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NEWS & HAPPENINGS 36TH NATIONAL ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION 2062 The 36 th National Arts and Craft Exhibition organized by the Nepal Association of Fine Arts (NAFA) was participated in by 161 artists in Contemporary Painting, 23 sculptors in Contemporary Sculpture, 48 artists in Traditional Arts and 44 craftsmen and women in Craft division. Besides this, works of 43 artists were exhibited in the Non-Competing department. In Contemporary Painting, Asha Dangol’s ‘Tantrik Prem’ won first prize with And while Kirti’s work is to be appreciated for clean paraphrasing of complex forms, Jasmin’s work displays a definite maturity and style. Gautam R Tuladhar’s ‘Everyday Prayer’ and Roshan Pradhan’s ‘Feelings of 2005 second, to Sundar Sinkhwal’s ’21 Tara’, and third to Devendra Sinkhwal’s ‘Bajra Jogini’. Special prizes went to Bijaya S Jyapoo’s ‘Buddha’ and Kunchhang Lama’s ‘Buddha Jivani’. Kriti Chand’s ‘Rachana’ and Jasmin Bhandari’s ‘The Street’, coming in second and third respectively. In keeping with the profound nature of his prize winning work, Asha has added a tense grip to the subject by using very few basic colours. Hanger’ were recipients of special prizes. In Contemporary Sculpture, Sudarshan B Rana’s ‘Paribesh’, a two piece mixed medium exhibit connected by space and expression, won the first prize, while Bhuwan Thapa’s woodcraft, ‘Current Situation’, was placed second and Bijaya Maharjan’s Opexci medium ‘Desire’ received the third prize. Special prizes went to Narendra P Bhandari’s ‘Passing’ and Roshan Marjan’s ‘Family’. In the Traditional department, first prize went to Ram P Shrestha’s ‘Ghammapal Mahankal’, Bibhusan N Tamrakar’s ‘Mahisashur Mardini’, Binod Shakya’s ‘Mahankal’ and Shyam KC’S ‘Hanuman Dhoka’ won first, second and third prizes respectively in the Craft division while Shyam S Yadav’s ‘Ram Mala’ and Thirtha M Sthapit’s ‘Swaymbhunath’ received special prizes. Regional award winners were Chhetra L Kayastha (West Region), Uttam Shakya (Middle Region) and Tirtha Niraula (East Region) for ‘Dui Thopa Aansu’, ‘Akshobhya Mandal’ and ‘Ganesh’ respectively. S FRAGMENTS OF A JOURNEY Aditi Sadhu Chakraborty’s 2 nd solo exhibition titled ‘Fragments of a Journey’ was held at the Park Gallery from 18 th to 31 st January 2006. The artist has described her works as responses to her experiences in her life’s journey. Intelligent colour schemes are a particularly attractive element of her paintings and enliven the various different fragments in her canvases. Although Aditi claims to have responded spontaneously while bestowing the fragments with form and colour, the neat symmetry in all her canvases forces one to think that perhaps the artist could not have escaped a very conscious move towards creating a basic harmony. Which is not a bad thing really, since the results have turned out to be very pleasing to the eye as well as to the senses. .The discerning viewer will surely appreciate the artist’s originality even if shades of cubism do seem to have a role to play in defining her style. S CULTURAL STUDIES GROUP OF NEPAL The Cultural Studies Group of Nepal (CSGN) was set up in 2000 to learn more about the arts and cultures of Nepal in a setting where Nepalis and expatriates could share their common interests in such matters. To achieve this aim, CSGN organizes a monthly lecture series on the last Friday of every month at 9:30 AM at the Shanker Hotel. CSGN also has a schedule of mid-monthly studio visits to learn about historic and religious sites, local arts, crafts and antiques. Some lectures held in 2005 were on ‘Nepali Resilience’ by Kunda Dixit, ‘Life Behind the Camera’ by Dianne Summers, ‘The Plight of Widows in Nepal’ by Lily Thapa and ‘Lain Singh Bangdel- Writer, Painter and Art Historian of Nepal’ by Don Messerschmidt. On Friday, 27 th January 2006, ‘The New Realities of Nepalese Art’ was presented by Art Curator Sangeeta Thapa. Her 40 minutes audio-visual presentation included a brief history of Nepalese art as well as the effects of conflict and contemporary concerns on the same. S 20 MAR-APR 2006 SPACES



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