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Dear Beloved,<br />


Dreams don t run out of steam, people do. Too o en we give up too soon.<br />

We listen to the voice of the critics, who ve never accomplished anything<br />

themselves and never will. That s why they criticize, saying, it can t be<br />

done, because they haven t done it. Or, we start looking at the odds<br />

instead of the evens; the minuses instead of the pluses; the negatives<br />

instead of the positives, or we look at the wind and the waves (like Peter),<br />

take our eyes off the Lord and start to sink.<br />

In short, we give up on our dream and our whole world turns into a<br />

nightmare. Always has, always will.<br />

The Bible encourages us to x our eyes on JESUS, the Author and<br />

Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,<br />

scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God<br />

(Hebrews 12:2). What do you think kept JESUS going? A dream?<br />

Absolutely! His dream was seeing people, like you and me, get the<br />

opportunity to have our sins forgiven and a home in Heaven. His dream<br />

came at a high price. Most dreams do. His dream meant His own death<br />

in order that you and I might have life. And not just any old life, but life<br />

more abundant!<br />

Be patient as you ful ll Gods plan for your life step-by-step. Even when<br />

things don t happen the way you think they should or when you think<br />

they should, faithfulness is what will bring you through to victory in<br />

God. . . . God never fails. And no matter how dif cult the test or trial,<br />

faithfulness always reaps the reward.<br />

I encourage you to dive into this months issue of The Daily Encourager<br />

Devotional. Each devotion will reveal more of Gods amazing love<br />

towards you and teach you how to remain strong in Him in spite of life s<br />

challenges. You are an overcomer.<br />

Peace PreciousOne

encourage you to dive<br />

Iinto this months issue of<br />

The Daily Encourager<br />

Devotional. Each devotion<br />

will reveal more of God s<br />

amazing love towards you and<br />

teach you how to remain<br />

strong in Him in spite of life s<br />

c h a l l e n g e s . Yo u a r e a n<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 1<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for<br />

she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”<br />

Genesis 16:13<br />

EL ROI - He Sees And Cares For You!<br />

The rst person to call God by the name El Roi was Hagar. A woman who was<br />

tossed away, driven away, running away. A slave who had been sexually used<br />

and verbally abused. Falling on her face, Hagar gave God the name El Roi, the<br />

God Who Sees. I have now seen the One who sees me, she cried. Hagar had<br />

not even begun to pray before God came to her rescue; God answered before<br />

she had even called upon His name.<br />

We need to realize that just as God saw Hagar, He sees us and He sees our<br />

af iction. He sees what s wrong around us. He sees our situations and our<br />

circumstances. He also sees what is wrong with us and He hears the cries of<br />

our hearts.<br />

Maybe you re in a season of feeling like God is deaf to your cries, blind to your<br />

circumstances, or unable to keep His promise. Maybe you ve wondered if God<br />

is just cruel and unwilling to listen or care. Take a moment in quiet to receive<br />

the beautiful truth that El Roi sees you, cares about you, and will provide. Run<br />

to El Roi , He sees you and He will hear you! He s the God who cares. He s the<br />

God who has felt what you are feeling. He s been through what you are going<br />

through<br />

No matter where you are at today, take courage, because God is El Roi, The<br />

God who sees. He s looking at you today. God wants to hear your broken heart!<br />

God sees you, He is the El Roi who cares for you! Trust Him and lean on His<br />

promises. Praise be to His name El Roi.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear God, thank you<br />

that you see and know<br />

all that concerns me.<br />

Thank you for caring<br />

a b o u t m e a n d<br />

providing for me.<br />

Thank you for hearing<br />

me when I call on you.<br />

I will learn to trust you<br />

and lean on you. Help<br />

me to draw closer to<br />

you in Jesus mighty<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 2<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he<br />

ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?<br />

Numbers 23:19<br />


You see, God is not like us. He doesn t promise and then change his<br />

mind. From the beginning of time, God has made promises to His<br />

children, and He has always kept His promises.<br />

When God gives you a promise you must understand there will come a<br />

testing time to see if you are going to be faithful to Him and deserving of<br />

the promise.<br />

Some of His promises are not ful lled immediately - but He will make it<br />

come to pass - in His perfect timing. God is trustworthy and He is the<br />

same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He does not change and He will<br />

never lie to us, mislead us or be unfaithful! You can trust God to do what<br />

He says He will do!<br />

Life is challenging. People will disappoint us. And, yes, as much as we<br />

try, we may even fall short in keeping some of our promises to others.<br />

But no matter what happens in life, we can hold on to this profound<br />

truth: God will never break His promises. Never. He is trustworthy and<br />

faithful<br />

My prayer is that you will be encouraged on the fact that God has not<br />

forgotten about you.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, thank<br />

You for being faithful to<br />

Your Word. I trust that You<br />

will complete the work<br />

You've begun in me. Help<br />

me keep my heart and<br />

mind focused on You as I<br />

stand strong in faith to see<br />

Your promises come to<br />

pass in my life. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 3<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“.....And from that day the name of the city will be 'The LORD Is There”<br />

Ezekiel 48:35<br />

JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH - The God Who Is There!<br />

The name Jehovah Shammah is a reminder that in our darkest hour,<br />

God is with us. When you feel abandoned or afraid, address Him as<br />

Jehovah Shammah. If God is <strong>THE</strong>RE, then we must chose to trust Him.<br />

When you go through problems, remember that God is present with<br />

you and claim the promise of Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God is<br />

with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will<br />

quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.<br />

When you feel alone God is there, He is here, He is everywhere.<br />

When you get bad news from the doctor God is there, He is here, He<br />

is everywhere. JEHOVAH SHAMMAH doesn t want to be the GOD<br />

over there, but the GOD WHO IS ALWAYS <strong>THE</strong>RE.<br />

Jehovah Shammah is there to be your shield. In the dangerous place,<br />

remember God's promise in Isaiah 41:10 that says, "Fear thou not; for I<br />

am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;<br />

yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my<br />

righteousness."<br />

God is always there. He s in your past, in your present, and in your<br />

future. He s with you in the good places. He s with you in the evil places.<br />

