Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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162 APPENDIX.<br />

MORPURGO, B. Ueber eine infectibse Form der Osteomalacie bei weissen<br />

Ratten. Beit. z. path. Anat. u. allg. Path., Jena, 1900, xxviii., 620-626.<br />

MORRIS, J. L. Rickets. Alkaloid Clinic, Chicago, 1900, vii., 265-269.<br />

MORSE, J. L. TWO Cases <strong>of</strong> Sporadic Cretinism. Annals <strong>of</strong> Gynecology and<br />

Pediatrics, Boston, 1900, xiii., 490-497.<br />

Rickets. Philadelphia Medical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1900, v., 1188-1192.<br />

Infantile Scorbutus. Boston Medical and Surgical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1901 cxliv.,<br />

465469.<br />

Infantile Atrophy. Annals <strong>of</strong> Gynecology and Pediatrics, Boston, 1901,<br />

xi^., 709-71 1.<br />

Infantile Atrophy. Medical Sews, New Tork, 1901, lxxix., 409-411.<br />

JIORTON, T. G. Treatment <strong>of</strong> Simple Fractures <strong>of</strong> the Femur, with Especial<br />

Reference to Methods in Use at the Pennsylvania Hospital, and Remarks<br />

upon Asymmetry in Relation to Shortening After Fracture.<br />

<strong>The</strong>rapeutic Gazette, Detroit, May 15, 1900.<br />

~IOSCHOCOWITZ, A. V. Remarks upon the Construction <strong>of</strong> Amputation<br />

Stumps, with a Report <strong>of</strong> Two Cases <strong>of</strong> Amputation by the Osteoplastic<br />

Method <strong>of</strong> Bier. Medical Sews, Sew York, 1901, lxxviii., 207-<br />

211.<br />

MOSER, \V. A Case <strong>of</strong> 1)iaphragmatic Hernia. Philadelphia Medical <strong>Journal</strong>,<br />

1902, ix., 767.<br />

MOSHER, B. H. \%'hat is the Prognosis in Tubercular Spondylitis? Brooklyn<br />

Medical <strong>Journal</strong>, 1902, Januav<br />

MoTT.~, $1. La cura odierna della lussazione congenitxi dell' anca; nota.<br />

Gior. di Ginec. e di Ped., Torino, 1901, i., 41.<br />

Sulla cura del morbo di Pott; nota. Gior. di Ginec. e di Pediat., Torino,<br />

1901. i., 91.<br />

MOTY, F. Note sur la dksarticulation de la hanche par la raquette externe.<br />

Arch. mkd. milit. et pharm., Paris, 1900, xxxv., 241-256.<br />

MOUCHET, A. Les fractures du col du radius. Rev de Chir., Paris, 1900,<br />

xxi., 596-622.<br />

Atrophle congenitale de la main droite avec brachydactyli du puce et<br />

du petit doigt fusion des deus derniers mktacarpiens. Kev. d'orthop.,<br />

Paris, 1902, 2 s., iii., 53-55.<br />

Un cas curieux de difformitks congknitales multiples. Gaz. hebd. de<br />

M6d. et Chir., Paris, 1902, xlix., 217-221.<br />

MOYER, H. K. Hot-air Treatment <strong>of</strong> Nervous and <strong>Joint</strong> Mections. Chicago<br />

Medical Record, 1900, xviii., 370-375.<br />

Hot-air Treatment <strong>of</strong> Nervous and <strong>Joint</strong> Affections. <strong>The</strong>rapeutic<br />

Gazette, 1900, 3 s., xvi., 436-438.<br />

MRACEK, F. Zur Dactylitis syphilitics. Wen. klin. Woch., 1901, xiv.,<br />

432435.<br />

MULLER, G. Zur Behandlung der Wirbelsaulenkerkrankungen mittelst portativer<br />

-4pparate. Zeit, f. Krankenpf., Berlin, 1899, xxi., Arzt. Polyt.,<br />

9-12.<br />

Die massage in der Skoliosebehandlung. 411g. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berlin,<br />

1900, Lxix., 365-367

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