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2O<strong>17</strong><br />

JULY<br />

Oct. 2012<br />

For your Health, Wealth,<br />

and Good Times!<br />


Summer’s Here!<br />

Go have some fun!<br />

Summer of Love<br />

50th Anniversary<br />

Concert - Pages 20-21<br />

Nevada Guardianship<br />

The Good Guys Won!<br />

Pages 5-9

2<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />









TV HOST<br />





Volume 14, Issue 5<br />

Dan Roberts<br />

dan@thevegasvoice.net<br />

Ray Sarbacker<br />

ray@thevegasvoice.net<br />

Debbie Landry<br />

debbie@thevegasvoice.net<br />

Rana Goodman<br />

rana@thevegasvoice.net<br />

Evan Davis<br />

evan@thevegasvoice.net<br />

Sam Wagmeister<br />

Stu Cooper<br />

Rich Natole<br />

Ary Mirochnik<br />

Michael Roberts<br />

Lou Lozitsky<br />

lou@thevegasvoice.net<br />

Bill Caserta<br />

bill@thevegasvoice.net<br />

4<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Marty Allen<br />

Adrea Barrera<br />

John Bielun<br />

Yvonne Cloutier<br />

Dianne Davis<br />

Chuck Dean<br />

Jan Fair<br />

Linda Gomez<br />

Ali Guggenheim<br />

Dan Hyde<br />

Mike Landry<br />

BJ Killeen<br />

Kathy Manney<br />

Kyo Mitchell<br />

Mary Richard<br />

Crystal Sarbacker<br />

Victoria Seaman<br />

Jim Valkenburg<br />

Beverly Washburn<br />

Devon Wickens<br />

Vicki Wentz<br />

James White<br />

The Good<br />

Guys Won<br />

By: Dan Roberts - Publisher<br />

And with a stroke of a pen, it was done. All the work and effort<br />

by The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> acknowledged by Nevada Governor Brian<br />

Sandoval when he signed Senator Becky Harris’ SB 229 into law last<br />

month.<br />

Happily watching the Governor sign our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> guardianship<br />

reform bill, we couldn’t help but wonder how many readers were saved<br />

(we’ll have the “protection” details in future editions) and will never have<br />

to worry about being “taken.”<br />

As I looked at Rana and she at me (along with the rest of our <strong>Vegas</strong><br />

<strong>Voice</strong> family) our smiles were as wide as a child on Christmas day. The<br />

good guys won.<br />

Pictured: Looking on as Governor Brian Sandoval signs the bill<br />

are (left to right): Political Editor Rana Goodman, guardianship<br />

advocate (and family victim) Julie Belshe, Publisher Dan Roberts,<br />

Project Director Bill Caserta, advocate Barbara Grostick, Senator<br />

Becky Harris and <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> President Ray Sarbacker. Photo Credit:<br />

Graphic Editor Michael Roberts.<br />

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”<br />

Thank You<br />

”<br />

Nevada State Senator, Becky Harris<br />

6<br />

FOR<br />

CARING<br />

ABOUT<br />

AND<br />


NEVADA’S<br />

SENIORS,<br />



July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

The Fat Lady Sings!<br />

By: Dan Roberts / Publisher<br />

“<br />

Hey Rana, you hear that? It’s the fat lady singing.”<br />

The opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings is one of my favorite<br />

clichés. Pertaining to our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> guardianship reform efforts, it may<br />

not be “over” but even if the Diva is not singing her final solo - she sure is rehearsing loudly.<br />

It’s now one-month shy of 3 years that political editor (and my Ladylove) first approached<br />

yours truly to discuss guardianship. As I previously opined, I had no knowledge (or interest) in<br />

this subject.<br />

When I finally “gave in” (looking back on it, I probably never had a choice anyway) Rana and<br />

I had no idea that this would become the main focus in our lives. From our lack of understanding<br />

the scope and depth of this scandal to the final legislative passage of our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> reform bills,<br />

it’s been an incredible journey.<br />

To sum up the result - protections (and increased criminal penalties) are now in place that<br />

will guarantee that you, your loved ones, friends and neighbors will never be “taken.”<br />

One new law (SB360) provides for a “Ward’s Bill of Rights” (including assistance from<br />

“a person of natural affection” and/or “an advocate for the ward”) while another (SB 229)<br />

establishes an official “Guardianship Nomination Form” with Secretary of State lockbox<br />

protections.<br />

The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> will have (a lot) more information and details in future editions. We’ll also be<br />

doing our traveling seminars across the valley come the fall/winter months and will provide all<br />

the paperwork that will ensure that you will never be a guardianship victim.<br />

As you can expect, many “thank yous” are in order. First and foremost, Senator Becky<br />

Harris was as determined and dedicated to guardianship reform as was my Rana. I cannot<br />

begin to tell you how many late night (and early morning) telephone calls, texts and emails<br />

transpired between them during the recent legislative session.<br />

Harris’ actions were not of a politician, but as a committed public servant. The Nevada senior<br />

community owes a huge, unconditional and ever-lasting thank you to Senator Harris for her<br />

non-stop efforts in cleaning up the guardianship debacle.<br />

Supreme Court Justice James Hardesty, despite criticism from reform advocates (including<br />

this publisher) was outstanding. As the Chairman of the Nevada Guardianship Commission,<br />

he not only made sure that its recommendations were placed in Continued on next page<br />

Former private guardian April Parks in handcuffs<br />

Supreme Court Justice James Hardesty with Rana<br />


By: Dan Roberts / Publisher<br />

This was my moment.<br />

It was now almost three years of daily<br />

guardianship research, investigations, writings,<br />

conversations, telephone calls, seminars and meetings. Serving as the<br />

faithful assistant to The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> political editor (and my Ladylove)<br />

Rana Goodman, we were on a mission to expose the private guardianship<br />

industry.<br />

We remained steadfast in our crusade; to not only seek guardianship<br />

remedies, but to come up with solutions so this scandal never happens<br />

again.<br />

This year The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> instituted and collected over 1,600 petitions<br />

(and a big “thank you” for those who participated) for our guardianship<br />

reforms. We met with numerous state and local government officials as<br />

well as lobbied Nevada senators and assemblymen. We even travelled to<br />

and from Carson City at our own cost to continue this Don(na) Quixote<br />

quest.<br />

And now, it all came down to our testimony before the Nevada<br />

Legislature. I was as prepared as I was when I sat for the New York bar<br />

exam a lifetime ago.<br />

I was a walking encyclopedia on guardianship – knowing the relevant<br />

sections of the Nevada Revised Statues as well as the tragic circumstances<br />

of (far too) many family victims caught in this cesspool. I was loaded<br />

with facts & figures to answer any question, or provide any information.<br />

Continued from last page the reform bills, but was there testifying<br />

and advocating for them before the legislature.<br />

That’s just one reason why he’s called “Your honor.” Thank you, Justice<br />

Hardesty.<br />

Our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> family, including Sandy Lewis, Bill Caserta, Barbara<br />

Grostick and my partner Ray Sarbacker were there every day and assisting<br />

in every way. If you ever wanted to know the meaning of “unsung heroes”<br />

just look at them.<br />

Last, but always first, to my PILL (partner in love & life). I cannot<br />

8<br />

One Final Thought: My Hair-Raising Realization<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

I wrote, re-wrote, revised and edited my 90 second presentation to the<br />

Legislative Committee. I wanted to use whatever (albeit limited) oratory<br />

skills I had to urge, cajole and ultimately convince our elected officials<br />

that the various Senate bills needed to be passed now to eradicate this<br />

guardianship disgrace and to achieve meaningful reforms.<br />

I sat in the chair – ready, willing, able and eager to proceed. And as the<br />

Committee chairman gave me the go-ahead to begin my testimony, out<br />

of the corner of my eye, I caught my image on the video screen and was<br />

overcome with a new, overriding singular thought that I could not shake<br />

– Where’s my hair?<br />

What happened to my freakin’ hair? I was in complete shock. I<br />

wanted to end my statement in mid-sentence, demand a quick recess and<br />

stop everything until I found my missing follicles.<br />

Did I leave it at the hotel? Did Rana take it for safekeeping? What<br />

the…?<br />

While I have been called many names, I can’t believe (or accept)<br />

that “balding” is one of them. But at that moment, I realized that the<br />

idealistic, young future attorney who needed a hairpic for his “Afro” no<br />

longer existed.<br />

Looking at the screen (and you better believe subsequent viewings) I<br />

was overwhelmed with another inescapable conclusion – I now look like<br />

my father.<br />

So, as I completed my testimony and even received some congratulatory<br />

compliments, I graciously thanked them… and started searching for my<br />

dad’s baseball cap.<br />

adequately express my admiration, respect and sheer joy in what Rana<br />

accomplished. (Of course, I’ll take credit for putting up with her for the last<br />

