London Le'Blanc Magazine Vol. 28

This issue is one of the hottest to hit the market. With Jamaican music celebs and moguls in the making. Special features include I-Octane, EarthKry, and many more. Our Project Amina campaign kicks today raising awareness to Human Trafficking and child prostitution. London Le'Blanc Magazine is on some next level ish. And we are making our mark in the mag game.

This issue is one of the hottest to hit the market. With Jamaican music celebs and moguls in the making. Special features include I-Octane, EarthKry, and many more. Our Project Amina campaign kicks today raising awareness to Human Trafficking and child prostitution. London Le'Blanc Magazine is on some next level ish. And we are making our mark in the mag game.


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E ar thKr y r ecently dr opped the visual to their new<br />

tune "Philosophy" and it's jamming. This is r eal soulful<br />

Reggae music to my ear s. The wor ds to the song itself ar e<br />

deep and meaningful, music with a message is always<br />

power ful and the r ecipe for a hit. The song talks about<br />

discipline and being r ighteous. As I quote some of the<br />

lyr ics "yeah foolish man shall fade away", and "the foolish<br />

man thinks he knows it all" you don't know the things you<br />

think you know oh<br />

The gr oup is made up of 4 individuals Philip<br />

Mcfar lane, Kier on Cunningham, Kamar do Blake and<br />

Aldayne Haughton. Summer 17, is gonna be hot and<br />

smoking for the band as they schedule tour dates in a city<br />

near you.<br />

_Danielle "Danni Billions" Cr aig<br />


M<br />

iss Dee Dee P ip p in is<br />

doing it like nobody's business. She?s<br />

the owner of D Ownher LLC, an<br />

event or ganizer, model and<br />

entr epr eneur. Her last fashion show<br />

took place ear lier this year and it<br />

was lit. Although I wasn?t pr esent I<br />

saw the footage and I have to admit I<br />

was in complete awe. The models,<br />

the venue and the designer ?s came<br />

out and r epr esented.<br />

D Summer 17 Model Call Tour is in<br />

effect r ight now as we speak. She<br />

went str aight Tyr a Banks on us with<br />

this one. City to city, state to state in<br />

sear ch of the cr ème de la cr ème in<br />

the game. Ar e you wonder ing what?s<br />

all the hype about? Well let me tell<br />

ya, D Hollywood Royale takes place<br />

9/10/17 and it?s going to be one of the<br />

lar gest fashion events in the south.<br />

Not to mention it?s the Queens<br />

bir thday month so this is one<br />

celebr ation you don?t want to miss.<br />

For additional infor mation about<br />

the show contact D Ownher LLC.<br />

downher llc@yahoo.com<br />

Photo Cr edit: Demar co Bennett<br />

(back cover )

Lau r a Nic ol e<br />

PC: JZR Product ion

"Ok ladies here it is, I know<br />

you?re dying too hear this.<br />

Belowis a fewways you can<br />

tell if a man is broke or nah,<br />

or just plain frugal. "<br />

1. ?Both Hands In The Pockets?<br />

If he?s walking ar ound with<br />

both hands in his pockets he<br />

AIN?T got nothing in the<br />

pockets bottom line. He?ll ask<br />

a million and one questions<br />

and have you under the<br />

impr ession he?s either going<br />

to be back next week or lead<br />

you to believe it?s just not<br />

what he?s looking for. But the<br />

tr uth is homeboy is just an<br />

?eye shopper ? with no duckets<br />

in the bucket.<br />



By: Danielle "Danni Billions" Cr aig<br />

2. ?One Hand In The Pocket?<br />

This is a sur e sign he is Mr. Fr ugal Mc.<br />

Dugal. Now this doesn?t mean he?s not<br />

going too buy anything this just means<br />

he?s car eful with his spending habits.<br />

This is the guy that wants way mor e<br />

for way less and bids low not high. On<br />

the br ight side of thing?s he?s usually<br />

not br oke either. In fact this is the guy<br />

that says ?I ain?t got it? but I pr omise<br />

you El Cheapo Del Gado has it in the<br />

bank.<br />

3. ?No<br />

Hands In The Pocket?<br />

Is a sur e sign of a big spender. Please<br />

let?s not confuse this with a baller, I said<br />

spender. These guy?s usually have a gr eat<br />

per sonality and a million dollar smile<br />

and can char m the socks off a chic.<br />

Sometimes he's extr emely funny and<br />

super animated. Don?t be fooled though<br />

this guy will spend his bill money to ball<br />

out on a budget just to impr ess you.

i- o c t a n e<br />

"Mi<br />

l o v e<br />

y a<br />

b o d i<br />

l o n g<br />

y e a h "