He is everywhere. And you are never, ever alone. Where God is, hope is.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, today I<br />

set my heart and mind on<br />

You. I choose to trust that<br />

You are always there for<br />

me. You were with me in<br />

my past and you are with<br />

me in my present and my<br />

future. Thank you for<br />

caring for me. I stand<br />

strong on Your Word today<br />

knowing that I am never<br />

alone in Jesus name.<br />

Amen!"<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 4<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day<br />

has enough trouble of its own”<br />

Matthew 6:34<br />


God has taken care of our Tomorrow, because God is already ahead of us<br />

and He lives. And because He lives you and I can face tomorrow with no<br />

fear or doubt. The memories of what God has done for us can become<br />

building blocks for today and tomorrow. Precious memories of<br />

yesterday can strengthen our faith today and tomorrow.<br />

God will take care of your Today; this is the day that the Lord has made, I<br />

will rejoice and be glad in it. Today, we can decide to surrender our lives<br />

fully to Jesus Christ. Today, we can step out in faith to accomplish great<br />

things for God. Don t ever let your life get stuck in a regret over a<br />

yesterday, or a fear about tomorrow, live your life one day at a time, and<br />

give your best to God in every breath.<br />

You can t do anything about your past, and you have to wait for your<br />

tomorrow to arrive, but you can do something with today. Today, do<br />

your best, Today get going, Today, let your light shine before men, so<br />

they can see your good works and glorify God.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear God, thank you for<br />

the assurance not to worry<br />

a b o u t ye s t e r d a y a n d<br />

tomorrow. Thank you for<br />

making provision for<br />

Today and strengthening<br />

my Faith to hold unto your<br />

p r o m i s e s . I a m<br />

surrendering my life to<br />

you fully in the name of<br />

Jesus. Amen!<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 5<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have PEACE. In the world<br />

you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world”<br />

John 16:33<br />

JEHOVAH SHALOM - The Lord Is Peace!<br />

Peace with one another means being in a right relationship with one<br />

another. Peace within means being alright within, and peace with God<br />

means being alright with God.<br />

We assume we would have PEACE if we had, a decent salary a year per<br />

person, a nice home for every human being, no sickness or being ill,<br />

plenty of food and water for everyone. These things are not<br />

unimportant! God expects us to try and make many of these things a<br />

reality, but the truth is that these things won't bring PEACE, PEACE with<br />

God will bring them! If these things alone are the foundation of our<br />

peace we will be frustrated constantly and never nd PEACE!<br />

Jesus said in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me<br />

you may have Peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take<br />

heart! I have overcome the world."<br />

A relationship with God which is a relationship of Peace is available for<br />

each one of us who know Him. Peace is there for the taking. Nothing<br />

can rob you of your peace, because it is based on what Jesus has already<br />

done, not on who we are or what we have done, or the circumstances we<br />

nd ourselves in.<br />

Do you have PEACE today? Do you want PEACE today? I encourage you<br />

to examine your relationship with God, the God of PEACE. This is where<br />

true PEACE comes from.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

you for your peace which<br />

passes all understanding.<br />

I choose to expect Your<br />

goodness. I choose to<br />

f o c u s o n Y o u r<br />

faithfulness. I trust that<br />

You are working behind<br />

the scenes, and I expect<br />

that You will turn things<br />

around for my good in<br />

Jesus name. Amen."<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 6<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw<br />

him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around<br />

him and kissed him.”.<br />

Luke 15:20<br />


At one time or another, we have all been like the prodigal son. We have<br />

all gone our own way. But God is not looking to condemn us but is<br />

waiting for our return to Him. He can't force us to come because that<br />

would violate our freedom of choice. But He is waiting anxiously for the<br />

return of every lost child who is wandering aimlessly without hope and<br />

without a Father's love.<br />

He has been misrepresented to us by people who have had a twisted<br />

view of who He is. He is not distant and angry, but tender and<br />

compassionate. And He is not like our earthly fathers, for He is the<br />

perfect father and He loves us perfectly. If we come home, we won't nd<br />

rejection and punishment, rather hugs and kisses.<br />

If you have strayed away from the Father's love, He is waiting for you<br />

with arms outstretched. He has a special robe with your name on it. He<br />

wants to put His ring of authority on your nger and sandals for your<br />

tired road-weary feet. Father is waiting for you to come home so He can<br />

throw you a party! So don't waste any more time, come home to the love<br />

that you have been looking for all your life.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I acknowledge that<br />

even though I have sinned<br />

and turned away from<br />

Your love, You continue to<br />

call me home. I am not<br />

wo r t hy t o b e e ve n a<br />

servant, yet You call me<br />

Your beloved child. Your<br />

love has won my heart, so<br />

I return into Your loving<br />

arms. This is where I have<br />

always belonged and<br />

where I will stay for the<br />

rest of my life. Thank You<br />

for sending Jesus, so that<br />

He could help me nd my<br />

way home. It's good to be<br />

home, in Jesus mighty<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 7<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

He said “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is<br />

right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make<br />

you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals<br />

you.”<br />

Exodus 15:26<br />

JEHOVAH RAPHA - The Lord our Healer!<br />

Jehovah Rapha means The Lord Who Heals You. God is the Great<br />

Physician who heals His people. One of Gods most called upon names,<br />

I m sure!<br />

Thank God we have a great physician! He is Jehovah Rapha the Lord<br />

that Heals! God revealed Himself as one who can heal the most<br />

incredible situations, the most horrible of diseases, throughout the<br />

Word of God. Jesus healed again and again while He walked the earth.<br />

And He remains the same yesterday and today and forever<br />

We all need healing at various times in our lives. No matter your<br />

af iction; emotional, mentally, physical, or spiritual. If you need<br />

healing in any area of your life today, listen carefully to God by reading<br />

the Bible, by communicating with Him in prayer and by seeking godly<br />

counsel. He is JEHOVAH RAPHA the Lord our Healer.<br />

Be encouraged to reach out to Jesus for your healing and trust in Him to<br />

heal you in any area of your life that needs healing. If the doctor has<br />

given you a bad report regarding your health, don t despair. Look to<br />

Jesus and expect healing for your body. He is the same yesterday, today<br />

and forever. He is still Jehovah Raphathe Lord our healer!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I thank you that<br />

you are the Lord who<br />

heals me. Thank you that<br />

no matter what the need;<br />

physical, e m otional,<br />

mentally or spiritually,<br />

you are the Lord who<br />

heals me. In Jesus' name.<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 8<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”<br />