35 months, but will save that tale for another time).<br />

No one was more outraged than our political editor by this scandal and<br />

more dedicated, determined and obsessed to not only expose and clean-up<br />

the private guardianship gulag, but to achieve permanent solutions.<br />

All I (and everyone else) can, and should say, is simply:<br />

“Congratulations Rana. You did it!<br />

Cue the fat lady…<br />

We Still Need to be Vigilant<br />

By: Rana Goodman / On My Soapbox<br />

Publisher Dan says the guardianship<br />

issue is over thanks to the passage of our<br />

guardianship bills we have pushed these past two<br />

plus years. I’m however, far more cautious than he.<br />

We were indeed holding our breath right up to the very last day for<br />

passage of SB229, (the nominated guardianship bill with the Secretary<br />

of State lockbox provisions) and then dancing on cloud nine when<br />

Senator Becky Harris phoned within five minutes of its passage.<br />

Dan and I were in the car when we heard the great news. I wanted to<br />

roll down the car windows and scream YES, WE DID IT!<br />

Nevada also made a huge, positive step by hiring attorney Homa<br />

Woodrum.<br />

The Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and<br />

Disability Services Division, pursuant to newly implemented AB 31<br />

created the “Attorney for the Rights of Older Persons and Persons<br />

with a Physical Disability, an Intellectual Disability or a Related<br />

Condition” (Say that 3 times fast).<br />

The short title is “Chief Advocacy Attorney” and we have total<br />

confidence in her abilities and dedication. The only downside for us is<br />

that she is based in Carson City.<br />

But let’s face the fact that there will still be a portion of our society<br />

that will need to be cared for by a guardian, private or public. Many<br />

of them are not fortunate enough to have either family or a friend to<br />

fill that gap.<br />

If they have the needed funds to hire help and have the capacity to<br />

choose wisely, that is a huge plus. If not, they won’t have the protection<br />

that will now be available to the rest of you by nominating who you<br />

wish to care for you if, and when the need arises.<br />

They most likely will fall into “the system.” This is where I have<br />

concerns that the process still has a way to go.<br />

Seniors with no nominated guardian who are reported by someone<br />

as needing help, will most probably fall under the Clark County Public<br />

Guardian’s Office. In my opinion, this is akin to falling head first into<br />

“the rabbit hole.”<br />

Although newly appointed Public Guardian Karen Kelly attended a<br />

few of our Nevada Guardianship Commission meetings, apparently,<br />

she has failed to grasp the meaning of one of that Commission’s most<br />

important recommendations to the legislature. That recommendation,<br />

unanimously passed (and soon to be law) was “to use the least<br />

restrictive means necessary in guardianship.”<br />

I am hearing and been advised that the procedure the public<br />

guardian has implemented for several ladies (one 85 years old, and<br />

the other who is 90) is isolation in a locked down facility. Sadly, the<br />

90-year-old can easily afford full time care in her home.<br />

Placing her in a facility away from all the things giving her comfort<br />

at her age is cruel and not needed. Since she has no family, friends<br />

are getting ready to attend her family court hearing and try to take<br />

this on.<br />

Let’s enjoy our guardianship reforms, but total victory is still on the<br />

horizon.<br />

Rana with Senator Becky Harris<br />

All Smiles with the Governor and Senator Harris<br />


Marty’s Top Ten<br />

By: Marty Allen / Hello Dere<br />

1<br />

. You know you have a<br />

problem when you meet<br />

a friend on the street and he<br />

says: “How are you?” and your<br />

answer is “Why, what did you hear?”<br />

2. Family Values thought: How come children grow up so fast – but<br />

leave home so slow?<br />

3. You know you are at a wealthy person’s home when you flush the<br />

toilet and you see a rainbow!<br />

4. Bill tells his friend Fred: “I met this very attractive girl but she’s not<br />

that bright. She spent all weekend reading my four T shirts!”<br />

5. A certain Congressman is taking on the American Orthopedic<br />

Society. He wants to know why artificial limbs cost an arm and a leg.<br />

6. Therapist: “What makes you think you have multiple personalities?”<br />

Patient responds: “You talking to us?”<br />

7. A fool and his money get to meet a lot of great women.<br />

8. It is very unwise for a husband to say to his wife: “How can you<br />

blame me for our marital problems? I’m never home!”<br />

9. A veterinarian and a taxidermist went into business together. Their<br />

sales pitch: “Either way, you get your pet back.”<br />

10. What does a woman; a tornado and a bank have in common? Any<br />

one of them can get your house!<br />

For over the past decade, Marty Allen has performed with his on<br />

and off stage singing partner Karon Kate Blackwell.<br />

Politically Incorrect Humor<br />

By: Bill Caserta / Bill’s Blurbs<br />

Definition of an Irish husband: He hasn't<br />

kissed his wife for twenty years, but he<br />

will kill any man who does.<br />

*Murphy told Quinn that his wife was driving him to drink.<br />

Quinn thinks he's very lucky because his own wife makes him<br />

walk.<br />

*The man phoned the maternity ward at the hospital.<br />

"Quick!" he said. "Send an ambulance, my wife is going to<br />

have a baby!" "Tell me, is this her first baby?" the intern asked.<br />

"No, this is her husband, Kevin, speaking."<br />

*"Bob," asked the druggist, "did that mudpack I gave you<br />

improve your wife's appearance?"<br />

"It surely did. " Replied Bob. "But it keeps falling off!"<br />

*John: My wife has a terrible habit of staying up 'til two o'clock<br />

in the morning. I can't break her of it. Paul: What on earth is she<br />

doing at that time? John: Waiting for me to come home.<br />

*Phil went to trial for armed robbery. The jury foreman came<br />

out and announced, "Not guilty."<br />

"That's grand!" shouted Phil. "Does that mean I can keep the money?"<br />

* To my non-Jewish friends, this may explain a lot. To my Jewish<br />

friends, just nod in agreement.<br />

Things I Didn't Learn in Hebrew School<br />

1.The High Holidays have absolutely nothing to do with<br />

marijuana.<br />

2. No meal is complete without leftovers.<br />

3. According to Jewish dietary law, pork and shellfish may be<br />

eaten only in Chinese restaurants.<br />

4. A shmata is a dress that your husband's ex is wearing.<br />

5. After the destruction of the Second temple, God created<br />

Nordstrom’s.<br />

6. Never take a front row seat at a Bris.<br />

7. Next year in Jerusalem. The year after that, how about a nice<br />

cruise?<br />

8. Never leave a restaurant empty handed.<br />

9. Spring ahead; fall back - winters in Boca.<br />

10. WASP's leave and never say good-bye; Jews say good-bye and<br />

never leave.<br />

11. Always whisper the names of diseases.<br />

12. If it tastes good, it's probably not kosher.<br />

13. Without Jewish mothers, who would need therapy?<br />

14. If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it. But if you can<br />

afford it, make sure to tell everybody what you paid.<br />

15. Laugh now, but one day you'll be driving a Lexus and eating<br />

dinner at 4:00 PM in Florida.<br />

And one final thought. What do you call a man who knows how<br />

to control a wife? Answer: A bachelor.<br />



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10<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Bill Caserta is the Project Director for The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> and<br />

has a very “unique” sense of humor. He welcomes all funny<br />

submissions at: bill@thevegasvoice.net.<br />

Cannot be combined with any other offers. Must have a Boarding Pass and valid ID. Must be 50 years of age or older. Movie matinees before 6pm. Complete details at Rewards Centers. Sign up for Station Casino’s MyGeneration today!<br />

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By: Adrea Nairne-Barrera / 60s to 60<br />

Once upon a time, making simple decisions<br />

about hanging a picture or what to make<br />

for dinner was easy.<br />

Now it’s a whole process and takes ten times longer than it used to. By<br />

the time I’ve figured it out, I’m too tired to do it.<br />

Hanging a picture requires a hammer, hook and usually a ladder.<br />

Climbing up the ladder is not my best event.<br />

In fact, I tremble each time I have to change an air filter in the house.<br />

I’ve learned to put pillows on a desk, table or whatever is nearby so I<br />

can get up and kneel on the pillows in the hope of reaching the spot to<br />

hammer in the hook.<br />

It’s very calculated and exhausting. Several pictures have been leaning<br />

on the floor for about 2 years now.<br />

The dinner question is ridiculous. On workdays, the conversation<br />

usually goes from “What do you want for dinner?” to “I’m not hungry<br />

because I ate an egg sandwich at 2 pm” to “So what should I do?” etc.<br />

It’s a never ending cycle of nonsense and indecision usually ending at<br />

one of three local places. Neither one of us can actually make a choice.<br />

We have little spats about whether to leave the car windows open in<br />

the garage or if turning light switches on and off uses more electricity<br />

or not. As for the car windows, we keep the trash bins also in the garage<br />

and sometimes they smell at the end of the week. (A little trick I once<br />

learned is to freeze your food garbage until trash day and then forget<br />

12<br />

Decisions & Spats<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

it’s there.)<br />

Open the car windows and<br />

everything stinks on 100+ degree days.<br />

Keep them closed and the car is really<br />

warm. What to do? He says open and I<br />

say close.<br />

To solve the electricity problem, I<br />

did my research and unfortunately<br />

that answer is more complicated than<br />

I anticipated. Is your lighting fluorescent, energy saving or traditional?<br />

Some lighting has to warm up and it may not be a savings, but overall<br />

we should turn them off. I lost that argument in 20<strong>17</strong>, however years ago<br />

I was right. Progress got me again.<br />

So how many times has anyone gone to the back yard and left the door<br />

open only to hear “How long do you think it will take to air condition the<br />

yard?” I don’t know. Shall we put it to the test?<br />

Now we have solar lights on the property and to make them look pretty,<br />

you have to pick a spot where the sun will reach them. This spat involves<br />

morning sun, afternoon sun or setting sun.<br />

And so it goes.<br />

Adrea Nairne-Barrera’s writing focus these days are on<br />

observations, celebrations and complaints about life in the 1960s<br />

to being in your 60’s. You can contact her at: sixties2sixty@<br />

yahoo.com<br />

All Dogs Go to...Uh...Me?<br />

By: Vicki Wentz / Vicki’s <strong>Voice</strong><br />

It’s just that I didn’t know you<br />

could inherit a dog. I mean,<br />

a necklace, a set of china, even a<br />

savings bond...but a dog?<br />

Don’t get me wrong, she’s a really cute dog. A tiny white<br />

Maltese who was named by her first “mother” obsessed<br />

with the British royal family.<br />

Hence, I’m now the proud - if slightly reluctant - owner of Lady Diana.<br />

The name is longer than the actual dog.<br />

Anyway, no one was able to take Lady Di, and I do love her, and so does<br />

my dog, Gabby. But, Lady Di has a real Napoleon…or, Napoleonella…<br />

complex, and she will bark like she’s going to friggin’ take you apart,<br />

limb by limb. In reality, I don’t think she could take apart one actual<br />

limb.<br />

So here we are, back to two dogs. Just when Gabby thought she’d be an<br />

only child for a while. Being the oldest of five children, I was hoping the<br />

same thing myself, for about thirteen months before my brother Jimmy<br />

came along. I saw no need for another child in the house - we were<br />

getting along just fine.<br />

Yesterday, I introduced Lady Di to the folks at the veterinarian’s office.<br />

They were, of course, wonderful and Dr. Digadog made a huge fuss over<br />

her (why shouldn’t he; her care, along with Gabby’s, will help take his<br />

family to Cancun this summer).<br />

We had her first check-up, and she needed a couple of shots, some<br />

itch medicine, and eye drops. Dr. D looked a tad disappointed that she’d<br />

recently had her teeth cleaned, but even if she hadn’t, I would have had<br />

to let a few fall out before I could afford another visit.<br />

It’s all good now. I’m happy to have little Di in the house. She’s sleeping<br />

