Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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Dews cas d'arthrite blennorrhagique chez l'enfant; Arthrite sternocla\iculaire;<br />

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HILLET, .I. Etude sur les hernies onlbilicales congbnitales de la periode enibryonaire.<br />

Rev. de Gynec. et de chir. abdom., Paris, 1900, iv., 519-557.<br />

HILLOPEAU. Dbforlnation des pieds avec arr6t de developpement d'origine<br />

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H.ILLOPEIU et LEWIERRE. Sur un cas d'arthropathies blennorrhagiques<br />

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HUSTEAD, A. E. Dislocation <strong>of</strong> the External Semilunar Fibrocartilage <strong>of</strong><br />

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HAMANN, C. .4. Spasmodic Torticollis and Its Surgical Treatment. Buffalo<br />

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HAMMOND, T. V. Arthritis Deformans. SIIIe Cong. Internat. de MBd.,<br />

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HAAIONIC, P. Le Chevalier B la main de fer. Curieuse piece d10rthop6die<br />

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H.WNECART. Excision d'un spins-bifida sacro-lombaire. GuBrison. .4nn.<br />

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HANSE~IANN. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Rachitis. Berl. klin. Woch., 1900,<br />

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H.~E, H. .A. Scurvy and Rickets in Young Children. Medical Sews, Sew<br />

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HARRIS, M. L. Hip-joint Disease Treated by Incision and Injection with<br />

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HARRISON, R. G On the Occurrence <strong>of</strong> Tails in Man, with a Description <strong>of</strong><br />

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HART~I~N, FRITZ. Ueber chronische ankylosirende Entzundung de Wirbelsaule.<br />

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Klinische und pathologische-anatomische Untersuchungen uber die uncornplicirten,<br />

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