Romans 8:31<br />

GOD IS FOR US!<br />

If God is for us, who can be against us? The effect of Gods favor is that<br />

no other favor or disfavor matters. There is no opposition when God is<br />

for you.<br />

There is something about power that is being communicated here.<br />

Gods favor, love, and grace tops everything because there is no one or<br />

nothing greater than God. When God is for you, no one can be against<br />

you because there is nothing greater or more powerful than God.<br />

God is for us. Don t ever doubt it. Sometimes it may seem as if God<br />

doesn't care. The storms come and we wonder where He is. We are<br />

overwhelmed with life's duties and wonder where our help is.<br />

Maybe you have felt like the Psalmist who wrote these words: How long,<br />

O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face<br />

from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have<br />

sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?<br />

The truth is that God is for you, not against you. Not only is He on your<br />

side but He is in your corner cheering you on as He plans great things<br />

for your life.<br />

Today, instead of dwelling on what you re not, dwell on what He is, He is<br />

faithful, He is loving, He is with you, and HE IS FOR YOU! And with God<br />

on your side, you are headed for victory all the days of your life!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I thank You for<br />

being for me and not<br />

against me. I believe that<br />

Your love causes all things<br />

to work together for my<br />

good. I renounce every lie<br />

that says that You are<br />

against me and not for me.<br />

Jesus demonstrated Your<br />

l o ve fo r m e a n d h a s<br />

convinced me of Your<br />

unfailing acceptance and<br />

affection. I thank You that<br />

I will be forever Your<br />

child. In the name of Your<br />

beloved Son Jesus I pray,<br />

AMEN.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 9<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“..Moses built an altar and named it The LORD is My Banner”<br />

Exodus 17:15<br />

JEHOVAH NISSI - The Lord Is My Banner!<br />

The Lord is our banner. He protects us; He covers us with love; He<br />

blesses us continually. The Lord gives us hope and a place to focus<br />

during the tough ghts when the enemy is trying to make us doubt Gods<br />

promises.<br />

We can win the battles we face in life if we will always remember that<br />

the Lord is our banner. Just as Moses did, we must persistently<br />

surrender all that we are to the Lord and recognize our dependence on<br />

Him.<br />

When we want to represent a country, school, organization or cause, we<br />

adopt its ag/mission/standards as our banner representing our<br />

motivation, goals, standards, allegiance. As Christians, God is our<br />

banner, representing all that He is. Love, power, grace, compassion,<br />

light, protection and so much more. When we are willing to stay<br />

focused on Him and recognize Him as our source, He will bring victory<br />

in our lives.<br />

Is God truly the banner that represents every area of your life? Are you<br />

living for him rst and foremost? Or is he sometimes replaced by your<br />

devotion to other people or things self relationships ambition<br />

doctrine peace at any cost. This week we are going to re ect on some<br />

of the things that may replace God as our banner and remind ourselves<br />

to refocus on him.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Lord, I thank you that you<br />

a r e m y b a n n e r .<br />

Sometimes I choose not to<br />

walk under your banner.<br />

Instead, I put my faith in<br />

myself<br />

or things<br />

or other people<br />

instead of you.<br />

I put my desires above<br />

yours. Please forgive me<br />

and help me stay under<br />

your banner. In Jesus'<br />

name<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong>10<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight<br />

yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”<br />

Psalm 37:4-5<br />

DELIGHT YOURSELF IN <strong>THE</strong> LORD!<br />

Our joy begins in a relationship to the Lord!<br />

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your<br />

heart" YES! But, the secret to receiving is found rst in "delighting<br />

ourselves in the Lord!"<br />

Too many Christians want to start with the "desire of your hearts" part of<br />

this verse, and skip over the rst part! They want to reverse the verse,<br />

they will delight themselves in the Lord IF the Lord gives them rst the<br />

desires of their hearts ... but the Holy Spirit didn't write it in this order!<br />

We must begin by delighting our self in the Lord and His desires will<br />

become ours, and thus He will answer them, and they will be<br />

wonderful!<br />

Our delight must be in the Lord rather than in things, people or<br />

ourselves. He alone has to be the centre point of our affection. This<br />

world can never satisfy our deepest longings, but if we choose to delight<br />

in Gods way, He will open a door of opportunity and blessing for us that<br />

no man can shut.<br />

I encourage you to commit everything you do to Him because He truly<br />

does desire to do good things for you. When you are willing to commit<br />

all that you have to the Lord, He will mold it and make it into something<br />

that is both beautiful and useful for your good and His glory.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I humbly come to<br />

You today giving You all<br />

that I am. Thank You for<br />

ful lling every desire in<br />

my heart. Mold me and<br />

shape me into Your image.<br />

Remove anything from<br />

my life that is displeasing<br />

to You so that everything I<br />

am brings glory to You in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 11<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that<br />

you need, you will abound in every good work.<br />

2 Corinthians 9:8<br />

EL SHADDAI- The God Of More Than Enough!<br />

We serve a God of More Than Enough, who does not just bless us, but He<br />

always gives more than enough!<br />

When God reveals Himself to you as El-Shaddai, it means He is coming<br />

to you in His all suf ciency. He will come to supply all your needs so that<br />

nothing will be lacking in your life.<br />

When you come to the place where He is all you have, you will nd that<br />

He is all you need! He is more than enough. But Jesus wants us to learn<br />

how to trust in Him. Jesus wants us to learn how to rely on Him. Jesus<br />

wants us to learn that He wants to glorify Himself through us.<br />

Beloved, see Gods heart for you today. He wants to prosper you. Don t<br />

settle for anything less, thinking that He only supplies your needs and<br />

not your wants. If you need a job, know that He wants you to pray not<br />

just for a job, but for a position. When you have a position, you have<br />

in uence and you are able to impact lives. Maybe what you need is a pay<br />

increment. Then, pray not just for that, but also to be in a position to<br />

give increments!<br />

Do you need more peace, joy, or provision in your life? We serve a God<br />

who is more than enough and He has more than enough! You cannot<br />

remain in lack when you follow the God of more than enough. In fact,<br />

He will supply more than what you need and beyond what you have<br />

asked!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I believe that You<br />