at the foot of the bed along with Gabby, who accepted the inevitable.<br />

Plus, after fourteen years of having two dogs, it’s easy to fall back into<br />

the choreography it takes to walk them without becoming a tangled-up,<br />

self-strangulating cartoon character - not that I ever did that.<br />

Having lived for years with one elderly lady, Di isn’t used to all the<br />

exercise and excitement at my house. There’s always someone coming<br />

and going.<br />

Always someone taking her for a hike, or to a nearby dog park, and<br />

folks are over for dinner, or the grandchildren are wanting to pick her<br />

up and put her on beds, on couches, in the sink…in the doll buggy…<br />

in flowerpots.<br />

Yes, Di spends her downtime sacked out - like me.<br />

But, I’m happy. Two doggies. Life is good. Then, the phone rang<br />

yesterday.<br />

My sister said, “Remember when you said that if ever Mom and Dad<br />

weren’t able to take care of Rosie any more, you wanted her? Well, I think<br />

that day is here. It’s just too much for them now, and we aren’t able to<br />

take her. When can you come to get her?”<br />

OMG. Dr. D’s office is going to get a whole new wing.<br />

Vicki Wentz is a writer, teacher and speaker living in North<br />

Carolina. Readers may contact her - and order her new<br />

children’s book! - by visiting her <strong>web</strong>site at www.vickiwentz.com.<br />

Breaking through Medicare<br />

Insurance expert hosts community service events<br />

to provide answers to Medicare questions.<br />

Is Obama Care out and Trump Care in? How will the new<br />

insurance regulations affect my Medicare plan?<br />

Those are just a couple of the questions that are asked<br />

when Rick Bronstein answers his phone at GreenSky<br />

Insurance Services. Bronstein is an independent insurance<br />

agent with nearly 40 years of experience, and his specialty is<br />

understanding all of the intricate nuances of Medicare.<br />

As a community service, Bronstein has decided to hit the<br />

road and answer questions about Medicare and medigap<br />

insurance for anyone in the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Valley.<br />

What is better than free advice? How about free advice<br />

with a free cup of coffee and a snack?<br />

Valley residents are invited to meet Bronstein on<br />

July 11 th or 25 th any time between 9:30a and 11:30a<br />

at the Great Harvest Bread Co. ® in the Siena Town<br />

Center shopping center (corner of West Tropicana and<br />

Hualapai) to have a casual conversation about Medicare<br />

while being treated to answers that make sense, a drink,<br />

and one of Great Harvest’s delicious breakfast snacks.<br />

Did you know that Nevada offers ten different types of<br />

supplemental insurance plans (A through N) with different<br />

levels of standardized benefits and coverage? Wading<br />

through the written documentation for each of these plans<br />

can be a daunting task. However, by asking questions<br />

about your specific needs, Bronstein can help you take the<br />

guesswork out of choosing the right plan.<br />

Bronstein can explain, in easy to understand terms, how<br />

Medicare Part A and Part B works, and give you the tools to<br />

decide if you need to purchase a Medicare Advantage plan,<br />

also known as Medicare Part C.<br />

As an independent agent, Bronstein works with United<br />

Healthcare (AARP), Humana, Cigna, and other leading<br />

insurance providers and can tell you how each company<br />

works so that you are better be able to choose what’s right<br />

for you.<br />

If you don’t care for coffee or pastry, you can always<br />

call Rick Bronstein at 702-479-1971, and he will be<br />

happy to speak with you at your convenience.<br />


Richard (Rick) Bronstein<br />

702-479-1971<br />

Call Rick today, or meet him at a FREE<br />

“Medicare Answers & Coffee” event:<br />

July 11 or 25, between 9:30a-11:30a<br />

Great Harvest Bread Co.<br />

10180 W Tropicana (at Hualapai)<br />

FREE insurance review FREE competitive quotes<br />

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Kemo Sabe<br />

By: Beverly Washburn / Hollywood Memories<br />

previously written about Clayton Moore, who<br />

I played the Lone Ranger. I thought this month<br />

I'd write about Jay Silverheels who was his<br />

faithful sidekick, Tonto.<br />

The year was 1956 and I was cast in the Warner Bros. feature film "The<br />

Lone Ranger." I was quite fortunate back in the 50s, because for the most<br />

part, scripts would just be sent to me without an audition.<br />

However, I had never worked at Warner Bros. so they didn't know me<br />

and I was asked to go out and read for the role of Lila, the little girl who<br />

gets kidnapped by the Indians and yep, you guessed it - gets saved by the<br />

Lone Ranger.<br />

When I got there, there were about 20 other little girls also reading for<br />

the role. I really didn't think I had a chance, so when I got the call the<br />

next day, I was very happy and grateful.<br />

The experience was a wonderful one and I was delighted to work with<br />

both of them. They were as nice as they could be.<br />

When you think of Tonto, you automatically think of the words Kemo<br />

Sabe. In fact, it became such a known phrase, it was added into the<br />

Webster's Dictionary in 2002.<br />

Over the years there have been many definitions of Kemo Sabe, but the<br />

most common ones are "faithful friend " or "trusty scout."<br />

Although Jay was a full blooded Indian and a member of the<br />

Mohawk Tribe, his real name was Harold J. Smith! It has been said<br />

that he came up with the name "Jay Silverheels" because he thought it<br />

sounded more authentic as an<br />

Indian name. Gee, ya' think?<br />

Jay was quite the athlete, a<br />

middleweight boxer and also<br />

played lacrosse. He was the<br />

highest paid and highest<br />

scoring lacrosse player in<br />

Canada.<br />

At a game he was playing<br />

in Los Angeles, the famous<br />

screen comedian, Joe E. Brown<br />

spotted him and thought he<br />

had potential. Brown helped<br />

Jay get his start in Hollywood; first working as a stuntman and then into<br />

small roles.<br />

It's been said that he never liked the role of Tonto as he felt it made him<br />

look stupid, but he always played Tonto gracefully and with good spirit.<br />

If it's true that he didn't like playing Tonto, I never saw that on the set.<br />

I looked up to him and loved every minute of my time with The Lone<br />

Ranger and Tonto.<br />

Until next time, remember to sing when the shadows fall, for in time,<br />

the sun will shine again.<br />

Beverly Washburn graced the silver screen as a child actress and<br />

is the author of Reel Tears. You can contact Beverly at: bjradell@<br />

hotmail.com. Check out her awesome, new <strong>web</strong>site: www.<br />

beverlywashburn.com.<br />

By: Yvonne Cloutier / Musical Moments<br />

It is the miracle of Austrian Franz Schubert.<br />

Despite almost continuous near-poverty,<br />

the drabness and struggle of his daily life, the<br />

lack of true recognition in his own time, and the poor health that<br />

prematurely ended his life at age 31, he graced the world with a body of<br />

work of astounding proportions and lasting value.<br />

These include 16 works for theatre, 8 symphonies, including his<br />

best-loved Unfinished Symphony, 15 string quartets, 21 additional<br />

chamber works, volumes of piano solos (including those for 4-hands)<br />

numerous works for chorus, a 3-act opera, and probably his greatest<br />

single contribution to literature - hundreds of songs that are still sung on<br />

the world's concert stages.<br />

Schubert composed anywhere and everywhere. He even developed the<br />

habit of sleeping with his glasses on should he awaken with a sudden<br />

inspiration!<br />

His favorite working hours were dawn till noon, but it was midnight<br />

when he wrote his 1st version of his famous song The Trout. He sleepily<br />

poured ink over the page instead of the customary sand used for blotting!<br />

That ink-blotted script is still preserved.<br />

Schubert wrote with fanatical speed and still had many works of the<br />

highest quality. One of these pieces is his Ave Maria.<br />

14<br />

Franz Schubert<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

This simple moving piece<br />

so well-known and loved,<br />

was written about 1825<br />

when he was 28 years old. It<br />

was part of a group of songs<br />

from Walter Scott's Lady of<br />

the Lake.<br />

Schubert stood only slightly over 5 feet. He was, like his father, a school<br />

teacher for a while, but quit to write music.<br />

He was the last composer of the classical era and one of the first of<br />

the Romantic era. His music is known for its beautiful melodies and<br />

harmonies. No question - he was considered a musical genius.<br />

Amongst his easier well-known piano solos are: Marche Militaire,<br />

Serenade, Excerpts from Symphony in B minor, The Trout, and The<br />

Erlking.<br />

Three years after he wrote Ave Maria, on November 19, 1828, Franz<br />

Schubert died. He was buried in Vienna, near the graves of Strauss,<br />

Brahms, and his beloved Beethoven.<br />

Yvonne Cloutier, a former teacher/principal, with a music<br />

background, specializes in ragtime piano. She reports about<br />

music on SCA-TV.com/Anthem Alive! You can contact her at www.<br />

mytimeisragtime.com.<br />



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The US Open<br />

By: Mike Landry / Golf Fore Ever<br />

The US Open is the most prestigious golfing<br />

event of the year! If you were fortunate<br />

enough to watch it at Erin Hills, Wisconsin last<br />

month, you were in for a treat.<br />

A host of players battled it out for four days to determine the best golfer<br />

in the world. 27-year-old Brooks Koepka took home the trophy with a<br />

final round 67, winning the event by 4 strokes.<br />

The biggest event of the year sponsored by the USGA is the men’s US<br />

Open. This is the one event where amateurs can qualify for and play<br />

along with the pros.<br />

If you have a handicap index of 1.4 or lower, you can apply to play in a<br />

local qualifier, pay your entry fees and try and qualify. There you could be<br />

