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Global Management and Governance (M.Sc.)<br />

Part-time master’s degree programme with specialisations<br />

in Marketing, Finance or Entrepreneurship<br />

M.Sc.<br />


Contents<br />

Welcome 3<br />

Master’s degree programme in Global<br />

Management and Governance (M.Sc.) 4<br />

The course 5<br />

Guiding principles 6<br />

Module structure 7<br />

Course contents (modules) 8<br />

Specialisations 10<br />

Mentoring programme 15<br />

Lecturers 17<br />

Study conditions 18<br />

Hamburg as a location 19<br />

Course fees 20<br />

Admissions and application 21<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School of<br />

Business Administration 22<br />

Photos: Michael Zapf, Roland Magunia, Karin Rose,<br />

Werner Gritzbach, Stefan Malzkorn.<br />

Last updated: March 2012

Welcome<br />

Improving career opportunities<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>’s master’s degree programme with its generalist approach and its focus on internationality, business ethics and<br />

governance opens up a wide range of career opportunities for its graduates. Participants on the course benefit from<br />

excellent study conditions and a strong network in business and society.<br />

“With its master’s degree programme, <strong>HSBA</strong> provides<br />

a tailored offering for personnel development in<br />

companies. The concept of studying part-time<br />

combines a high-quality degree in business and<br />

economics with practical in-company training and<br />

opens up outstanding career opportunities for its<br />

graduates. The high share of case studies ensures<br />

that the course is always based on real-life scenarios<br />

and prepares future managers for the diverse<br />

challenges they will face in business.<br />

The course is based on the model of the “honourable<br />

merchant”, which promotes a focus on long-term<br />

business success. The high quality of <strong>HSBA</strong>’s course<br />

offering is reflected in its leading position in the CHE*<br />

ranking and the institutional accreditation by the<br />

German Council of Science and Humanities.”<br />

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmidt-Trenz,<br />

President of <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

“We wish to offer our students excellent conditions for<br />

their master’s degree programme and give them the<br />

best career opportunities possible. A high level of<br />

organisational quality and the development of a global<br />

network are especially important to us.”<br />

Dr. Uve Samuels,<br />

CEO of <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

* Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (Centre for University Development)<br />

“For the master’s degree programme in Global Management<br />

and Governance, we have succeeded in<br />

recruiting high-calibre professors and lecturers with a<br />

range of international experience. The contents of the<br />

course are divided into different modules, with the<br />

ideas of internationality, governance and business<br />

ethics forming a recurring theme throughout the entire<br />

course. In order to open up a wide spectrum of career<br />

opportunities for our graduates, our course initially<br />

takes a generalist approach. Toward the end of the<br />

course, there is an option to specialise in the essential<br />

specialist areas of Marketing, Finance or Entrepreneurship.”<br />

Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge,<br />

Head of the master’s degree programme in<br />

Global Management and Governance (M.Sc.)<br />

“For hundreds of years, the credibility of the Hamburg<br />

merchant has been an international trademark for<br />

Hamburg as a location. The members of the Versammlung<br />

Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu Hamburg e.V.<br />

(VEEK) uphold and breathe life into this tradition in a<br />

modern context. VEEK supports <strong>HSBA</strong>’s master’s<br />

degree programme by assuming responsibility for the<br />

patronage and the mentoring programme because we<br />

feel particularly committed to supporting newcomers<br />

in line with our objectives.”<br />

Christian Dyckerhoff,<br />

Chairman of the Versammlung Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu<br />

Hamburg e.V., patron of the programme<br />


The master’s degree programme in Global Management<br />

and Governance (M.Sc.)<br />

Studying part-time at master’s degree level with students from all over the world<br />


