Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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BROPHT, T. IT. Surgical Treatment <strong>of</strong> Palatal Defects. Dental Cosmos,<br />

Philadelphia, 1901, xliii., 317-340.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Surgical Treatment <strong>of</strong> Cleft Palates. Dominion Dental <strong>Journal</strong>,<br />

Toronto, 1901, xiii., 119-142.<br />

BROWN, F. T. Ununited Fracture <strong>of</strong> the Forearm. Annals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>,<br />

Philadelphia, 1901, xxxiv., 416418.<br />

BROWN, G. V. I. Surgical Correction <strong>of</strong> 3Ialformation and Speech Defects<br />

Due to or Associated with Harelip and Cleft Palate. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Medical Association, Chicago 1902, x.xxviii., 169, 237.<br />

BRUN, F. RBsultats definitifs de la reduction non sanglante des luxations<br />

congenitales de la hanche. Bull. et mem. Soc. de Chir. de Paris, 1900,<br />

xxri., 853, 854.<br />

Presentation d'un appareil pour enfant atteint de paralysie infantile ou<br />

contracture paralytique du mernbre inf6rieur. Bull. et mCrn. Soc. de<br />

Chir. de Paris, 1901, x.t\-ii., 556, 557.<br />

BRUN, F., et DUCROQUET. De la reduction non sanglante des luxations<br />

cong6nitales de la hanche. Presse mbd., Paris, 1900, ii., 45-50.<br />

Reduction non sanglante de la luxation congenitale de la hanche; indications<br />

et manuel opBratoire. Presse Md., Paris, 1901, ii., 221-223.<br />

BRUNS, C. Ueber Behandlung und Verhutung arthrogener Kontrakturen irn<br />

Kniegelenke. Cent f. Chir., Leipzig, 1901, xxviii., 159-161.<br />

Ueber Anwendung von Laufwagen bei Lahmungen der interen Extremitaten.<br />

Munch. Med Foch., 1902, slix., 24, 25.<br />

BRUXS, L. Zur Casuistik der infantilcn progressiven spinalen hluskelatrophie<br />

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Leipzig, 1901, six., 401-413.<br />

BR~NZLOW- Ein Fall von Jiniegelenkstuberkulose und seine Behandlung<br />

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L. u. B., 1901, xxvii., 672-671.<br />

BRUSH, .JR., C. E. Sotes on Cervical Ribs. .Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin,<br />

Baltimore, 1901, xii.; 114-116.<br />

BRYANT, J. D. So-called <strong>Joint</strong> Derangement from 5lovahle Bodies in <strong>Joint</strong>s.<br />

Medical Record, Sew Tork, 1902, lsi., 761-763.<br />

BRYANT, J. H. .A Clinical Lecture on a Case <strong>of</strong> hluscular Atrophy. Clinical<br />

<strong>Journal</strong>, London, 1901, xviii., 327-335.<br />

BUCH~N, J. J. A Case <strong>of</strong> Typhoid Arthritis Proper. British Medical <strong>Journal</strong>,<br />

1901, i., 1467, 1468<br />

BCCHANAN, J. J. Total Excision <strong>of</strong> the Scapula .%lone and with Arm (Inter-<br />

scapulo-thoracic Amputation); Partial Excision <strong>of</strong> the Scapula for<br />

Tumor. Philadelphia Medical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1900, vi., 26-37, 73-82.<br />

BUCK, D. DE L'achondroplasie. Belgique rned., Gand-Harlem, 1900, ii ,<br />

737-745, 2 fig.<br />

BUCKNALL, R. Cases <strong>of</strong> Injury to the Epiphyseal Line. Lancet, London,<br />

1901, i., 919-922.<br />

BUDINQER, KONRAD. Zur blutigen Behandlung der Luxatio claviculre acrom-<br />

I ialis und der Bruche des Nasenbeines. Wien. klin. Woch., 1900, xiii.,<br />


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