joined by touring<br />

professionals who<br />

don’t qualify for<br />

this year’s US Open,<br />

but wish to.<br />

This year we saw<br />

Steve Stricker go out<br />

and qualify. Steve<br />

did not disappoint<br />

shooting 73, 72, 69<br />

& 69 to earn him<br />

a tie for 16 th place<br />

– not bad for a<br />

50-year-old player.<br />

See you on the<br />

links!<br />

Mike Landry resides in Sun City MacDonald Ranch and is a member<br />

of both the Nevada State Seniors Golf Club and Winterwood Men’s<br />

Group. He can be reached at: airmikel1@cox.net<br />

Eureka!<br />

By: Charlie Christy / Executive Director<br />

- Ms. Senior Nevada<br />

The<br />

Senior<br />

Nevada Pageant<br />

Family is busier than ever. With three to five<br />

shows at Assisted Living Centers each month,<br />

we are now returning to Eureka, Nevada<br />

to raise money for the Meals on Wheels<br />

program.<br />

The trip will be August 14-16, with “show time” at 5 pm on August<br />

15, in the Historic Opera House Theatre. This restored treasure is a joy to<br />

behold. Built in the 1800’s (before the advent of sound equipment) it is<br />

so beautifully engineered, a singer can project to the audience without<br />

any amplification.<br />

If you’d like to join this “gaggle of gals and guys” we’ll help you<br />

arrange transportation and accommodations. We stay at the Best<br />

Western, (includes breakfast) and Ms Senior Nevada will provide two<br />

picnic lunches, making the trip quite inexpensive and a great way to see<br />

“middle Nevada.”<br />

This is truly a charity event. We print the tickets and send them to the<br />

Senior Center to sell. They keep 100% of the revenue, while we pay our<br />

own expenses; including rooms, gas and food.<br />

We are a true “non-profit” and we give to better seniors. Come join<br />

us if you’d like to see Nevada as it was many years ago and be a part of<br />

something special.<br />

Give us a call: 702-458-9899<br />

Lights, Cameras & Action<br />

By: Rich Natole / <strong>Voice</strong>s of a Generation<br />

As I previously mentioned, along with<br />

fellow <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> columnist Evan Davis<br />

(and with thanks to the wonderful people at<br />

Humana) we are back on the air.<br />

Evan is the host for the “Celebrity Interviews” at the Summerlin<br />

location and I have the honors at the Green Valley Humana<br />

Neighborhood Center. And I am so fortunate to have as my announcer/<br />

sidekick, the man with the golden voice, Nevada Broadcaster Hall of<br />

Fame Jon Lindquist.<br />

And what a line-up for our respective shows! Last month, Evan<br />

had the beautiful, talented (and co-host of The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> August<br />

“Summer of Love” 50 th Anniversary Concert Genevieve Dew.<br />

My guest was the best Neil Diamond impressionist in the world – Rob<br />

Garrett. Think that lineup was fantastic?<br />

Our respective guests this month will be Frankie Scinta (Evan’s<br />

show) and I’ll be joined by Clint Holmes. Come on down and be a part<br />

of our studio audience - it’s always free!<br />

Rich Natole is a comic/impressionist headlining entertainer & host<br />

of The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Television/Podcast Show. For more information<br />

visit: www.richnatole.com. You can also contact Rich at: rich@<br />

richnatole.com.<br />

16<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

SCMR Participates at Senior Idol<br />

Members of the Sun City MacDonald Ranch Variety Club<br />

auditioned for Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Senior Idol and four acts made the<br />

cut. In all, 78 acts auditioned and 24 were chosen.<br />

The Senior Idol Showcase was held last month at the Charleston<br />

Heights Art Center. The showcase is an annual event for all seniors<br />

ages 50 and over from the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Valley area.<br />

The four acts from SCMR performed the routines they perfected for<br />

our 20<strong>17</strong> SCMR Spring Variety show, “A Blast from the Past.”<br />

The four acts are: The Sunsations (jazz dancers), Treasures of the<br />

Nile (belly dancers), Marilyn and Irv Atkins (George Burns and Gracie<br />

Allen skit) and Bill Reiss (soloist).<br />


By: BJ Killeen / Down the Road<br />

Did you know the average delivery time for<br />

a new car at the dealership can be up to<br />

three hours?<br />

There’s so much more technology today than just learning how to<br />

adjust the seats and program radio stations.<br />

Dealerships have multi-page delivery checklists that are broken into<br />

sections as far as basic and expanded operations. The basic operation<br />

items cover how to start the vehicle (push button, hybrid starts, etc.),<br />

how to shift (push button, rotary knob), and how to adjust seats and<br />

mirrors.<br />

While this may sound simple, sometimes it can be complicated to<br />

understand. For example, the 20<strong>17</strong> Lincoln Continental offers 30-way<br />

power seats on its high-end models!<br />

The goal is to get the most comfortable position for driving. Once<br />

dialed in, these seats (which include a massage function) are more<br />

comfortable than any recliner you have at home. And they do include a<br />

few memory presets to retain what you’ve programmed.<br />

Keep in mind that you don’t need to stay at the dealership for three<br />

hours. Many dealers have car clinics once a month to give you more<br />

information a little at a time, or will help teach you something else<br />

every time you come in for service or a lesson.<br />

This way, you can learn about your vehicle over time, and practice<br />

using the technology before your next visit. The goal is to not overwhelm<br />

you with information, but to make you comfortable so you use it.<br />

18<br />

How Much Do You Know?<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Features like parking assist (will parallel or perpendicular park<br />

the vehicle for you), adaptive cruise control (keeps your distance<br />

automatically from vehicle in front of you), and rain-sensing wipers<br />

are all designed to help keep you safe on the road.<br />

The best advice is to read your owner’s manual. Everything you need<br />

to know about your vehicle is in that book in your glovebox. Also in the<br />

glovebox is a quick reference guide for instant help.<br />

And, of course, you can ask me via email at bjkdtr@gmail.com. I’m<br />

always happy to help!<br />

BJ Killeen has been an automotive journalist for over 30 years.<br />

She welcomes all questions and inquiries, and can be reached at<br />

bjkdtr@gmail.com<br />

Where Do We Start?<br />

By: Evan Davis / Entertainment Editor<br />

As we come halfway<br />

through the<br />

year, I ask myself, “Self,<br />

is the year half empty or half full?” Just as<br />

<strong>Vegas</strong> reinvents itself almost daily, so do the<br />

entertainers.<br />

Chris Phillips (Zowie Bowie) in the<br />

Grandview Lounge at the South Point,<br />

Chadwick Johnson’s new band, LV Retro Vibe,<br />

now playing once a month in Rock’s Lounge at<br />

the Red Rock Hotel and Casino, Martin Kaye<br />

in the Parlor Lounge at the Mirage and the list goes on and on.<br />

Chadwick Johnson<br />

That’s why I put a list out every week of local entertainment. Things<br />

change constantly and new venues keep opening up as old venues close.<br />

How can we keep up with all that’s going on? We can’t. That’s why we<br />

have to pick and choose what we want to see and where we want to go.<br />

Let’s start on the east side of town. Jazz on Monday nights at The Bradley<br />

on East Sahara. The great American song book at the Italian American<br />

Club Wednesday through Sunday. And Saturday afternoon for some big<br />

band jazz at Sun City MacDonald Ranch in Henderson.<br />

Let’s look at the Strip and surrounding areas. Rich Little at the<br />

Tropicana, Clint Holmes at the Venetian, The Scintas at the Plaza<br />

Downtown, Michael Monge at the Encore, seven nights a week<br />

entertainment at the Bootlegger, entertainment nightly at the Tuscany, the<br />

Barrymore on Convention Center Drive and Pia Zadora at Pia’s Place in<br />

Piero’s on the weekends. And that’s just to mention a few.<br />

Go west young man, and so we will. Where do I start?<br />

Downtown Summerlin has brought many restaurants and shops with<br />

a few choices of entertainment. There are places like the Golden Tiki<br />

on Spring Mountain with jazz on Thursday nights, Salvatore’s Italian<br />

Restaurant in the Suncoast with a piano bar nightly and singers on<br />

Tuesdays and Thursdays, Siena Deli, Marche’ Bacchus, the Sand Dollar for<br />

blues and jazz, Addison’s Lounge at the Rampart Casino, Rocks Lounge at<br />

the Red Rock Hotel and Casino, the Vintner Grill and many more.<br />

So how do we get to see all the entertainment and entertainers at all<br />

these venues? Slowly. Not that we have an unlimited amount of time to<br />

see it all, so we pick and choose based upon location, day of the week,<br />

time the entertainment starts, the type of music/entertainment and who<br />

is performing.<br />

We all have favorites, but by getting around to see performers that we<br />

haven’t seen before, it gives us the opportunity to expand our tastes and<br />

develop new favorites. It also allows us to meet new people and make new<br />

friends.<br />

Having the tendency to hang out at the same old venues week<br />

in and week out doesn’t allow us to make those new connections.<br />

Plan on going to one new venue every other week and you’ll see what a<br />

difference it will make in your life. Maybe a “Musical Crawl” could be good!<br />

You can read Evan’s entertainment blog and sign up to receive his<br />

free email weekly Calendar of Events at www.EvanDavisJazz.com.<br />

Email him at: evan@thevegasvoice.net.<br />


If you’re thinking, “What was I smokin’...?”<br />

The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Presents The 50th<br />

Anniversary Concert of the<br />

A groovy<br />

tribute to<br />

the songs<br />

of the<br />

‘60s !<br />

SPONSOR &<br />

Vendor Space<br />

Available<br />

Call Debbie<br />

702/592-4818<br />



TO OUR<br />


VETS!<br />

You’re in the right place!<br />

S C H E D U L E D T O A P P E A R<br />

Frankie Scinta<br />

Sonny Charles<br />

Elisa Fiorillo<br />

Be sure to wear some<br />

flowers in your hair!<br />

JOIN US IN<br />


Sun. Aug. 20.<br />

3-5pm/Doors:2pm<br />

Sponsor & Vendor Info<br />

Email: Debbie@thevegasvoice.net<br />

702/592-4818<br />

Hosted by<br />

Mark Giovi/Genevieve Dew<br />

Music Director<br />

Gary Anderson<br />

and The<br />

<strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Band<br />

Chase Brown<br />

Chadwick Johnson<br />

Jonathan Karrant<br />

Travis Cloer<br />

Ashley Fuller<br />

Rich Natole<br />

For tickets and<br />

more info call<br />

Evan Davis<br />

702/630-6111<br />

3333 Blue Diamond Rd., Las <strong>Vegas</strong>, Nevada 89139<br />

Aaron Fuller<br />

Additional<br />

Performers to be<br />

Announced!<br />

Tickets<br />

$ 19.67<br />

Proceeds to benefit the Nevada Guardianship Association and The Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Show Biz Network