The course<br />

Profile<br />

THE PRoCESS oF GLoBALISATIon has meant that<br />

the markets and production conditions relevant for<br />

individual businesses are changing at an everincreasing<br />

speed. now more than ever, businesses<br />

need managers and specialists who can master the<br />

challenges posed by this development.<br />

This is the inspiration for the part-time master’s<br />

degree programme in Global Management and Governance<br />

at <strong>HSBA</strong>. The aim of the course is to encourage<br />

future managers to think and act strategically and<br />

sustainably, thus laying an important cornerstone for<br />

professional success. As a result, the master’s programme<br />

combines theoretical specialist knowledge<br />

and established management concepts with the<br />

continuing development of personal skills.<br />

The course is open to graduates with degrees in<br />

business and economics, and leads to a Master of<br />

Science (M.Sc.) after a 30-month period. The course<br />

is taught in English. In order to always ensure the relevance<br />

of the course contents, <strong>HSBA</strong>’s teaching staff<br />

members include professors and external speakers of<br />

international renown from industry and academia who<br />

have extensive teaching and professional experience.<br />

The master’s degree programme in Global Management<br />

and Governance is a course with a generalist<br />

approach that covers a broad range of business<br />

administration theory as well as relevant economic and<br />

legal topics. In two modules at the end of the course,<br />

students can choose to specialise in Marketing,<br />

Finance or Entrepreneurship or to continue with the<br />

generalist nature of their course. This gives students<br />

the option of focusing up to 40% on a specialisation.<br />

The part-time study model means that the students<br />

remain integrated in their companies during the<br />

course. This allows them to contribute the knowledge<br />

acquired to their companies while simultaneously progressing<br />

their personal development and career. At<br />

the same time, the students can make a rich<br />

contribution to the course with experience from their<br />

companies.<br />

The master’s programme in Global Management and Governance (M.Sc.)<br />

Course start: 1 october of each year<br />

Duration: 30 months (including 6 months for the master´s thesis)<br />

Scope: approximately 750 hours of tuition<br />

ECTS: 120<br />

Form: The part-time course is conducted in full-time weeks and on extended weekends<br />

(Thursday to Saturday).<br />

Content: Application-oriented programme with solid scientific foundation in Business Administration<br />

issues with particular focus on internationality, business ethics and governance<br />

Patronage: Versammlung Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns e.V. zu Hamburg e.V.<br />

Mentoring programme: by the Versammlung Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu Hamburg e.V.<br />

Qualification: state-certified and internationally recognised Master of Science (M.Sc.)<br />

Accreditation:<br />

Eligibility for progression<br />

FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation)<br />

to doctoral studies: Yes<br />

Size of seminar groups: max. 24 students<br />

Language: English<br />

Course fees: EUR 37,500 .<br />

It is possible to obtain funding through <strong>HSBA</strong>’s student support fund. Student loans are also<br />

available from banks cooperating with <strong>HSBA</strong>.<br />

Applicant profile: • Undergraduate degree in business/economics completed with the grade “good”<br />

• Ability to complete a course of studies in English<br />

• Letter of recommendation<br />

• Success in the selection process at <strong>HSBA</strong><br />


Guiding principles<br />

Internationality, business ethics and governance<br />

Global Management and<br />

Governance degree programme<br />

Three overarching principles that form the backbone of the course<br />

InTErnATIOnAlITy<br />

Internationality is one of the core ideas of the course.<br />

In each module, the topics covered will also always be<br />

looked at from an international perspective, for<br />

example when discussing international personnel<br />

management aspects or the role of global financial<br />

markets. The teaching concept consistently incorporates<br />

intercultural aspects, helping to establish internationality<br />

as an integral component of the course. In<br />

addition, the course involves one project that is carried<br />

out abroad (for example at Andrássy University in<br />

Budapest).<br />

A large number of the professors and lecturers<br />

have an international background or extensive international<br />

experience. our students also come from a<br />

range of different backgrounds, adding to the course’s<br />

multinational flair.<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>’s master’s programmes also have an excellent<br />

reputation internationally. The november 2009<br />

issue of the US business magazine Forbes, for example,<br />

featured a select list of European business schools<br />

that included <strong>HSBA</strong>’s master’s programmes as a real<br />

alternative to US providers.<br />


The course is under the patronage of the Versammlung<br />

Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu Hamburg e.V. (VEEK).<br />

The association promotes the concept that, within the<br />

scope of the respective laws, the generally accepted<br />

ethical standards and the principle of good faith in<br />

business transactions must be observed, while refraining<br />

from actions that are not compatible with the idea<br />

of trust in business dealings. VEEK has assumed the<br />

patronage for <strong>HSBA</strong>’s master’s degree programmes.<br />

This means that in addition to personal mentoring,<br />

6<br />

VEEK also supports the master’s programme by taking<br />

part in the selection process, awarding student grants<br />

and involving guest speakers from industry (in case<br />

studies for example). The curriculum centres on the<br />

theme of business ethics. Business ethics aspects are<br />

always considered in any discussion of business management<br />

issues.<br />

GOVErnAnCE<br />

Governance is the key concept in the research of<br />

Elinor ostrom and oliver E. Williamson, the 2009<br />

nobel Prize winners for Economics. In this context,<br />

governance means knowing, assessing and using<br />

different institutional and organisational alternatives.<br />

The course is not concerned with examining an<br />

abstract academic concept, but with looking at specific<br />

issues from real-life business scenarios. For<br />

example, how does eBay or Amazon manage to<br />

establish successful governance structures that make<br />

it possible for buyers and sellers on the internet to<br />

trust each other although they have never even met?<br />

How can successful governance structures be established<br />

in banks for fixed and variable renumeration and<br />

the liability of management board members and<br />

executives? In the individual modules, the course<br />

repeatedly places the focus on governance issues.

