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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

2. Get the contract info json file.<br />

3. Deploy contract info json file to any url of your choice<br />

4. Register codehash ->content hash -> url<br />

The JS API makes this process very easy by providing helpers. Call admin.register to extract info from<br />

the contract, write out its json serialisation in the given file, calculates the content hash of the file and finally<br />

registers this content hash to the contract’s code hash. Once you deployed that file to any url, you can use<br />

admin.registerUrl to register the url with your content hash on the blockchain as well. (Note that in<br />

case a fixed content addressed model is used as document store, the url-hint is no longer necessary.)<br />

source = "contract test { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; } }"<br />

// compile with solc<br />

contract = eth.compile.solidity(source).test<br />

// create contract object<br />

var MyContract = eth.contract(contract.info.abiDefinition)<br />

// extracts info from contract, save the json serialisation in the given file,<br />

contenthash = admin.saveInfo(contract.info, "~/dapps/shared/contracts/test/info.json")<br />

// send off the contract to the blockchain<br />

MyContract.new({from: primaryAccount, data: contract.code}, function(error, contract){<br />

if(!error && contract.address) {<br />

// calculates the content hash and registers it with the code hash in `HashReg`<br />

// it uses address to send the transaction.<br />

// returns the content hash that we use to register a url<br />

admin.register(primaryAccount, contract.address, contenthash)<br />

// here you deploy ~/dapps/shared/contracts/test/info.json to a url<br />

admin.registerUrl(primaryAccount, hash, url)<br />

}<br />

});<br />

Testing contracts and transactions<br />

Often you need to resort to a low level strategy of testing and debugging contracts and transactions. This section<br />

introduces some debug tools and practices you can use. In order to test contracts and transactions without realword<br />

consequences, you best test it on a private blockchain. This can be achieved with configuring an alternative<br />

network id (select a unique integer) and/or disable peers. It is recommended practice that for testing you use<br />

an alternative data directory and ports so that you never even accidentally clash with your live running node<br />

(assuming that runs using the defaults. Starting your geth with in VM debug mode with profiling and highest<br />

logging verbosity level is recommended:<br />

geth --datadir ~/dapps/testing/00/ --port 30310 --rpcport 8110 --networkid 4567890 --nodiscover --<br />

Before you can submit any transactions, you need set up your private test chain. See Test Networks.<br />

// create account. will prompt for password<br />

personal.newAccount();<br />

// name your primary account, will often use it<br />

primary = eth.accounts[0];<br />

// check your balance (denominated in ether)<br />

balance = web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(primary), "ether");<br />

// assume an existing unlocked primary account<br />

primary = eth.accounts[0];<br />

// mine 10 blocks to generate ether<br />

// starting miner<br />

miner.start(4);<br />

// sleep for 10 blocks (this can take quite some time).<br />

admin.sleepBlocks(10);<br />

// then stop mining (just not to burn heat in vain)<br />

84 Chapter 1. Contents

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