are the God of more than<br />

enough. Today, I receive<br />

Your Word and choose to<br />

have an attitude of faith<br />

and expectancy. Thank<br />

You for Your goodness and<br />

faithfulness to me. In<br />

Jesus Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 12<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the<br />

clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.”<br />

Jeremiah 18:6<br />


God does not look to nd those who are the elites and those who are the<br />

most skilled. Rather He looks for the weak and insigni cant who trust<br />

in Him. God uses broken pots and vessels, He uses imperfect people<br />

who trust in a perfect God. Men throw broken things away, but God<br />

never, He uses broken things for His honor and glory.<br />

It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken<br />

grains to give bread, broken bread to give strength We are all broken,<br />

but if we allow God who has already chosen us in our brokenness, we,<br />

too, can be blessed and God can create beauty despite all our cracks and<br />

brokenness.<br />

God will use the brokenness in your life for His glory. Your weakness<br />

and fragility becomes the powerful testimony of how God uses ordinary<br />

people for His purposes. It is then that imperfections become glorious!<br />

God can take you right now where you are and make out of your life<br />

another vessel. God can mend a broken life if you give Him all the<br />

pieces. Just turn it over to Him and say, "Here it is, Lord." God wants to<br />

give you a second chance.<br />

Are you broken? It may be that God is going to use you. Don't give up!<br />

God SPECIALIZES in broken things!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

loving me and setting me<br />

free. Thank You for being<br />

my vindicator. I choose to<br />

release every broken part<br />

of my life to you. Mend my<br />

life and use me. I trust you<br />

will make all things new in<br />

Your time in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 13<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the<br />

mount of the Lord it shall be seen.”<br />

Genesis 22:14.<br />

JEHOVAH JIREH - The Lord Will Provide!<br />

Of all the names of God found in Scripture, this is surely one of my<br />

favorites! Jehovah Jireh means the LORD will provide.<br />

The name Jehovah Jirah reminds us that the Lord is the One who sees<br />

our need, and He is the One who will provide. He has provided in the<br />

past, and He will continue to provide. We can trust His provision! In<br />

every circumstance, in every situation, in every trial, in every dif culty,<br />

remember Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide.<br />

God does not only provided for our spiritual need, but He provides our<br />

temporal needs, as well. The truth of the matter is, we are o en taken by<br />

surprise in the circumstances and situations of life, but God never is. He<br />

sees before and knows in advance all that is going to happen, and He<br />

has the provision ready for us just when we need it most. God is truly<br />

Jehovah Jireh.<br />

Trust God to meet every need in your life today. He wants to be your<br />

healer, comforter, wisdom, peace, joy anything and everything you<br />

need. He wants you to live in His grace, forgiveness, mercy and<br />

strength. Rest in Him with con dence that He is the Lord your Provider!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

Your Word which is alive<br />

and powerful! I set my<br />

mind on Your promises<br />

and choose to trust in you<br />

to meet every need in my<br />

life today. You are my<br />

healer, comforter and my<br />

Peace. I declare what You<br />

say about me. Thank You<br />

for Your faithfulness as I<br />

move forward in the good<br />

plan You have for me in<br />

Jesus name. Amen."<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 14<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will<br />

have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."”<br />

John 16:33<br />

HE HAS OVERCOME <strong>THE</strong> WORLD!<br />

Although we will have trouble in the world, Jesus has overcome the<br />

world. As you live your Christian life, you can take heart. In fact, in this<br />

verse you are commanded to take heart.<br />

If Jesus has overcome the great enemies of Satan, sin and death, you can<br />

live in His victory. In Him you can overcome sin, by living in the Spirit.<br />

In Him you can overcome lack because you can bring all things to Him<br />

in prayer. You can overcome persecution because eternal blessing is<br />

promised to all who suffer at the hands of enemies. You can overcome<br />

broken relationships because Jesus is able to bring together those who<br />

were enemies and make them one again. You can also overcome death<br />

because Jesus has promised resurrection for His followers.<br />

Whatever the world can throw at you, Jesus has overcome it. That does<br />

not take away from the fact of trouble. It will still come, but, it is not the<br />

nal reality.<br />

No matter what you are facing today, remember, faith pleases God and<br />

opens the door for His supernatural favor, strength and wisdom. Don t<br />

settle for defeat because you are preprogrammed for victory. Choose to<br />

thank Him for what He is doing in your life and for the victory that is on<br />

the way. Be strong, be bold and take courage today because God has<br />

overcome the world!<br />

I want to encourage you to live with the knowledge that In Jesus You Are<br />

on the Winning Side!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, I humbly<br />

come to You today. I ask<br />

that You help me stay<br />

focused on eternal things.<br />

I choose to have joy and<br />

peace no matter what<br />

comes my way because I<br />

know I have the ultimate<br />

victory in You. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 15<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.<br />

Exodus 34:14<br />

El Qanna - Jealous God<br />

God truly is a jealous God, for which we can be thankful because His<br />

jealousy is divine and righteous. God's jealousy is the perfect example of<br />

fatherly love for His children, and as such, we cannot survive in Satan's<br />

world without it. God is always closely watching over and protecting us<br />

to preserve us for His Kingdom. In turn, we can learn godly jealousy by<br />

watching out and caring for each other.<br />

So our God is a jealous God! The truth of His jealousy challenges us to<br />

give God His due and to put Him before all else. But it likewise<br />

guarantees that He is looking out for our best interests. Getting to know<br />

Him as a jealous God will increase our level of devotion to Him, deepen<br />

our trust in Him, and strengthen our dedication to pray for others and<br />

faithfully share His truth with them.<br />

Yes, God is a jealous God. Why? Because He will not share His praise<br />

with another: "I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no<br />

other, nor my praise to carved idols" (Isaiah 42:8).<br />

If you're reading this devotional and you're not a fully committed<br />

Christian, God wants you. God is jealous of you. If God does not have<br />

you, He is jealous of who or what does have you. If God is not your<br />

Savior, He is jealous because He's not. God is jealous of you. We serve a<br />

jealous God.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for the<br />

promise to ll my hunger.<br />

I open my heart to You and<br />

ask that You draw me by<br />

Your Spirit. Teach me to<br />

walk in Your ways of<br />

righteousness that I may<br />

honor You and be satis ed<br />

all the days of my life. I<br />

bless You always in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 16<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“....but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God”<br />