Module structure<br />

Course structure and module structure<br />

The structure at a glance<br />

Sequence of the modules and structure of a typical module<br />

120 ECTS MUST BE ACqUIRED over the course of<br />

the M.Sc. in Global Management and Governance.<br />

The credits are spread over twelve modules and the<br />

master’s thesis.<br />

30 months<br />

Course structure:<br />

7 9<br />

Term 4 Term 5 Term 6<br />

Financial Management Leadership &<br />

Human Resources<br />

Management<br />

Corporate 8Responsibility and 10 isation<br />

Corporate<br />

Communication<br />

Term 1<br />

1Decision-Making<br />

& Economic<br />

Behaviour<br />

Presence<br />

phase 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Term 2<br />

Independent study<br />

phase 1<br />

• Introduction • Preparation for<br />

module events<br />

Master´s<br />

thesis<br />

(area of choice)<br />

Special-<br />

Elective<br />

Issues<br />

International Financial<br />

Reporting Standards<br />

& Corporate Governance<br />

Ethics, Compliance &<br />

Alternative Dispute<br />

Resolution Mechanisms<br />

Project<br />

Finance<br />

Marketing<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

other<br />

Finance<br />

Marketing<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

Module structure:<br />

Presence<br />

phase 2<br />

• opening exam<br />

• Lectures<br />

• Case studies<br />

• Guest lectures<br />

• Comprehensive case<br />

study<br />

• Reflection<br />

The first nine modules and module 12 are part of<br />

the general course of studies. In modules 10 and 11<br />

and in the master’s thesis, students can choose to<br />

specialise in Marketing, Finance or Entrepreneurship.<br />

Topical 11<br />

Finance<br />

Research<br />

Issues<br />

Marketing<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

12<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Term 3<br />

Corporate Choice<br />

International<br />

Management<br />

International Politics<br />

and Economics<br />

Independent study<br />

phase 2<br />

• Following up on<br />

lectures<br />

• Preparation for<br />

exams<br />

Presence<br />

phase 3<br />

Internationality<br />

• End-of-module exams<br />

Business Ethics<br />

Governance<br />


Course contents<br />

Core modules<br />

Course modules<br />

Twelve modules and then the master’s thesis<br />

Module 1: Decision-Making and Economic Behaviour<br />

Students familiarise themselves with the different concepts<br />

in economics relating to human behaviour in<br />

organisations and learn to evaluate different incentive<br />

systems. The following approaches are covered:<br />

Decision theory<br />

Game theory<br />

new institutional economics<br />

Behavioural economics<br />

Model of the honourable merchant<br />

Module 2: International Financial reporting Standards &<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Students acquire knowledge of international financial<br />