Want to Volunteer?<br />

By: Victoria Seaman / Victoria’s Corner<br />

Changes on the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> City Council may<br />

mean changes to Senior Board<br />

The Las <strong>Vegas</strong> City Council will have two new<br />

representatives in July: Steve Seroka and Michele Fiore. These new<br />

council people will help oversee the range of senior services offered by<br />

the City of Las <strong>Vegas</strong>.<br />

Most of these services are evaluated by the city’s Senior Citizens’<br />

Advisory Board. Members are appointed on the recommendation of<br />

the city council, with one individual representing each ward and two<br />

members representing the city at large recommended by the mayor. Each<br />

must be a resident of the City of Las <strong>Vegas</strong>.<br />

This board currently has two vacancies for Wards 2 and 4, but others<br />

may be shuffled around as a result of the city council elections.<br />

If you’re looking for an opportunity to get involved and want to<br />

improve or change the services that are offered by the city - especially<br />

those offered by senior centers, this is a great opportunity to serve your<br />

community and help make Las <strong>Vegas</strong> a better place to live, work and<br />

play.<br />

The city operates six active adult and senior centers. These facilities<br />

offer classes, social groups and services, computer labs, small libraries,<br />

access to media programs and low cost room rentals. The Las <strong>Vegas</strong><br />

Senior Center, located in downtown Las <strong>Vegas</strong>, also organizes excursions<br />

and groups of seniors who travel together known as Tripsters.<br />

All of these programs rely on citizen involvement in government<br />

and the board to make wise recommendations to the City Council for<br />

guidance and direction. We need Las<br />

Vegans of all ages represented to the<br />

council.<br />

If you’ve got the urge to serve,<br />

Project Director Bill Caserta<br />

with Victoria<br />

you can apply on the Boards and<br />

Commissions page located at www.<br />

Las<strong>Vegas</strong>Nevada.gov.<br />

Victoria Seaman is a former Nevada Assemblywoman,<br />

businesswoman and currently a Realtor in Las <strong>Vegas</strong>. You can<br />

contact Victoria at: victoria@victoriaseaman.com.<br />

Nelson Sardelli and His Troops<br />

By: Sam Wagmeister / People & Places<br />

The dining hall had been transformed into a<br />

war-era cabaret. Their years of service and<br />

historic battles long behind them, the troops in<br />

attendance are residents of the Nevada Veterans Home in Boulder City, a<br />

state-owned facility for veterans needing skilled nursing care.<br />

Each Father’s Day, entertainer Nelson Sardelli enlists his troops - the<br />

singers, magicians and comedians who christened Las <strong>Vegas</strong> as the<br />

Entertainment Capital of the World. Sardelli himself was a contributor<br />

to that culture.<br />

At 21, he emigrated from Brazil. “Two months later, I was drafted.” He<br />

was drafted again in 1965, but this time to headline in Girls ala Cart in<br />

<strong>Vegas</strong>, the town he never left.<br />

This Father’s Day, nearly 30 performers answered Sardelli’s call;<br />

including comedian and Tonight Show veteran Pete Barbutt, retired<br />

magician Lance Burton, the familiar face-that-nobody-knows, 3’11”<br />

Felix Silla who starred as Cousin It, Robby the Robot and roles in Star<br />

Wars, Spaceballs and others.<br />

The event has become a true <strong>Vegas</strong>-style impromptu lounge show.<br />

“Our residents look forward to this all year,” said a Veterans Home staffer.<br />

Drummer Gary Olds has served as musical director from the beginning.<br />

The singers reach into a musical era that enriched these soldiers,<br />

sailors, pilots and front-line guys who ducked bullets and bombs. Most of<br />

them are now confined to wheelchairs and walkers.<br />

The program included what Diane Lopez called an era “when songs<br />

actually meant something”: It Had to be You, When You’re Smilin’, I<br />

Can Only Give You Love and Jeannie Brie’s tear provoking rendition of<br />

Vera Lynn’s World War II classic, We’ll Meet Again.<br />

Sardelli’s program of entertainers who give up the Father’s Day<br />

mornings included current headliners Carmine Mandia, Michael Monge,<br />

George Bugatti, Grammy and Emmy Award winner Gary Anderson on<br />

saxophone and more. Many have a long history with the event.<br />

Retired comedian/singer/musician Peter Anthony who helped establish<br />

the Entertainment Capital moniker is a 14-year member of Sardelli’s<br />

troupe. “I’m grateful for what these guys and gals did for us.”<br />

Sardelli, whose roots include opening for Judy Garland, agrees, “This is<br />

my way to give back. What my father taught me.”<br />

Honoring Our Founder<br />

During this patriotic month as we celebrate our<br />

109 fighters on December 19, 1944, during the Battle of<br />

Independence, we at Miracle-Ear want to honor<br />

the Bulge. Dahlberg accounted for, four enemy planes that<br />

War Hero and our Founder, Kenneth Dahlberg. May he<br />

rest in peace.<br />

Dahlberg Electronics manufactured the first Miracle-<br />

Ear hearing aid in 1948. Kenneth Dahlberg started<br />

Dahlberg Electronics after he left a position as an assistant<br />

to the president of Telex Communications.<br />

Kenneth Dahlberg was drafted into the army in 1941<br />

and became an aviation cadet in the United States<br />

day.<br />

He himself was shot down and rescued by American<br />

soldiers. On February 14, 1945, Dahlberg’s plane was shot<br />

down for the third and final time near Bitburg, Germany.<br />

He was a prisoner of war for the duration of World War II.<br />

While designing a wireless hearing aid, Mr. Dahlberg’s<br />

friend said, “it will be a miracle if that device works…”<br />

and the rest is history! Miracle-Ear products and services<br />

Army Air Forces (USAAF). One of his instructors was Kenneth Dahlberg are the most advanced in the hearing aid industry.<br />

future Senator Barry Goldwater.<br />

For over 70 years, Miracle-Ear, has specialized in<br />

After training, Dahlberg flew the P-47<br />

Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang with<br />

the USAAF 353rd Fighter Squadron,<br />

and 354th Fighter Group Ninth<br />

Air Force in Europe. A fighter<br />

ace, Dahlberg was credited with<br />

14 aerial victories.<br />

Mr. Dahlberg’s plane was shot down<br />

three times. The first time, he bailed out<br />

near Paris, and was sheltered by the French Resistance.<br />

designing and manufacturing customizable<br />

hearing solutions that feature discreet,<br />

comfortable products designed to<br />

meet each individual’s hearing<br />

loss needs. Miracle-Ear boasts<br />

the largest and only nationwide<br />

network of hearing care centers.<br />

Miracle-Ear has been servicing<br />

the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Valley for over 30 years as a<br />

trusted resource for hearing health care, offering state<br />

He received numerous awards and decorations, including of the art technology and outstanding customer service at six convenient<br />

the Distinguished Service Cross for leading a flight of 16 P-47<br />

Thunderbolts (354th) against an attack of 70 German Messerschmitt Bf<br />

locations.<br />

What will your Miracle SOUND like?<br />

22<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Jeanne Brie; (L-R) George Bugatti, Felix Silla, Nik Mastrangelo,<br />

Michael Monge, Carmine Mandia; Sardelli with Felix Silla<br />


24<br />

<strong>Vegas</strong> Voyagers Cruise Options<br />

By: Stu Cooper / Happy Destinations<br />

Phat Pack Cruise Update: The response<br />

to our Phat Pack cruise January 27 -<br />

February 3, 2018 has been fabulous. There are<br />

close to 100 people already booked and we're still eight months away<br />

from the cruise! This is going to be a fantastic and memorable<br />

trip.<br />

Think about it. What could be better than<br />

combining a seven night Mexican Riviera<br />

cruise with the music of the Phat Pack? The two<br />

private (for <strong>Vegas</strong> Voyagers only!) command<br />

performances together with our own private<br />

cocktail party will make for one exciting and unique vacation<br />

experience.<br />

No doubt this trip and experience of a lifetime will definitely be sold<br />

out. And the only way to enjoy the Phat Pack performances and special<br />

plans is to book this cruise solely through the <strong>Vegas</strong> Voyagers.<br />

Please note that if you book this cruise through any other travel agency<br />

or directly with Carnival Cruise Line you will not be part of our exclusive<br />

group, and will not be eligible to attend any of the Phat Pack shows or<br />

functions.<br />

So be sure to call <strong>Vegas</strong> Voyagers at 800/698-1101 and be part of the<br />

fun!<br />

*I never thought I'd go to Cuba once, and I am just back from my<br />

Jan. 7-14, 2018<br />

7 Night Western Caribbean Cruise,<br />

from Miami<br />

Cozumel, Isla Roatan, Belize & Grand Cayman<br />

Inside Cabin $600 pp, / Ocean View $660 pp,<br />

Balcony $990 pp<br />

Price based on double occupancy, subject to availability and<br />

includes the cruise and all port charges, taxes and fees. Airfare<br />

to Florida is additional<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

second visit within one year. I escorted a group of 70 adventurous tourists<br />

last month.<br />

Cuba is still as fascinating as ever. And it is safe to say that the easing of<br />

U.S. citizen requirements to visit the island has had a positive economic<br />

impact on Cuba.<br />

While we were there, no fewer than four cruise ships visited Havana in<br />

the two days we were there. The first "luxury" mall<br />

opened in downtown Havana. Tourism was booming.<br />

Still no McDonalds or Starbucks, and in my<br />

opinion, that's a good thing. I hope Cuba will retain<br />

its unique charm and atmosphere - including<br />

all those great vintage 1950s automobiles.<br />

*Take a look at the new "Bus to the Boat"<br />

cruises we added with our good friends at<br />

Princess Cruise Lines for 2018. We're going to Alaska again<br />

round trip from Los Angeles, September 19 - October 1, 2018 on the Star<br />

Princess.<br />

We also have a Coastal California November 3 - 10, 2018 (also on<br />

the Star Princes) and a 15 night Hawaiian Island cruise December 4 -<br />

19, 2018 on the Ruby Princess. If you book by August 30 th , you might be<br />

eligible for the Princess Cruise Line "SIP AND SAIL" promotion. Be sure<br />

to ask us for all the details when you call.<br />

We are also adding some great Royal Caribbean Trans-Atlantic<br />

cruises and a northern Pacific coast cruise for 2018. Take a look at<br />

upcoming <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> editions for specific information.<br />