"ONE CHA NCE"<br />

I-Octane has been busy r ecor ding<br />

and dr opping singles leading up to the<br />

r elease of his four th album. "One<br />

Chance" is the latest one ft. Ginjah. It's<br />

a ver y soft tune that makes you want<br />

to r ock back and four th singing "mi<br />

only need one chance mi only need one<br />

giving that oppor tunity" yeah it's<br />

catchy like that. The joint was well<br />

pr oduced by Ainswor th and Lyndon<br />

Hull (Footstepzz) and that beat is fir e.<br />

On another note about a month<br />

ago I-Octane dr opped the visual to<br />

"Long Division" featur ing Spice and I'm<br />

loving this one to the max. Ya'll the<br />

chemistr y between these two ar tist<br />

kind of r eminds me of the Jamie<br />

Fox/Fantasia kiss without the tongue<br />

kiss. The dancer s wer e insync, super<br />

sexy, and the ener gy was all the way<br />

live.<br />

These two singles have a totally<br />

differ ent vibe all together, and that<br />

let's us know his new album ought to<br />

be a r eal tr eat.<br />

-Danielle "Danni Billions" Cr aig



Human Trafficking is at an all time high right now. Modern day slavery<br />

has taken over third world countries. No money, no resources, no man<br />

power, and not enough people giving a f* ck. I have to admit the US and<br />

Canada have been cracking down and making arrests, and even rescuing<br />

victims.<br />

However in places like India, China and Cambodia these little girls are<br />

being sold into the sex trade. Babies age 5 to 15 are sold off abused, and<br />

made to have sexual intercourse with men the ages of their father?s. The<br />

total amount of customers per day average between 15 and 20. I can?t even<br />

imagine what they are going through considering most women won?t even<br />

screw their own husbands once a week.<br />

In Cambodia and India it's considered normal among poor people to<br />

"sell their daughters virginity" to foreign business men. The mom take the<br />

girls to the doctor to get a "certificate" stating they were virgins. Then they<br />

are dropped off at the hotel with the pedophile. After he 's done the girls are<br />

returned home only to be sold off on "lease terms" to underage brothel's.<br />

Loan shark debt in Cambodia and unexpected medical expenses are to the<br />

reasons given by the mother's who were interviewed. Although I call bullshit<br />

this is what our world has come to. #ProjectAmina<br />

No<br />

Photo<br />

Needed<br />

Povert y in t hird w orld count ries have caused t he fam ilies of t hese vict im s t o sell t hem<br />

off t o t ake care of t he rest of t he fam ily. Som e of t he girls are t ricked int o believing t hey<br />

are going t o be w orking and earning good m oney only t o find out t hat ?s not t he case.<br />

We all know China has a 1 child only rule, and t hat has led t he cit izen?s t o sell off t heir<br />

new borns. Lit t le baby girls cost around 4,000 and boys are on dem and so t hey run roughly<br />

about 12,000. The Chinese invest igat ors raided and apprehended over 300 suspect s and<br />

rescued 83 new borns a few w eeks ago. The children are safe and DNA sam ples are being<br />

m at ched up w it hin t heir dat a base in order t o locat e t he parent s.<br />




1/2 stick of butter,<br />

sauté onions, gr een n<br />

r ed pepper s, gar lic.<br />

Add salt, pepper, and<br />

jer k seasoning.<br />


By Ch ef Ca y n e Cl a r k e<br />

Spi c y Ra s t a Pa s t a r ec i pe<br />

Stir to combine. Add<br />

Alfr edo sauce or<br />

whipping cr eam. Stir<br />

to combine. Add<br />

cheeses, mozzar ella n<br />

par mesan. Stir to<br />

combine. Add milk to<br />

loosen up, if too thick.<br />

Add cooked noodles.<br />

Toss to combine. Add<br />

any meats you like.<br />

Shr imp, mussel,<br />

chicken, or sausage.<br />

Taste for desir ed<br />

heat.<br />

Caynes<br />

Kit chen<br />

https://m.barn<br />

esandnoble.com/w/caynes-k<br />

itchen-volume-ii-winston-cayn<br />

e-clarke/1124683747?ean=978<br />

1367209800&st=PLA&sid=BNB_<br />

DRS_Core+Shopping+Books_0<br />




I know sever al people have tr ouble sleeping at night. One thing that concer ns a lot of<br />

us is the nar cotics used in most sleep aids. I?ve tr ied melatonin myself which is all natur al<br />

however I?m just not too big on popping pills.<br />

I r emember r eading somewher e the many uses of differ ent car r ier oils . Well I<br />

accidentally used one of the oils to take off my makeup. Then it dawned on me? CASTOR<br />

OIL puts you to sleep like a newbor n baby. It?s only one issue you must make sur e you have<br />

plenty of hour s to sleep because if not it will leave you feeling tir ed the next day.<br />