reporting and auditing standards and of their significance<br />

for corporate governance. They additionally<br />

learn about other important issues in relation to corporate<br />

governance (= the totality of all matters influencing<br />

how businesses make decisions concerning the use of<br />

resources), e.g. incentives and monitoring of management,<br />

shareholder versus stakeholder models or the<br />

international development of corporate governance<br />

structures. The module comprises the following<br />

submodules:<br />

International financial reporting and auditing<br />

standards<br />

Corporate governance<br />

Module 3: Ethics, Compliance & Alternative Dispute resolution<br />

Mechanisms<br />

The module teaches the elements of business ethics<br />

and their significance for long-term business success.<br />

Students learn about the following areas:<br />

Fundamentals of business ethics philosophy<br />

Development of a compliance organisation as a<br />

part of risk management<br />

Alternative out-of-court dispute resolution<br />

mechanisms<br />

8<br />

Module 4: Project<br />

As part of the project work, students develop solutions<br />

to specific business problems. The topic is set by a<br />

cooperating company and is of an international nature.<br />

The project is carried out abroad at a partner university<br />

of <strong>HSBA</strong> and is performed on site for the duration of<br />

one compact week, with preparatory research having<br />

been undertaken in advance at <strong>HSBA</strong>. The result of<br />

the project work is assessed by the company sponsoring<br />

the project.<br />

Module 5: International Management<br />

The module familiarises students with the consequences<br />

for a company of entering the international<br />

market (also taking international and cultural differences<br />

into account). They put what they have learned<br />

into practise in a project on a related topic. The focus<br />

is on the following aspects:<br />

Intercultural communication<br />

Procurement (international management)<br />

Sales (international marketing)<br />

Production (global logistics and supply chain<br />

management or production and quality management)<br />

Module 6: International Politics and Economics<br />

In this module, students acquire the skills needed to<br />

evaluate the overall business environment, including<br />

the following individual topics:<br />

Market mechanisms<br />

Market failure and<br />

International economic policy and<br />

European integration

Module 7: Financial Management<br />

The module teaches students how to evaluate and<br />

compare alternative investment projects or financing<br />

options on the basis of reliable information. Accordingly,<br />

the following topics are covered:<br />

Markets as decision environments – as seen in<br />

institutional economics and behavioural finance<br />

Business valuations<br />

Investor relations<br />

Finance case study<br />

Module 8: Corporate responsibility and<br />

Corporate Communication<br />

In this module, students acquire a basic understanding<br />

of CR and sustainability and learn how social,<br />

ecological and economic aspects can be used to<br />

develop a company-specific strategy. In detail, the<br />

following topics are covered:<br />

Appropriate communication of CR engagements<br />

Aspects of corporate public relations and public<br />

affairs<br />

Case study on the entire spectrum of CR and<br />

corporate communication<br />

Module 9: leadership & Human resources Management<br />

Students familiarise themselves with human resources<br />

and management concepts in an international context<br />

and learn how to apply these in a business setting. one<br />

part of the module aims to improve students’ personal,<br />

communication and social skills. The focus is on:<br />

Leadership theories<br />

Human resources in international companies<br />

Human resources development on an international<br />

scale<br />

Personal and social skills for executives<br />

Diversity management<br />

Module 10 and 11: Specialisation – Elective and Topical<br />

research Issues<br />

Students can specialise in Finance, Marketing or Entrepreneurship<br />

or choose to focus on the generalist nature<br />

of the course by combining a number of different topics.<br />

More information on the specialisations is available on<br />

page 10 et seq.<br />

Module 12: Corporate Choice<br />

This module summarises the issues covered by the<br />

course in a two-day case study. The different perspectives<br />

from the previous modules are weighed up<br />

against each other in order to simulate a complex<br />

decision-making process and arrive at balanced and<br />

realistic decisions.<br />


Specialisations<br />

Marketing<br />

Marketing specialisation<br />

Scientifically proven marketing concepts for real life<br />

THE MARKETInG SPECIALISATIon deals in depth<br />

with three core aspects of marketing. In all three parts,<br />

scientific models are introduced that serve to quantify<br />

interrelations in marketing. Part 1 shows how to<br />

measure consumer preferences and use the results for<br />

the product innovation process. Part 2 focuses on the<br />

customer, introducing students to the fundamental<br />

concepts in value-based customer management. It<br />

makes particular use of customer lifetime value<br />

models.<br />

The third part is dedicated to monitoring all marketing<br />

activities in a company. This involves discussing<br />

established models and new models alike and testing<br />

their usability. The aim is to develop approaches that<br />

contribute to better quantification of the return on<br />

marketing.<br />

10<br />

Our Marketing specialisation module<br />

is kindly supported by:<br />

kempertrautmann gmbh<br />

Scholz & Friends Brand Affairs GmbH<br />

otto Group<br />

Montblanc International GmbH<br />

Hyve AG<br />

”In a globalised economy, marketing is<br />

becoming more and more important. We<br />

give our students an excellent opportunity<br />

