Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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APPENDIX.. 81<br />

Chronic Tenosynovitis<br />

576-578.<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>, Philadelphia, 1901, xxxiv.,<br />

BLANCHARD, W. Rspid Osteoclasis for the Correction <strong>of</strong> Rhachitic Deformities<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Legs. Chicago Medical Recorder, 1900, xviii., 453-466.<br />

Rapid Osteoclasis for the Correction <strong>of</strong> Rhachitic Deformities <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Legs. Chicago Medical Recorder, June, 1900.<br />

Rapid Osteoclasis for the Correction <strong>of</strong> Rhachitic Deformities <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Legs. Transactions <strong>of</strong> the American Orthopedic Association, Philadelphia,<br />

1900, xiii., 108-123.<br />

Further Obsen~ations on Rapid Osteoclasis for the Correction <strong>of</strong> Rhachitic<br />

Deformities <strong>of</strong> the Legs. Chicago Medical Recorder, June, 1901.<br />

De 1'ostCoclasie rapide pour la correction des deformations des jambes<br />

rachitiques.<br />

10 figs.<br />

Ann. de Chir. et d'orthop., Paris, 1900, siii., 294-308,<br />

BLASIUS. Sulla tuberculosi post-traumatica delle articolazioni-considerazioni<br />

generali, a proposito di un caso di pretestazione di un artrite tubercolare<br />

attributia ad infortunio del lavoro. Trad. Calza. Riv. di Dir. e Giurisprud.,<br />

patol. lavoro, hlodena, 1900, ii., 109.<br />

BLAUEL, C. Ueber die Kaht bei subkutaner zereissung des Ligamenturn<br />

pateb. Beit. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1901, xxix., 450-468, 1 pl.<br />

BLECHER. Ueber den Einfluss der kunstlichen Blutstanung auf Gelenksteifgkeiten<br />

nach Traumen und langerer Immobilisation.<br />

f. Chir., Leipzig, 1901, lx., 250-2M.<br />

Deut. Zeit.<br />

BLENCKE, A. Traitement de la luation congenitale de la hanche. Gaz.<br />

hebd. de M6d. et Chir., Paris, 1901, xlviii., 226.<br />

Ueber congenitalen Femurdefect.<br />

1901, i~., 584-656.<br />

Zeitschr. f. Orth. Chir., Stuttgart,<br />

Ein Beitrag Zur Lehre der Contracturen und Ankylosen irn Kniegelenk<br />

und deren Behandlung.<br />

\%., 95-129.<br />

Zeit. f. Orthopad. Chir., Stuttgart, 1900,<br />

Ein Beitrag zu den Fracturen im Carpo-metacarpalgelenk des Daurnens.<br />

Monatsschr. f. Unfallheillc., Leipzig, 1901, viii., 103-106.<br />

Ein Fall von reiner Yetatarsalgie. Deut. Med. Woch., L. u. B., 1901,<br />

xxvii., 636638.<br />

BLIESENER. Ueber die durch die Bardenheurr'sche Extensions-methode an<br />

den Bmchen der unteren Gliedmaassen erhaltenen functionellen Ergebnisse.<br />

Deut. Zeitschr. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1900, iv., 277-316.<br />

BLOCK, E. B. On Hydromyelia in Its Relation to Spina Bifida and Cranioschisis.<br />

Welch Mern. Vol., Baltimore, 1900, 805-858, 3 pl.<br />

Enchondroma-like Formations in the Femur, following Osteomyelitis.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pathology and Bacteriology, London, 1901, vii., 227-239.<br />

BLOCK, 11. Le pied plat douloureux Compt.-rend. XI. Cong. Internat.<br />

de MCd., hloscou, 1897, v., Sec. ix., 654-662.<br />

BLODGETT, W. E. Auscultation <strong>of</strong> the Knee-joint.<br />

Surgical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1902, cxlvi., 63-66.<br />

Boston Medical and<br />

Excision <strong>of</strong> the Hip for Congenital Dislocation.<br />

Surgical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1902, cxlvi., 435-436.<br />

6<br />

Boston Medical and

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