Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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APPESDIX. 103<br />

SIREDEY, .4. Diagnostic du ma1 de Pott chez l'adulte. Pmsse ma., Paris,<br />

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Diagnostic du mal de Pott chez I'adulte. SIIIe Cong. Internat. de<br />

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724.<br />

SITTA. Contribution A 1'6tude clinique de l'ostbo-arthopathie hypertrophiante<br />

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-4utopsie d'un cas de paralysie infantile. XIIIe Cong. Internat. de M6d.,<br />

Sect. de Neurol., 1900, Paris, 1901, Compt.-rend., 319-322.<br />

Sur les l6sions les moins frequentes de la moelle epiniire que I'on rencontre<br />

dans la paralysie infantile. Casop. lek. cesk., Praha, 1901, xl., 507-<br />

.509.<br />

SKIRVING, A. A. S. A Case <strong>of</strong> Extreme Enlargement <strong>of</strong> the Bum Over the<br />

Tuber Ischii, with Peculiar Contents. Edinburgh Hospital Reports,<br />

1900, \i., 303-313, 1 pl.<br />

SLAJMER, E. Die Behandlung der Spina bifida, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung<br />

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SMIT, J. A. R. Operative behandeing van hinkhoest. Sederl. Tijdschr. v.<br />

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SMITH, E. N. Deformity from Infantile Paralysis. Clinical <strong>Journal</strong>, London,<br />

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Spring Finger: Record <strong>of</strong> a Case in which.the Affected Part was Exposed<br />

by Operation, a Contracted Sheath Stretched, and the Patient Cured.<br />

Clinical .<strong>Journal</strong>, London, 1901, sviii., 31, 32.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Management <strong>of</strong> Lateral Curvature <strong>of</strong> the Spine (Scoliosis). Hospital,<br />

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S~IITH, HARMOX. Subcutaneous Injection <strong>of</strong> Paraffin in the Correction <strong>of</strong><br />

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S~IITH. L. H. A Case <strong>of</strong> Chronic Hheumatisn~. Southern Practitioner,<br />

Nashville, Tenn., March, 1901.<br />

-4 Case <strong>of</strong> Chronic Rheumatism. Vermont 3Iedicnl Monthly, Burlington,<br />

1901, \ii., 102, 103.<br />

SJIITH, X. Exercises in the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Lateral Curvature <strong>of</strong> the Spine.<br />

Lancet, London, 1900, ii., 13-16.<br />

Heilgytnnastische rebungen bei der Behandlung von seitlichen Wirbels&ulenverkrummiingen.<br />

Zeit schr, f. Diat. u. Physik. <strong>The</strong>rap., Leipzig,<br />

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Dupuytren's Contraction <strong>of</strong> the Palmar Fascia. Sew York Medical<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Treatment <strong>of</strong> Congenital Displacement <strong>of</strong> the Hip-joints. Medical<br />

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SI~ITHWICK, J. KT. P. Tuberculosis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bone</strong>s: -4 Clinical Report. Medicus,<br />

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SKOW, W. B. Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Treatment by Electrostatic Currents<br />

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