to explore cutting-edge marketing tools to<br />

further develop their management skills.“<br />

Prof. Dr. Goetz Greve, <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

“Understanding and creatively applying the<br />

latest marketing knowledge is of fundamental<br />

importance in today’s competitive markets.”<br />

Dr. Michael Trautmann,<br />

kempertrautmann gmbH, Managing Director

Specialisations<br />

Finance<br />

Finance specialisation<br />

Focus on valuation, derivatives and<br />

company acquisitions<br />

THE FInAnCE SPECIALISATIon MoDULE carries on<br />

from the Financial Management module and focuses<br />

at an advanced level on the ability to value projects,<br />

shares and entire companies. The first part comprises<br />

an in-depth look at general valuation issues. The<br />

second part explains the valuation of derivatives and<br />

illustrates how they can be used in risk management.<br />

The third part focuses on the purchase and sale of<br />

companies and business divisions. The success or<br />

failure of a company acquisition depends on many of<br />

the aspects covered in previous modules. This allows<br />

students to apply their knowledge from prior modules.<br />

Last but not least, the final part of the module examines<br />

the legal aspects of financial instruments and<br />

financial transactions.<br />

Our Finance specialisation module<br />

is kindly supported by:<br />

Hamburger Sparkasse<br />

Finanzplatzinitiative Hamburg<br />

Hamburger Volksbank e.G.<br />

Beiersdorf AG<br />

Commerzbank AG<br />

KPMG AG<br />

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft<br />

Hawesko Holding AG<br />

Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG<br />

“Identifying investment projects that<br />

increase value and M&A strategies are<br />

the core tasks of managerial finance.<br />

This requires a thorough understanding<br />

of how capital markets work and makes<br />

knowledge of relevant (business) valuation<br />

methods essential. Derivatives, risk<br />

management and investor relations are<br />

also part of the finance curriculum.”<br />

Prof. Dr. Jens-Eric von Düsterlho, <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

“Superior financial, legal and tax structuring<br />

is a key factor in economic success. It is<br />

vital to integrate these planning activities in<br />

your own corporate strategy. This is how<br />

you can take the lead using an entrepre -<br />

neurial approach.”<br />

Hans-Henning Bernhardt,<br />

Beiersdorf AG, General Counsel<br />


Entrepreneurship specialisation<br />

The lifecycle of a company from start-up to growth and succession planning<br />

THIS SPECIALISATIon covers Entrepreneurship in a<br />

broad-based manner, starting with company start-ups<br />

and the management of small and medium-sized<br />

enterprises right through to innovation management<br />

and the creation of new companies within corporate<br />

groups.<br />

The business idea and the entrepreneur take centre<br />

stage. The first part, on Foundation of Entrepreneurship<br />

and Business Modelling, lays the foundation<br />

for entrepreneurial objectives and activities. These<br />

include life cycle analysis and management and the<br />

different concepts for business models as well as their<br />

12<br />

logic and implementation in a business plan. The<br />

sections on SME Management and Family owned<br />

Businesses deal specifically with the needs of smaller,<br />

medium-sized and family-oriented businesses. These<br />

incorporate aspects of management, continuous management<br />

and succession planning, and are also<br />

viewed from a corporate governance perspective. The<br />

Corporate Venturing section looks at the specific<br />

circumstances of establishing new corporate activities<br />

within an existing group or in a separately formed<br />

entity. Legal and financial aspects are also covered.<br />

The section on Innovation and Growth Management

examines the new business activities of existing companies<br />

and/or processes. It focuses among other<br />

things on safeguarding the intangible assets created<br />

by the company, such as brands, patents and other<br />

intellectual property.<br />

Internationalisation strategies are also discussed.<br />

The Change Management part examines critical<br />

business situations that lead to downsizing, restructuring<br />

or even business failure. In this part of the specialisation,<br />

students learn how to handle difficult business<br />

situations. once again, corporate governance aspects<br />

are also taken into account.<br />

Specialisation<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

Our Entrepreneurship specialisation<br />

is kindly supported by:<br />

Putz & Partner Unternehmensberatung AG<br />

Roland Berger Strategy Consulting GmbH<br />

“From an entrepreneurial perspective, our<br />

students learn a lot through challenging<br />

and complex cases on how to start up,<br />

develop and build successful companies<br />

of different sizes.”<br />

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer, <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

“Entrepreneurship is one of the most<br />

important factors for success in fastgrowing<br />

SMEs. They are lucky enough to<br />

have a rapidly development and dynamic<br />

environment right here in Hamburg.”<br />

Andreas Bartmann,<br />

Globetrotter-Ausrüstung, Denart &<br />

lechhart GmbH, Managing Director<br />


Mentoring programme<br />

Under the patronage of the Versammlung Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu Hamburg<br />

The mentors<br />

Well-known businesspeople in Hamburg provide<br />

individual support throughout the course<br />

STUDEnTS on A MASTER’S programme at <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

benefit in particular in their personal and professional<br />

development from a special mentoring programme<br />

involving members and partners of the Versammlung<br />

Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu Hamburg e.V. (VEEK).<br />

