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T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 8 0<br />


I concluded my Presidential address<br />

in last July's Old Stationer with the<br />

comment that 'there is now the<br />

possibility of a new Stationers'<br />

School rising like the proverbial<br />

Phoenix from the ashes'. Well, on<br />

8th October 2014, 26 Old Stationers<br />

attended the official opening of the<br />

Stationers' Crown Woods Academy.<br />

We were impressed by both the<br />

pupils and the amazing facilities<br />

that the school is able to provide. A<br />

truly worthy successor to the school<br />

we grew to love and value so much.<br />

The Old Stationers concluded the<br />

opening ceremonies with an<br />

impromptu rendition of the school<br />

song. There was some concern as to<br />

how this would be received but both pupils and those<br />

invited to attend the opening ceremony were very<br />

appreciative of our efforts.<br />

Your Committee is giving careful consideration as to how<br />

the OSA can best provide support to the new school. This<br />

is not a time for knee jerk reactions but measured<br />

consideration of the possibilities. Elsewhere in this edition<br />

are two pieces about the new school. One raises the<br />

possibility of the need to change our constitution in order<br />

to admit 'old' pupils from the new school. Your Committee<br />

does not have such a proposal at the present time and, if at<br />

any time there is one, there would be extensive consultation<br />

before this is given formal consideration. It is considered<br />

far more likely that the OSA would choose to use its<br />

experience and expertise to assist the school in setting up<br />

its own Old Pupils Association. It is important to reflect<br />

that the present first formers [year 7 in current terminology]<br />

will conclude their secondary education under the<br />

'Stationers banner' in several years time.<br />

They will have different aims and aspirations for an Old<br />

Pupils Association than those of us who went to a school<br />

that will have been closed then for nearly 40 years. The<br />

Committee will shortly be having discussions with key<br />

members of the Company who have been actively involved<br />

in establishing relationships with the school. We hope these<br />

discussions will clarify how we will best be able to support<br />

the school. We will want to raise the possibility of the<br />

school adopting our house names and our donating the old<br />

school cups that have been gathering dust for many years.<br />

The new school will require financial support and I hope<br />

that we can help here. With this in mind you should by<br />

now have received a brochure giving you more detail about<br />

the school and inviting you to make a contribution to the<br />

Company's support fund.<br />

It is now only two months to the end of my presidential<br />

year, so as always time flies. I never expected to be President<br />

but it has been both enjoyable and a huge privilege. I am so<br />

grateful for all the support so many<br />

of you have given me and the<br />

opportunity to attend several<br />

pleasant and interesting events.<br />

This included my first invitation<br />

which was to attend the Football<br />

Club Annual Dinner; this club<br />

continues to be at the heart of the<br />

Association even if, these days,<br />

there are few Old Stationers fit<br />

enough to play. This was a very<br />

enjoyable evening with a wonderful<br />

after dinner speaker. The Apostles<br />

Club also was kind enough to invite<br />

me to their lunch in October and<br />

we met in the wonderful<br />

surroundings of the library in the<br />

Chesterfield Hotel and enjoyed<br />

much discussion. Then, again in October, I was invited to<br />

join the Master and Wardens for lunch at the Hall. We<br />

were able to reflect on the opening of the new school and<br />

the Master and Wardens were very interested to hear about<br />

the support the OSA could provide for it.<br />

It was good to see so many of you on President's Day. We<br />

were blessed with good weather and it was an enjoyable<br />

cricket match. It's called President's Day but it should<br />

really be called the Gordon Rose Day! He works very hard<br />

to ensure that we have a great lunch and a good day's<br />

cricket. Thank you Gordon for all you do for the OSA. My<br />

thanks also go to Geoff Blackmore for organising the<br />

President's Team-something well beyond my capabilities!<br />

The luncheons held at the Imperial Hotel are other<br />

occasions when Old Stationers can renew friendships and<br />

generally catch up. The Master of the Company, lan Locks,<br />

was our guest at the September Luncheon when he spoke<br />

about the Company's involvement with the new school.<br />

Michael Murphy, the Principal of the school, also attended<br />

and spoke very interestingly about the school's history. The<br />

Christmas Luncheon at the Hall was particularly well<br />

attended with over 100 present. We are all very grateful to<br />

Alan Green for organising these lunches so superbly over<br />

many years. Quite understandably he has decided it is time<br />

to hang up his 'Knife and Fork' but we hope he will<br />

continue to join us at these meals. Mike Pinfield has agreed<br />

to take over from Alan; so the lunches will continue. If you<br />

have not done so please come and join us. You will be very<br />

well received. Any Old Stationer is welcome even if he is<br />

not a member of the OSA.<br />

Sadly it has been my privilege to represent the OSA at the<br />

funerals of Old Stationers. In July I attended Peter Bullen's<br />

funeral. I did not know Peter but I have been told that he<br />

was instrumental in creating the Old Stationers Association<br />

as we know it today. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude.<br />

This magazine includes a full obituary. I also attended<br />

Brian Simpson's funeral which was particularly poignant<br />


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