Mix and Match<br />

Jan. 14-27, 2018<br />

13 Night Panama Canal<br />

Cruise from Miami to LA<br />

Carnival Splendor<br />

Cartagena, Columbia; Panama Canal Transit;<br />

Punta Arenas, Costa Rica; Puerto Quetzal,<br />

Guatemala; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico<br />

Inside Cabin $1,716 pp,<br />

Ocean View, $2,016 pp,<br />

Balcony $2,665 pp<br />

Price based on double occupancy, subject to availability<br />

and includes the cruise and all port charges, taxes and<br />

fees. Airfare to Florida and back from Los Angeles to<br />

Las <strong>Vegas</strong> is additional<br />

800/698-1101<br />

www.<strong>Vegas</strong>voyagers.Com<br />

Email: Fairtravel@Aol.Com<br />

Belize Cast its Spell<br />

By: Kathy Manney / Around Our World<br />

The ad was tantalizing. “Be one with<br />

Belize…Mother Nature’s best kept secret.”<br />

That was all the enticement needed to see for<br />

myself this tiny sun-speckled country sheltered<br />

between Mexico and Guatemala.<br />

The only country in Central America where English is the official<br />

language, Belize is positioned on the Caribbean coast off Central America<br />

and is one of the few remaining unspoiled places on earth.<br />

Palms wave while the soft colors of purple and tangerine warm the<br />

skyline as we set off to discover Belize. The country enjoys an average<br />

temperature of 79-degrees.<br />

It is a beautiful unspoiled country, unspoiled in part because Belize has<br />

the lowest population density in Central America. The literacy rate is one<br />

of the highest in Latin America<br />

Spain ruled Central America from the 1500s to the 1800s. Officially<br />

Belize became the colony of England in 1854 and was known as British<br />

Honduras until 1973.<br />

Territorial disputes between the United Kingdom and Guatemala<br />

deferred the independence of Belize until 1981. Tourists now come with<br />

the promise of relaxation and the richly rewarding authenticity sought in<br />

a genuine Caribbean getaway.<br />

Inland there are ancient Maya sites, both excavated and jungle-covered.<br />

Belize is a gateway to the Mayan world and was the site of many Mayan city<br />

states before their wane at the end of the first millennium A.D.<br />

Today you can climb Belize’s highest Maya temple. For the less<br />

adventuresome, there are Mayan artifacts to be seen in Belize museums.<br />

Guided trips go into lush tropical rainforests filled with exotic tropical<br />

birds and plants. The Belize rainforests are home to a wide range of bird<br />

species.<br />

While here, we listened to foot-tapping music, shopped colorful stores<br />

and learned local traditions. Whatever your interest, the friendly people<br />

aim to ensure that your experience is positive and memorable – enticing<br />

you to return again and again.<br />

There are more than ten friendly, English-speaking and diverse cultures<br />

of Belize. Coming together as warm Belizean hospitality, visitors are<br />

exposed to a unique natural and cultural heritage.<br />

Yes, come and be one with Belize - oasis of fun and adventure.<br />

Kathy Manney enjoys visiting interesting places and being an<br />

Adventure Diva. Her “Must See” travel journeys continue - always<br />

with enthusiasm.<br />


Cruise with the Phat Pack<br />

7 night Mexican Riviera<br />

Jan. 27- Feb. 3, 2018 “Bus to the Boat”<br />

26<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Never Too Late to Protect Your Skin<br />

By: Linda Bateman-Gomez / Timeless Beauty<br />

For those of us over 50, baby oil and iodine<br />

may be an all too familiar memory of our<br />

20’s. Throw in a reflector followed by a top notch<br />

sunburn and that’s how I attained that perfectly bronzed body during<br />

my younger days.<br />

Knowing what we all know now, the idea isn’t quite as appealing these<br />

days!<br />

As a consequence of the era where we baked until we were a fine golden<br />

brown, many of us are now keeping our dermatologists busy. And if you<br />

haven't visited your doctor yet, you may want to consider it!<br />

Skin cancer has different types, but as with many others, the earlier you<br />

catch it, the better options you have for treatment.<br />

From my own experiences, don’t ignore anything. I recently noticed a<br />

very tiny spot in the small of my back.<br />

A quick biopsy determined it was squamous cell carcinoma and I had<br />

MOH surgery to remove it. A tiny scar that’s now hardly even noticeable<br />

is a small price to pay.<br />

Had I waited, it would have been larger and could have spread. A spot<br />

on my face was also suspicious and frozen off.<br />

Left a slight white mark, but again far better than waiting and needing<br />

a more invasive procedure. While none of us want scars, the techniques<br />

used for these removals when caught early are minimal and certainly<br />

better than the alternatives!<br />

For scars on your face, long-lasting coverage concealers work<br />

beautifully, and using one with sunscreen is even better. Hats, sunglasses<br />

with UV protection (very important) and sunscreen are a must.<br />

And being covered doesn't mean you can't still have that sun-kissed<br />

look with your favorite bronzer. My current favorite is Benefit’s Hoola<br />

Matte Bronzer in a powder and of course, tanning moisturizers will work<br />

too!<br />

As always, it's never too late to protect your beautiful skin so please use<br />

that sunscreen! If it's exposed and the sun is out, you’re at risk.<br />

And make that call to the doc for your skin check. The sooner the better!<br />

Linda Bateman-Gomez has an international beauty company<br />

based in Las <strong>Vegas</strong> that specializes in cosmetics and other beauty<br />

products. Contact Linda at TimelessBeauty2020@gmail.com or<br />

through her <strong>web</strong>site www.fullips.com.<br />

Featuring TWO Special Private<br />

Performances and Cocktail Party<br />

The Phat Pack<br />

Bruce Ewing • Kevan Patriquin<br />

Randal Keith • Philip Fortenberry<br />

(Musical Director)<br />

This extraordinary group of artists met while performing<br />

in “PHANTOM: The Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Spectacular” and<br />

together formed their own highly-acclaimed spectacle<br />

that continues to thrill audiences everywhere:<br />


Destinations: Cabo San Lucas,<br />

Mazatlan & Puerto Vallarta<br />

Inside Cabin $ 869 pp,<br />

Ocean View $ 999 pp,<br />

Balcony $1,169 pp<br />

Price based on double occupancy, subject to availability and includes<br />

the cruise, all port charges, taxes and fees and Round Trip Bus Transportation<br />

from Las <strong>Vegas</strong> to the pier in Long Beach, CA.<br />

800/698-1101<br />

www.<strong>Vegas</strong>voyagers.Com<br />

Email: Fairtravel@Aol.Com<br />


Crystal<br />

Merryman-Sarbacker<br />

The Travel Company Designed Especially for Active Seniors!<br />

Unpack just once with any of these trips!<br />

Beat the Heat & Getaway!<br />

Choose a Collette Spotlight Vacation…<br />

One of my clients, who has traveled all over the world, recently<br />

selected a 9 day “Spotlight On Tuscany” vacation from Collette.<br />

She’s been to Italy before, but she was really attracted to the<br />

“Spotlights” concept, which focuses on a more inclusive, more<br />

relaxed style of traveling. And she was really pleased to find that<br />

throughout her entire trip, she’d be staying in a four star hotel in<br />

one of Tuscany’s famous spa resort towns, Montecatini Terme...<br />

Seven nights of Italian bliss and she would only have to unpack<br />

once. Que Bella!<br />

There’s still<br />

time to make last<br />

minute reservations!<br />

Call Now!<br />

702/419-0550!<br />

Could this visit to Tuscany get<br />

any better?<br />

Experience the optional excursions.*<br />

Choose from a Dinner and Entertainment<br />

at a Tuscan Villa, a Tuscan Cooking Class<br />

& Dinner in Montecatini, or a picturesque<br />

day trip to legendary Cinque Terre, or<br />

why not choose all three?<br />

*Avail at additional cost<br />

Starts at<br />

$ 1399. pp dbl.<br />

occ.<br />

Air avail., but<br />

not included<br />

Tuscany<br />

Call 702-419-0550 for more information<br />

on “Spotlight on Tuscany” and all the other<br />

16 “Spotlights” featuring City Stays & Quick<br />

Getaways from Collette including:<br />

London, 7 days<br />

Christmas in London, 7 days<br />

Paris, 7 days<br />

Paris Holiday, 7 days<br />

French Riviera, 8 days<br />

Rome, 7 days<br />

Venice in Winter, 7 days<br />

Madrid, 8 days<br />

Barcelona, 7 days<br />

New York City, 5 days<br />

New York City Holiday, 5 days<br />

Washington, D.C., 6 days<br />

San Antonio, 5 days<br />

San Antonio Holiday, 5 days<br />

New Orleans, 5 days<br />

South Dakota, 7 days.<br />

Wow! Local professional airport transfers<br />

provided by <strong>Vegas</strong> Vacationers<br />

for every Collette Vacation<br />

w<br />

with air!<br />

28<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Collette’s latest booklets are<br />

available now.<br />

Call Crystal now for your<br />

copy at<br />

*All prices subject to change.and are based on per person, double occupancy. Single room<br />

upgrades available at extra cost. MasterCard, VISA, Amex accepted or private checks. 702 419-0550<br />