The association embodies typical Hanseatic values<br />

that have helped merchants in Hamburg to trade and<br />

offer services successfully for centuries and that are<br />

still just as relevant in today’s business world. Experienced<br />

entrepreneurs affiliated to VEEK act as<br />

mentors, supporting and accompanying the <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

master’s students on their path to the management<br />

levels of business.<br />

The master’s students at <strong>HSBA</strong> are permanent<br />

guests of VEEK for the duration of their course and<br />

can attend all of its events and committee meetings.<br />

This gives <strong>HSBA</strong> master’s students a unique opportunity<br />

to benefit from the vast wealth of experience and<br />

networks of Hamburg’s entrepreneurs in addition to<br />

their excellent course of studies.<br />

“Young people have enormous challenges ahead of them.<br />

Experience is a good navigator in finding the right path to<br />

success in the jungle of networks, competitive pressure, job<br />

offers, information and media. In the mentoring process, I see<br />

myself as a navigation device that indicates a path. But it is the<br />

mentee who ultimately steers the course.”<br />

Minou Tikrani,<br />

Managing Partner of Konstruktiv Pr-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH,<br />

mentor and VEEK member<br />

“As a mentor for the <strong>HSBA</strong> master’s programme, I am<br />

personally committed to passing on my experience to young<br />

people and to supporting them in their personal and<br />

professional development.”<br />

reinaldo Udewald,<br />

Managing Partner of WECO Consult GmbH,<br />

mentor and VEEK member<br />


Blindtexten Weg nach Hamburg<br />

gefunden und tragen<br />

Blindtex<br />


lecturers<br />

on the M.Sc. programme<br />

Some of our lecturers<br />

More than 40 lecturers from academia and industry are involved in teaching on the course. They come from a wide<br />

range of international backgrounds and have extensive professional experience. The following are just some of the<br />

lecturers in charge of the lectures:<br />

Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge<br />

(Course Head)<br />

Professor at <strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School<br />

of Business Administration<br />

– Corporate governance<br />

– Regulation of the financial sector<br />

– Capital markets<br />

– Law and economics<br />

– Family-owned companies<br />

Prof. Dr. Philipp Zaeh<br />

Professor at <strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School<br />

of Business Administration<br />

– International (group) Financial Reporting<br />

Standards (IFRS) and International<br />

Standards on Auditing (ISA)<br />

– Business valuations according to<br />

national and international standards<br />

– Valuation of intangible assets<br />

– Internal audit and risk-oriented<br />

auditing of financial statements<br />

– Cost management<br />

Dr. nils Krause<br />

Partner at DLA Piper UK LLP<br />

– M&A transactions<br />

– Corporate law<br />

– Corporate governance and<br />

corporate compliance<br />

Prof. Dr. Stefan Okruch<br />

Vice Chancellor of Andrássy University<br />

Budapest<br />

– new institutional economics &<br />

behavioural economics<br />

– Law & economics<br />

– Competition policy<br />

– European integration<br />

– Policy learning<br />

Prof. Dr. André Küster Simić<br />

Professor at <strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg<br />

School of Business Administration<br />

– Capital markets, financing and<br />

investment<br />

– Ship financing<br />

– Business taxation<br />

Prof. Dr. Washika Haak-Saheem<br />

Assistant Professor, oB & IBM<br />

College of Business Administration,<br />

University of Dubai<br />

- Cross-cultural management<br />

- Leadership & organisational<br />

change<br />

- organisational behaviour<br />


Study conditions<br />

at <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

18<br />

Studying at <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

The campus, teaching concept and organisation of the<br />

university<br />

THE BRIGHT AnD FRIEnDLY atmosphere of our<br />

Handelskammer City Campus with its state-of-the-art<br />

technical equipment provides students with the best<br />

possible conditions for learning. Students have access<br />

to one of the oldest libraries for business and economics<br />

in the form of the Commerzbibliothek, which<br />

belongs to Hamburg’s Chamber of Commerce. Direct<br />

access to course-relevant literature is ensured through<br />

the specially established branch of the Commerzbibliothek<br />

library on our City Campus.<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>’s teaching concept is based on a personal<br />

atmosphere between the teaching staff and the students.<br />

For this reason, seminars are organised in small<br />

groups. When selecting our teaching staff, we place<br />

great emphasis on combining academic excellence<br />

with practical relevance. The professors at <strong>HSBA</strong> are<br />

highly qualified experts in business and economics<br />

who have many years of professional business experience.<br />

In addition, practitioners and experts from our<br />

partner firms also lecture at <strong>HSBA</strong>.<br />

quality management is at the core of <strong>HSBA</strong>’s<br />

organisational structure. <strong>HSBA</strong> strives for continuous<br />

quality assurance and further development by means<br />

of comprehensive evaluations carried out amongst our<br />

students and cooperating companies. As a comparatively<br />

small university, we take advantage of direct<br />

communication channels. our staff in university<br />

management are always happy to hear from students<br />

with questions, criticism or suggestions.

