Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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134 APPENDIX.<br />

Jou~ovs~~, V. HydrocBphalie et tumeur congBnitale de la glande pineale<br />

chez un nouveau-n6. Rev. mens. de mal. de l'enf., Paris, 1901, xix.,<br />

197-217.<br />

Rachitisme en Russia, 1 ed. francaise. St. Petersburg, Nar. Polza, 1900,<br />

8 yo., 47 pp., 111 figs.<br />

Jou~owsru, V. P. Le Rachitisme et 116tat hygroscopique relatif de l'air.<br />

Bobnitsch. Gaz. Botkina, St. Petersburg, 1900, xi., 630-640.<br />

Jono~, E. DBformation tr6s prononck des deux gros orteils simulant<br />

"l'orteil en marteau" chez un jeune home pr6sentant en meme<br />

temps deux malformations congenitales: une luxation congenitale de<br />

la hanche droite et un infundibulum para-coccygien. Malformations<br />

hCrBditaires des pieds et des orteils chee les ascendants et les collat4raux<br />

directs du malade. Rev. d1Orthop6d., Paris, 1901, xii., 45-53.<br />

Luxation soudaine de la tete du femur en bas en avant, vers le trou<br />

ovale, au debut d'une coxalgie de la hanche gauche. RBduction complete<br />

et facile sous le chlor<strong>of</strong>orme dix-huit mois apr6s le d6placement.<br />

Rev. dlOrthopCd., Paris, 1901, xii., 55-62.<br />

Arthrotomie pour un corps Btranger ost6o-cartilagineux de l'articulation<br />

du genou gauche. Rev. dJOrthop., Paris, 1901, xii., 189-192.<br />

Des Luxation ssoudaines de la hanche au debut de la coxalgie. (Paris.)<br />

Tours, Imp. L. Dubois, 1901, avo., No. 421, 72 pp., 2 pl.<br />

Jono~, M. Relation d'un voyage $. vienne et en allemagne pour 1'6tude de la<br />

chimrgie orthopedique. Rev. dlOrthop., Paris, 1902, 2 s., iii., 59-84.<br />

JUDET, H. Luxation imcomplete du pied en arriere. Rev. d'orthop., Paris,<br />

1902, 2 s., iii., 131-138.<br />

JUDKINS, E. H. Masso-therapeutics: Part ii., Massage in Disease. <strong>Journal</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Medicine and Science, Portland, Me., 1900, vi., 198-204.<br />

JUDSON, A. B. Incipient Hip Disease. Medical News, Xew York, 1901,<br />

lxxviii., 157; <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine and Science, Portland, Me., 1900,<br />

1901, vii., 41, 45; Medical Times and Register, Philadelphia, 1900,<br />

xxxix., 10, 11.<br />

Convalescent White Swelling <strong>of</strong> the Knee. Medical News, Xew York,<br />

1901, lxxviii., 157, 158; <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine and Science, Portland,<br />

Me., 1900, 1901, vii., 45, 46; Medical Times and Register, Philadelphia,<br />

1901, xcuix., 12, 13.<br />

Congenital Club-foot. Medical News, New York, 1901, hiii., 643, 614;<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine and Science, Portland, Me., 1901, vii., 204; American<br />

Practitioner and News, Louisville, 1901, mi., 473, 474.<br />

Funnel-chest. Medical News, New York, 1901, lmiii., 644; <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Medicine and Science, Portland, Me., 1901, vii., 205; American Practitioner<br />

and News, Louisville, 1901, mi., 474476.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Effect <strong>of</strong> Flexion <strong>of</strong> the Spine on Rotation. Medical Times and<br />

Register, Philadelphia, 1901, xxxix., 179, 180; <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine<br />

and Science, Portland, Me., 1901, vii., 311; Medical News, New York,<br />

1901, lxxix., 520.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Question <strong>of</strong> Spinal Braces in Lateral Curvature. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Medical Association, Chicago, 1902, xxxviii., 508, 509.

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