1Samuel 30:6<br />

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF IN <strong>THE</strong> LORD<br />

Take Your Vitamin E 3x A Day!!<br />

Discouragement is a terrible disease and a very powerful weapon in the<br />

hand of the enemy of our soul. We can t always depend upon others to<br />

encourage us ! We need to learn how to encourage ourselves in the Lord.<br />

When life is becoming disjointed and disorganized, don t give up. When<br />

you feel you cannot take another step ahead, don t give up. When trials<br />

surround you everyday and your enemies are showing themselves as<br />

friends, don t give up. When you think that all is lost, don t give up.<br />

Wwhen the debts are so much, do not give up.<br />

The scripture says in I Samuel 3:6, "David encouraged himself in the<br />

Lord his God." See, David wasn't depending on his family, his friends, or<br />

his colleagues to get him through. He knew how to draw strength and<br />

encouragement from within.<br />

As David rehearsed the goodness and faithfulness of God, strength<br />

began to ll his heart. He got a new vision of victory. As he thanked God<br />

for all that He had done, David went from being depressed and defeated<br />

to rising up with that warrior mentality!<br />

Take your Vitamin E (Encouragement) 3 times a Day and keep your<br />

eyes focused on God and His Word!! God didn t bring you this far to leave<br />

you now.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, thank<br />

You for Your faithfulness<br />

today. I choose to focus on<br />

You and the good things<br />

You have prepared for my<br />

future. I thank You for<br />

making a way out of no<br />

way, and I will bless You<br />

always in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 17<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and<br />

understand that I am the LORD who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice<br />

and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the LORD, have<br />

spoken!”<br />

Jeremiah 9:24<br />

BOAST IN <strong>THE</strong> LORD<br />

What you boast about shows where your con dence is. If you boast in<br />

earthly things that fade away, your con dence will fade away with<br />

them. But when you boast in the Lord, when you declare His greatness,<br />

your con dence is secure in Him.<br />

Your praise is one way to boast in the Lord. When you open up your<br />

mouth and declare His goodness and faithfulness, something happens<br />

on the inside of you. Praise is direct connection to the heart of God.<br />

Praise precedes the Victory and invites Gods presence to manifest in<br />

your life.<br />

God tells us something amazing about Himself in this verse. Not only is<br />

He loving, just, and righteous, but He delights in showing us who He is.<br />

He is the God who loves us completely and wants to individually and<br />

personally meet our deepest needs.<br />

Boast in that truth today. Tell others of His goodness. Declare His<br />

praises everywhere you go. Thank Him for the life He s given you and<br />

the plans He has for you. Know that He desires to demonstrate His<br />

unfailing love for you!<br />

I encourage you today to boast in God continually, and give thanks to<br />

His name forever.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, forgive me for the<br />

many times I boasted<br />

about things of this world.<br />

Thank you for teaching<br />

me what to boast of. I will<br />

boast of your goodness<br />

and mercies in my life. I<br />

w i l l b o a s t o f y o u r<br />

righteousness and I will<br />

boast of your unfailing<br />

love, in Jesus mighty<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 18<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord and He delights in his way....”<br />

<strong>THE</strong> STEPS OF A GOOD MAN!<br />

When you allow the Lord to order your steps, there will be peace. When<br />

you allow the Lord to order your steps, there will be joy. When you allow<br />

the Lord to order your steps, there will be power. When you allow the<br />

Lord to order your steps, there will be victory. When you allow the Lord<br />

to order your steps, you have something to shout about because when<br />

He order your steps, you will be blessed going in and going out, you will<br />

be blessed in the city and in the eld, you will be the head and not the<br />

tail, you will be above ,and not beneath. And when God blesses you like<br />

that you ought to praise God with a joyful noise!!!!!!!<br />

Having your steps ordered by the Lord as a child of God, does not mean<br />

that everything will be rosy and smooth for you all the times. While the<br />

Lord is ordering your steps, there will be times you will face some<br />

problems, obstacles, setbacks, sickness, pain, disappointments,<br />

heartbreaks and failures. But through it all, through sunshine and rain,<br />

while the Lord is ordering your steps, just know and believe that all<br />

things are going to work together for the good to them that love the<br />

Lord, and is called according to His purpose.<br />

You got to believe and know that God is able to order your steps through<br />

your problems, through your disappointments, through your<br />

heartbreaks, through your pain, or whatever. Just know and believe<br />

that no matter what you face in this life, if you allow the Lord to order<br />

your step, you will have the victory!!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Gracious Lord, let us<br />

follow in the steps that<br />

you would have us tread.<br />

Help us to always trust in<br />

your power and grace to<br />

guide our pathways and<br />

to strengthen our hearts<br />

and our bodies when we<br />

become weary or fall.<br />

Give us new awareness of<br />

your presence, that we<br />

may always walk in your<br />

work and, as the<br />

psalmists of old, let us<br />

sing songs of praise to<br />

you, Lord. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 19<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”<br />

Psalm 23:1<br />

JEHOVAH ROHI The Lord is my Shepherd!<br />

One of Gods name is Jehovah Rohi, meaning, <strong>THE</strong> LORD IS MY<br />

SHEPHERD!!<br />

A sheep is under the care of the shepherd and follows the shepherd. We<br />

must be submitted to the Lord as our shepherd and follow Him. We<br />

should not live any way we want and go wherever we want. We must<br />

follow the Lord and be under his care. Then we have the promise that<br />

we shall not want or lack anything because the Lord will take care of us<br />

like a shepherd.<br />

Because the LORD is our Shepherd, we shall not lack any provision of<br />

needs in this life. We shall not be in need of anything. But must have a<br />

relationship with the Lord as our Shepherd, and submit to His<br />

direction, His leading and realize that we don t know the way through<br />

this crooked path and that since we don t know the way, we need a<br />

Shepherd that does know the way. We must look to Jesus for our<br />

guidance through this world in which we are. The LORD is our ONLY<br />

trusted GOOD SHEPHERD, who will never ever give up on us.<br />

Dear friend, Let us forget our old paths. Let us grow in our relationship<br />

with our Good Shepherd. And, let us remember this: The LORD is my<br />

shepherd, I lack nothing!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

another day to praise You.<br />

Thank You for Your plan to<br />

lead me into rest so that<br />

You can restore my soul. I<br />

surrender my brokenness<br />

to You and open my heart<br />

to receive Your healing in<br />

every area of my life today<br />

in Jesus name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 20<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death<br />

nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about<br />

tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love”<br />

Romans 8:38<br />


We cannot be separated from the love that is working all things together<br />

for our good and from the love that is determined to make you us like<br />

Christ. God has said it. His plans are all being accomplished. His<br />

resources are all focused on that. God has made up His mind. We<br />

cannot be separated from the love that spared not His own Son.<br />

That is the assurance that the child of God can have; Gods love will<br />

never fail. It does not mean that we do not have trials in this world. It<br />

does not mean that we are not persecuted.<br />

People may come and go from your life, but God is always with you. He<br />

will never leave you nor forsake you. His love goes way beyond any<br />

human love you have ever experienced. Human love may be<br />

conditional, but Gods love is supernatural; it s unconditional and<br />

knows no limits. There s nothing you can do to earn His love and<br />

nothing you can do to stop His love.<br />

Regardless of what you are facing in your life today, Gods love is with<br />

you; and nothing will ever be able to disconnect you from this awesome,<br />

powerful, all consuming love!<br />

As you allow Him to ood you with His love, your faith will be ignited,<br />

and you ll be empowered to live the abundant life He has for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

loving me and setting me<br />

f r e e . T h a n k Yo u f o r<br />

working in my life and<br />

restoring the broken<br />

places. Everything I have I<br />

surrender to You. Fill me<br />

with Your perfect love in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 21<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM<br />

has sent me to you.”<br />

Exodus 3:14<br />

<strong>THE</strong> GREAT I AM !<br />

I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU! I Am remains unchanged! I Am keeps keeps<br />

every promise.<br />

We serve a great and mighty God! He is the Creator of the universe, the<br />

one who spoke the worlds into existence. He s called the Great I AM, and<br />

He s saying today, I am everything you need. I am your strength. I am<br />

your wisdom. I am your protection. I am your provider. I am your way<br />

maker. I am your problem solver. I am your dream giver. I am your<br />

victory!<br />

His love for us remains the same. Our love might grow cold. We might<br />

sin against God, we might even forget God for a little bit, but He never<br />

forgets us. We might not love God with all of our heart and soul and<br />

mind all the time, but God loves us because He does not change. He<br />

provides for us, He protects us; He preserves us day in and day out.<br />

He is the Great I AM, and He is the one leading and guiding you into<br />

victory in every area of your life! He alone is the one who can save our<br />

souls and give us eternal life.<br />

I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who<br />

was, and who is to come, the Almighty.<br />

Today, remain mindful that God is active in your life and talk with Him<br />

in prayer without ceasing.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, today I<br />

call on You, the Great I<br />

Am. I surrender myself to<br />

You , spirit, soul and body.<br />

I choose to focus on Your<br />

greatness today. Thank<br />

You for being the I AM. I<br />

ask that You direct my<br />

steps and supply every<br />

one of my needs as I move<br />

forward in obedience to<br />

Your Word in Jesus name,<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 22<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“.....Let the Weak Say I AM Strong”<br />

Joel 3:10<br />


There are moments in your walk with God when you do feel weak, when<br />

you do feel inadequate. These are moment which can affect everyone,<br />

furthermore these are moments when you can change the whole<br />

course of your ship by speaking His Life changing words into and over<br />

your life.<br />

Let the weak say, I am strong. This mighty life changing verse of<br />

Scripture goes against human logic, but Gods wisdom is greater than<br />

mans human logic. It is time to think outside the human box, and see<br />

things from a different level, the level of a heavenly perspective, the<br />

God-kind of level in faith. Where you take His Living words and let them<br />

grow and build you up in God.<br />

Speak His words over every circumstance in your life. Let us say with<br />

such a strong boldness and con dence, We are strong in Him always.<br />

Even though we feel weak, we go to God and do as the Bible says. Lord,<br />

your word says, Let the weak say, I am strong.' Let your word<br />

strengthen me today and build me up in you. Thank you Lord.<br />

When you learn to think and speak about your future the way God does,<br />

you are equipped and positioned to win every battle. When you speak<br />

words of victory, you ll live a life full of victory. As you do, your heart will<br />

stay encouraged and you ll move forward in victory the Lord has<br />

prepared f or you!!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I humbly come<br />

before You giving You my<br />

thoughts, my actions and<br />

my words. Help me to<br />

a c t iva t e my f a i t h b y<br />

speaking Your Word daily.<br />

M a y m y w o r d s a n d<br />

thoughts be pleasing to<br />

You always in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 23<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored<br />

throughout the world.”<br />

Psalm 46:10<br />


It s so sweet to spend time before the Lord, to quiet the raging waters of<br />

our soul, to still the beating heart heavy with worry, to claim the wind of<br />

thoughts that pull us here and there, to simply be still before the Lord<br />

and worship Him. Just because we stop singing, does not mean we stop<br />

worshiping.<br />

Be still and know that I am God. I will go before you and prepare the way<br />

for you to walk in victory. Be still and know His awesome power to save,<br />

heal, deliver and set free. Be still, and know that I am God.<br />

When we take the time to be still before the Lord, to fully lay all our<br />

burdens at His feet, and learn to relax and be still, and let God be God,<br />

we will learn to trust Him more. If we are honest with ourselves, we<br />

would admit that there have been too many times when we have taken<br />

things into our own hands, and rushed here and there without much<br />

fruit being produced. However, if we will just take the time to be still<br />

before the Lord, He will deliver us.<br />

When you choose to be still and know that the Greater One lives on the<br />

inside of you, you are putting yourself in a position of strength. So today,<br />

take time to be still before Him. Let His peace cover you. Let Him<br />

refresh you by His Spirit. Remember, the battles you face belong to the<br />

Lord. Be still before Him so you can see His hand of victory in every area<br />

of your life!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Fa t h e r i n h e a v e n , I<br />

humbly come before You.<br />

I choose to be still before<br />

You. Speak to my heart so I<br />

can know You more. Fill<br />

me with Your peace as I<br />

put my trust in You. In<br />

Jesus' Name, Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong>24<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase<br />

your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.”<br />

2 Corinthians 9:10<br />


God is the God of increase. He supplies all your needs according to His<br />

glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He is your EL SHADDAI, the God who is<br />

more than enough. For when you think you have all you need, He is<br />

more than enough.<br />

God wants you to increase; to be bountiful and live in His abundance,<br />

for the Son of God came to give you Life, and Life more abundantly. He<br />

wants to increase your storehouse, increase your barns with His<br />

blessing, increase your life with His Life, increase your spiritual gi ing,<br />

increase your anointing and increase your growth.<br />

Whatever area of your life you are looking for God to increase, be<br />

assured, encouraged, blessed and li ed up, for God will be unto you the<br />

LORD of the increase.<br />

God has placed seed in your hand today, but in order for that seed to<br />

produce, it has to be planted. It has to be watered. It has to be fertilized.<br />

