Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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212 APPENDIX.<br />

Iodide <strong>of</strong> Iron in the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Certain Forms <strong>of</strong> Infective Arthritis.<br />

Medical News, New York, 1900, Ixsvii., 8 M .<br />

~VILSON, H. A. Fracture <strong>of</strong> the Femur in an Infant. Annals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong>,<br />

Philadelphia, 1901, ssxiii., 775-785.<br />

A Medico-legal Aspect <strong>of</strong> Tube~culous <strong>Joint</strong> Disease.<br />

cine, Philadelphia, 1901, ii., 24-26.<br />

American Medi-<br />

Mechanical<br />

1902, iii., 721.<br />

Satural Shoes. .American Medicine, Philadelphia,<br />

.<br />

Tuberculous <strong>Joint</strong> Disease.<br />

-196499.<br />

Sew York Medical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1902, LL.~.,<br />

A Case <strong>of</strong> Osteitis Deforrnans.<br />

322-326.<br />

Philadelphia Medical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1902, is.,<br />

WIXG, E. Acute .interior Polio~nyelitis. Illinois Medical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1899,<br />

xli.., 150-157.<br />

WINKLER, K. lreber primire Iinochentnarksgeschwiilste, 77. Jahresb. d.<br />

Schles, Gesellsch. f. Vaterl. Iiult., Rreslau, 1900, ..\bth, i., 79-98.<br />

IJeber primare Knochenmarkgeschwiilste.<br />

1899, Ixviii., 707-710.<br />

.illg. Med. Cent.-Ztg., Berlin,<br />

WINSLO\V, R. Complete Esternal L)islocation at the Elbow. .innals <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Surgery</strong>, Philadelphia, 1900, sssi.. 59.5-599.<br />

WINTERBERG, IV. .i Case <strong>of</strong> Fracture <strong>of</strong> Humerus, with Dislocation <strong>of</strong> Shoulder-joint<br />

and Sul~sequent Angular rnion <strong>of</strong> Fragments Successfully<br />

Treated 1,. a Sew Method. Tra~~,sactions <strong>of</strong> the Medical Society <strong>of</strong><br />

California, 1901, sssi., 278-284.<br />

WINTRERERT, E. Lusation ancienne de l'astragale par rotation double.<br />

1)eformation du pied et difficult6 de la march.<br />

Lille, 1900, ssiii., 294-297.<br />

Jour. d. sc. Mkd. de<br />

WIRT, \V. E. Surgical Treatment <strong>of</strong> Pott's Disease.<br />

land General Hospital, 1899, i., 30-39.<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Cleve-<br />

.i Case <strong>of</strong> Estreme Genu Valgu~n Corrected by Supracondyloid Osteotonly.<br />

Cleveland <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine, 1900, \.., 211, 212.<br />

Ca.w <strong>of</strong> Club-foot in an -1dult. Cleveland <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine, April,<br />

1901.<br />

WITHERSPOON, T. C. Spinal Curvatures; Present,ation <strong>of</strong> Patients. St.<br />

1,ouis Courier <strong>of</strong> Medicine, January, 1902.<br />

WITZEL, 0. Ein Operatives Verfahren zur Behandlung der Lusatio congenita<br />

cox@ Heteroplastik des Limbus.<br />

977-979.<br />

Cent. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1901, ssviii.,<br />

Ein operatives Verfahren zur Behandlung zur Lusatio congenita coxn.<br />

Heteroplastik des Limbus.<br />

979.<br />

Cent. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1901, xxviii.,<br />

WORLGELIUTH, H. Die Fractur des Tuberculum rnajus humeri.<br />

klin. Chir., Berlin, 1900, Isi., 760-774.<br />

Arch. f.<br />

Die Fractur des Tuberculum majus humeri.<br />

xssvii., 949-951.<br />

Berl. klin. Woch., 1900,<br />

WOLF. hngeborene Fingerdeformitiit.<br />

766, 767.<br />

Miinch. Med. Woch., 1900, slvii.,

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