All you need is a few dr ops of castor oil and massage it into your eye lids and r elax. You<br />

will begin to feel sleepy and star t to dose off.<br />

-Danni Billions<br />


<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

just wanted to give a shout out<br />

and special thanks to MPR<br />

Consulting. Since our<br />

companies linked up ear lier<br />

this year 2017 they have been<br />

huge blessing to the mag. Fr om<br />

Gr ammy awar d winner s to<br />

pr ofessional athletes "MPR" is<br />

the super plug. Thx A Million!<br />

www.MPRconsulting.org<br />

Office (347) 292-8005<br />


Tsoobi<br />

Ghanaian Songst ress<br />

Ghanaian Dancehall r ecor ding<br />

ar tist Tsoobi is star ting to make<br />

waves for her self in the music<br />

industr y. Aside fr om speaking<br />

English and her native tongue she<br />

also speaks in Jamaican Patois.<br />

With sever al singles r eleased and a<br />

gr owing fan base it?s no doubt she?s<br />

headed str aight to the top. And<br />

although she?s not a model Tsoobi<br />

has that model swag about her self.<br />

-<strong>London</strong> Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

12 year old model<br />



Co v er Gir l<br />

PC; JZR Product ion<br />

Co v er M o del

Ay a sh a M a it l a n d<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- What's your<br />

name? My professional nam e is Ayasha<br />

Mait land.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- Where are you<br />

from originally? I am from Lim on, Cost a<br />

Rica.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- How many<br />

languages do you speak? Tw o current ly?<br />

Spanish and English.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- You're very<br />

beautiful btw, when did you start your<br />

modelling career? Thank you. I began m y<br />

m odeling career back in 1997 w it h t he<br />

Devore agency, before vent uring t o t he<br />

Silk m odeling agency.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- Aside from<br />

modelling is there anything else you would<br />

like to share with us? Aside from m odeling<br />

I?m a m ovie and st age/ t heat er act ress. I<br />

also at t end college seeking a degree in<br />

Int erior design.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- Do you<br />

participate in any type of humanitarian work?<br />

Or is that something you would like to get<br />

into? While in Cost a Rica, I donat e clot hes,<br />

t hat I receive from ot her people or from<br />

m y ow n hom e, t o t he t hose in need.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- How can we<br />

follow you on social media? IG: Tiquicia /<br />

Facebook: Rosario Mait land / Snapchat<br />

t iquicia2u06<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- Thx a million<br />

for your time, and huge shout out to JzR<br />

Photography for the cover shot. Amazing<br />

work from you two. Thank you for giving<br />

m e t he opport unit y? It w as pleasure

HUFF<br />

A t t ir e<br />

Models D. Huff. & India Lee<br />

PC: JZRProduction

"Random Thought "<br />

Why has social media took over<br />

human behavior? Hash tags and<br />

emojis are used to express ones<br />

emotion in a sentence I<br />

understand fads and of course<br />

generational change..<br />

For example , if a group of<br />

people were born in the sixties.<br />

They would have a heavy<br />

upbringing with respect, morals,<br />

chores. And much worse. Things<br />

such as segregation, ridiculous<br />

wars... I could go on forever but<br />

no need back to the point at<br />

hand... In those days the 50's,<br />

60's, and so fourth. They didn't<br />

have the technology we do<br />

today. Some would be saying<br />

duh right now..but I bet you can't<br />

remember five random numbers<br />

in your cell phone. I mean when's<br />

the last time anyone has used a<br />

house phone....our even seen a<br />

pay phone.. Besides at your<br />

airports and bus stations..<br />

There are tons of pros and cons to<br />

having social media around...it has<br />

cost and gained for some of us and for<br />

others mainly older generations they<br />

find it as be non sense.. I would agree<br />

to a certain extent.<br />

Some things I have seen on social<br />

media are crazy...at times .. But there<br />

are also positive things on these social<br />

media sites as well...<br />

It is up to the individual at the end of<br />

it all.. Always watch what you pit out<br />

on the web Some folks use it against<br />

you.. Iys kinda like allowing someone<br />

to vet inside your head to keep you<br />

burnable and from achieving..<br />

"Dig ya dirt and plant your seeds."<br />

-Skitzo GDMG

Laura Nicole


G h a n a<br />

Jah Hieghts Klodding Co is based out of Accr a<br />

Ghana. Rastafar ian designer Nar a Bawo has close<br />

ties in the U.K wher e ihs br and is distr ibuted by<br />

his wife and business par tner. Over the year s he's<br />

been blessed to be able to style some of the top<br />

Reggae/Dancehall celebr ities fr om ar ound the<br />

wor ld.<br />

His custom made appar el is often time one of a<br />

kind , so you can step out in style with confidence<br />

knowing NO ONE else will be r ocking your outfit<br />

at the par ty.<br />

-<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Har l ey Dys e<br />

Rock N Roll and a little bit a soul is the only<br />

way to descr ibe Har ley Dyse. Bor n and<br />

r aised in Wester n. Pennsylvania with a bad<br />

boy biker swagger he?s singing and r apping<br />

his way to the top. Set to take the music<br />

industr y by stor m with his ver satility and<br />

stor y telling ability.<br />

Signed to Supa T Recor ds people might<br />

think it?s a bit out of the nor m, but that?s not<br />

the case the label is actually thinking<br />

outside of the box. In my opinion it was<br />

?Supa? move on the labels behalf. Be sur e to<br />

look out for Har ley Dyse and the whole<br />

Supa T family.<br />

-<strong>London</strong> Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Th e La t est In A<br />