Hamburg as a location<br />

The gateway to the world<br />

Studying and living in Hamburg<br />

A place with a good quality of life<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> IS A UnIVERSITY in the heart of the City of Hamburg.<br />

our university is located centrally, directly adjacent<br />

to the city hall and Hamburg’s Chamber of Commerce,<br />

at the hub of the city’s social and economic life.<br />

Hamburg is considered to be one of Europe’s most<br />

beautiful cities. And with good reason: as a vibrant<br />

harbour in a unique location between two seas and with<br />

excellent leisure options, the city offers a very good<br />

quality of life.<br />

As a seaport, Hamburg is traditionally one of Germany’s<br />

most important locations for foreign trade as<br />

well as a leading financial centre. Also an important<br />

location for industry, Hamburg ranks alongside Seattle<br />

and Toulouse as a leader in civil aviation. In addition,<br />

Hamburg not only has a rich publishing tradition, but<br />

has also made a name for itself in creative advertising.<br />

This mix of economic potential and a good quality of life<br />

makes Hamburg one of Europe’s most dynamic business<br />

regions.<br />

Hamburg’s diversity and vital force is also reflected<br />

in the city’s cultural life. From musicals, cabaret and<br />

theatre to a vibrant club scene, local cultural centres<br />

and galleries and museums – Hamburg has a lot to<br />

offer. nevertheless it is easy to find a place to relax in<br />

this green metropolis. Almost half of Hamburg is taken<br />

up by parks and green spaces, water and wooded<br />

areas. The city has more trees than inhabitants and five<br />

times as many bridges as Venice. It’s easy to feel at<br />

home in Hamburg, which is why the city has become a<br />

popular place to live for many people from other parts of<br />

Germany and from abroad in recent years.<br />

one of the factors that contribute to Hamburg’s<br />

good quality of life is how safe it is. In an international<br />

comparison, Germany ranks well above other European<br />

countries such as France or the UK in terms of safety.<br />

The identity of a cosmopolitan city like Hamburg also<br />

encompasses ensuring the safety of all of its residents.<br />

Every student is in good hands in Hamburg.<br />


Course fees<br />

Funding and student grants<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> HAS SET ITSELF the goal of supporting particu-<br />

larly gifted applicants who require financial assistance<br />

in order to attend the master’s degree programme at<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>. Every year, <strong>HSBA</strong> awards student grants as<br />

part of its funding scheme. Under this scheme, financial<br />

assistance amounting to between 25 and 50% of<br />

the course fees can be awarded to particularly needy<br />

or particularly worthy candidates.<br />

Further information on course fees and on the<br />

conditions for funding is available on our website<br />

(www.hsba.de).<br />

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Further support is available from organisations<br />

affiliated with <strong>HSBA</strong>. For example, several full scholarships<br />

for master’s degree programmes are awarded<br />

each year by Commerz Collegium zu Altona (a traditional<br />

association of businesspeople in the Hamburg<br />

district of Altona), VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure<br />

Hamburg (the Hamburg branch of the Association of<br />

German Engineers) and Verein der Freunde und Förderer<br />

der <strong>HSBA</strong> (an association of <strong>HSBA</strong> sponsors).<br />

Another option is to reach an agreement with the<br />

employer on sharing the remaining cost of course fees.

