WBS Magazine - Issue 2

Welcome to the second issue of the WBS Magazine! This issue is jam-packed with articles and tips from an array of female entrepreneurs on topics that are interesting, fun and will help you grow - whether you are an experienced business owner or just thinking about starting up. WBS is focused on not only just promoting & supporting your business - we want to help you grow your business by empowering you with knowledge. Information is so important, and with this magazine, our podcast, our events and our website, we constantly pushing forwards to give our members the tools to reach the stars. WBS would like to thank all our members for making all this possible. A special thank you to our major sponsor, Bookit Bookkeeping, and to every one of you who have supported WBS over the last 5 years! Welcome to the second issue of the WBS Magazine!

This issue is jam-packed with articles and tips from an array of female entrepreneurs on topics that are interesting, fun and will help you grow - whether you are an experienced business owner or just thinking about starting up.

WBS is focused on not only just promoting & supporting your business - we want to help you grow your business by empowering you with knowledge. Information is so important, and with this magazine, our podcast, our events and our website, we constantly pushing forwards to give our members the tools to reach the stars.

WBS would like to thank all our members for making all this possible. A special thank you to our major sponsor, Bookit Bookkeeping, and to every one of you who have supported WBS over the last 5 years!

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| W B S M A G A Z I N E M o n e y SOME MOST COMMON SPENDING BLOW-OUTS I HAVE NOTICED ARE: Additional grocery items – I do understand it’s hard to stick to a list and not notice all the fabulous glossy packaging around to buy more from the shelf! I fall victim to discounted or on special items and leave the supermarket with more items than I should have. But when you add up additional “incidental” grocery items, it amounts to expenditure on stuff & food that you actually don’t need. However, by sticking to your list, this habit will have you deviate less and not spend more than you should. "I FALL VICTIM TO DISCOUNTED OR ON SPECIAL ITEMS AND LEAVE THE SUPERMARKET WITH MORE ITEMS THAN I SHOULD HAVE." Eating Out – It’s convenient, and easy to eat out. I get it. But if you looked at the expenditure especially towards lunch and takeaways, they can add up to hundreds of dollars over a month! It’s always more cost effective to make your meals at home and bring leftovers. It can be boring, effort and not as exciting as buying out, but golly will it save you a bucket! Coffees - I’m from Melbourne so it’s a vice for me. However I limit myself to a purchased coffee once a day (and sometimes none as I’m also concerned about the “war on waste”). If you have 2-3 daily, chances are you would have spent hundreds on coffees this year already! Let’s do a simple calculation, let’s say a coffee is $4, you buy that twice a day for 7 days a week = 4 x 2 x 7 = $56 a week, over a year that’s $2912. And that’s just for one of you. M O N E Y

more information visit For www.budgeting123.com Facebook Instagram to Budgeting for Success on the Listen Podcast ** Click Here ** WBS Discounts & sales- How tempting is it to see that something is heavily discounted? Bargain right?! The usual reasoning I always hear is “I saved $50! I only paid $80, not $130” Well you actually didn’t save anything, in fact you spent $80 and didn’t need to spend $130! Marketing and advertising to have you buy NOW is about speaking to your FOMOness & that instant gratification monkey jumping on your shoulder. We are all emotional creatures and we buy on impulse. So know yourself and just pause for a moment on your purchases to assess the need. To tackle incidental & unnecessary spending, I always introduce a spending tracker to my clients to keep a list of everyday spending. It’s called a SpendLog. It tallies all those little things that you don’t think about. So how does it tally those things that you don’t think about? Well, it’s a very traditional method…. are you ready? It’s called using pen & paper and a calculator!! Yup, no apps, no spreadsheets at the beginning. You don’t learn swimming from an app, so you don’t learn to manage money from an app either – it’s by doing (and then you can automate at a later stage). These days the tactility of cash is really amiss in our society. Psychological science says that when you write things down, you grasp more of the learning and understanding than using technology to note take. By writing your spending down daily, it’ll re-presence the tactility, and the insights of the learning will gradually reveal itself. There’s actually method to my madness. Like all things that require commitment, it can be a slow burn. But do this repetitively and for a long time, it’ll become habit – a great habit! "TAKE CARE OF THE PENNIES, AND THE POUNDS WILL TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES" Bonus tool to help you: spend buddy A really good way to pull yourself in when you’re out and about is to remind yourself what really matters – is this coffee going to make the difference towards your savings goal? What is the priority here? To enjoy your pack of chips during TV tonight, or to contribute those few dollars more towards your kid’s pocket money. As an English proverb puts it nicely, “Take care of the Pennies, and the Pounds will take care of themselves”. Remember that every little cent counts! For a copy of your own SpendLog, please go to http://budgeting123.com/spend-buddy-download/ - it’ll be the first thing you see! Until later, Spend Well & Live well, xx Fay By Fay Chan P A G E 2 5 | W B S M A G A Z I N E

| W B S M A G A Z I N E<br />

M o n e y<br />



Additional grocery items – I do<br />

understand it’s hard to stick to a list<br />

and not notice all the fabulous glossy<br />

packaging around to buy more from<br />

the shelf! I fall victim to discounted or<br />

on special items and leave the<br />

supermarket with more items than I<br />

should have. But when you add up<br />

additional “incidental” grocery items, it<br />

amounts to expenditure on stuff &<br />

food that you actually don’t need.<br />

However, by sticking to your list, this<br />

habit will have you deviate less and not<br />

spend more than you should.<br />










Eating Out – It’s convenient, and easy<br />

to eat out. I get it. But if you looked at<br />

the expenditure especially towards<br />

lunch and takeaways, they can add up<br />

to hundreds of dollars over a month!<br />

It’s always more cost effective to make<br />

your meals at home and bring<br />

leftovers. It can be boring, effort and<br />

not as exciting as buying out, but golly<br />

will it save you a bucket!<br />

Coffees - I’m from Melbourne so it’s a<br />

vice for me. However I limit myself to<br />

a purchased coffee once a day (and<br />

sometimes none as I’m also concerned<br />

about the “war on waste”). If you<br />

have 2-3 daily, chances are you would<br />

have spent hundreds on coffees this<br />

year already! Let’s do a simple<br />

calculation, let’s say a coffee is $4, you<br />

buy that twice a day for 7 days a week<br />

= 4 x 2 x 7 = $56 a week, over a year<br />

that’s $2912. And that’s just for one<br />

of you.<br />


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