The Fountain magazine Issue 02, April 2014

The second issue of the Fountain Magazine by Fountains of Christ ministry, Kenya. www.focministry.org

The second issue of the Fountain Magazine by Fountains of Christ ministry, Kenya. www.focministry.org


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Facts<br />

Who is this man,<br />

Jesus Christ?<br />


Pangani Girls SDA Society<br />

1He came from the Throne of His Father above into<br />

the womb of a virgin. He became “the son of man”<br />

that we may become sons and daughters of God.<br />

He was born in a supernatural manner, lived in poverty<br />

and was reared in obscurity. He neither wal-<br />

2<br />

lowed in luxury nor influence, yet the wisdom of men<br />

never matched His.<br />

Never has a philosopher spoken like Him. His family<br />

was poor and humbled. At death, He alarmed<br />

3<br />

King Herod. As a boy, He stunned theologians with His<br />

knowledge and wisdom, for He was taught of God.<br />

4In manhood, He ruled the elements and quieted<br />

the raging sea. He healed the multitudes with no<br />

herbs or drugs and fed thousands from a boy’s lunch<br />

box. He raised three people from the dead and demons<br />

obeyed Him.<br />

5He wrote no book, yet all libraries in<br />

the world can’t contain the books<br />

that have been written about Him.<br />

He never wrote a song, but He<br />

6 has been the theme of more<br />

songs than all the hymn-writers<br />

combined. He never found any college,<br />

yet all colleges put together<br />

cannot boast of as many students as<br />

he has.<br />

He never marshaled any army, yet no<br />

7 leader in the world has had such many<br />

volunteers. Great men have come and gone, yet<br />

He lives on. Herod could not kill Him, Satan could not<br />

tempt Him into iniquity.<br />

Death could not destroy Him, the grave could not<br />

8 withhold Him, yet for our sakes He became poor.<br />

9He conquered death and rose on the third day, just<br />

as He had uttered, and all His words came true.<br />

He ascended into Heaven and now sits at the<br />

10 right hand of the Father. Soon, He will return<br />

power and great glory to harvest and judge the world.<br />

8 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Fountain</strong> | <strong>April</strong> <strong>2014</strong><br />

11. We had<br />

rather seek Him<br />

while He is still a<br />

savior and<br />

mediator<br />

Mwende with a baby patient during an FoC hospital visit<br />

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and<br />

the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and<br />

widows in their affliction, and to keep himself<br />

unspotted from the world.”<br />

~ James 1:27, KJV<br />

Trust the Driver<br />


<strong>The</strong>re’s an old story of a boy who<br />

stood on a sidewalk,waiting for<br />

a bus. A man walking by spotted<br />

the boy, and gave him some<br />

gentle instruction. “Son,” he said,<br />

”If u are waiting for the bus,you<br />

need to move to the street corner.<br />

That’s where the bus stops<br />

for passengers.”<br />

“It’s OK,”said the boy. “I’ll just<br />

wait right here,and the bus will<br />

stop for me.” <strong>The</strong> man repeated his<br />

argument, but the boy never moved.<br />

Just then, the bus appeared. Amazingly,<br />

the bus pulled over to where the boy stood,<br />

and he hopped in. <strong>The</strong> man on the sidewalk stood<br />

speechless. <strong>The</strong> boy turned around in the doorway<br />

and said, ”Mister, I knew the bus would stop<br />

here, because the bus driver is my dad!”<br />

When you’ve got a family relationship with the<br />

bus driver, you don’t need a bus stop. if you have<br />

given your heart to the King of kings, you’re in a<br />

royal family of unspeakable proportions!<br />

(Read Psalms 118:6-16)

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