Admissions and applications<br />

Getting started<br />

WITH ITS CoURSE oFFERInG, <strong>HSBA</strong> is geared<br />

toward particularly well-qualified applicants.<br />

Acceptance onto the graduate master’s degree programme<br />

in Global Management and Governance is<br />

subject to the following prerequisites:<br />

A completed third-level degree in economics or business<br />

covering 180 ECTS credits. The third-level<br />

degree should have been completed with a minimum<br />

grade “good” (2.5).<br />

Ability to complete a course of studies in English (minimum<br />

level: B2 of the European Framework of Reference)<br />

Letter of recommendation from a current or former<br />

employer or an academic reference<br />

Successfully completed <strong>HSBA</strong> selection process (written<br />

application, telephone interview, admission day)<br />

Step 1: Written application<br />

The application for the M.Sc. study programme Global<br />

Management and Governance takes place in written<br />

form (either postal or via e-mail to alexander.freier@<br />

hsba.de). The application must include cover letter,<br />

letter of recommendation, curriculum vitae and copies<br />

of certificates are required.<br />

Step 2: Telephone interview<br />

After reviewing the documents, a 30-minute telephone<br />

interview takes place to discuss the student’s motivation<br />

and all queries surrounding the course.<br />

Step 3: Admission day<br />

Admission day runs for one day and involves an<br />

in-depth assessment of the applicant’s personal and<br />

academic suitability. Admission day takes place once<br />

a month in Hamburg.<br />

Written<br />

application<br />

Telephone<br />

interview<br />

Admission<br />

day<br />

Step 4: Acceptance<br />

The applicant is informed in writing of the vote by the<br />

acceptance commission. If there are still places available,<br />

a contractual offer is made to the successful<br />

applicant. If there are no places left, the applicant is<br />

offered a place for the following year.<br />

Step 5: Job & master’s placement if applicable<br />

As part of our job & master’s placement offering, we<br />

help candidates to find a suitable company. <strong>HSBA</strong>’s<br />

partner firms specifically use this programme to recruit<br />

employees for a long-lasting working relationship.<br />

Step 6: Signing the contract<br />

A place is reserved on the course for the applicant<br />

after he/she has signed the contract. Welcome to<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>!<br />

Applications can be made at any time. Because <strong>HSBA</strong><br />

only awards 24 places each year, we recommend that<br />

applications are submitted as early as possible.<br />

Acceptance<br />

Job & master’s<br />

placement if<br />

applicable<br />

Signing the<br />

contract<br />


<strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School of Business Administration<br />

Who we are<br />

your contact person at <strong>HSBA</strong>:<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School of<br />

Business Administration<br />

Alexander Freier<br />

Head of Relationship Management<br />

Alter Wall 38<br />

20457 Hamburg<br />

Telefon: +49 40 36 138-743<br />

Telefax: +49 40 36 138-751<br />

E-Mail: alexander.freier@hsba.de<br />

Internet: www.hsba.de<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>’s profile<br />

Courses offered, values and guiding principles<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> HAMBURG School of Business Administration<br />

is the university for business in Hamburg. Under the<br />

auspices of Hamburg’s Chamber of Commerce,<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> offers dual bachelor’s and part-time master’s<br />

degrees in business for more than 600 students. We<br />

have around 200 cooperating companies, which are<br />

involved in designing and developing our courses in<br />

order to ensure that they are constantly aligned with<br />

business needs.

<strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School of Business Administration<br />

Who we ware<br />

This means that <strong>HSBA</strong> graduates are perfectly<br />

prepared for the requirements of business and have<br />

excellent career opportunities.<br />

Dual bachelor’s degrees<br />

B.Sc. in Business Administration<br />

B.Sc. in Logistics Management<br />

B.Sc. in Media Management<br />

B.Sc. in Maritime Management<br />

Part-time master’s degrees<br />

M.Sc. in Global Management & Governance<br />

MBA in Business Administration &<br />

Honourable Leadership<br />

MBA in Shipping<br />

High-quality education for specialists and executives,<br />

applied research and advice round off <strong>HSBA</strong>’s offering.<br />

Excellent ranking results, the course accreditations by<br />

the FIBAA (Foundation for International Business<br />

Administration Accreditation) as well as the institutional<br />

accreditation by the German Council of Science<br />

and Humanities testify to the high quality of our university.<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> is strongly influenced by the model of the<br />

honourable merchant, whose entrepreneurial dealings<br />

lead to success in business and who also assumes<br />

social responsibility. Consequently, <strong>HSBA</strong> summarises<br />

its actions under the motto of “Success through performance<br />

– responsibility – fairness”.<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong>’s main concern is to mould its students into<br />

ethical, cosmopolitan people with strong professional<br />

and methodological expertise and soft skills, who can<br />

benefit from outstanding employment opportunities<br />

after graduating from <strong>HSBA</strong>. In the cosmopolitan city<br />

of Hamburg with its global orientation, the focus is<br />

also on developing students’ international skills.<br />

With its relevant courses, applied research and<br />

high-quality education offerings, <strong>HSBA</strong> is endeavouring<br />

to become one of Germany’s leading business<br />

schools, true to its motto of:<br />

<strong>HSBA</strong> – The Gateway to Management Excellence<br />

In this context, “Management Excellence” stands for<br />

dedication, performance, reliability and integrity.<br />


<strong>HSBA</strong> Hamburg School of Business Administration<br />

Alter Wall 38 · 20457 Hamburg<br />

Telefon: +49 40 36 138-711 · Telefax: +49 40 36 138-751<br />

info@hsba.de · www.hsba.de

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