables you to tap into His<br />

(James<br />

guidance.<br />

superior<br />

God to supply all your needs according to His riches in<br />

Allow<br />

Jesus (Philippians 4:19) and be content with what you<br />

Christ<br />

Take sometime now to renew your relationship with<br />

have.<br />

If you do not know him personally confess Him as<br />

Jesus.<br />

Lord and Savior and believe in your heart that he is the<br />

your<br />

over your life. Finally submit to God who will enable<br />

Lord<br />

is another day. A day that His will in heaven is to be done here<br />

It<br />

earth. His will is that we obey His commandments and to be<br />

on<br />

of all situations. However, as we are surrounded by<br />

masters<br />

opportunities so are we also surrounded by<br />

numerous<br />

both of which have the capacity to draw on our<br />

difficulties<br />

desires ultimately leading us into sin.<br />

lustful<br />

to? An inferior nature or a superior one?<br />

you to resist the inferior nature. Amen

Add a little bit of body text<br />

W.A.L.K.E.D<br />

Wait on the Almighty's Leading, Knowledge in<br />

Establishing Destiny<br />

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord<br />

appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk<br />

before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make<br />

my covenant between me and you and will greatly<br />

increase your numbers.” Abram fell facedown, and God<br />

said to him, Genesis 17:1-3

walking with God whilst waiting on His<br />

Similarly<br />

to lead, brings perfection to the decisions you<br />

knowledge<br />

After a twenty-four year wait, without any sign of the<br />

make.<br />

child, witnessing the birth of 316 children (Genesis<br />

promised<br />

and making an error out of the desire to have a son<br />

14:14)<br />

Hagar the maid, the Lord spoke to Abram, “I am God<br />

with<br />

walk before me faithfully and be blameless"<br />

Almighty;<br />

17:1).<br />

(Genesis<br />

you walking with the Lord or are you leading life<br />

Are<br />

to your own rules and desires? Your desires can<br />

according<br />

to dissatisfaction and undue pain. An example is<br />

lead<br />

However, those who wait on the Lord mount up<br />

Ishmael.<br />

wings as the eagle (Isaiah 40:31). Caleb one of 12 men<br />

with<br />

to spy and report back to Moses is an example. His<br />

sent<br />

was, let us go and possess the land (Numbers 13:30)<br />

response<br />

the Lord had promised. The others did not follow the<br />

as<br />

years later whilst the others died in the wilderness,<br />

Forty<br />

said to Joshua, I am this day fourscore and five years<br />

Caleb<br />

As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that<br />

old.<br />

sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my<br />

Moses<br />

now, for war, both to go out, and to come in (Joshua<br />

strength<br />

KJV)<br />

14:10-11<br />

not despair. Wait on the Lord’s knowledge for direction.<br />

Do<br />

knowledge will sustain, strengthen and establish you,<br />

His<br />

as He did in the life of Caleb. Therefore patiently wait on<br />

just<br />

Almighty’s lead in establishing your destiny. Amen<br />

the<br />

denotes action whilst wait, inaction. When you wait on<br />

Walk<br />

Lord’s leading and direction, people misunderstand your<br />

the<br />

calling you a time waster. Walking and waiting sound<br />

actions<br />

James wrote about being joyful when you face<br />

anachronistic.<br />

This isn’t real, is it? James further enumerated the benefits<br />

trials.<br />

with this contrasting positions as becoming mature<br />

associated<br />

and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2-4).<br />

Lord’s lead walking after their fears.



Lord, as I examine myself in the mirror of life, I am<br />

Dear<br />

where near your intended position. I repent this day<br />

no<br />

all that has happened in my life either by omission or<br />

of<br />

commission. I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and<br />

by<br />

and believe in my heart that His shed blood has<br />

Savior<br />

for my sins. I ask Jesus Christ to fill my heart this<br />

atoned<br />

day and I will serve Him the rest of my life.<br />

believe and confess that my Utmost Posture is peace<br />

I<br />

surpasses all understanding. I stand putting on<br />

that<br />

Christ, the whole armor of God as my soul remains<br />

Jesus<br />

in His love. I confess to be in rhythm by<br />

still<br />

Him in all I do. I believe and confess that<br />

acknowledging<br />

covers me with His holy envelope as protection<br />

He<br />

evil destruction. I will continue to provide the<br />

against<br />

ushering the Savior to communion as I patiently<br />

melody<br />

for His instructions to lead me. His answers enable<br />

wait<br />

overcome the tendency to submit to any inferior<br />

me<br />

I confess that I will not be limited by fear as the<br />

nature.<br />

has eternally verified and established all things as<br />

Lord<br />

real.<br />

me the grace that allows me to yield to Your<br />

Grant<br />

always. I declare this day that I yield to the Holy<br />

leading<br />

leading to keep the Utmost Posture all the days<br />

Spirit’s<br />

my life, for in You through You and to You do all<br />

of<br />

consist. As you have began this good work in me<br />

things<br />

will surely bring it to a successful conclusion in my<br />

You<br />

position. Thank you Lord, to you be all glory<br />

ordained<br />

honor. Amen.<br />


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