I’m Reading You<br />

By: Chuck Dean / Vet 2 Vet<br />

like readers, and as a writer I’m always<br />

I interested in what readers are up to. Writing<br />

to be read…that’s the name of the game.<br />

Recently I heard an interesting statistic that stress can be reduced by<br />

as much as 26% by reading. Sounds like great therapy for those who like<br />

to read.<br />

As for writing, one day I went to the VA to find out what was wrong with<br />

me. After reading their PTSD literature, a light came on, but unfortunately<br />

the content was way over my head. Ordinary G.I.s needed something<br />

simpler to read to understand what the hell is going on.<br />

I put together a sizeable mailing list of veterans from all over the<br />

U.S. and began publishing and mailing this little rag newsletter called<br />

“Reveille.” Before I knew it, veterans were coming out of the woodwork.<br />

I was getting stacks of letters and phone calls telling me how much<br />

they could identify with what I was writing. They told me how they could<br />

closely relate to what I was writing about regarding the transitional issues<br />

and emotional challenges of coming home after Vietnam.<br />

Well, one thing led to another and my first book, Nam Vet: Making<br />

Peace with Your Past was published. 20<strong>17</strong> marks the 30 th anniversary of<br />

that book being in print.<br />

Even today it keeps right on finding veterans and their loved ones<br />

in need of more understanding. (Over the years I believe more family<br />

members have read the book than veterans simply because they want…<br />

or need…to know why their vet is the way he is.)<br />

What continues to encourage me is that there are still so many people<br />

who still find reading a way to get those answers. Currently there are<br />

tons of books available on the subjects of PTSD, TBI (traumatic brain<br />

injuries), and the many transitional concerns of military personnel and<br />

their families.<br />

I’m just honored to have contributed (at a time when not much was<br />

happening) to show them the way. Keep reading, it’s good for the soul.<br />

Chuck Dean served as an Army paratrooper in Vietnam and<br />

through that experience was led to address the many transitional<br />

issues veterans struggle with. He is the author of several important<br />

books for veterans. All can be found on Amazon at: http://www.<br />

amazon.com/author/chuckdeanbooks<br />

30<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Levitation<br />

By: Ali Guggenheim / Psychic Phenomenon<br />

For ages, magicians have tried fooling us<br />

into believing that their levitations were<br />

due to their "magical powers."<br />

Scientists however, have figured out how to levitate insects and<br />

even mice for hours at a time, by means of powerful electromagnets<br />

utilizing superconductors, producing diamagnetic repulsion of body<br />

water. But, what about all the historical accounts of many worldwide,<br />

diverse religions that have documented such events?<br />

Though science claims no proof of this, the spiritually motivated<br />

theory of levitation is explained as, "Being in a state of mind where a<br />

person is abstract and spiritual in relation to the material or physical<br />

world on which he stands. To the levitator, the abstract is as real as the<br />

ground and earth is to others."<br />

The most documented records of levitations come from Christianity.<br />

Who hasn't heard about Jesus walking on water to join his disciples<br />

on a boat?<br />

In fact, there are over 200 Catholic Saints that have been credited<br />

with levitation; including St. Francis of Assisi who was known to<br />

suspend a few feet "above the earth."<br />

In Judaism, they discuss two kinds of levitation - magic, which uses<br />

self-pride and ego instead of God, and non-magical, which uses God's<br />

intervention, and was practiced throughout the ages by many Jewish<br />

sages.<br />

They even explain that, "the forehead is the most important part of<br />

the body for levitation, since, it's responsible for the source of "energy"<br />

bringing about the levitation.<br />

Most of us have been exposed to images of Hindu Sinddhi mystics<br />

floating above ground, named after the power of siddhi to levitate. They<br />

too have always claimed to do this by sheer will power in conjunction<br />

with God's intervention.<br />

Buddhism recounts many such occurrences as well; including<br />

Gautama Buddha who walked on water and levitated cross-legged<br />

over a stream to convert a Brahmin to Buddhism. There are records of<br />

Milarepa and other yogis from Tibet, Japanese Ninjas, and even some<br />

talk about using rock levitation to build the pyramids in Egypt, and<br />

there are many more accounts.<br />

Apparently, staying grounded is only due to our beliefs.<br />

To learn more about Ali, spiritual consultations, coaching,<br />

classes, workshops, and readings, call, give her a call: 702/373-<br />

9081.<br />

Bad Habits and Your Teeth<br />

By: James J. White, D.D.S. / Your Dentist<br />

“<br />

Stop it! You're driving me crazy!" How<br />

often has someone asked you to cease and<br />

desist from doing something that you had no idea<br />

you were doing in the first place?<br />

Unpleasant habits can be as tough to break as<br />

they are annoying to those around you. However, the degree to which they<br />

tend to drive others up the wall could very well pale in comparison with<br />

the havoc they are wreaking on your teeth.<br />

The truth is that some habits have a talent for landing people in a<br />

dentist's chair far sooner than they might have expected. The worst<br />

offenders in this regard include:<br />

Ice-chewing. Apart from making a crunching noise that's guaranteed<br />

to irritate anyone nearby, the mindless and hard-to-break habit of eating<br />

ice presents a special set of dangers.<br />

This custom has driven more than one individual straight to the<br />

dentist's office for help with teeth that have broken or cracked as a result.<br />

“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”<br />

M<br />

astering the art/science of dentistry takes<br />

experience, extensive post-graduate education,<br />

and a passion for the art of dentistry.<br />

We offer:<br />

• Implants<br />

• Cosmetic crowns/bridges<br />

• Turbyfill dentures<br />

• Bridges on implants to replace dentures with<br />

permanent teeth (what a concept!)<br />

• Restorative care<br />

• Experienced registered dental hygienists<br />

• TMJ problems<br />

• A full service office<br />

Today’s senior dentistry is amazing!<br />

CALL for a complimentary consultation.<br />

Learn more about Dr. White at:<br />

www.jameswhitedds.com<br />

Even if your teeth should manage to survive the onslaught, the practice<br />

can also irritate dental tissue to the point at which toothaches and<br />

sensitivity to hot and cold foods turn into a common occurrence.<br />

Fingernail-biting. People who like to chomp on their nails don't<br />

always know that they're doing it. However, when the habit persists on a<br />

regular basis, your dental health may start to feel the heat. The practice<br />

has been known to cause teeth to wear down, crack, chip or even shift<br />

from their normal positions.<br />

A grinding habit. Although some people do it during the day, tooth<br />

grinding or “bruxism” normally takes place during the night when a<br />

person is deeply asleep. Apart from complaints by others who share your<br />

room, your only indication of a problem may be the pain you feel in the<br />

morning. At 250 pounds of pressure per square inch, the habit can cause<br />

the teeth to wear down and eventually disintegrate.<br />

Habits like these are difficult to break. And I’ll have more bad habits<br />

next month.<br />

Unfortunately, I see these horrible consequences all the time. Don't let<br />

your teeth fall victim to these unhealthy habits.<br />

Remember: One is not in good health without good oral health.<br />

Actual patient<br />

James J. White DDS<br />

1140 Town Center Drive, # <strong>17</strong>0, Las <strong>Vegas</strong>, NV 89144<br />

702/562-8833 • 702/562-7910 Fax<br />


By: Regale Harris / Your Kindred Team<br />

Hospice care is commonly misunderstood,<br />

but many patients and their families say<br />

they wish they had chosen hospice sooner to get<br />

the maximum benefit from the specialized services offered. While no<br />

one wants to think about this care until it is needed, it’s important to<br />

learn what hospice really is, and how it can help before the time when<br />

you need it.<br />

When a person living with a chronic, life-limiting illness or disease<br />

does not have the quality of life they and their family hoped for, the focus<br />

may shift toward increasing it by emphasizing comfort<br />

instead of recovery.<br />

This is where hospice may be able to help. When<br />

medical treatment cannot provide a cure, hospice is a<br />

realistic and positive choice because it can support<br />

both the patient and the family for weeks and months, not just the final<br />

days.<br />

What Is Hospice Care? People who approach the end of life are often<br />

less afraid of death than they are of what may come during the dying<br />

process. Hospice care addressees this issue by offering a personalized plan<br />

of care based on each individual’s progress and needs.<br />

Care is coordinated by the primary physician along with the hospice<br />

team, made up of family, nurses, social workers, aides, volunteers,<br />

physicians, spiritual care advisors and others.<br />

This specialized treatment focuses on pain and symptom management<br />

and provides critical help to both the patient and family to help the<br />

patient: Maintain independence, take control of his/her illness or disease,<br />

complete important tasks, organize personal affairs, complete spiritual<br />

32<br />

Hospice Care: What You May Not Know<br />

Homeowners Policies - Part II<br />

By: Jim Valkenburg / Insurance Insight<br />

Here are some endorsements that you could<br />

have (and some you should have) as part of<br />

your home policy.<br />

Dwelling. Most insurance companies require you insure 100% to<br />

the value to replace. However, almost all companies allow you to have<br />

additional replacement coverage for 25% or 50% more than that amount.<br />

This will protect you when the cost to rebuild increases.<br />

Other structures. Typically, the only time you need to consider<br />

increasing this number is if you actually have another structure on your<br />

premises, such as a casita. You usually get 10% of the home coverage. But<br />

if the cost of rebuilding the casita is more, you need to increase this value.<br />

Personal Property. You always get 50% of the coverage on the<br />

home. Most companies give you 70%.<br />

If you have an exceedingly high value in your contents, this can be<br />

increased. The most important endorsement or coverage is replacement<br />

coverage on your contents.<br />

Liability. All policies come with $100,000 but for only a few dollars,<br />

this can be increased to $300,000 or $500,000, and in our litigious society<br />

it is recommended.<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

services and have a comfortable, dignified and peaceful passing<br />

What You Can Expect from Hospice Care. Hospice care can be<br />

provided at home or in a comfortable home-like environment, such as<br />

a nursing center or assisted living facility. Patients and families receive:<br />

