Whitepaper - Ethereum Classic With Cover

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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

}<br />

transactionHash: "0x759cf065cbc22e9d779748dc53763854e5376eea07409e590c990eafc0869d74",<br />

transactionIndex: 0<br />

}],<br />

transactionHash: "0x759cf065cbc22e9d779748dc53763854e5376eea07409e590c990eafc0869d74",<br />

transactionIndex: 0<br />

The receipt contains a log. This log was generated by the EVM on transaction execution and included in the<br />

receipt. If we look at the multipy function we can see that the Print event was raised with the input times 7. Since<br />

the argument for the Print event was a uint256 we can decode it according to the ABI rules which will leave us<br />

with the expected decimal 42. Apart from the data it is worth noting that topics can be used to determine which<br />

event created the log:<br />

> web3.sha3("Print(uint256)")<br />

"24abdb5865df5079dcc5ac590ff6f01d5c16edbc5fab4e195d9febd1114503da"<br />

You can read more about events, topics and indexing in the Solidity tutorial.<br />

This was just a brief introduction into some of the most common tasks. See for a full list of available RPC methods<br />

the RPC wiki page.<br />

Web3.js<br />

As we have seen in the previous example using the JSON-RPC interface can be quite tedious and error-prone,<br />

especially when we have to deal with the ABI. Web3.js is a javascript library that works on top of the <strong>Ethereum</strong><br />

RPC interface. Its goal is to provide a more user friendly interface and reducing the chance for errors.<br />

Deploying the Multiply7 contract using web3 would look like:<br />

var source = 'contract Multiply7 { event Print(uint); function multiply(uint input) returns (uint)<br />

var compiled = web3.eth.compile.solidity(source);<br />

var code = compiled.Multiply7.code;<br />

var abi = compiled.Multiply7.info.abiDefinition;<br />

web3.eth.contract(abi).new({from: "0xeb85a5557e5bdc18ee1934a89d8bb402398ee26a", data: code}, funct<br />

if (!err && contract.address)<br />

console.log("deployed on:", contract.address);<br />

}<br />

);<br />

deployed on: 0x0ab60714033847ad7f0677cc7514db48313976e2<br />

Load a deployed contract and send a transaction:<br />

var source = 'contract Multiply7 { event Print(uint); function multiply(uint input) returns (uint)<br />

var compiled = web3.eth.compile.solidity(source);<br />

var Multiply7 = web3.eth.contract(compiled.Multiply7.info.abiDefinition);<br />

var multi = Multiply7.at("0x0ab60714033847ad7f0677cc7514db48313976e2")<br />

multi.multiply.sendTransaction(6, {from: "0xeb85a5557e5bdc18ee1934a89d8bb402398ee26a"})<br />

Register a callback which is called when the Print event created a log.<br />

multi.Print(function(err, data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data)) })<br />

{"address":"0x0ab60714033847ad7f0677cc7514db48313976e2","args": {"":"21"},"blockHash":"0x259c7dc07<br />

See for more information the web3.js wiki page.<br />

Console<br />

The geth console offers a command line interface with a javascript runtime. It can connect to a local or remote<br />

geth or eth node. It will load the web3.js library that users can use. This allows users to deploy and interact with<br />

88 Chapter 1. Contents

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