Today, ask God to show you where to plant your seed. Make sure you are<br />

sowing in the right ground and tending to the seed He has given you.<br />

Remember, God has a good plan for your future. He has plans to bless<br />

you and increase you. Today, you have what it takes to move forward<br />

and receive the blessing He has prepared for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, thank<br />

You for equipping me for<br />

every good work. Thank<br />

You for giving me good<br />

seed to sow! I invite You to<br />

guide my every step by<br />

Your precious Holy Spirit.<br />

Thank You for choosing<br />

me to be a part of Your<br />

plan. In Jesus Name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 25<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I know where you live--where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name.<br />

You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful<br />

witness, who was put to death in your city--where Satan lives.”<br />

Revelation 2:13<br />


Can you hear God speaking a very personal word to you from today s<br />

scripture? He is saying to you right now, I know where you live. I know what is<br />

happening in your life, with your family, with your struggles, with your fears<br />

and all the other stuff that is going on in your life. I know where you are right<br />

now and what you re going through, and I am here to help you.<br />

What a comfort to know that God knows where you live and where you are<br />

right now. The Bible says in Psalm 46:1 (NIV), God is refuge and strength, an<br />

ever-present help in trouble. Ever-present, right here and now, God is here for<br />

you.<br />

I know where you live. I know where you lie down at night and get up in the<br />

morning. I know your going out and coming in; your sitting and rising. I have<br />

your home address and I have always checked up on you. Nobody knows the<br />

troubles you ve seen but me and me alone. I know your struggles and all that<br />

you are going through. I know your situation. I am the all knowing, the all<br />

seeing, the all present- God. I know what your hopes and dreams are, I hear<br />

you cry and I am here as your all suf cient God.<br />

How powerful and precious it is for God to make known to us that He knows<br />

where you live. He is interested in every detail of your life, even where you live.<br />

But wait, there is something more, God wants you to know today afresh how<br />

much He has taken a keen interest in every aspect of your life, because He is<br />

interested in you, for you are the apple of His eye, and He treasure you so<br />

much. He loves you so very, very much.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

F a t h e r G o d , h o w<br />

awesome You are! How<br />

great is Your love! Help me<br />

to receive Your love so that<br />

I may know You more.<br />

Thank You for knowing<br />

every detail of my life and<br />

perfecting everything that<br />

concerns me. I cast my<br />

cares on You in Jesus<br />

name. Amen."<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 26<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD<br />

will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”<br />

Psalm 84:11<br />


This is a powerful covenant promise. This verse of Scripture just gets<br />

better and better, richer and fuller with regards to His goodness over<br />

your life.<br />

If you walk and stay in obedience, God will do for you what He has<br />

promised. What do you need from the Lord today? Do you need peace,<br />

provision or guidance? The Word of God promises that no good thing<br />

will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him<br />

Are you ready to receive Him as your sun and shield today? Have you<br />

been relying on something or someone else to be your protection or<br />

give you direction? If you have, decide today to lean on your heavenly<br />

Father. Open your heart and receive all He has for you. Receive His<br />

favor, blessing and protection today. Let Him be your sun and shield as<br />

you move forward in victory all the days of your life!<br />

Be encouraged today, and know without any doubt; God is shining His<br />

sun on you, His shield surrounds and protects you, His favor is<br />

bestowed upon you. With his favor, you will never be in lack or need,<br />

and He crowns you with His honour and no good thing will He hold<br />

back from you because you are in a covenant relationship with Jesus<br />

Christ as you walk blameless in Him before God.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for loving me and<br />

choosing to pour out Your<br />

favor and blessing on me<br />

today. Thank You for<br />

g i v i n g m e a n e w<br />

beginning and making me<br />

blameless in Your eyes.<br />

Search my heart today and<br />

s h o w m e i f t h e r e i s<br />

anything that would keep<br />

me from You today. In<br />

Jesus Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 27<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God<br />

forgave you.”<br />

Ephesians 4:32<br />

FORGIVE ONE ANO<strong>THE</strong>R<br />

In this day and age, it's easy to become distracted, almost consumed<br />

with all the obligations we have on a daily basis. Cell phones,<br />

computers, the internet have all made it so much easier to pack more<br />

into our days. And while technology is a great blessing to us, we have to<br />

remember that how much we get done isn't as important as how we<br />

treat others. We should never be so focused on plowing through our "to<br />

do" list that we mistakenly plow past the people in our lives.<br />

I love this verse in Ephesians that simply reminds us to be kind, to be<br />

compassionate, to be forgiving. If people had to be reminded back in<br />

those times, how much more do we need to be reminded today! We<br />

should always be on the lookout for ways we can be kind to one another.<br />

Can you share a smile with someone or an encouraging word? Can you<br />

help meet a need?<br />

Let your middle name be seen and known as FORGIVENESS, simply<br />

because you are quick to forgive others. Let each page of your life,<br />

which is read by the world, speak of the amazing grace of God, the Life,<br />

liberty and joy in the Holy Spirit which can be found in loving Jesus. Let<br />

your chapters be lled with kindness, love and mercy.<br />

Remember, as a believer, you are the hands and feet of Jesus on this<br />

earth. Look for ways to serve one another. Sow a seed and watch the<br />

harvest of blessing in your own life in return!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank You for<br />

another day to live for You.<br />

Help me<br />

nd creative<br />

ways to show kindness to<br />

the people you've put in<br />

my life. Show me ways I<br />

can sow seed and be a<br />

blessing to others. Thank<br />

You for equipping me to<br />

be Your representative<br />

and live in victory in every<br />

area of my life. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 28<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are<br />