Coordination between a patient’s primary physician and the hospice<br />

Medical Director who oversees the plan of care;<br />

Nurses available around the clock;<br />

Social workers and spiritual care coordinators to care for the emotional<br />

and spiritual needs of both patient and family;<br />

Medications, medical supplies and equipment related to patient’s<br />

diagnoses;<br />

Ongoing grief counseling and bereavement support<br />

for 13 months following the loss of a loved one.<br />

How Is Hospice Paid For? Medicare pays 100% of<br />

hospice care for those who qualify. Medicaid and many<br />

private insurance plans will also cover hospice care; however,<br />

benefits vary per policy.<br />

People will be granted hospice regardless of their ability to pay.<br />

Choosing hospice is one of the most difficult decisions anyone can<br />

make. At such an important time, it’s comforting to know that you have<br />

people close by who can help, support and lift some of the emotional<br />

weight that can come with caring for a loved one.<br />

If you have healthcare questions or want to learn more about hospice<br />

care, call 1.866.KINDRED to speak to one of our Registered Nurses<br />

anytime.<br />

Regale Harris is the Manager of Volunteer Services and<br />

Community Liaison for Kindred. She welcomes all questions and<br />

inquiries and can be reached at: regale.harris@kindred.com.<br />

Coverage F – Medical Payments to others. You always get $1,000<br />

but can usually increase to $5,000.<br />

Here is a short list of a few of the other coverages you may want to<br />

consider:<br />

Backup of sewage or plumbing – Some companies give you<br />

$5,000.<br />

Scheduled personal property – All companies limit LOSS BY<br />

THEFT of several items but the most notable of these is jewelry, watches,<br />

furs, money, silverware and firearms. Except for money, you can add<br />

coverage with appraisals or descriptions (depending on value) for an<br />

additional cost. If you have very valuable items – schedule them!<br />

Jim Valkenburg is a retired military officer and insurance<br />

executive. He and his wife owned and operated their own<br />

insurance agency for over 16 years. His primary purpose is to<br />

give out real information that can be used to make intelligent<br />

insurance decisions.<br />

Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary<br />

Saturdays in July<br />



from 11am– 4pm with Free Giveaway<br />

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from 11am–2pm<br />


Print your coupon at the kiosk to redeem. Must be a Silverton Rewards Club<br />

Member to participate in the Anniversary Events.<br />

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Postage stamps on<br />

your walls?<br />

It’s A Beautiful<br />

Up!<br />

by Crystal Czerkas Sarbacker<br />

Frame<br />

next page<br />

P<br />

Crystal Czerkas-<br />

Sarbacker robably not, unless they were really<br />

unusual and greatly enlarged. Because determining the<br />

right size of the art you want to hang on your walls is an<br />

important factor in decorating your home. Fortunately, in<br />

today’s world your art can be sized to order and remain<br />

as crisp and clear as even a small original. That’s one<br />

of the reasons giclees (pronounced gee-clays) are so<br />

popular in home decor and the art markets. These extraordinary<br />

copies are the result of computer technology<br />

which can photographically capture even the most<br />

minute details of a piece of art. In fact, unless you’re a<br />

professional art expert it’s usually impossible to tell the<br />

giclee from the original. And, this is especially true<br />

“Harborside” 22”x 28” original watercolor avail. as a giclee<br />

when the giclee has been output on canvas or art<br />

paper just like the artist used to create his inspiration.<br />

To protect their value, giclees are often accompanied<br />

by certificates of authenticity signed by the artist or<br />

their representative. Also included is a detailed description<br />

of the art as well as the number of the piece.<br />

Collectors often seek a giclee which is marked as an<br />

Artist’s Proof or bears a low number on its certificate.<br />

This signifies the piece was one of the first giclees produced<br />

and many believe that enhances its value.<br />

To be sure my Dad’s art can remain affordable and<br />

collectible, several paintings in the Czerkas’ collection<br />

are now available as giclees.<br />

*The painting shown here is by Crystal’s Dad, the award winning artist<br />

Victor Czerkas, the only known private student of the great Russian<br />

impressionist, Nicolai Fechin. If you have any questions about framing<br />

or my Dad’s artworks, please email me at Merryman2@aol.com. Want<br />

more info....?<br />

Call 702/463-0966<br />

Ask a Master Gardner<br />

By: Pat Warren / Happy Gardening<br />

beautiful orchard heavily laden with fruit<br />

A is not, usually, the first image that comes to<br />

mind when one thinks of the desert - but it could<br />

be.<br />

Contrary to popular belief, you can very successfully grow a wide variety<br />

of fruit trees right here in your own backyard. There are however, a few<br />

things you’ll need to know first.<br />

First, not all fruit trees can be treated equally. Citrus trees, unlike noncitrus<br />

varieties, can suffer from wind damage and they are also frost<br />

sensitive.<br />

Whenever you have temperatures in the low to mid 20’s for several<br />

hours at a time, your citrus trees run the risk of the equivalent of frostbite.<br />

While many can be planted in the ground, it is usually better to grow<br />

them in containers in order to forestall this possibility.<br />

Grapefruit are less cold sensitive than other citrus trees. Lemons are<br />

your fastest growers and Meyer (not actually a lemon), Eureka, Pink and<br />

Ponderosa lemons are types to look for.<br />

Non-citrus fruit trees are much easier to grow here and you have a lot<br />

of tasty options to choose from.<br />

Apricots love our climate so you have a lot of choices that should thrive<br />

– Blenheim, Gold Kist, Moorpark and Royal Rosa are proven winners.<br />

Apples don’t necessarily do well here so stick to tried and true varieties<br />

Dorset Golden or Pink Lady (aka Cripps Pink).<br />

Figs are another good choice for our climate. Try either Black Mission<br />

or Janice.<br />

Peaches do very well here and have actually received top-chef praise<br />

for their quality. Babcock, Eva’s Pride, May Pride, Mid Pride and Starks<br />

Saturn are all proven winners.<br />

Pears like Kieffer, Bartlett and Monterrey will produce sweet-flavored<br />

fruit but they probably won’t be as pretty as commercially grown fruit.<br />

Plums and some of their hybrids like pluots (an apricot/plum hybrid)<br />

do well here.<br />

If you have other gardening questions, you can call the UNR Cooperative<br />

Extension’s Master Gardener Help Desk at 702-257-5555. We’re available<br />

Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The service is free.<br />

Pat Warren is a certified Master Gardener with the UNR<br />

Cooperative Extension. She started her training because of the<br />

frustration she felt trying to get something, anything, to grow in<br />

Nevada.<br />

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By: Mary Richard / Health Fitness<br />

So how do we keep ourselves “fit”<br />

throughout the summer? There are all<br />

those wonderful barbeques that entice us to<br />

munch and drink to our heart’s desire!<br />

And of course – EVERYTHING looks and tastes so good that you<br />

have to try a little of each! Right? Yes, those wonderful fat-filled<br />

goodies, yummy desserts and drinks (with hidden calories) to cool<br />

us down while trying to fight this intense desert heat.<br />

Whenever I’m invited to a “pot luck” or party at someone’s house,<br />

I try to munch on a little something before I leave the house - a slice<br />

of cheese, a few crackers or piece of fruit.<br />

I don’t arrive starving when I get there. I also drink LOTS of water<br />

to help fill me up.<br />

It’s so easy to gain a few pounds throughout the summer months,<br />

especially when the heat is on and we don’t feel like exercising. I<br />

see so many of my neighbors taking an early morning walk or late<br />

evening when it has cooled off.<br />

Walking is always a great exercise. Try joining the “mall walkers”<br />

or even an indoor walking track (if you are lucky to have one) in<br />

your community.<br />

The summer has just started, but please remember that it’ll be<br />

autumn before we know it. The pounds can creep up very slowly and<br />

you can acquire added inches to your waistline in no time. Then it’s<br />

the wonder moment of “where the heck did that spare muffin top<br />

come from”? And then those wonderful winder goodies are staring<br />

at you!<br />

I found also that using my hula hoop (yep – got one!) a few times<br />

during the week exercising while the TV commercials are on helps<br />

to whittle the waist.<br />

It does take will power to avoid some of those summer goodies, but<br />

if you crave something, do try a little of it. It’s better to have a little<br />

of it, then none and crave.<br />

Enjoy the summer, eat and drink moderately and you can help to<br />

avoid the pounds creeping up!<br />

Positive attitude and good health to all!<br />

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Keep Fit Throughout the Summer<br />

Mary Richard was crowned Ms. Senior Nevada 2006, was first<br />

runner-up for Ms. Senior America 2006 and is a life-time dancer.<br />

Mary can be reached at mary-vegasvoice@cox.net.<br />

July 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Avoiding Back Pain<br />

By: Kyo Mitchell / A Healthier You<br />

Most people will suffer from back pain at<br />

some point in their life. For many, it is a<br />

chronic problem.<br />

Back pain is one of the most common problems doctors see. Yet,<br />

in many cases, the problem can be avoided if the person is given an<br />

understanding of the back.<br />

Two of the major players are the bones of your spinal column, known<br />

as vertebrae and the intervertebral discs. The vertebrae are hardened<br />

bone meant to provide structure and strength to your vertebral column.<br />

The intervertebral discs are more pliable. An intervertebral disc is<br />

found between one vertebrae and the one directly superior to it and<br />

serves as a shock absorber between these two vertebrae.<br />

If the intervertebral discs were not between the respective vertebrae,<br />

every time you ran or jumped up and down, the vertebrae would slam<br />

against each other and would eventually crack.<br />

The intervertebral disc is designed to protect the vertebral column,<br />

but it can cause problems when it malfunctions. To understand how, it<br />

is necessary to understand the disc's structure.<br />

The disc is like a jelly donut. It has a tough, fibrous exterior and a<br />

more pliable “jelly like” center. If this structure remains intact, the<br />

intervertebral disc is a great shock absorber.<br />

If, however, the tough fibrous exterior is damaged, the jelly like<br />

center can leak out and cause serious problems. Just behind and to<br />

the sides of the intervertebral disc lies your spinal cord and numerous<br />

nerves.<br />

Exposing your spinal cord or nerves to the jelly like center of<br />

intervertebral discs is like exposing it to battery acid. It irritates the<br />

nerves severely and can cause intense pain. For anyone who has<br />

suffered from sciatica, this is one of the potential causes.<br />

How do you prevent this? Bending over or bending over and picking<br />

up too heavy of a load puts extreme stress on the fibrous exterior of the<br />

disc and can cause it to rupture.<br />

Even more dangerous is to bend over and then turn to one side.<br />

This creates a shearing force on the disc which easily damages it. Be<br />

conscious of how you move and you may prevent injury.<br />

Dr. Kyo Mitchell served as faculty at Bastyr University in Seattle<br />

and Wongu University in Las <strong>Vegas</strong> for over a decade. Dr. Mitchell<br />

practices in Summerlin and can be reached at 702-481-6216 or<br />

rkyomitchell@gmail.com.<br />


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