Designer: Jah Hieght s Klodding<br />

Everyone knows African<br />

fashion has made it's way<br />

around the world. It's most<br />

definitely one of the hottest<br />

new trends. It doesn't matter<br />

what nationality you are<br />

chances are you've worn a<br />


f r ica n Fa sh io n<br />

Designer: Jah Height s Klodding<br />

Not only are the designs<br />

vibrant and beautiful, most of<br />

them are cotoure meaning<br />

"sewn to fit." Another thing is<br />

the material used in making the<br />

garments are of top quality and<br />

can be worn over and over and<br />

over again without looking old<br />

and worn out.<br />

- <strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

? Sier r a Leone The Beauty Beyond Diamonds?<br />

Sier r a Leone was given it's name by a Por tuguese explor er back in the 1400's. They speak in English,<br />

,and "Kr io" which is basically a pidgin English made up of a combination of differ ent languages<br />

including Yor uba, Spanish and Por tuguese. "Kabo" means welcome just like in the Yor uba language<br />

and "kueshe means hello.<br />

Sier r a Leone is one of the most beautiful countr ies in the wor ld. Although it?s r ated one of the<br />

poor est nations it?s r icher in miner al content and natur al r esour ces than any other. Bauxite, ir on<br />

or e, copper and gold ar e plentiful as well as cocoa, coffee, and the fishing industr y is gr owing<br />

tr emendously.<br />

After the massive civil war over the ?blood diamonds? sever al citizens wer e displaced leaving<br />

thousands of childr en homeless living in the str eets. The countr y was destr oyed however they have<br />

been able to r ebuild slowly but sur ely. A small boost in their economy took place after the Kimber ly<br />

Pr ocess Cer tificate or ?KPC? was implemented r educing diamond smuggling and enabling the<br />

countr y to char ge an expor t tax in the amount of 3% per par cel of stones being shipped out of the<br />

countr y.<br />

In fact it?s sever al gover nment investment oppor tunities via the pr esidents website. Some with<br />

minimal investments fr om miner al mining, to agr icultur al type of ventur es. In fact r esear cher s have<br />

stated that the water is amongst the pur est in the wor ld.

Many XPATS and entr epr eneur s fr om all<br />

over the wor ld live in Sier r a Leone. And<br />

believe it or not it?s becoming mor e and<br />

mor e of a tour ist attr action. Fr om Lumley<br />

Beach to Banana Island, the countr y has<br />

plenty of things to see and do. Fr om my<br />

per sonal exper ience with Natives living in<br />

the United States and the things I?ve r ead<br />

about ?Sweet Salone? the people ar e some of<br />

the fr iendliest, welcoming most humble<br />

individuals in the wor ld.<br />

New Brookfield Hot el<br />

Another thing when you fly into Lungi<br />

air por t you will have to take a water taxi or<br />

the tr aditional way by jumping on the local<br />

fer r y. To my sur pr ise you have to cr oss the<br />

r iver in or der to get into Fr eetown. Another<br />

thing that you must see is the famous "TREE"<br />

because it has so much histor y behind it.<br />

When slaves wer e "depor ted" back to Afr ica<br />

many wer e dr opped off in Sier r a Leone<br />

r ight ther e in "Fr eedom Town" later<br />

changed to Fr eetown because they wer e<br />

finally fr ee.<br />

So if you?r e consider ing a vacation in West<br />

Afr ica I?d like to suggest Sier r a Leone. If<br />

you?r e looking to kick back and r elax New<br />

Br ookfield Hotel located at Jomo Kenyatta<br />

Fr eetown is the place to be. With 4.8 Star s<br />

on Tr ip Advisor I decided to r each out to the<br />

hotel manager Ahmed Haidor for<br />

per mission to publish his establishment.<br />

The r ooms ar e exceptionally clean, with<br />

fr ee WiFi, coffee maker s, gar den and<br />

ter r ace, and 24 hour fr ont desk ser vice.<br />

Ahmed Haidor<br />

am@newbr ookfieldshotel.com<br />

+232 30 000 130<br />

http://www.newbr ookfieldshotel.com/

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