doing.”<br />

1 Thessalonians 5:11<br />

ENCOURAGE ONE ANO<strong>THE</strong>R!<br />

God designed us to live in relationship with others. He wants us to help<br />

each other grow. None of us will reach our highest potential by<br />

ourselves. We need people in our lives to encourage us, and we need to<br />

encourage the people in our lives and help them reach their potential.<br />

Let us try to build each other up, not tear at each other, or pull each<br />

other down. Let us hold each other up in prayer, let us build each other<br />

up in the most holy faith. Let us do the Christ-like thing, and edify each<br />

other.<br />

As we encourage others, we become encouraged ourselves. As we<br />

express appreciation, we become thankful. As we encourage someone<br />

to trust God, or own faith is strengthened. As we comfort others who are<br />

suffering, we ourselves nd comfort and joy. A generous man will<br />

prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Pro. 11:25.<br />

The spirit of encouragement has such power. We have the power to tear<br />

down and to li up. Compare what a word of criticism does for you,<br />

versus a word of encouragement or support. Reckless words pierce like<br />

a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for the<br />

people You have placed in<br />

my life. Help me build<br />

them up and nd creative<br />

w a y s t o u r g e t h e m<br />

forward to Your glory in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 29<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He<br />

enables me to tread on the heights...<br />

Habakkuk 3:19<br />


God is calling us to spiritual heights, but we must develop the necessary<br />

ability for climbing and standing. He really wants us to have high places<br />

in Him, if we cooperate with Him, He will fashion our feet to climb the<br />

mountains of God.<br />

He wants every one of us to climb higher in Him, to know more of His<br />

glory and power, and for us to see His deeds of wonder and power in our<br />

days. Our eyes must be ever xed upward on Jesus, our path be solid,<br />

rm in the Savior s love. He is our strength, so that without Him, we can<br />

do nothing; He is our strength, so that when we put forth strength, we<br />

put forth nothing of our own, we add nothing of our own, we use not our<br />

own strength, of which we have none, but we do use His; and we have It<br />

ever ready to use, as if it were our own.<br />

God will raise your status while you are praising Him. He will not leave<br />

you where He found you. You need people around you that are willing to<br />

empower you. If they are not willing to empower you, then they are not<br />

your friends. Iron sharpens iron.<br />

May the Lord cause you to press on the upward way. May you gain new<br />

heights every day as you walk with Him. And may you never cease to<br />

pray as you onward bound. And may the Lord continue to plant your<br />

feet on higher ground.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear Lord, You are my<br />

strength. The only one<br />

who make s my feet like<br />

the feet of the dear and<br />

who enables me to trend<br />

on higher heights. Thank<br />

you for your love and<br />

being Sovereign God, in<br />

J e s u s m i g h t y n a m e .<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 30<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be<br />

praised.”<br />

Psalm 113:3<br />


As Christians, praising God is our primary calling in life. As the<br />

psalmist writes; From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,<br />

the name of the Lord is to be praised. Indeed, God is worthy to be<br />

praised from the rst moments of consciousness in the morning to the<br />

last slumbering thoughts before you fall asleep at night.<br />

If we praise God, it starts to permeate other areas of our lives, and it<br />

helps draw us closer to God, and to the peace that only He can give,<br />

because worship changes us. It lls our hearts with gratitude for what<br />

God has done for us, it reminds us of our status as sons and daughters of<br />

God, and the promise that we will never be abandoned, and that here is<br />

a God in whom we can trust.<br />

We should give our praise and worship to God, not only when we re<br />

feeling good, or things are going well, but also when times are tough.<br />

As we praise and worship we turn the attention from our own problems<br />

and dif culties, and focus instead on God, and recall all He has done,<br />

and remembering his promises, which kindles and keeps hope alive.<br />

Today I encourage you to be determined to set the tone for your day,<br />

week, month and year by praising God and speaking words of faith over<br />

your future.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Fa t h e r i n h eave n , I<br />

choose to bless You at all<br />

times. I choose to set the<br />

tone to receive Your favor,<br />

grace and mercy. Thank<br />

You for Your faithfulness<br />

at all times in Jesus name.<br />

Amen!"<br />


<strong>JULY</strong><br />

<strong>JULY</strong> 31<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give<br />

you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”<br />

Acts 20:32<br />


God wants to build you up into a bigger, stronger person than you are<br />

just now. He has bigger plans for your life, a bigger vision, a bigger and<br />

greater dream than you could ever imagine.<br />

Gods desire for you is to build you up in every area of your life to make<br />

you bigger and stronger from the inside out; for bigger, stronger and<br />

more powerful is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. It is<br />

through the word of His grace, through the powerful word of God,<br />

which when you take it and apply it to your heart and life will build you<br />

up.<br />

We have to commit ourselves to the word of God, to read it, learn it,<br />

meditate upon it, love it and live it. Let His word change you with its lifegiving<br />

truth and liberate you into His empowering truths for your life.<br />

His word, once applied, is like a healing balm; it turns the poison of<br />

negative lies from the enemy of your soul into His Life-enhancing,<br />

positive, powerful promises for your life, as He constructs into your<br />

spiritual DNA His building progress which will strengthen you and<br />

build you up to face anything and everything, and be an overcomer.<br />

Our inheritance is in CHRIST JESUS and all that comes from having a<br />

personal relationship with Him as our LORD and Savior. His desire is to<br />

build you up not knock you down, His desire for you is for you to have<br />

con dence, to have boldness and courage, to be positive, to be built up<br />

in the most holy faith, lled with His strength and power in the Holy<br />

Spirit to go forward and upward in God to new levels of faith and victory.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank You for<br />

Your faithfulness in my<br />

l i f e . T h a n k Yo u f o r<br />

directing and ordering my<br />

steps. I know that You will<br />

go above and beyond my<br />

expectations as I keep my<br />

heart and mind stayed on<br />

You. In Jesus Name.<br />

Amen<br />



Please visit<br />

www.peacepreciousone.com<br />

or email me at<br />

thedailyencourager@gmail.com<br />

you can also Whatsapp me on<br />

402 812 8873<br />

J U L Y<br />


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