Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Back Matter - The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery


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APPENDIX. 97<br />

COWEN, T. P. Bilateral Dislocation <strong>of</strong> the Hip, Presumably Congenital.<br />

Lancet, London, 1900, i., 1716, 1717. .<br />

COZZOLINO, 0. Sull etiologia e potogenesi del rachetismo; lezione redatta da<br />

dott. Giulio Giordano. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1900, viii., Xo. 4,3.<br />

CRAMER, F. Ueber die Losung der Verwachsenen Kniescheibe.<br />

klin. Chir., Berlin, 1901, Ixiv., 696-708.<br />

Arch. f.<br />

Ueber die Losung der verwachsenen Kniescheibe.<br />

Gesells. f. Chir., Berlin, 1901, xxx., 515-527.<br />

Verhandl. d. deut.<br />

CR.LVDELL, A. R. Rhachitis. Boston Medical and Surgical <strong>Journal</strong>. 1901,<br />

cxlv., 380-383.<br />

CRIEGERN, V. Untersuchung eines Falles von angeborener Sternalspatte<br />

rnittelst fluorescirenden Schirmes.<br />

1378-1380.<br />

Munch. JIed. Woch., 1900, slvii.,<br />

CRO~AN, A. C. lrthritism and Tuberculosis. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tuberculosis,<br />

Asheville, S. C., 1900, ii., 373-380<br />

CROIBIER, A. De l'intervention chirurgicale dans l'ost6osarcome de 1'0s<br />

iliaque. Paris, G. Carre et C. Saud, 1901, 8vo., No. 403, 115 p.<br />

CUMSTON, C. G. A Case <strong>of</strong> Genu Valga, with Remarks on Osteotomp. Pee<br />

diatrics, Kew York, 1900, vii., 481-489.<br />

CUNEO, A. Contribute alla cura radicale dell'ernia ombellicale negli adulti.<br />

Gazz. d. Osp., Milano, 1900, sxi., 1222-1227.<br />

CURTILLET. Deu cas de luxation congenitale de la hanche guBrie par la<br />

mBthode non sanglante de Lorenz.<br />

1900, 2. s., xi., 56-58.<br />

Bull. m6d. de lJ.41giers, Alger,<br />

CURTIS, B. F. Osteotomy for Deformity following Hipdisease. Report <strong>of</strong><br />

Medical Times and Register, Philadelphia, 1900, xxuviii., 233, 234;<br />

Rep. ;iluerican Practitioner and Sews, Louisville, 1900, .nix., 425,426;<br />

Rep. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine and Science, Portland, 1900, vi., 339.<br />

Resection <strong>of</strong> the Hip for Tuberculous Arthritis. Rep. Medical T~mes<br />

and Register, Philadelphia, 1900, xx,.viii., 233; Rep. American Practitioner<br />

and Sews, Louis\.ille, 1900, x..ix., 425; Rep. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine<br />

and Science, Portland, 1900, vi., 339.<br />

DAGROS. Ia n~:canotherapie dans la niohilisation des membres: ses erreurs,<br />

ses dangers.<br />

150.<br />

Rey. de therap. m6d.-chir., Paris, 1901, hviii., 145-<br />

DAGRON, G. ?rlassothbrapie. Bull. Jl6d., Paris, 1901, xv., 729, 761.<br />

Massage des maladies nerveusis. Indications necessitant un certaine<br />

experience clinique; exemples d'accidents das B des manoeuvres tern&<br />

raircs et ignorantes, etc. Bull. med., Paris, 1902, xvi., 215-219.<br />

De la conduite B tenir en cas d'entorse. Rev. internat. de JICd. et de<br />

Ch~r. Paris, 1900, xi., 415-418.<br />

Sur le traitement de la scoliose laterale des adolescents. Journ. de JIBd.<br />

de Paris, 1902, siv., 173, 174.<br />

Conduite i tenir en cas d'entorse.<br />

Paris, 1899, xii., 120-135<br />

Rev. illust. polytech. mBd, et chir.,<br />

RBduction spontanQ des fractures et plus particulihrernent des fractures<br />

de jambe. Bull. JIM., Paris, 1901, xv., 34-36.<br />


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