Dubrovnik and Dalmacija travel guide

traveling to Dubrovnik and looking for bars, restaurants, history and best things to do in Dalmatia and Dubrovnik

traveling to Dubrovnik and looking for bars, restaurants, history and best things to do in Dalmatia and Dubrovnik


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Phrase Book<br />

126<br />

Phrase Book<br />

Pronounciation Guide<br />

c – “ts” as in rats<br />

≤ – “ch” as in church<br />

„ – “t” as in tube ‰ – “d” as in endure<br />

g – “g” as in get<br />

j – “y” as in yes<br />

√ – “sh” as in shoe<br />

≈ – “J” as in Jacques<br />

“aj” – “igh” as in night<br />

In an Emergency<br />

Help! Pomo„! pomoch<br />

Stop! Stani! stahnee<br />

Call a doctor! Zovite doktora! zoveetey doktorah<br />

Call an Zovite hitnu zoveetey heetnoo<br />

ambulance! pomo„! pomoch<br />

Call the police! Zovite policiju! zoveetey<br />

poleetseeyoo<br />

Call the Zovite zoveetey<br />

fire brigade! vatrogasce! vatrohgastsay<br />

Communication Essentials<br />

Yes da dah<br />

No ne ney<br />

Please molim vas moleem vas<br />

Thank you hvala hvahlah<br />

Excuse me oprostite oprosteetey<br />

Hello dobar dan dobar dan<br />

Goodbye dovi€enja doveedjenya<br />

Good night laku noc lakoo noch<br />

Yesterday ju≤er yoocher<br />

Today danas danas<br />

Tomorrow sutra sootrah<br />

Here tu too<br />

There tamo tahmoh<br />

What? √to? shtoh<br />

When? kada? kada<br />

Why? za√to? zashtoh<br />

Where? gdje? gdyey<br />

Useful Phrases<br />

How are you? Kako ste? kakoh stey<br />

Very well, Dobro, hvala dobroh, hvahlah<br />

thank you<br />

Where is/are...? Gdje je/ su? gdyey yey/ soo<br />

How can I Kako mogu kakoh mogoo<br />

get to...? do„i do...? dochee doh...<br />

Do you speak Govorite li govoreetey<br />

English? engleski? lee engleskee<br />

I don’t Ne nay<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> razumijem razoomeeyem<br />

Could you Molim vas, moleem vas,<br />

speak more mo≈ete li mozhetey lee<br />

slowly please? govoriti govoreetee<br />

sporije?<br />

sporiyey<br />

I’m sorry ∆ao mi je zhaoh mee yey<br />

Useful Words<br />

big veliko veleekoh<br />

small malo mahloh<br />

hot vru„ vrooch<br />

cold hladan hlahdan<br />

good dobar dobar<br />

bad lo√ losh<br />

open otvoreno otvohrenoh<br />

closed zatvoreno zatvohrenoh<br />

left lijevo leeyevoh<br />

right desno desnoh<br />

straight on ravno ravnoh<br />

near blizu bleezoo<br />

far daleko dalekoh<br />

up gore gorey<br />

down dolje dolyey<br />

early rano ranoh<br />

late kasno kasnoh<br />

entrance ulaz oolaz<br />

exit izlaz eezlaz<br />

toilet WC Vey tsey<br />

more vi√e veeshey<br />

less manje manyey<br />

Shopping<br />

How much Koliko ovo kolikoh ovoh<br />

does this cost? ko√ta? koshta<br />

I would like... Volio bih... volioh bee...<br />

Do you have...? Imate li...? eematey lee...<br />

I’m just looking Samo gledam Samoh gledam<br />

Do you take Primate li preematey lee<br />

credit cards? kreditne credeetney<br />

kartice?<br />

carteetsey<br />

What time do Kad otvarate/ kad otvaratey/<br />

you open/close? zatvarate? zatvaratey<br />

This one Ovaj ov-igh<br />

That one Onaj on-igh<br />

expensive skupo skoopoh<br />

cheap jeftino yefteenoh<br />

size (clothes) veli≤ina veleechinah<br />

size (shoes) broj broy<br />

white bijelo beeyeloh<br />

black crno tsrnoh<br />

red crveno tsrvenoh<br />

yellow ≈uto zhootoh<br />

green zeleno zelenoh<br />

blue plavo plavoh<br />

bakery pekara pekarah<br />

bank banka bankah<br />

book shop knji≈ara knyeezharah<br />

butcher’s mesnica mesnitsah<br />

cake shop slasti≤arna slasteecharnah<br />

chemist’s apoteka apohtekah<br />

fishmonger’s ribarnica reebarnitsah<br />

market tr≈nica trzhneetsah<br />

hairdresser’s frizer freezer<br />

newsagent’s trafika trafeekah<br />

post office po√ta poshtah<br />

Sightseeing<br />

art gallery galerija galereeyah<br />

umjetnina oomyetneenah<br />

cathedral katedrala katedralah<br />

church crkva tsrkvah<br />

library knji≈nica knyeezhneetsah<br />

museum muzej moozey<br />

tourist turisti≤ki tooreesteechkey<br />

information ured oored<br />

centre<br />

bus station autobusni aootoboosnee<br />

kolodvor kolodvor<br />

railway station ≈eljezni≤ki zhelyeznichkih<br />

kolodvor kolodvor<br />

Staying in a Hotel<br />

Do you have a Imate li eematey lee<br />

vacant room? sobu? soboo<br />

double room dvokrevetna dvokrevetnah<br />

soba<br />

sobah<br />

single room jednokrevetna yednokrevetnah<br />

soba<br />

sobah<br />

room with soba sa sobah sah<br />

a bath kupatilom koopateelom<br />

shower tu√ toosh<br />

I have a Imam eemam<br />

reservation rezervaciju rezervatseeyoo

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